At this point (long over due) Faith is what this damn world needs.....not slaps in the face or big old hugs. This is all we have....period. If not, the ending of all of us is way better than what is here.
Why do you say "As most of my readers probably agree, the person of the US President makes no difference..." Of course, most of your readers will agree with you, that's why they come to your site. That's the point of most of our writing. We know most people who agree with us. The assertion that the global humiliation of the United States is in progress was definitely true under Obama's puppet. It wasn't true under the President's first term. I live in England and the President was "laughed at..." by the media that was as afraid as you are in America of him...a fear of a leader who will destroy the party events you all attend.
The President has already destroyed cnn/mslsd/ clinton, harris, pelosi, shumer, mcconnell, cheney, and the MSM *journalists who are now irrelevant against the podcasters. Europe will feign fear of him while the people who have been coraled for so long will rally behind him this time because we know journalists are "the enemy of the people".
I apologize, but I am, along with my readers, represent a negligible minority, not that I can do anything about that. You, my brothers and sisters, especially from The Five Eyes and Germany, are comparable victims, and I cannot do a thing about that.
So, are you saying that ANYONE in their right mind can still consider Diaper Joe a real person?
The election result certainly was faked one way or another, though not necessarily by flipping results in the voting machines.
The actually deadly orange Penguin character Trump was certainly very carefully shoehorned into position through very careful psychological manipulation of the American people with a feeling of absolute certitude very carefully inured in the minds of much of the voting populace that as Biden had surely been illegally installed as POTUS, this time around the American people would certainly make sure they knew exactly what they were doing and make sure that the candidate that they wanted would be installed this time.
The trap was set, and the newpapers tell the people now that a majority of them did indeed willingly make this very decision to elect Trump, but how many of the electorate really turned out despite official figures stating the 'facts'? And even if those figures presented in the mainstream media are correct, how many of the electorate voting for Trump could actually have been conscious?
The bottom line is that Trump with his rabbinically-given silver crown was installed purely by Jewish arrangement for entirely Jewish purposes that are anti-Gentile, anti-human and anti-American.
Why would any sane or awake American Gentile ever vote for Trump? Trump supports the physical implementation of the exterminatory Jewish Noahide Laws and also stated recently during a video-recorded speech to a wildly-cheering crowd that for the 'crime' of antisemitism in the USA, "the only penalty, the ultimate penalty, the death penalty" must be imposed, this being precisely the same law that the Bukharian Jew Stalin imposed throughout the Soviet Union.
So, even if an atheist American Gentile opposes their Christian wife and children being taken away to be executed under Jewish Noahide Laws, the atheist too will be executed as an antisemite for attempting to oppose the implementation of Jewish law.
The Noahide Laws are not waiting to start being imposed, the Jewish-instigated WWI and WWII and even some wars preceding those, as well as the Communist takeovers in China and Russia and the mass exterminations of Gentiles that followed have already all been parts of this program, just as the mass slaughter that is happening in Ukraine linked with events in Gaza on the earlier orders of the late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson is all part of this, these events even acting as beta tests for the ultimately-intended Jewish-intended final purge of all Gentile humanity from the face of the entire planet.
But of course, there will be no formal proceedings to warn anyone that any of this is actually happening by any openly Jewish arrangement, the killings will largely be done unannounced by surreptitious means, air vax, food vax, and so on, and official figures will present a false image of lives actually being saved by devoted governments and 'health' services that have actually been infiltrated and hijacked by Jewish enemy agents.
The late Jewish US political envoy Harold Wallace Rosenthal stated in his heavily-suppressed 1976 interview that at that time already, 11 out of every 12 newly-qualifying doctors in the US were actually Jewish, the army of assassins was being placed in position for the final miliary operation.
Even centuries ago, rabbis instructed Jews to work as doctors in Gentile Christian lands and there to murder one in every ten Christian patients in such 'Second Rome amalek' nations on a rolling basis, whose entire Gentile populations are eventually intended under Jewish law only for total physical extermination after a period of enslavement. In reality, this killing by Jews never stopped, only the reporting, court cases, punishments, executions and expulsions of Jews did.
The continued Jewish suppression started by AMA head Morris Fishbein of the original and fully tested field-proven Rife technology alone since the late 1930's in the US will be responsible for the totally avoidable deaths of literally billions of Gentiles worldwide who would otherwise not die from cancer and many other diseases treatable by the original and still-suppressed Rife technology.
Jewish law states that a Jew cannot heal a Gentile, that a Jew must not save the life of a Gentile. But the Jew is allowed to save a few Gentile lives as a deception in order to gain the position to then be able to kill many more Gentiles than he saves unsuspected as a then trusted senior medical doctor in any target Gentile nation. Not one single Jew would work as a doctor in any Gentile nation except as a Jewish military assassin.
And Jewish scientists are provenly entirely behind the self-replicating COVID bioweapon ethnobomb jab, all this explaining why hardly anyone in the mainstream establishent medical services in hijacked Gentile nations is speaking out or even listening to the suffering Gentile peoples who are subjugated and enslaved in them.
More and more feverish Jewish propaganda programs are now being rolled out to obfuscate over the actually Jewish hostile alien foreign power origins and purposes of all this, like Chabad Lubavitcher-supporting fake 'hero truther' RFK Jr. now telling us how over 100 American companies and NATO are actually behind the COVID jabs, and we have heard the Chinese Wuhan story, and we are now hearing the story of the Japanese just now inventing, shock horror, a self-replicating nanotech jab, but surely, the entirely sinister and malevolent Dr Anthony Fauci already years ago stated during a video-recorded official hearing that self-replicating nanotechnology was ALREADY in the COVID jabs from the very beginning of the COVID jab rollout.
The incessant sinister Jewish propaganda programming in every hijacked Gentile nation is designed to steer public awareness away from any understanding that this program is a deadly weapon and that it comes from the Israeli government and their NWO one world government satellite government structures already installed around the world like the criminal terrorist James bond villain SPECTRE, it is NOT actually Chinese or American or Japanese in origin.
This is the same case with the Chabad Lubavitcher Dr Zelenko, the fake 'hero truther' who of course was only ever a rabid supporter of the anti-Gentile Noahide Law program that is intended to authorize the organized extermination of billions of non-Jews, in fact ALL non-Jews, that was actually proposed by the Chabad Lubavitchers themselves. Trump supports the Noahide Law program, and signed approval for it every year in the White House when POTUS before already.
The sinister Jewish Chabad Lubavitcher Dr Zelenko's job was calculated to appear as a 'good Jew', seeming to stand strongly against the culling of humanity with the COVID bioweapon, but this deliberately constructed false image was designed only to prevent any Gentiles from joining the dots together so as to prevent any potential mass-awakening against the Jews.
Zelenko's Chabad Lubavitcher friend Trump made sure no American Gentile ever got any hydroxychloroquine or azithromycin or zinc sulphate that Zelenko gave his rich elite New York Jewish clientelle, the American Gentiles only got lethal remdesivir made by the Jewish Israeli Gilead 'pharmaceutical' company that was scientifically established already as being entirely useless against the fake virus COVID bioweapon and even caused an additional 53% fatality rate in COVID patients by causing liver and kidney failure.
And Trump added that 'we know who the antisemitic countries are and we will be coming for them' (surely no doubt with a slave army of mind-wiped Gentile soldiers to do the Jews' dirty work for them as usual).
Would any sane, educated, intelligent or actually conscious American Gentiles really have voted for Trump or for any of this? American people are now told that a majority of their electorate who bothered to turn out actually voted for Trump and for all of this.
In reality, if the American people had really been free to make any properly informed choice at all, they would surely have totally refused to allow either Trump or Harris to even run for office, and instead have selected non-Republican, non-Democrat candidates from among the ranks of the Gentiles who could be counted on not to be treacherous hostile foreign power enemy agents of Israel and the Jews.
Trump's statement that "after 4 years you won't need to vote anymore" did not seem to faze anyone, it should have. This in itself is clear proof that some form of mass hypnosis is at work, teams of psychologists working for Israel programming subliminally carried messages on weaponized EMF carrier waves into nanotech and fluoride-addled brains no doubt.
In reality, the Sephardic Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi has stated that the Torah says there are to be "No survivors" from among all Gentiles now in the world, and that 6 to 6.5 billion Gentiles are to be killed even just for being members of Gentile religions.
And under one world Jewish government that Trump is clearly alluding to in 4 years' time, the Noahide Laws that are in fact already in operation will then be fully implemented under a military iron fist to achieve the Jewish-intended purge of all Gentile humanity without any exception to achieve the permanent total physical extermination of all non-Jews in the entire world exactly as the edicts of the Zohar, Talmud and Torah together prescribe.
The American Gentile people could of course even now at this late stage still wake up and totally reject the Republican and Democrat Parties and select and install their own Gentile representatives instead who they can fully vet to reject Israel and Jewish domination, but have the American Gentile people ever been able to do so before, and will they ever do so now?
If the American Gentile people want to do so much even as to physically survive, they will do so.
Yah Trump was selected as the new Deep State leader , and the shot to his ear was all a plan to get elected! What a moronically bankrupted Idea! His big mistake in the first 4 years was relying on the Deep States big pharmaceutical pushers that were recommended by RINOs. If he hasn’t learned yet then I might gravitate toward your line of thinking!
Trump's election buys time. They'll reconfigure their incessant march to 15-minute cities while still surreptitiously acquiring land through legal methods. Trump will tell everyone how much such purchases add to the economy and benefit the individual consumer. I suspect that, if Trump actually keeps JFK, Jr. and Elon Musk in his administration, he can actually produce results. We'll see. They want people to continue believing in the drama.
I see the situation thus: Diaper Joe was placed in the position. All the attendant Liberal-Progressive nonsense ensued. They were allowed full reign. We just heard of the pinnacle: how normal we should feel if a man wants to keep his penis but also wants a vagina.
People know this is crazy. All of the Biden Administration was the deliberate "Problem Phase."
Chaos ensued. Citizens puked. Pronouns changed faster than lightening. Chicks with Dicks were reading stories to young'uns at the local library. CPI told you each month that inflation was minimal while your $100 bought a small plastic bag of items. We were even instructed that, if you marched for George Floyd's right to life, you couldn't spread Covid...a disease so deadly that we were confined home; everyone baked bread; and we were thrown out of stores for not masking.
Ordo Ab Chao. Order out of chaos.
Reaction: Trump. The afternoon soap opera was cleverly choreographed. The Hero was beset by lawfare; his supporters jailed for taking pix at the Capitol; free press nicknamed him "Hitler;" two assassinations attempted; etc. sarcasm doesn't mean that I don't support real-life solutions. Yes...I hope all J6ers are pardoned and released asap after inauguration. This is the trouble with Global Planning. It involves real people.
Solution? [Problem-Reaction-Solution] I'm thinking we'll see a soft introduction to digital/biometric ID and CBDC. People will find homes and rentals incredibly expensive as BlackRock buys more property, and those 15-minute cities will start looking pretty good--especially with a UBI. Perhaps this occurs under Pres. Vance if Trump's administration is really effective. They'll table population replacement and overt censorship for a while although They'll keep deleting Wayback Machine. Trump'll be popular. If his administration actually produces, he'll be even more popular. People will WANT to accept his endorsements and policies.
Did I mention that Those Who Rule don't like conflict, unless they can subtly institute genocide to which a vast portion of the Western movers and shakers remain blind? They like the herd to accept quite peacefully and willingly their place. Think of those videos you've seen of the marvelous sheep dog who rounds up sheep scattered over acres and acres of land in under two minutes marching them toward the barn gate. Kinda like that. Thus, we'll go to Mars with AI interfaces in our brains because don't think that Elon isn't learning a few lessons about governance. Did you know that Werner von Braun wrote a scifi novel in which the governing body on Mars was called Elon?
That's a pretty comprehensive and thought-provoking analysis. I hope, you can turn it into an article on your stack! (I just subscribed after your comment; I can't imagine it will be a waste of my time to read it.)
The whole theater looks stupid enough to me to enable me to assess the stupidity level it is addressing... Not very encouraging. I also levitate between sarcasm and irony, because the amount and variety of nonsense circulating is mind-blowing.
At this point, as you and I agree, an incremental (not sure how slow it's going to be) transition seems likely, although lighting can strike anytime, and the masses will receive the "shock treatment":
I expect Trump to come up with partial "results," which will prop up his popularity, and then pass severe and immobilizing restrictions. I found it a bit of a surprise to realize that even his "loss" in 2020 had been already part of the choreography. (Also, I cannot take anyone seriously who is still using the long-time popularized myth about Hitler.) I need some restraint not to puke, when I hear about how promising RFK, Jr. is.
Even Blackrock and its ilk are only fronts with thousands of subsidiary fronts they keep passing around. The poison teeth of the snake is the global control of the money flow. Yes, Putin and the BRICS have their own versions, but they are timed to enter the stage as needed. I described the timetable already in May, 2023:
Most of the players (Elon, Gates, Schwab, Harris etc.) disgust me enough to make sure I keep my input about them at the bare minimum.
In the last several decades, the democide has been effectively diversified, and it ensures plausible deniability for the murderers. Oh, my, they even get away the obviously crooked explanation that the injections were harmful/lethal only because of contamination or human error, whereas VAERS data demonstrated the cyclical use of all diversified batches by November, 2021:
Sheep, as opposed to their popular image, are mean animals. I remember how much pressure my wife and I had to deal with during the plandemic, whenever we walked into stores without a muzzle. I was patient and polite, but also prepared for six thugs dressed up as highwaymen jumping us (I considered the muzzle a direct attack on my life, which it was/is). Luckily for everyone potentially involved, it didn't happen. Our county sheriff didn't enforce the muzzle (I learned about that close to the end of the mandates), and it was easier not to conform in our rural setting. City people, however, got the worst of it... The police were less flexible; they are not elected.
Nope, didn't know about the novel. Elon is certainly a conjured-up entity, and in the tradition of Freemasonry, the masses are usually told what happened, is happening, and/or going to happen to them. Why are they taunting people? Goading them into violence, however, makes sense under the current circumstances.
Thank you, Ray. I'm afraid that I write only when particularly piqued. I'm lucky in that regard. I'm not monetized, and if people find my substack helpful, I'm glad they do. If they don't, that's fine with me, too.
You may find my substack quite boring. The kind of post above falls into supposition for me so I wouldn't be interested in writing about it (in most cases--perhaps I will in the future). I do best with these types of ideas as comments.
I tend to publish a substack when I want to counter a trend (like the "pogrom narrative" emanating from Amsterdam/Israel beginning yesterday) so I wrote "When is a Pogrom Truly not a Pogrom?" yesterday.
The funny aspect is that I start with an idea which always opens and expands. Like the substack immediately preceding my last where I begin talking about protecting the president which expanded to considering what assassination means to various factions (For thee but not for me) and ended with a thrust at Trump to review his thinking on injections.
If I were to fulfill a function, I would rather be the Socrates-gadfly who might get someone to think outside their normal perspectives.
Nice comment Honeybee-I agree strongly, with pretty much all you say. Interesting about the sci-fi novel!
We have a few of the nasty bills passed in parliament in AU. Dig ID. Mis/Dis info is being “debated” in parliament now. CBDCs won’t be far away.
If you’re that way inclined, pray for us Aussies! Or try to get Trump to exit WHO again-anything like that will help us! Aus has always been a prisoners’ island I guess.
Those that depend on the enslavement (government) for some small measure of security should expect to lose some of their liberty in exchange. Making a deal with the devil is a poor deal no matter what it is. If you do not take care of yourself, nobody will be riding on a white horse to your rescue.
Way too many unowned people backed Trump, that is why he won. It became obvious that interference in the election process whould trigger a violent reaction.
During the 1992 USA Presidential campaign, Ross Perot observed that: "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy is the one specific reason that the people of America suffered…. and our only means of correction is to inspect their work and hold them accountable.”
Mr. Perot went on to note that this can easily be done with computer programs.
“It is only logical that it will become our Fourth Branch of Government”, he said.
Objective reality:
The voting members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not have enough time to read, comprehend or debate any of the laws they vote on. They vote 100 times a day, every five minutes, while in session.
Approximate absolute facts:
Every day that the Congress and Legislatures are in session 100 new bills are introduced and distributed.
The representatives are given two weeks to review the bills before they are brought up for The Vote.
Two weeks into the session they begin voting on the Laws that were previously introduced, while newer laws are continuously introduced.
Many of these bills are in excess of two thousand pages.
The elected representative does not have the time to even read the name of the Law much less the content of it.
Since the Representatives cannot evaluate 200 thousand pages of law speak per day, they vote the way their Party advisors tell them to vote.
This demonstrates that Representative government does not exist.
Thus, they have forfeited their delegated obligations to us, The Citizens. And the only way to prevent these over worked and fallible people from making even more tragic mistakes, from which we, and the rest of the world, might never recover is to include ourselves in the final decision-making process.
The Electronic Congress
How it works:
Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.
Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.
This program can be applied to every level of government and will ultimately solve every problem we have.
To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.
Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available in their day.
Just imagine:
With a new understanding of government
we will also be able to accommodate new proposals initiated by us, The Citizens, for program and infrastructure improvements.
We, The People, could actually direct the priorities and review the progress of the major agencies like the: CDC and NIH as well as the libraries, school boards and local police departments.
If our government truly is of the people, by the people and for the people then this is the only way forward.
How to implement it:
Start here:
Dear Mr. / Madam School Board Trustee
I write to you today in a sincere effort to help you accomplish your noble reasons for seeking this office.
That is to help you facilitate the betterment of our schools for our children and young people.
To do this, I ask you to make the Board meeting agenda questions and the data points behind them available to me as well as all of the other taxpayers.
Upload the stack to a server where we can read, ratify and or annul the elements after log on.
In a perfect world each paragraph must have at least three possible answers: agree, disagree, no opinion at this time.
Direct democracy is a growing trend, and many companies offer these services:
hosting, voter receipts, and a running tally of totals for everyone to see.
In this way Madam Trustee you are assured that you will always have the strength of the community with you when making the decisions that really do effect the lives of our people.
Concerned Citizens could have AI parse a recent law or Supreme Court ruling into its actionable elements, apply the Ratify or Annul Questionnaire, then distribute the links.
Can I make money with this?
Of course, you can. Use AI to parse the laws you find most egregious into their component pieces. And then have it build the ballot / questionnaire along with some demographic background to make the game especially interesting. Charge a $1 per voter per law to deliver the results of the poll to the government officials and watch the evolution in real time.
The Electronic Townhall becomes the means by which the Authority of the Citizens is used to Ratify or Annul the Propositions of Government.
Ask the local school board for their agenda items, have AI parse the actionable elements, create a questionnaire, distribute it to the concerned citizens and then evaluate the results.
When Human Beings made in the image of God can see the results of their noblest and most sober thoughts, at such a scale, then there will be the moment where Our Benevolence and Good Will shall
overcome Evil and then we can all live happily ever after.
Ross Perot publicly promised that if the People of America would elect him to The Presidency, he would give us The Electronic Townhall.
The Fourth Branch of Government will allow us to go from Chaos to Prosperity and a Life Worth Living … until the end of time.
We were created by God and in the image of God; we are human beings, not animals in a pen.
Someone has to start publishing active polls on the issues of our day.
Use AI to parse the most egregious situation, law, grant, program, non competitive bid or tax policy you can find into questions regarding its particulars. And post it on the net.
The US president election is a good place to start:
Trump, Biden, Rishi, Jones, Smith, Kuldeep Persuad, Newsome, Pelosi, Johnson, Rense, Abbot, Farve, Putin, King Charles, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Pat Paulson, Michele’ O’Bama…
One of the first pieces of business is: Who gets to vote in the:
1. general election
2. ratification or annulment process
a. everyone over 18 years
b. everyone over 21 years
c. voters must be citizens – Yes - No
d. anyone in the world can vote – Yes - No
e. property owners over 21 years
f. property owners over 21 years paying a minimum of $5000 per year tax per jurisdiction (school district, county, city, state, federal)
g. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No
Should the direct election of Senators be returned to the States?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure
What about abortion? Should it be legal? How so? The text of the laws is readily available and everyone has an opinion.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Her body her choice
Or the new Treaty with the World Health Organization…
Should the good and decent Citizens of the world be required to comply with the pharmaceutical recommendations of the WHO?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Depends
d. His / her body, their choice
What about sexually confused children ?
Should the government pay for and facilitate the genital reassignment health treatments so necessary to save young lives?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Depends if their parents need the money
Which issue should the local school board consider the most important?
a. Fluid gender toilets
b. Genderless uniforms
c. Reading and writing
d. Placement of litter boxes in the class room or fluid gender toilets
e. Furrys with hurt feelings – what to do?
f. Teaching pornography correctly
All educated people know that cattle farts are melting the polar ice caps and that it is only a matter of a short while before the entire planet is flooded with salt water. Many people will drown.
What should we do about this?
a. Buy everyone a new boat
b. Pay Bill Gates a billion $ to stop it
c. Vaccinate the cattle to stop them from farting
d. Cull the herd so that only the important people can eat meat.
e. nothing
The rich and very powerful have a new plan to steal all of your money and all of your property. They call it CBDC, Central Bank Deposit Credit. This is electronic money. They can turn it on and turn it off to force your compliance with anything they want.
Do you really want them to have that much power over you?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I am a slave anyway
d. No opinion
The uniform tariff and tax schedule is where the rubber really meets the road, but it is probably too abstract for most. Try it if you like, it goes to infinity.
Post: *The Questionnaire* on your web site.
Charge the voters, your patrons, a $ fee to vote on it.
Have the same AI take the patrons demographics and quantify their base of knowledge; education, reading, business experience, children raised, taxes paid and post that too.
One Questionnaire should earn you many thousands of dollars per month and AI can do it for you!
Just think about it… one survey a month at $10,000 net profit times ten and you are making over a hundred thousand dollars per year. That’s pretty good.
Have the AI post the results in real time and send the results to the respective councilman, commissioner, judge, congressman, state representative, senator and governor!!
Use the power of consensus to demand that negative policies be vacated.
The hope here is the representative will, in an effort to keep his cushy job, comply with the wishes of his constituents.
So, the cup is half-empty, I understand? We'll see if RKJ will get his job from Trump, reforming FDA/NIH, and if he does, what will he able to accomplish before the lightning strikes. Also, Elon's contribution to world cuisine will be interesting to watch. This time feels better than 2016. In my view, the cup is half-full.
There is one thing I do know. We have been under military occupancy since 2016. COG..continuity of government. As for how and when this will pan out I can't say. Trump is the President of the Republic. Our fraudulent, illegitimate, treasonous, bankrupt Corporate government is not for the people. DC is THE UNITED STATES. DC sits on foreign soil. DC is its own country separate from those who live outside of it. DC is a one-branch Legislative Democracy. We, who reside outside of it, are in a Constitutional Republic.
In January of 2021.
Reconstitution of the Executive Branch. In the
Federal Continuity Directive Publication it states..when a new seat of government cannot be established in Washington DC, Congress with their enumerated powers can establish a new seat of government.
That means the Capitol can be anywhere. It cannot remain on foreign soil. Talk is that it may be moved to Texas.
All we can do is wait and watch what happens. Trump cannot serve as President in DC.
The whole system is compromised and it's rotten to the core. Nothing can save it, save a full collapse, but that will result in carnage, too. It cannot be saved from the inside:
If you have the time, please, explore my site further (search under "Archive" on my main page for key words); you will find that I have addressed every single item on your list.
Executive assuming legislative power is a major problem, but the rabbit hole goes a lot deeper.
D.C. being a foreign incorporation is not unique; "Hungary" is incorporated, and I suppose, plenty of other "countries" (aka. usurping governments) are.
On my end, I favor The Articles of Confederation over the "Constitution":
At the same time, all governments are overblown. Only local administration kept at bare minimum could do a relatively decent job, but that would disable much or production and distribution long enough to kill a lot of people.
By 'the system', do you mean the industrial-technological society, or the class who run it? It does feel that decisions are made on our behalf by those who don't care about us and may even want us dead.
Ingersol Lockwood's book, The last president...predicted this "symbolic" Selection. The adventures of Baron Trump lays out the groundwork for the spell work we are under. #47 is a very masonic number.
Trump to become 47th resident of the Whitehouse. The Whitehouse is based off of a Knights Templar lodge... It's all connected.
Kamela is Amelak backwards in Hebrew witch means ENEMY. Coincidence?
Elon Musk, The Dark Maga...... Was throwing up Distress signs (Both hands above head) calling in The Masonic brotherhood. Top witches have been saying that their spells have not been working against Trump. This whole thing is a very DARK ritual.
WHY does Elon keeps jumping up & making the X symbolism with his body?? .. It's Lesser. Dark Magic as we use our ENERGY to spell CAST our votes/VOLTS during the ELections of the ELites.They use our ELectricity & use us as batteries to vote with our volts.
The volt meter is projected by the media....Trump 47% votes/volts. It's a RITUAL that needs our sacrifice of energy.
Somehow the sacrifice of the squirrel named peanut & racoon factors in to all this. ... Signs & symbols.
The 39th President Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer ... will they claim him Dead soon at age 100? Racoon is an anagram for Corona... will there be another plandemic?
RFK jr is taking on Big Food & Big Pharma ... I feel a King Kill Ritual with a sense of urgency in our future.... which makes this whole thing, a triple threat. Wil Trump be our last president because you can NOT hold (s)elections during declared times of WAR?
SEE how they do their rituals? I wrote this back on Nov 6th .. How did I KNOW they would present Jimmy Carter DEAD ?
On December 29, 2024, Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, Died in his home. He's most likely been on ice for a while but all their numbers needed to line up to present the ritual to the public.
Peanut the squirrel of course is how I KNEW this.. They talk to each other thru code. We just need to learn THEIR languishing language.
This is very insightful. Reminds me of Probably Alexandra. What do you mean by King Kill ritual? I assumed, as author did too, that he would be used to usher in something Democrats wouldn’t be able to. Digital ID and coin? Love it when people can see beyond the layers. Awesome job!
Thank You kindly Hope! Liberal democracy comes from killing the King. It's a 33* ritual on King Hill.....A transfer of power between 32nd & 33rd degree masonry under the crown.
Digital ID is already here. we use ones & zero's in today's banking system ... It will just get a lot worse when they burn the bills.. ... They call it the OMEGA ritual. .... If you look on a dollar bill .. The dead president is enclosed in the sigil magic of the Omega sign. It was always meant to be a transfer of energy/currency into the new realm of digital. All by design.
Haha, My brain works in mysterious ways Ray. I'm glad I could entertain you :)
I'm still seeing this squirrel thing as a bad omen...MEME magic .. Store your nuts cuz it's gonna get bad perhaps? You will own nothing...Not your children, nor squirrels? We will take it ALL by force?
..."I can’t wait for the first politician to make good on (s)election promises. After all “democracy” is a scam that accomplishes a few things that all serve the globalist controllers:"...I tend to agree with you.
A Trump win, if it stands and he is actually anointed to the task in January of 2025, means very little unless there are some real changes. I will never trust government or the globalists no matter what they say or do.
I don't want to believe it but the depopulation agenda has thus far suffered no harm. And that is my bottom line as to the reason for all this political mumbo-jumbo. They still want us dead and gone.
Change is certainly needed, because this system is rotten to the core; only a total collapse can save the people, but I'm afraid it would result in the same carnage as the one planned for them.
The first restriction seems to be the introduction of the "carbon market" (also added to the article):
At this point (long over due) Faith is what this damn world needs.....not slaps in the face or big old hugs. This is all we have....period. If not, the ending of all of us is way better than what is here.
Why do you say "As most of my readers probably agree, the person of the US President makes no difference..." Of course, most of your readers will agree with you, that's why they come to your site. That's the point of most of our writing. We know most people who agree with us. The assertion that the global humiliation of the United States is in progress was definitely true under Obama's puppet. It wasn't true under the President's first term. I live in England and the President was "laughed at..." by the media that was as afraid as you are in America of him...a fear of a leader who will destroy the party events you all attend.
The President has already destroyed cnn/mslsd/ clinton, harris, pelosi, shumer, mcconnell, cheney, and the MSM *journalists who are now irrelevant against the podcasters. Europe will feign fear of him while the people who have been coraled for so long will rally behind him this time because we know journalists are "the enemy of the people".
I apologize, but I am, along with my readers, represent a negligible minority, not that I can do anything about that. You, my brothers and sisters, especially from The Five Eyes and Germany, are comparable victims, and I cannot do a thing about that.
So, are you saying that ANYONE in their right mind can still consider Diaper Joe a real person?
Nope 👎 … he just picked a bunch of war mongers
It's a theater. :)
The election result certainly was faked one way or another, though not necessarily by flipping results in the voting machines.
The actually deadly orange Penguin character Trump was certainly very carefully shoehorned into position through very careful psychological manipulation of the American people with a feeling of absolute certitude very carefully inured in the minds of much of the voting populace that as Biden had surely been illegally installed as POTUS, this time around the American people would certainly make sure they knew exactly what they were doing and make sure that the candidate that they wanted would be installed this time.
The trap was set, and the newpapers tell the people now that a majority of them did indeed willingly make this very decision to elect Trump, but how many of the electorate really turned out despite official figures stating the 'facts'? And even if those figures presented in the mainstream media are correct, how many of the electorate voting for Trump could actually have been conscious?
The bottom line is that Trump with his rabbinically-given silver crown was installed purely by Jewish arrangement for entirely Jewish purposes that are anti-Gentile, anti-human and anti-American.
Why would any sane or awake American Gentile ever vote for Trump? Trump supports the physical implementation of the exterminatory Jewish Noahide Laws and also stated recently during a video-recorded speech to a wildly-cheering crowd that for the 'crime' of antisemitism in the USA, "the only penalty, the ultimate penalty, the death penalty" must be imposed, this being precisely the same law that the Bukharian Jew Stalin imposed throughout the Soviet Union.
So, even if an atheist American Gentile opposes their Christian wife and children being taken away to be executed under Jewish Noahide Laws, the atheist too will be executed as an antisemite for attempting to oppose the implementation of Jewish law.
The Noahide Laws are not waiting to start being imposed, the Jewish-instigated WWI and WWII and even some wars preceding those, as well as the Communist takeovers in China and Russia and the mass exterminations of Gentiles that followed have already all been parts of this program, just as the mass slaughter that is happening in Ukraine linked with events in Gaza on the earlier orders of the late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson is all part of this, these events even acting as beta tests for the ultimately-intended Jewish-intended final purge of all Gentile humanity from the face of the entire planet.
But of course, there will be no formal proceedings to warn anyone that any of this is actually happening by any openly Jewish arrangement, the killings will largely be done unannounced by surreptitious means, air vax, food vax, and so on, and official figures will present a false image of lives actually being saved by devoted governments and 'health' services that have actually been infiltrated and hijacked by Jewish enemy agents.
The late Jewish US political envoy Harold Wallace Rosenthal stated in his heavily-suppressed 1976 interview that at that time already, 11 out of every 12 newly-qualifying doctors in the US were actually Jewish, the army of assassins was being placed in position for the final miliary operation.
Even centuries ago, rabbis instructed Jews to work as doctors in Gentile Christian lands and there to murder one in every ten Christian patients in such 'Second Rome amalek' nations on a rolling basis, whose entire Gentile populations are eventually intended under Jewish law only for total physical extermination after a period of enslavement. In reality, this killing by Jews never stopped, only the reporting, court cases, punishments, executions and expulsions of Jews did.
The continued Jewish suppression started by AMA head Morris Fishbein of the original and fully tested field-proven Rife technology alone since the late 1930's in the US will be responsible for the totally avoidable deaths of literally billions of Gentiles worldwide who would otherwise not die from cancer and many other diseases treatable by the original and still-suppressed Rife technology.
Jewish law states that a Jew cannot heal a Gentile, that a Jew must not save the life of a Gentile. But the Jew is allowed to save a few Gentile lives as a deception in order to gain the position to then be able to kill many more Gentiles than he saves unsuspected as a then trusted senior medical doctor in any target Gentile nation. Not one single Jew would work as a doctor in any Gentile nation except as a Jewish military assassin.
And Jewish scientists are provenly entirely behind the self-replicating COVID bioweapon ethnobomb jab, all this explaining why hardly anyone in the mainstream establishent medical services in hijacked Gentile nations is speaking out or even listening to the suffering Gentile peoples who are subjugated and enslaved in them.
More and more feverish Jewish propaganda programs are now being rolled out to obfuscate over the actually Jewish hostile alien foreign power origins and purposes of all this, like Chabad Lubavitcher-supporting fake 'hero truther' RFK Jr. now telling us how over 100 American companies and NATO are actually behind the COVID jabs, and we have heard the Chinese Wuhan story, and we are now hearing the story of the Japanese just now inventing, shock horror, a self-replicating nanotech jab, but surely, the entirely sinister and malevolent Dr Anthony Fauci already years ago stated during a video-recorded official hearing that self-replicating nanotechnology was ALREADY in the COVID jabs from the very beginning of the COVID jab rollout.
The incessant sinister Jewish propaganda programming in every hijacked Gentile nation is designed to steer public awareness away from any understanding that this program is a deadly weapon and that it comes from the Israeli government and their NWO one world government satellite government structures already installed around the world like the criminal terrorist James bond villain SPECTRE, it is NOT actually Chinese or American or Japanese in origin.
This is the same case with the Chabad Lubavitcher Dr Zelenko, the fake 'hero truther' who of course was only ever a rabid supporter of the anti-Gentile Noahide Law program that is intended to authorize the organized extermination of billions of non-Jews, in fact ALL non-Jews, that was actually proposed by the Chabad Lubavitchers themselves. Trump supports the Noahide Law program, and signed approval for it every year in the White House when POTUS before already.
The sinister Jewish Chabad Lubavitcher Dr Zelenko's job was calculated to appear as a 'good Jew', seeming to stand strongly against the culling of humanity with the COVID bioweapon, but this deliberately constructed false image was designed only to prevent any Gentiles from joining the dots together so as to prevent any potential mass-awakening against the Jews.
Zelenko's Chabad Lubavitcher friend Trump made sure no American Gentile ever got any hydroxychloroquine or azithromycin or zinc sulphate that Zelenko gave his rich elite New York Jewish clientelle, the American Gentiles only got lethal remdesivir made by the Jewish Israeli Gilead 'pharmaceutical' company that was scientifically established already as being entirely useless against the fake virus COVID bioweapon and even caused an additional 53% fatality rate in COVID patients by causing liver and kidney failure.
And Trump added that 'we know who the antisemitic countries are and we will be coming for them' (surely no doubt with a slave army of mind-wiped Gentile soldiers to do the Jews' dirty work for them as usual).
Would any sane, educated, intelligent or actually conscious American Gentiles really have voted for Trump or for any of this? American people are now told that a majority of their electorate who bothered to turn out actually voted for Trump and for all of this.
In reality, if the American people had really been free to make any properly informed choice at all, they would surely have totally refused to allow either Trump or Harris to even run for office, and instead have selected non-Republican, non-Democrat candidates from among the ranks of the Gentiles who could be counted on not to be treacherous hostile foreign power enemy agents of Israel and the Jews.
Trump's statement that "after 4 years you won't need to vote anymore" did not seem to faze anyone, it should have. This in itself is clear proof that some form of mass hypnosis is at work, teams of psychologists working for Israel programming subliminally carried messages on weaponized EMF carrier waves into nanotech and fluoride-addled brains no doubt.
In reality, the Sephardic Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi has stated that the Torah says there are to be "No survivors" from among all Gentiles now in the world, and that 6 to 6.5 billion Gentiles are to be killed even just for being members of Gentile religions.
And under one world Jewish government that Trump is clearly alluding to in 4 years' time, the Noahide Laws that are in fact already in operation will then be fully implemented under a military iron fist to achieve the Jewish-intended purge of all Gentile humanity without any exception to achieve the permanent total physical extermination of all non-Jews in the entire world exactly as the edicts of the Zohar, Talmud and Torah together prescribe.
The American Gentile people could of course even now at this late stage still wake up and totally reject the Republican and Democrat Parties and select and install their own Gentile representatives instead who they can fully vet to reject Israel and Jewish domination, but have the American Gentile people ever been able to do so before, and will they ever do so now?
If the American Gentile people want to do so much even as to physically survive, they will do so.
Yah Trump was selected as the new Deep State leader , and the shot to his ear was all a plan to get elected! What a moronically bankrupted Idea! His big mistake in the first 4 years was relying on the Deep States big pharmaceutical pushers that were recommended by RINOs. If he hasn’t learned yet then I might gravitate toward your line of thinking!
Even his "loss" and the "FIB" harassment seem to have been parts of the plan to turn him into as folk hero...
Trump's election buys time. They'll reconfigure their incessant march to 15-minute cities while still surreptitiously acquiring land through legal methods. Trump will tell everyone how much such purchases add to the economy and benefit the individual consumer. I suspect that, if Trump actually keeps JFK, Jr. and Elon Musk in his administration, he can actually produce results. We'll see. They want people to continue believing in the drama.
I see the situation thus: Diaper Joe was placed in the position. All the attendant Liberal-Progressive nonsense ensued. They were allowed full reign. We just heard of the pinnacle: how normal we should feel if a man wants to keep his penis but also wants a vagina.
People know this is crazy. All of the Biden Administration was the deliberate "Problem Phase."
Chaos ensued. Citizens puked. Pronouns changed faster than lightening. Chicks with Dicks were reading stories to young'uns at the local library. CPI told you each month that inflation was minimal while your $100 bought a small plastic bag of items. We were even instructed that, if you marched for George Floyd's right to life, you couldn't spread Covid...a disease so deadly that we were confined home; everyone baked bread; and we were thrown out of stores for not masking.
Ordo Ab Chao. Order out of chaos.
Reaction: Trump. The afternoon soap opera was cleverly choreographed. The Hero was beset by lawfare; his supporters jailed for taking pix at the Capitol; free press nicknamed him "Hitler;" two assassinations attempted; etc. sarcasm doesn't mean that I don't support real-life solutions. Yes...I hope all J6ers are pardoned and released asap after inauguration. This is the trouble with Global Planning. It involves real people.
Solution? [Problem-Reaction-Solution] I'm thinking we'll see a soft introduction to digital/biometric ID and CBDC. People will find homes and rentals incredibly expensive as BlackRock buys more property, and those 15-minute cities will start looking pretty good--especially with a UBI. Perhaps this occurs under Pres. Vance if Trump's administration is really effective. They'll table population replacement and overt censorship for a while although They'll keep deleting Wayback Machine. Trump'll be popular. If his administration actually produces, he'll be even more popular. People will WANT to accept his endorsements and policies.
Did I mention that Those Who Rule don't like conflict, unless they can subtly institute genocide to which a vast portion of the Western movers and shakers remain blind? They like the herd to accept quite peacefully and willingly their place. Think of those videos you've seen of the marvelous sheep dog who rounds up sheep scattered over acres and acres of land in under two minutes marching them toward the barn gate. Kinda like that. Thus, we'll go to Mars with AI interfaces in our brains because don't think that Elon isn't learning a few lessons about governance. Did you know that Werner von Braun wrote a scifi novel in which the governing body on Mars was called Elon?
That's a pretty comprehensive and thought-provoking analysis. I hope, you can turn it into an article on your stack! (I just subscribed after your comment; I can't imagine it will be a waste of my time to read it.)
The whole theater looks stupid enough to me to enable me to assess the stupidity level it is addressing... Not very encouraging. I also levitate between sarcasm and irony, because the amount and variety of nonsense circulating is mind-blowing.
At this point, as you and I agree, an incremental (not sure how slow it's going to be) transition seems likely, although lighting can strike anytime, and the masses will receive the "shock treatment":
I expect Trump to come up with partial "results," which will prop up his popularity, and then pass severe and immobilizing restrictions. I found it a bit of a surprise to realize that even his "loss" in 2020 had been already part of the choreography. (Also, I cannot take anyone seriously who is still using the long-time popularized myth about Hitler.) I need some restraint not to puke, when I hear about how promising RFK, Jr. is.
Even Blackrock and its ilk are only fronts with thousands of subsidiary fronts they keep passing around. The poison teeth of the snake is the global control of the money flow. Yes, Putin and the BRICS have their own versions, but they are timed to enter the stage as needed. I described the timetable already in May, 2023:
Most of the players (Elon, Gates, Schwab, Harris etc.) disgust me enough to make sure I keep my input about them at the bare minimum.
In the last several decades, the democide has been effectively diversified, and it ensures plausible deniability for the murderers. Oh, my, they even get away the obviously crooked explanation that the injections were harmful/lethal only because of contamination or human error, whereas VAERS data demonstrated the cyclical use of all diversified batches by November, 2021:
Sheep, as opposed to their popular image, are mean animals. I remember how much pressure my wife and I had to deal with during the plandemic, whenever we walked into stores without a muzzle. I was patient and polite, but also prepared for six thugs dressed up as highwaymen jumping us (I considered the muzzle a direct attack on my life, which it was/is). Luckily for everyone potentially involved, it didn't happen. Our county sheriff didn't enforce the muzzle (I learned about that close to the end of the mandates), and it was easier not to conform in our rural setting. City people, however, got the worst of it... The police were less flexible; they are not elected.
Nope, didn't know about the novel. Elon is certainly a conjured-up entity, and in the tradition of Freemasonry, the masses are usually told what happened, is happening, and/or going to happen to them. Why are they taunting people? Goading them into violence, however, makes sense under the current circumstances.
Thank you, Ray. I'm afraid that I write only when particularly piqued. I'm lucky in that regard. I'm not monetized, and if people find my substack helpful, I'm glad they do. If they don't, that's fine with me, too.
You may find my substack quite boring. The kind of post above falls into supposition for me so I wouldn't be interested in writing about it (in most cases--perhaps I will in the future). I do best with these types of ideas as comments.
I tend to publish a substack when I want to counter a trend (like the "pogrom narrative" emanating from Amsterdam/Israel beginning yesterday) so I wrote "When is a Pogrom Truly not a Pogrom?" yesterday.
The funny aspect is that I start with an idea which always opens and expands. Like the substack immediately preceding my last where I begin talking about protecting the president which expanded to considering what assassination means to various factions (For thee but not for me) and ended with a thrust at Trump to review his thinking on injections.
If I were to fulfill a function, I would rather be the Socrates-gadfly who might get someone to think outside their normal perspectives.
Nice comment Honeybee-I agree strongly, with pretty much all you say. Interesting about the sci-fi novel!
We have a few of the nasty bills passed in parliament in AU. Dig ID. Mis/Dis info is being “debated” in parliament now. CBDCs won’t be far away.
If you’re that way inclined, pray for us Aussies! Or try to get Trump to exit WHO again-anything like that will help us! Aus has always been a prisoners’ island I guess.
I would dearly love to exit the WHO. Hope Trump will do so. Best of luck to you!!
Thanks Honeybee!
Those that depend on the enslavement (government) for some small measure of security should expect to lose some of their liberty in exchange. Making a deal with the devil is a poor deal no matter what it is. If you do not take care of yourself, nobody will be riding on a white horse to your rescue.
Way too many unowned people backed Trump, that is why he won. It became obvious that interference in the election process whould trigger a violent reaction.
And the violence was deemed premature...
During the 1992 USA Presidential campaign, Ross Perot observed that: "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy is the one specific reason that the people of America suffered…. and our only means of correction is to inspect their work and hold them accountable.”
Mr. Perot went on to note that this can easily be done with computer programs.
“It is only logical that it will become our Fourth Branch of Government”, he said.
Objective reality:
The voting members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not have enough time to read, comprehend or debate any of the laws they vote on. They vote 100 times a day, every five minutes, while in session.
Approximate absolute facts:
Every day that the Congress and Legislatures are in session 100 new bills are introduced and distributed.
The representatives are given two weeks to review the bills before they are brought up for The Vote.
Two weeks into the session they begin voting on the Laws that were previously introduced, while newer laws are continuously introduced.
Many of these bills are in excess of two thousand pages.
The elected representative does not have the time to even read the name of the Law much less the content of it.
Since the Representatives cannot evaluate 200 thousand pages of law speak per day, they vote the way their Party advisors tell them to vote.
This demonstrates that Representative government does not exist.
Thus, they have forfeited their delegated obligations to us, The Citizens. And the only way to prevent these over worked and fallible people from making even more tragic mistakes, from which we, and the rest of the world, might never recover is to include ourselves in the final decision-making process.
The Electronic Congress
How it works:
Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.
Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.
This program can be applied to every level of government and will ultimately solve every problem we have.
To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.
Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available in their day.
Just imagine:
With a new understanding of government
we will also be able to accommodate new proposals initiated by us, The Citizens, for program and infrastructure improvements.
We, The People, could actually direct the priorities and review the progress of the major agencies like the: CDC and NIH as well as the libraries, school boards and local police departments.
If our government truly is of the people, by the people and for the people then this is the only way forward.
How to implement it:
Start here:
Dear Mr. / Madam School Board Trustee
I write to you today in a sincere effort to help you accomplish your noble reasons for seeking this office.
That is to help you facilitate the betterment of our schools for our children and young people.
To do this, I ask you to make the Board meeting agenda questions and the data points behind them available to me as well as all of the other taxpayers.
Upload the stack to a server where we can read, ratify and or annul the elements after log on.
In a perfect world each paragraph must have at least three possible answers: agree, disagree, no opinion at this time.
Direct democracy is a growing trend, and many companies offer these services:
hosting, voter receipts, and a running tally of totals for everyone to see.
In this way Madam Trustee you are assured that you will always have the strength of the community with you when making the decisions that really do effect the lives of our people.
Helpful Taxpayer Citizen
Hosting Companies:
We talk about it until it is done.
Concerned Citizens could have AI parse a recent law or Supreme Court ruling into its actionable elements, apply the Ratify or Annul Questionnaire, then distribute the links.
Can I make money with this?
Of course, you can. Use AI to parse the laws you find most egregious into their component pieces. And then have it build the ballot / questionnaire along with some demographic background to make the game especially interesting. Charge a $1 per voter per law to deliver the results of the poll to the government officials and watch the evolution in real time.
The Electronic Townhall becomes the means by which the Authority of the Citizens is used to Ratify or Annul the Propositions of Government.
Ask the local school board for their agenda items, have AI parse the actionable elements, create a questionnaire, distribute it to the concerned citizens and then evaluate the results.
When Human Beings made in the image of God can see the results of their noblest and most sober thoughts, at such a scale, then there will be the moment where Our Benevolence and Good Will shall
overcome Evil and then we can all live happily ever after.
Ross Perot publicly promised that if the People of America would elect him to The Presidency, he would give us The Electronic Townhall.
The Fourth Branch of Government will allow us to go from Chaos to Prosperity and a Life Worth Living … until the end of time.
We were created by God and in the image of God; we are human beings, not animals in a pen.
The Electronic Townhall
*How to use AI to make money with your website.*
Someone has to start publishing active polls on the issues of our day.
Use AI to parse the most egregious situation, law, grant, program, non competitive bid or tax policy you can find into questions regarding its particulars. And post it on the net.
The US president election is a good place to start:
Trump, Biden, Rishi, Jones, Smith, Kuldeep Persuad, Newsome, Pelosi, Johnson, Rense, Abbot, Farve, Putin, King Charles, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Pat Paulson, Michele’ O’Bama…
One of the first pieces of business is: Who gets to vote in the:
1. general election
2. ratification or annulment process
a. everyone over 18 years
b. everyone over 21 years
c. voters must be citizens – Yes - No
d. anyone in the world can vote – Yes - No
e. property owners over 21 years
f. property owners over 21 years paying a minimum of $5000 per year tax per jurisdiction (school district, county, city, state, federal)
g. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No
Should the direct election of Senators be returned to the States?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure
What about abortion? Should it be legal? How so? The text of the laws is readily available and everyone has an opinion.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Her body her choice
Or the new Treaty with the World Health Organization…
Should the good and decent Citizens of the world be required to comply with the pharmaceutical recommendations of the WHO?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Depends
d. His / her body, their choice
What about sexually confused children ?
Should the government pay for and facilitate the genital reassignment health treatments so necessary to save young lives?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Depends if their parents need the money
Which issue should the local school board consider the most important?
a. Fluid gender toilets
b. Genderless uniforms
c. Reading and writing
d. Placement of litter boxes in the class room or fluid gender toilets
e. Furrys with hurt feelings – what to do?
f. Teaching pornography correctly
All educated people know that cattle farts are melting the polar ice caps and that it is only a matter of a short while before the entire planet is flooded with salt water. Many people will drown.
What should we do about this?
a. Buy everyone a new boat
b. Pay Bill Gates a billion $ to stop it
c. Vaccinate the cattle to stop them from farting
d. Cull the herd so that only the important people can eat meat.
e. nothing
The rich and very powerful have a new plan to steal all of your money and all of your property. They call it CBDC, Central Bank Deposit Credit. This is electronic money. They can turn it on and turn it off to force your compliance with anything they want.
Do you really want them to have that much power over you?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I am a slave anyway
d. No opinion
The uniform tariff and tax schedule is where the rubber really meets the road, but it is probably too abstract for most. Try it if you like, it goes to infinity.
Post: *The Questionnaire* on your web site.
Charge the voters, your patrons, a $ fee to vote on it.
Have the same AI take the patrons demographics and quantify their base of knowledge; education, reading, business experience, children raised, taxes paid and post that too.
One Questionnaire should earn you many thousands of dollars per month and AI can do it for you!
Just think about it… one survey a month at $10,000 net profit times ten and you are making over a hundred thousand dollars per year. That’s pretty good.
Have the AI post the results in real time and send the results to the respective councilman, commissioner, judge, congressman, state representative, senator and governor!!
Use the power of consensus to demand that negative policies be vacated.
The hope here is the representative will, in an effort to keep his cushy job, comply with the wishes of his constituents.
So, the cup is half-empty, I understand? We'll see if RKJ will get his job from Trump, reforming FDA/NIH, and if he does, what will he able to accomplish before the lightning strikes. Also, Elon's contribution to world cuisine will be interesting to watch. This time feels better than 2016. In my view, the cup is half-full.
RFK is a virus pusher and agrees to most "vaccines." He thrives on limited hangouts.
We’ll see real soon.
He has copiously demonstrated that even until now. Why would he change? He is a hero to many! :)
Well done.
It's incomplete. Contributions are most welcome! :)
There is one thing I do know. We have been under military occupancy since 2016. COG..continuity of government. As for how and when this will pan out I can't say. Trump is the President of the Republic. Our fraudulent, illegitimate, treasonous, bankrupt Corporate government is not for the people. DC is THE UNITED STATES. DC sits on foreign soil. DC is its own country separate from those who live outside of it. DC is a one-branch Legislative Democracy. We, who reside outside of it, are in a Constitutional Republic.
In January of 2021.
Reconstitution of the Executive Branch. In the
Federal Continuity Directive Publication it states..when a new seat of government cannot be established in Washington DC, Congress with their enumerated powers can establish a new seat of government.
That means the Capitol can be anywhere. It cannot remain on foreign soil. Talk is that it may be moved to Texas.
All we can do is wait and watch what happens. Trump cannot serve as President in DC.
To add to you point...They MOCK us.
Our current "resident" evil's full name is Joe Robinette Biden
Joe "Robbing it" Biden.
Let that sink in.... We have no government. We have a belligerent coup installed.
Congress... also means... intercourse ...... We ARE being intercoursed.
Public mocking has been around since the Georgia Guidestones (now destroyed):
They have picked up the bait of actually announcing every step in public to the people who cannot do anything about it:
Of course, there is no "we" who can do anything: only the person can.
As also say in my article, "Presidents" indeed serve, but only their masters.
Wait and see is a bit late in the game. For over two years, I've been encouraging my readers to prepare and keep together:
The whole system is compromised and it's rotten to the core. Nothing can save it, save a full collapse, but that will result in carnage, too. It cannot be saved from the inside:
If you have the time, please, explore my site further (search under "Archive" on my main page for key words); you will find that I have addressed every single item on your list.
Executive assuming legislative power is a major problem, but the rabbit hole goes a lot deeper.
D.C. being a foreign incorporation is not unique; "Hungary" is incorporated, and I suppose, plenty of other "countries" (aka. usurping governments) are.
On my end, I favor The Articles of Confederation over the "Constitution":
At the same time, all governments are overblown. Only local administration kept at bare minimum could do a relatively decent job, but that would disable much or production and distribution long enough to kill a lot of people.
By 'the system', do you mean the industrial-technological society, or the class who run it? It does feel that decisions are made on our behalf by those who don't care about us and may even want us dead.
Ingersol Lockwood's book, The last president...predicted this "symbolic" Selection. The adventures of Baron Trump lays out the groundwork for the spell work we are under. #47 is a very masonic number.
Trump to become 47th resident of the Whitehouse. The Whitehouse is based off of a Knights Templar lodge... It's all connected.
Kamela is Amelak backwards in Hebrew witch means ENEMY. Coincidence?
Elon Musk, The Dark Maga...... Was throwing up Distress signs (Both hands above head) calling in The Masonic brotherhood. Top witches have been saying that their spells have not been working against Trump. This whole thing is a very DARK ritual.
WHY does Elon keeps jumping up & making the X symbolism with his body?? .. It's Lesser. Dark Magic as we use our ENERGY to spell CAST our votes/VOLTS during the ELections of the ELites.They use our ELectricity & use us as batteries to vote with our volts.
The volt meter is projected by the media....Trump 47% votes/volts. It's a RITUAL that needs our sacrifice of energy.
Somehow the sacrifice of the squirrel named peanut & racoon factors in to all this. ... Signs & symbols.
The 39th President Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer ... will they claim him Dead soon at age 100? Racoon is an anagram for Corona... will there be another plandemic?
RFK jr is taking on Big Food & Big Pharma ... I feel a King Kill Ritual with a sense of urgency in our future.... which makes this whole thing, a triple threat. Wil Trump be our last president because you can NOT hold (s)elections during declared times of WAR?
ALL eyes on signs & symbols.
SEE how they do their rituals? I wrote this back on Nov 6th .. How did I KNOW they would present Jimmy Carter DEAD ?
On December 29, 2024, Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, Died in his home. He's most likely been on ice for a while but all their numbers needed to line up to present the ritual to the public.
Peanut the squirrel of course is how I KNEW this.. They talk to each other thru code. We just need to learn THEIR languishing language.
Wow, nice!
This is very insightful. Reminds me of Probably Alexandra. What do you mean by King Kill ritual? I assumed, as author did too, that he would be used to usher in something Democrats wouldn’t be able to. Digital ID and coin? Love it when people can see beyond the layers. Awesome job!
Thank You kindly Hope! Liberal democracy comes from killing the King. It's a 33* ritual on King Hill.....A transfer of power between 32nd & 33rd degree masonry under the crown.
Here's an 8 min. video that explains it in detail.
Digital ID is already here. we use ones & zero's in today's banking system ... It will just get a lot worse when they burn the bills.. ... They call it the OMEGA ritual. .... If you look on a dollar bill .. The dead president is enclosed in the sigil magic of the Omega sign. It was always meant to be a transfer of energy/currency into the new realm of digital. All by design.
Never been any good at numerology or anagrams (although I did catch "omicron" for the moronic), but your post is entertainingly informative. :)
Haha, My brain works in mysterious ways Ray. I'm glad I could entertain you :)
I'm still seeing this squirrel thing as a bad omen...MEME magic .. Store your nuts cuz it's gonna get bad perhaps? You will own nothing...Not your children, nor squirrels? We will take it ALL by force?
What you wrote is more than just entertaining-a lot (what I know, I mean) is fact!
Yes, Thank You. I aprreciate that vote of confidence :)
No worries, I look for the signs and symbols as best I can! V. Important!
And I will fight back as long as I'm alive.
The only thing a free person can do:
Absolutely Ray.
..."I can’t wait for the first politician to make good on (s)election promises. After all “democracy” is a scam that accomplishes a few things that all serve the globalist controllers:"...I tend to agree with you.
A Trump win, if it stands and he is actually anointed to the task in January of 2025, means very little unless there are some real changes. I will never trust government or the globalists no matter what they say or do.
I don't want to believe it but the depopulation agenda has thus far suffered no harm. And that is my bottom line as to the reason for all this political mumbo-jumbo. They still want us dead and gone.
Obama's slogan was "Change!" LOL...
Change is certainly needed, because this system is rotten to the core; only a total collapse can save the people, but I'm afraid it would result in the same carnage as the one planned for them.