Trump “wins”: Was this (s)election rigged, too? At first, most likely, until the central AI’s decision came in.
After all these months, I have upgraded my posts on Trump, and it’s not exactly what most people would like to see (can they still read?)
Here is the funniest meme I have encountered about the subject:
Joking aside, the problem deserves a lot more consideration.
Is this only one more diversion from the mass killings?
While people are sometimes quite openly murdered through the healthcare system, food, utilities, chemtrails, and radiation, many minds in the US have been preoccupied with the political circus. Surely enough, Harris would have introduced price control, ensuring the quick introduction of rationing, riots, and a powerful black market, probably managed by the same parties that do the rationing. She also collected lots of enemies with government interventions during Diaper Joe, while her speaking against the Second Amendment has become increasingly unpopular among Americans during the foreign invasion (even the Czech Republic introduced the right to bear arms to a certain extent), and I’m sure most law-abiding people would come along, if their mental capacity matched their fervor “to make a difference” or, better, “to be safe.” Trump is promising more reasonable policies, and I can’t wait for the first politician to make good on (s)election promises.
After all “democracy” is a scam that accomplishes a few things that all serve the globalist controllers:
People are made to believe their opinion matters;
They place their hope in such effervescent things as politicians (who are usually assigned the role by their masters);
False hope prevents people from becoming proactive. They keep waiting for miracles that never happen;
Voters can later be blamed for “voting for the wrong candidate” after the new developments show that they have been betrayed, as usual;
Voting gives legitimacy to a usurping system that has been betrayed the people so many times that one cannot keep count.
Voter turnout
Voter turnout was unusually high this time. Even the Pennsylvanian Amish went to the polls after the numerous government interventions had targeted them. PA, a “swing state,” (s)elected Trump. Have they not noticed that votes can be registered on their names by mail-in, early, and everywhere where they have ever lived before?
According to a politician I used to bump into like 25 years ago, “People’s political memory never extends three months.” Well, can you recall the “we win” candidate in the Italian (s)elections, when another globalist nominee was selected? In August, 2022, I expressed my doubts:
Wrote the follow-up article in January, 2023:
In 2024, Trump “won” the US presidential elections, despite the potentially rigged procedures and the available overwhelming number of fake votes. Here, in Kentucky, Trump voters outnumbered Harris’s by two to one, so it would have been difficult to rig the votes unnoticed, and 4.5 million Kentuckians don’t matter much, anyway (KY received the highest number of lethal batches during the convid injection distribution). Here is the naive approach to voting:
In our district, there was a blackout from about 1 through 5 PM, while long lines were allegedly at the voting places. It belongs to the facts that a blackout is actually not necessary to manipulate the results; rebooting the voting machines alone can produce the results preferred by the system.
What did Trump accomplish during his first presidency?
He initiated “Operation Warp Speed” and is still insisting that it saved “millions of lives.” From what? Natural catastrophes, chemtrails, contaminated food and water, or perhaps, from radiation exposure? Any of these could have resulted in tens, if not hundreds of millions deaths that could have been blamed on the plandemic. Got news for you: that can, and most likely will, happen sooner or later, unless artificial shortages eliminate the “required” portion of the US population by famine, poisoning by water because of a lack of potable water (the water here still stinks of glyphosate even six weeks after I reported it and massive filtration is necessary, while a dishwasher and a lack or sanitation are most likely preferred in order to prevent drastic levels of poisoning), and the resulting (most likely orchestrated) riots and looting, when well-armed Americans turn on each other, because they are divided to that extent. Divided they are:
What can Trump do now?
Private and not-so-private armies trained from the invaders can be unleashed on Americans, who will, of course, fight back, so both sides can be appropriately decimated. While the technological superiority of the foreign armies ensure incumbent triumph, I’m sure the invader army can always be supplied a bit late in order to ensure significant losses in its ranks, too.
Trump (“Trumph”) also swore allegiance to the state of Israel, which might give away his colors to a certain extent, although chances are that even that level of playing politics for the public is only for a show.
“Trust the government”?
Wealth distribution has certainly become disproportionate in recent decades, and the people’s property, while an illusion, is also unprotected. “Eminent domain” only empowers the globalist-serving government:
As I noted in December, 2022,
In the last couple of years, farmers have been offered $3.6-6k per acre of taxpayer’s money to farmers for NOT growing anything.* That’s hardly in the citizens’ best interest, but when was the last, or even the first, time, when the government actually cared for you?
While food production and distribution are being destroyed from all sides; all of the following point in the same direction: derailing wagons delivering fertilizers, setting over a 100 food production/packing facilities on fire in 12 months, creating energy/fuel and shortages, making truckers’ expenses unaffordable and mandating them to become employees (in CA), buying up farmlands and leaving them fallow or growing GMO stuff that renders neighboring fields infertile, while allowing the GMO planters to sue traditional farmers (by claiming that the farmers “stole” the patented seed technology), passing laws that will eliminate traditional agriculture and animal husbandry (as is the case against the Amish), killing 10k heads of cattle in Kansas and blaming it on hot weather (without any similar precedence in history), causing catastrophic weather through geoengineering, when droughts and floods destroy crops, using microwave weapons to set property on fire, regulating any decent food out of existence, letting water pipes rot until the water is undrinkable, destroying water reserves with fracking and mining, hacking pipelines (or just blaming it on hackers, when the pipelines are simply turned off by their “operators” that are usually computers); it all points in the same direction to the extent that you must have succumbed to the American Dream in order not to notice that you are being played. As George Carlin said, you had to be asleep to believe that you stand a chance in a country owned by bankers that organized monopolies and cartels, while playing with your money on the Stock Market, making sure you lose and they win.
And that is the side show, because by the time the globalists’ publicized plan is completed, you will be dead or become a cyborg slave until the AI running the technocratic system deems you useless and activates your kill switch.
And many “voters” still believe in the “government”…
You must have heard of the pet squirrel, Peanut, who was exterminated in a five-hour government operation:
The average person, of course, has just about the same chance as Peanut did, and perhaps there is an explanation why Kentucky has been targeted with the most lethal batches of convid injections. Four out of my five injected neighbors in the village passed away within a year after being poisoned, but many of the remaining ones are veterans:
Not sure about the coffee.
So why has Trump been (s)elected?
Riots are still not out of the question, but the country may not have been primed enough for the “final solution.”
Trump, however, can apparently introduce severely restricting policies that the population can accept more easily. That was demonstrated during the plandemic, and for better or worse, a new one can be jump-started anytime. Opposition is likely to be negligible, especially if fake riots will come first, demanding Harris at the helm. As I originally analyzed the options, a Harris win would have been the faster lane to absolute tyranny, but probably not much faster:
The US President has been a puppet since JFK, so the person doesn’t matter, and when the time comes, (s)he can always be replaced with a deepfake, a double, or (pretty soon) a lifelike android (even if not lifelike, one can always be used for “security reasons,” especially after the hysteria created with the fake assassination attempt on Trump:
And I haven’t even mentioned his “harrassment” by “security” agencies. Turning fake opposition into folk heroes has been one of the common psyops, anyway:
Once a clown, always a clown, but Trump is a useful one. More restrictions must be introduced, and the masses will welcome them more easily, if the orders are issued by their pet politician. After all, it’s an incremental process:
For comic relief, here is a caring citizen:
Of course, history is fake, too:
The first restriction seems to be the introduction of the “carbon market,” a “Republican” idea:
The first restriction seems to be the introduction of the "carbon market" (also added to the article):
Ingersol Lockwood's book, The last president...predicted this "symbolic" Selection. The adventures of Baron Trump lays out the groundwork for the spell work we are under. #47 is a very masonic number.
Trump to become 47th resident of the Whitehouse. The Whitehouse is based off of a Knights Templar lodge... It's all connected.
Kamela is Amelak backwards in Hebrew witch means ENEMY. Coincidence?
Elon Musk, The Dark Maga...... Was throwing up Distress signs (Both hands above head) calling in The Masonic brotherhood. Top witches have been saying that their spells have not been working against Trump. This whole thing is a very DARK ritual.
WHY does Elon keeps jumping up & making the X symbolism with his body?? .. It's Lesser. Dark Magic as we use our ENERGY to spell CAST our votes/VOLTS during the ELections of the ELites.They use our ELectricity & use us as batteries to vote with our volts.
The volt meter is projected by the media....Trump 47% votes/volts. It's a RITUAL that needs our sacrifice of energy.
Somehow the sacrifice of the squirrel named peanut & racoon factors in to all this. ... Signs & symbols.
The 39th President Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer ... will they claim him Dead soon at age 100? Racoon is an anagram for Corona... will there be another plandemic?
RFK jr is taking on Big Food & Big Pharma ... I feel a King Kill Ritual with a sense of urgency in our future.... which makes this whole thing, a triple threat. Wil Trump be our last president because you can NOT hold (s)elections during declared times of WAR?
ALL eyes on signs & symbols.