The crystallization of this “snow” seems to indicate something more than snow.
In the last few weeks, just too many inconsequential events and deployments have been going on. Recently, the presidential (s)election and the Trump(f) cabinet assignments have been occupying minds that believe, after thousands of years to the contrary, that a political establishment will save/spare them… As a result, I started to publish a few of my previous articles that have never gone obsolete, updated.
However, this is a time for you to lean back in your armchair, recliner, or your sofa, and enjoy the view!
In this article, I am adding some new images of unusual snow and weird ingredients in “snow”; “organic” soups will come tomorrow or the after that, but that’s not the end of eating “healthy.”
RFK, Jr., a presidential nominee for sick-care oversight and a major publisher of red herrings and false hope, is now jubilating over the FL Surgeon General’s call for stopping water fluoridation, which on its own would be nice, were people not poisoned in a poetic variety of alternative methods that include food, water, chemtrails, traditional old-world toxins, and all forms of radiation. Have you ever heard him about opposing the MOST important threat to human life, 5G and comparable techonolgies?
Anyway, this post is about chemtrails.
You have seen such things before, but as a “friend,” who was a politician, once explained to me (he was totally smoked), “How long do you think people’s political memory goes?” To my inquiry, he said, “Three months.” I am still not surprised.
Previously, I posted about plasmic residue on the wind shield, when my wife and I traveled cross-country two years ago:
In May, 2024, my wife photographed this, as if someone was making fun of their victims:
Now, look at this “snow” we have received in rural Kentucky:
This is after several days of chemtrail activity. As you probably know by now after reading me, the same chemical compound can be perhaps even “good for you,” but when it comes in a differenct crystal/molecular structure, it can be pure poison (so much about “generic” madications, not that the rest are much better).
Of course, chemtrails can contain heavy metals, fungi, nanotech, artificial life forms, and goodness knows what else, but they can surely add up…
Lots of other sources have reported weird-looking snow even above 32F, yet here is some more:
It is the geo engineering process called ice nuclearization, Dane Wiggington at, is the expert, I suggest you visit his site.
For proper information about it.
This weather experiment that has been ongoing in the UK and all over the world for several years, and recently this year increased dramatically, especially in the Western nations.
It has been authorized by your local councils ( they are aware of it but deny it ) , government and is delivered by sub contracts authorized by the military, the met, FCC, FAA, RAF and EPA.
It is designed to kill the older populations (whose pensions have already been spent illegally by the government) who now cannot afford to heat their homes properly due to the governmental purposeful increase in heating taxes and costs.
It is an organized elderly euthanasia program on behalf of the UN, NATO, Swiss Banking Authority and "private" donations from the WEF and other depopulation friendly institutions.
Payed for, by your tax dollars.
All pilots, commercial , freight and military are aware of it, and are told to "shut their mouth, or else".
Other geo engineering programs include spraying aluminum, lithium, manganese, barium, strontium and other various radioactive isotopes and polymer fibres that we all breath in.
This is the main causes of the "pandemic "respiratory diseases, not a virus
In addition and in conjunction, the ionosphere is being super heated with large and small scale EMF devices causing severe weather anomalies such as droughts, flooding, tornados and harsh winters.
The newly installed 5G towers in your area creat a surveillance network and have a catalyst effect.
It is to systematically cause sickness, famine (through crop failure) and death to regions that have been designated for population reduction.
This is stated by the WHO and its leaders , on record.
This is in line with the BRI (belt road initiative) and the federal green belt zoning for non human habitat land designations.
It is part of the "net zero carbon" agenda.
Thank you for your time.
The Bills Dolphins game was PRIME EXAMPLE of engineered YUCK.
That was NOT SNOW, the Sports announcer on the ground gave graphic details describing the 'ice pellets'. Locals have chattend amongst ourselves while shoveling it, and it was a strange looking formation. She described it perfecly similar to the frozen ice cream 'dip n dots' . Like mini-mini perfectly round ice-balls, or super-mini hail. It doesn't melt quickly.
We TRUE Buffalonians know our stuff, we KNOW HOW to plow snow and NEVER in 70 plus years has a mere 4 feet of isolated snow EVER shut down the I - 90 Mid-day. The plows USED TO BE ON TOP of the situations. Things are OFF kilter...this is abnormal.
Either Western New York and Pennsylvania have employed transplants to work in snow removal/ control in the area ( people who have NEVER managed snow) OR a super shortage of Manpower to plow the region. Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse have had this down to a SCIENCE pre-World Shutdown....
By NOW.. the 21st. Century dealing with snow on roads should be 'second nature' considering all the 'technology' and massive snow machines we New York State residents pay for.
Never in 70 years did 4 feet of heavy slush or whatever that stuff is... slow down commerce.
.... is obviously awry.