Are You Buying into the Attempts to Shock the Masses?
Calls for fear and violence are running rampant, which is worth reconsidering
This article seems to become more and more relevant to the situation before the mess the (s)elections will likely conjure up. You can consider the following a day in the gym to exercise your acumen. It is a proofread and updated previous post from July. It was, and still is, long; some “academics” can probably write several books about tiny details in it, and gain fame, for which I don’t care. It is not journalism; it’s a profane academic paper that anyone interested can understand. Is it worth the time? It has a LOT of links to my other publications, and it contains enough details to consider to occupy most readers for a couple of days. In return, my findings, conjecturing, and conclusions are, as usual, unique in most cases, enabling those who prefer to think on their own to use more aspects and more variables towards their current and future decisions. I intend to hold a mirror in front of your thoughts, which will give you another chance to think things over before the storm hits.
Many people, including me, who saw through many of the lies, kept wondering how come they cannot get through to their neighbors. I addressed the phenomenon many times, and last time I suggested that one sentence a day might work. Before that, I wondered about the reasons how ordinary people managed to become mass murderers without even realizing it:
It’s alright that I cannot convince anyone, but in the most common and worst scenario, many people cannot even realize that they are being programmed. I am dedicating this article to that problem.
How can one realize that they stopped thinking and acting on their own, and what can they do about it?
In an acute situation, one of the following four reactions are expected:
The most common one is probably #3, which is possibly at least partly due to the “shock effect,” which happens to be a synonym for PTSD. George Carlin’s corresponding piece offers some comic relief on the subject:
Too shocked to remain sane?
Presenting ANY extremely shocking material stops any questions, discussions, and it usually prevents expressing doubt. The only similar reaction follows cussing, which relieves some steam and allows for stopping any further efforts to improve discovery.
The following list contains the most effective methods to make sure people stop opposing the official lies and even stop thinking. You can consider them only one by one, and have to develop your own way to fight or to ignore them, because eventually, they all add up, and petrify most without the subjects even being aware of having been conditioned to become orifices for their slave-holders.
Bora, bora!
“Wars and rumors of wars” is certainly happening, but the news merely contributes an entry to the multi-threaded progress towards Agenda 2030 besides general poisoning, the controlled destruction of the economy, the centralization of the food supply, and rapidly deteriorating USD, man-made natural catastrophes, and the impending threats of another plandemic, a fake WW3 with a few well-placed false flags, food, water, energy shortages, and people being abruptly injured or killed by radiation.
Whatever else may come, this is certainly an all-out total war on humanity that entails numerous potential corollaries, for which it’s never early enough to prepare:
“Mass killings”
The pharmaceutical industry definitely put out a lot of toxins whose application can result in suicidal or homicidal behavior, but the MK-Ultra-type conditioning is also there. Maui and the mass deaths after the convid injections resulted in exactly what one could realistically expect: shocking silence. In the meanwhile, the poison that spread over many states after the railway incident in New Palestine, OH, in February, 2023, can also provide a cover-up for poisoning through water and chemtrails.
“Secret” or “withheld” stories and “bombshell” news!
This is a subdivision of gaslighting, but it deserves full attention, targeting the audience by insinuating that its members are ignorant and they need “proprietary knowledge.” If that premise can sneak into a mind, the mind becomes shackled to its “source.”
Canonized lies that “only monsters, idiots, and criminals would question”
School shootings often look like arranged events, but the gay bar bombing in SF and the NYC subway incident with all the amateurish crisis actors and reversed choreography looked like a parody even on video reports. After parents of “killed students” smirked during interviews, a 2 million dollar fine was still issued by globalist-controlled judge for a news source presenting details the masses are not supposed to believe. “Truth checkers” are often paid by the taxpayer, usually representing little more than the official narrative, but lots of “voices” are calling for punishing free speech, and despite fake stories gone rampant, questioning the official narrative can be bad for one’s financial well-being or worse.
Fake history is also mandated. Southern monuments are being destroyed in the name of anti-slavery, and many people don’t even know that the (un)Civil War was not about slavery. Real slavery is never mentioned, including the fact that the commoner is still a slave who has been allowed to look after themselves, because it’s been cheaper for their owners (well, monopolized capitalism is becoming a thing of the past, because at the current stage, the controlled demolition of the country is needed in order to “Build Back Better”). In the meanwhile, the US is losing its heritage, and mixing cultures and races makes sure that cultural identities are lost to the extent that there will be no alternative for the upcoming technocratic transhumanist system, while members of the target population is heavily divided against each other. The German labor camps during WW2 are still presented in the official narrative that happens to be, as all official narratives, mostly a bunch of lies. The “Germans” are still being accused of crimes mostly the “Allies” committed, and you can be dragged to prison in 19 countries, the last one Canada, even for asking legitimate questions:
In short, the truth can be mandated, but conformity kills the will and the mind. The body follows…
It might be a good idea to beware of “the conformist psychopath,” but to stay away from labeling others, because one can easily turn into one.
“Terrorist” attacks
Operation Gladio was the first large-scale clandestine government operation against the masses, aiming at generating fear in people to force them to start to give up their privacy, their basic human rights, and most of all, their independent thought.
9/11 is the archetype for such events.
Useless for safety, but personally humiliating AND toxic airline “security” has been prominent since 9/11.
The (un)Patriot(ic) Act makes sure anyone can be dragged to secret prisons as soon as their government-enabled captors utter the magic word starting with “t”.
T*ism is usually “state sponsored,” and the taxpayer foots the bill:
Lots of movies from the last several decades also offered predictive programming of “terrorist” acts. The future is here:
Fear porn
The way it looks like now, believers in “viruses,” “infections,” and “pandemics” have to constantly assume that there are tiny particles running around and floating in the air, anxiously waiting for someone to pass by, whom they can infect, sicken or, preferably, kill. Needless to say, if such elements existed, humanity would not have even been able to evolve into the morons whose representatives now manage to succumb to such fantasies.
Sample this!
For decades, lots of movies presented predictive programming for a global mass extinction event due to a deadly “virus” (while such viruses don’t even exist) that would even turn people into zombies. The technology to turn people into zombies, however, is ready to be deployed these days.
Strangely, unsubstantiated hope has also been used to counterbalance fear. The two together create a mix for inaction and violence:
Fear porn (those who live in fear are already dead) combined with enhancing the feeling of insecurity calls for dependency on the “government” or some other form of “authority.” In the summer of 2020, the 35k violent criminals released from CA prisons and bused around to do some rioting, certainly wreaked havoc. Out of them, those who got arrested, were out in a day without a charge, while those who resisted often ended up being prosecuted. All this for a most likely pre-arranged false flag about an actor, George Floyd, who paid with a fake $20 bill and patiently waited for the police, and after the police arrived, he scrupulously resisted arrest. At this point, I am doubting even the “opposition” who said Floyd was all drugged up. Rittenhouse also looks suspicious by now:
Making people cave in under constant humiliation
The constantly humiliated masses lost the power even over their own bodies. People without much self-respect are easy to control. After all, all brainwashing (for example, in all armies during “training”) starts with wiping out the participants’ self-respect. During the Great Plandemic of 2020, muzzling was the primary tool:
Compliance-training is over a hundred years old, and most people accept now that they are treated as the property of the state.
The insanity plea
Anyone can be accused of insanity anytime, which leads to the loss of their independence and their basic human rights, which are unlikely to be returned to them even if the “experts” eventually deems them competent. Psychiatry cannot diagnose a single “condition” despite “describing” hundreds of them in its manual. Even the only paradigm that has been refuted years ago, but it’s still using, “chemical imbalance in the brain,” only leads to offering and often even imposing toxic chemicals and even electroshock “therapy” (kind of resembles chemo-“therapy”, which would most likely kill even healthy people, so most madical “doctors” would refuse it for themselves and for their loved ones) that cause irreversible damages exactly where it’s supposed to help. In spite of this, psychiatrists wield insane amounts of power over those who submit or are being exposed to their “expertise.” They possess the power to damage and to destroy lives, while their only “good” deeds come from turning their patients docile and “manageable.”
People have been bombarded from each direction that the person next to them might be insane and pose an immediate threat. Just think about horror movies. The muzzle mandates exacerbated the process, and during the plandemic, a lot more muzzled actors appeared as violent criminals in movies than ever before.
This part is not a direct shock treatment, but it passes for one, because the mental result is the same.
When I was a semi-professional soccer player, I used to be able to hit particular body parts of my opponents with the ball even from 8-10 yards anytime. All I had to do two or three times I had to hit them in the head or worse, and the next time, they freaked out after I faked a shot, and I was able to walk through their defense and score without much obstruction.
People can be conditioned to expect Chicken Little, and when the time of real danger comes, they don’t take it seriously. Not-very-smart AI serves as a good example, because people are conditioned to treat AI as harmless, posing no threat, and offering its humble services, while the global IoT is herding the masses into its prison behind its invisible walls.
“Don’t eat those cherries!”
The old joke about “cherry picking” illustrates the mechanism:
Here is this tramp who steals a large bag of cherries. He walks down the road and gets hungry. He gobbles up some of the cherries, but there is plenty left by the time he gets sick of the cherries, so he gets angry and pees on the bag. Tired and fully content, he lies down under a tree and falls asleep. He wakes up the next morning, and he feels famished, but the only edible things around are the cherries he pissed on the previous night. He reluctantly starts taking cherries out of the bag and examines each of them closely, concluding, “This one is okay, this one is okay,” and he keeps eating them until nothing is left.
The end result is callousness, insensitivity, and a lack of empathy, which boils down to someone who doesn’t care to think even for themselves.
Since around 1980, movies started to contain “unnecessary” amounts of gore and violence. This has now culminated in the most absurd events:
However, if overstimulation continues and it exceeds someone personal threshold, PTSD ensues. PTSD can appear in innocuous ways:
In my experience, PTSD never fully goes away, and the mentality it forces on the sufferer prevents them from living life to its full extent. Being conditioned for watching out for your beloved ones and living in constant alert so that you can be ready to respond to threats in a second or two deprives you from noticing much of the goodness and beauty around. You can believe me: been there, done that; I know…
There is hardly ever enough information for making clear judgments, and perhaps the most effective method to confuse disseminates TOO MUCH information, whose elements contradict each other. Only deductive thinking can handle that sort of attack, because the pieces could never be assembled into a whole.
A common and effective method for gaslighting people relies on confusing them about their own identity, by humiliation (as I observed previously in this article), by mandating nonsense (“normalizing deviance”), and after that, simply forcing them into their roles. I observed the process at an early stage in the later 1980s in Massachusetts:
If you offer a finger (no matter which finger it is), they will take an arm. Surrender is for slaves, but you can’t fight the enemy on its own turf.
Diversions (red herrings and limited hangouts) also contribute to the general confusion:
The current ambiance works fine for ulterior purposes as well:
The rest can be left to the pseudo-science of Psychiatry:
Psychiatry, of course, must never be underestimated, because it has amassed incredible amounts of knowledge about harming, controlling, and manipulating people, while it also possesses the power to destroy lives.
Addictive loops
Strangely enough, one can become hooked on their servitude, especially if the process is entertaining and keeps offering rewards for participation:
Once stuck in such roles, leaving the sprawl (“a cyberpunk megalopolis”) to face facts is not an attractive option.
The predictive programming of “we”
Everyday people have no power over the current events, yet they are being coaxed into believing they do. People are provoked to do things that can only worsen their situations, while none of the possesses any power, and a billion times nothing is still nothing. When I point this out, I usually get the treatment of “So, you want us to roll over?” Of course, there is no “we,” and I’ve never said rolling over was an objective. People who block me out with that excuse are obviously unwilling or unable to face facts. They also miss the several ways my readers and I have offered potentially useful forms of action.
People who are convinced they belong to an imaginary community will always be members of such mental constructs, waiting for someone else to solve their problems. As a result, they contribute to the divisions among the people.
Once I know that shocking me is MEANT to stop me from thinking, I think all the more. And I can tackle only one attack at a time, but must not wait until they pile up on me.
Very nice. I did not read all of it, but I shared a link.
I also unsubscribed to a so-called medical freedom stack after I was banned from commenting for 100 years. Just reporting a fact here. Not worth the time to go into it, nothing new. You can't know who is banning dissenting views or questions until you test it yourself. Doesn't take the 2nd smartest guy in the world to teach you that, but it is a disappointing lesson.
Wow, Dr. Ana Milhalcea, Karen Kingston, Sasha Latypova, Cliff Carnicom, 2nd Smartest, Vigilant Fox…they’re falling like flies. Is this because of a lack of cooperation in our community or are we being carefully manipulated by the intelligence agencies?
Ray, I have a pretty reliable perspective about mental illness and the intersection of the targeted individual—and the implications for the population at large. There is a definite demonic nature to the punishment we are undergoing. This is where the eschatological process becomes necessary. I refer your readers to my “Targeted” essays and particularly, “Hitting the Target: 5G and Neuromodulation”: