This map is good enough to give you an idea of what’s happening, but the whole process is now also in a global simulation of a central AI that is processing live data and can make recommendations to its globalist operators for the next steps towards a preprogrammed outcome that has been announced to be Agenda 2030.
This article is long, and you are probably familiar with a few links in it in order to illustrate the points I’m making, but I am
placing the results into another perspective than before;
keeping the same interpretive frame as the one I have been using from the beginning 23 months ago.
As the article comprises a whole, I am not publishing it in sections, but it is probably more than enough to be divided up for more than a single reading.
Nobody cares who you are
People are interested in you only as long as it affects them. It’s not their fault; they couldn’t relate to the rest, anyway, even if they had the time, the patience, and the curiosity to find out more about you.
The Ultimate AI is a completely different story: it wants to “know” everything about you. It compiles its records of you as if you were another AI, although it treats you condescendingly with slight disgust, because you make a lousy machine. That, however, can be remedied in its opinion by cutting off your rough edges and by integrating you into the Internet of Things, where the future it has imagined is already happening.
The global IoT needs live data and live processing in order to be, well, live. In the meanwhile, who are you in the whole picture, how is your image constructed and maintained, and first and foremost, to what end?
Your image as perceived by the AI must come out of the traces you are leaving behind. What leaves a trace is what you say and what you do, but is it really you, who is leaving those traces? What are the terms used for assessing your value and granting you the permission to exist?
Most recently, it has become possible to replace you with an AI simulation as it may have happened to some British royalty and the latest US President or, for that matter, to some of my previous acquaintances in Europe who were replaced by deepfakes over the phone and on video calls already 4-5 years ago1:
When people were scared of surveillance, it was mostly data collection; surveillance has lost its traditional meaning, because its purpose is not to catch you in an act, but to devour you altogether:
Multi-device integration is in all the following, so I’m not going to include it in any of the upcoming entries.
Adopting a dog
Dog chipping has always been about the owner, not the dog. It allowed for a dry run of tracking, data collection, mandatory veterinary visits (the “vaccines” and the resulting “shedding” definitely affected the owners, too.
My wife’s latest discovery is about adopting dogs from a shelter. This one is sad and can’t wait to be taken to a home:
While perusing the rules for adopting a dog, three “requirements” struck me like a steam hammer2: a 10 day “waiting period,” personal references, and a mandatory “home visit” (or at least you must submit several photos of your residence):
For instance, at
The following informs prospective owners that they must have a vet, whose identity must be divulged on the application:
Kentucky Dachshund Rescue requires an adoption application. You must give three personal references as well as the name of your vet. A home visit is also required to adopt. Fees vary depending on the dog. WE ONLY ACCEPT APPLICATIONS THAT ARE FROM A 3 HR DRIVE FROM GEORGETOWN KY
Adoption application
You could get a job or a loan more easily in many cases.
Here is an example of the 10-day waiting period:
By the end of this time, you will have revealed a lot of information about yourself, perhaps only to find out that your selection is “not available” anymore. Reminds me of used car depots that always have something enticing, but by the time you get there, it’s gone, and the dealer hopes you’ll find something else. In the case of a pet, you might be the product, but the existence of kickbacks are not out of the question, either.
Children are treated pretty much like dogs: they have mandatory checkups, mandatory “vaccines,” “home visits,” and mandatory schooling, to say the least. I cases, parents are only a step away from losing custody of their children, and CPS reps can make sure some children “escape” and will not be found (the police don’t look for them and last time I looked, the going rate on the Dark Web was $50k):
Trackers and nanotech are probably in most injections now, but the healthcare has always been part of the tracking system. Dentist have always been part of the data collection team, at first because tooth prints were useful for identifying unknown corpses, and since dental Lidocaine has been containing the nanotech that was/is also in the convid injections, “dental work” also participates in the grand scheme of tracking and targeting individuals. Medicare is mandatory for everyone turning 65 (about $180/mo taken out of even the lowest social-security payments), and not registering incurs “penalties.” The elderly are pestered with “wellness visits” (reminds me of burglars casing a place, but a home Wi-Fi system can also do that), annual checkups, and when they inadvertently show up in a doctor’s office, they are recommended to undergo invasive and/or unnecessary tests and/or procedures, and are often given harmful chemicals that medicate them to sickness/death (according to doctors, proton pump inhibitors are the worst, but statins are bad enough, and psychiatric crap is also offered, along with painkillers instead of successful treatments (which modern “Medicine” is never even trying, but sticks to treating symptoms that, of course, it cannot diagnose3), and by now, it clear that even “vitamins” and other supplements tend to be only toxic with no benefits:
The “healthcare community” has always taken an active role in murdering the elderly and the weak, and those without anyone visiting them at the hospitals, but their performance during the plandemic took the cake:
Food delivery services
By now, you must have become accustomed to the fact that nothing imaginable is crazy or evil enough to match reality. Dirt-cheap food delivery services have been cropping up in the last few years, which could be easy to explain with the lockdowns, but considering the increasing toxicity in cheap food, it only becomes another facet of the general poisoning. When the permissibility of “vaccinating” the population through the food supply is added4, it’s easy to conjecture that some or all these services are participating in the program and collect a generous subsidies from the taxpayer in return for poisoning its recipients who happen to be the leftover elderly people who managed to avoid hospitals by not watching TV during the plandemic. Food can contain surprising ingredients as it is:
Cell phones
Cell phone users volunteer to share their voice print, contacts, language profile, personal tracking, personal targeting (5G), heart monitor, facial recognition, and fingerprint registration with their service provider and probably with their device manufacturer (in the cases of Google/Alphabet on Android devices and Apple that didn’t become the most valuable company by accident, that’s as close to certainty as it gets):
The latest offer from Spectrum was that they would pay up to $2,500 for a new cell phone and give me a year of free service. The only condition was that it must be a 5G-enabled phone. Of course, I would be the product.
E-mail, social media sites
By now, most of those interested must know that the Internet itself was a clandestine operation targeting all humans. Google’s slogan used to be “Don’t be evil,” but they must have realized the sarcasm and abandoned it. Fakebook, despite having “community policies,” didn’t inherit the slogan, but it’s clear that Zuckie was a plant, and Amazon’s strategy of selling at a loss until competitors sell out or go out of business is still more honorable than Bill Gates’, who handled the competition a lot more roughly and, to this very day, he is making sure that his Windows OS has back doors that is accessible for those who know them, and “Windows Update” makes sure that those holes keep changing before anyone can discover them. As for Linux, it’s open source, and one can build back doors into it, while posting the OS downloads all over the place. Everything done on a computer can be, and is, recorded; end of story. Social media participants contribute their photos, their language profiles, personal contacts, posted life events, and their information is tracked, collected, and kept up-to-date, preferably synced with other comparable sources.
The postal services have always been part of “intelligence” (sorry about the oxymoron) operations, but recently, it’s become increasingly obvious:
As it is serving the same private interests as the US government, it’s a miracle that it hasn’t been privatized yet. Okay, considering the US government is a corporation with globalist handlers, the USPS is only one of its subsidiaries.
Insurance companies
Your DNA has become an asset, so it’s been collected and traded for years by now. The convid PCR “test” was originally developed for taking DNA samples, which it did, besides deploying nanoparticles in the subject, causing pain, humiliating the subject, poking within an inch to the fear center (turning the subject more docile). Most insurance companies mandate blood tests for life insurance, which leaves room for trading DNA as well as relevant personal data. Insurers accumulate data about their clients and their clients’ assets (homes, vehicles, firearms, jewelry, and other insurable possessions).
DNA theft “for the records” in case of an arrest even if no charge is filed started in Britain a few years ago, but is now done in places in the US, too. DNA can also be lifted from roadside breathalyzers. Police profiling and data collection are most likely merged with federal agencies (and private organizations?) before being forwarded to the central database. Security cameras, speed cameras, and toll cameras are also parts of the IoT.
Alphabet-soup agencies (known and unknown)
Quantifying and personalizing the success of psyops are added to AI profiling, to deepfake construction/maintenance, to tracking, targeting, and to mind control/depopulation/fatal targeting operations.
Dental records have been part of identifying victims (and suspects!) in police (and similar) investigations. By now, identifying and tracking subject have been obviously added, and whatever injection someone receives, is produced by the mass-poisoning pharmaceuticals. Dental anesthetics cannot escape the same fate.
Computers, tablets, and phones
Fingerprints, facial recognition, usage fingerprinting, tracking, heartbeat recordings, voice recognition AND emulation.
Ninety percent of internet traffic goes through the “Dark Web,” which alone proves that the very idea of the Internet was a mil-grade clandestine operation, and most of the data is now transmitted there using end-to-end protocols, which can keep your data private between you and the other end only as long as you own the system. Nothing happens on phones (old-fashioned landlines offer a bit more privacy, but their providers also use voice recognition) and on the Internet that is not tracked. Forget about movies in which computer geniuses hack the system; that used to work, when signals went through modems, but it cannot happen anymore. Even throwaway phones register your voice print, and your presence will be instantly recognized, because scramblers are manufactured by the same parties that own or control everything else that matters.
“Smart” devices and Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi can sense persons’ exact locations, provide home mapping, and its network with “smart” devices can contribute to personal profiling, facial recognition, and voice print collection.
Far exceeding the previous levels causing radiation sickness (5G and 6G installations caused “cold,” “flu,” and “covid” symptoms), the latest routers create a network out of the local electric grid, which can act as a giant 5G/6G etc. antenna that can send AND receive data:
Home security agencies (e.g. ADT is phasing out slow connections, because 5G is the tech that can transmit live data fast enough to remain in real time) are also integrated into your Wi-Fi transmissions, and chances are, all recipients have access the same data.
Satellites and cell towers
Satellites can transmit phone and TV signals, but they can also be used for mapping changes in infrastructure, for tracking and targeting even in pitch dark through thermal imaging, which can be shared with and integrated into the worldwide 5G/6G etc. network.
Of course, satellites are also used for coordinating global weather operations and natural disaster operations initiated by HAARP (re-activated in 20215) and geoengineering:
According to their operators’ settings, 5G towers can emit deadly radiation and, as such, meet the definition of weapons of mass destruction. They are still needed in scarcely-populated areas:
Cameras and fingerprinting devices
Using security cameras, phone/computer cameras, and doorbell cameras are no-brainers for tracking and for facial recognition, but even personal photos taken with digital cameras are watermarked for time, location, and the user’s identity; I wonder if a fingerprinting device is already in their shutter buttons. The buttons seem large enough for the purpose:
Have you ever sent your photos or send them by e-mail/text message or published them on the Internet? Those photos are in possession of the device manufacturers as well as of the website/ISP/phone service provider; you can take the time and read the small print.
Volunteering to be registered as non-compliant
Signing up to be listed as non-compliant can be accomplished in many ways, and not much else can be accomplished beyond that:
Religious affiliations
The IRS records your tax deductions, so as long as you donate a substantial amount to a church, it will become one of your features. This amounts to data collection and target registration in the plan to impose a One-World Religions on everyone. In the process, it seems like Christians must go first, probably taken care of by the Muslims, and Muslims will be likely taken care of as threats to Jews:
When the Canadian government froze the bank accounts of those who donated to the truckers’ convoy, and the money disappeared, the beast bared its teeth, demonstrating that banking is providing the backbone of the switch to global control. The globalists have been exercising the same principle since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and the deployment of over 160 “central banks” in most countries (at least in the ones where it matters) owned by the Rockefellers. The last step will be the CBDC, which is already being implemented:
Records of loans and investments, revenue-linking to the IRS, live purchasing profile, credit card usage, and personal tracking are also part of the banking system.
Government records
Every newborn in the US receives their slave number called the social security number, which is not tattooed on their foreheads, but it might as well be. That might be the reason why newborns automatically become citizens; the children of slaves used to be born into slavery, too.
Compliance training started with the introduction of the passport during WW1:
Ever since, governments have been treating their citizens as assets.
For that matter, it all started with the Civil War:
Another world war was added for more exercises in obedience. Then came the Age of Terror, when government agencies made sure they would be needed for solving the problems they create. The CIA installed motorcycle gangs (Hell’s Angels, for one, in 1948, pretty much when toxicological experiments as well as medical and psychological operations also started against the citizenry). By 1970, 49 out of 50 Klan members were undercover agents, and shady government operatives took over the Mafia that was eliminated by 1968. Gangland was hired to keep whole city sections intimidated and to do the dirty work of intimidating and demoralizing people, while hooking them on drugs. Ever since, operators have been collecting the lion’s share of the profit, which they invested into further similar operations. On 2020, the terror of the freshly-released criminals of BLM and Antifa was unleashed on peaceful and unprotected citizens. During the same decades, countless false flags were performed: swastikas spray-painted on synagogues, a poetic variety of attacks on the public, on groups, and on individuals by MK Ultra, including the orchestration of mass shootings6, and the desecration of graves in Jewish cemeteries, and while making H* education mandatory and the support of Israel, while Canada became the 19th country where people can go to jail for asking reasonable questions about the H*. Operation Gladio (terrorist operations performed in Europe mostly in the 1970s and blamed on communists) was a good start in the 1970s, and after the public turned out to be risibly gullible, it culminated on 9/11. Most recently, the convid psyop made sure that the compliance training of the masses was complete enough to prime them for totalitarian measures that will equal martial law and will be enforced by AI and robots.
Perhaps the most grotesque twist of government intervention is “voter registration.” You may not know, but not voting “raises a red flag,” which is not an accident, because if you don’t vote, nobody can blame you for voting for the latest “elected” criminals who will pretend to act on your behalf, whether you like it or not. The scam of democracy must prevail:
Shopping profiling
This method links banking, revenue and spending resources, internet/phone usage, and purchases. It checks for and keeps track of eating habits, adds OTC “medications” and medical supplies/supplements to prescription items, and demonstrates spending power, unless purchases are made with cash:
Honey pots
You are right in one of those on the mule from Kentucky or, more exactly, on this whole web site where my stack is! :)
Multi-system integration
The latest type of “vaccines,” food sources, drinks, and inhaled nanotech produces nanochips (receivers, transmitters and GPUs) and antennas (which, remotely-controlled assemble into nanocomputers) in the recipients, turning them into members of the IoT, making them fully traceable and vulnerable to DNA-modification and murder.
Everyone’s deepfake is being constructed and maintained through multi-device integration within the live global simulation used by the “elite” for planning its moves7. Their choices are endless, and even the sequential order is flexible, with usually a number of operations going on at the same time8. For further entertainment, the next elections will be a riot; probably literally, considering the number of paid criminals to wreak havoc as needed.
All things considered, the Chinese social credit system looks remarkably optimistic under the circumstances:
Well, the Chinese are so advanced now that they can also tell you you’ll have to control your desire for freedom:
How does the multi-system coordination work? It’s basically owned and or controlled by the same global investment firms that determine the outcome for whole economies, all currencies, and every aspect of life I have listed above. One way or another, Vanguard, Blackrock, and State Street manage to manipulate an intertwined system of hundreds, if not thousands of companies that produce, manufacture, and distribute essential goods, while their owners also control the banking system. Besides playing hide-and-seek, I’m sure that they often sacrifice some of their assets in order to maximize their profits in their other investments.
Implanting false memories and other identity-altering techniques
The list above primarily contains data collection methods, but the technology exist to alter your physical health, appearance, and thoughts. The following video contains a lecture at one of those clandestine training facilities that are deciding the fate of America these days. The lecturer intimates that the various methods used towards such purposes are versatile, sophisticated, and involve peer-to-peer interaction as well as existing psyops:
Implanting false memories is also possible, and the “brain fog” phenomenon has become far too familiar in the last few years:
What would stop the IoT?
If all wireless communication, including the satellites (but they last “only” for about five years) were eliminated, it would be impossible to maintain the IoT. At the same time, it would be an extinction-level event (E.L.E.) in places that are not self-sufficient at least at stone-age levels, which houses most of the world’s population, and the ones that can maintain human life, cannot support more than about one in 20 of its current residents. Is it possible that turning off electricity has been the pinnacle of the globalist plan of culling the herd all along? Cold, hunger, and the lack of drinking water can do the job; no tricks are needed. After all, as it has been publicly declared, the Promised Land must be Ordo ab Chao, “order out of chaos,” which happens to be a Masonic slogan:
If the intentionally-created chaos manages to instill enough fear into people, freedom dies. It was not by accident that I chose not to follow any of the edicts during the plandemic: I knew the muzzle was only the beginning, and I refused to live in fear. During the approximately 18 months, my wife and I encountered only about six other people who were not wear a muzzle, and I shook hands with each of the and told them it was good to see some sanity in a world gone insane.
Fear is contagious and it comes from being exposed, being inactive, powerless, and having nothing to live for beyond mere survival.
Refusing to live in fear doesn’t guarantee survival, but it’s a choice that enables a person to remain human for a little longer9.
It’s funny, or at least grotesque that a number of other official services have been mixing me up with other people of my namesake, and as long as humans are keeping track of the data, they seem to like it that way. I am pretty sure that I have voted early, mail-in, and by regular votes in all my previous places of residence, and occasionally, I learn about someone charging Social Security for healthcare services in Florida or medical appliance in California, while I am a persistent resident of rural Kentucky. Nobody has ever been interested in correcting those, apparently intentional, mistakes.
It’s been going on for long enough that people can pay for “talking to their late loves ones.” I encountered the first ad for such services about five years ago, so the deepfake construction must have been going on for a lot longer than one might want to believe.
As the moves are planned by the central AI, it’s normal for one event to play multiple roles in making progress towards Agenda 2030:
Or more comprehensively:
I understand that, mostly as a result of geoengineering, most humans now are partially synthetic, and nothing can change that. Giving up one’s humanity, however, can be only a result of trading it for survival.
When I decide to get another pet, it'll be from a local farmer. I don't believe in taking my animals to vets. All those jabs cut down the longevity of the animal, plus give them cancers and every other human-like man-made disease. One thing - they cannot beg to become another sex. I don't have to call them, them, they, it as the pet will know his/her name and nickname. I will not allow my pet to become screwed up, mentally or physically.
I just watched "Runaway" on YT. Funny how much that movie actually relates to today. Tom Selleck wore a special suit and had a special gun to blow those robots out of the water. I am sure some smart normal Citizen will come up with a toy to beat down all this bullshit AI. I've heard of people even burning down those poles with the cameras/trackers/ on them. However, how to take down something that is about 20 stories high would be one hec of a task. But I believe in the human spirit. AI can't take that away. I hope AI understands swear words and can read my middle finger!
Well, you can be a slave of the republic or you can be a democratic type slave. Can anyone think of a form of government that does not operate on the master-slave principle? Government, any kind of government, must always operate on the M & S ideal. Otherwise, why would anyone need a government?
When is cruelty to humans month? Seems like with everything else having a day or a month to celebrate, we slaves should have something to celebrate also.