I am a child of the 50s and 60s. When I was in the government/public school indoctrination center and forced to take part in physical. ed. classes I experienced the additional humiliation of the requirement of the group/"buddy" showers. But my father, in addition to being a wife-beating alcoholic, was very strict with us, his daughters. When I told my mother about the shower requirement she told my father and he told me (the oldest) that I was NOT to strip down and take the group showers. Of course I obeyed him. That resulted in a big problem for me with the Totalitarians at school. I was threatened with expulsion from school if I did not comply. I did not comply. My father fought on and he prevailed. So I never did take part in the group-humiliation/buddy showers. But all the other kids did. Many did not like it but they did it. Just comply. I equate this with the humiliation of boot camp in the military. Do you?

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Yup, I remember those days, and I used to wonder as a child why my naked body was supposed to be exposed. Somehow, it didn't feel right even when I was a competitive player as a young adult. Boot camp goes quite a bit further: its methods are based on breaking the person's human dignity in order to replace it with a "group identity," and it has always worked the same way in history in all armies. The closest thing in civilian life is gang and fraternity/sorority initiation.

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Rittenhouse was staged too

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Lol. I've been involuntary hospitalized in Massachusetts psychiatric ward, and you are 1000% spot on. However, it just made me WAY stronger, because that's how I pretty much taught myself how to resist gaslighting - and deal with people who are indoctrinated, among other invaluable skills. That experience might have kicked that off for me.

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It's amazing that you managed to get out of their clutches. A "friend" or a family member with ulterior motives can easily have one sent to a psych ward, and once a guardian is assigned, it's impossible to exercise one's rights even over their own property.

The threat of being forced to wear a muzzle already put me on high alert in March, 2020. I considered it a direct attack on my life, which it was. I had to re-learn many things I had known about "Madicine" and finally, in May, 2022, I realized that I had to share my knowledge.

As manipulation is one of my major topics, you might find entertaining details among the results of a search for the key word under "Archive" on my main page, and "Psychiatry" might also bring welcome results.

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The whole Too shocked to remain Sane thing is just cognitive dissonance. Naturally, stupid people (probably 99.x %) experience more cognitive dissonance all the time, because they enjoy lying to themselves to keep the really ugly truths hidden. But you are right, if they came to terms with reality, it would be too much for them to handle, especially all at once.

What they don't realize, again because they're unintelligent, is how great it feels to understand that everything seen on the news and social media is fake.

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About four years and a few months ago, I had to change my favorite oxymoron, "military intelligence" to "human intelligence." :)

Chasing the "money" is one of the most powerful motivations I've seen in people...

Most people never get over their primary and secondary socialization, and reprogramming only works, if it happens constantly... The MSM only provides confirmation to the secondary, so deviations caused by the primary are always there, too. The problem is that such people cannot exercise their Free Will, because they don't even know how to do it:


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"School shootings often look like arranged events, but the gay bar bombing in SF and the NYC subway incident with all the amateurish crisis actors and reversed choreography looked like a parody even on video reports. After parents of “killed students” smirked during interviews, a 2 million dollar fine was still issued by globalist-controlled judge for a news source presenting details the masses are not supposed to believe."

Infowars is absolute trash. Alex is "one of them" cointelpro actors, sucks that he was sewed (IF real), but in my book, you don't get to lay claim to "THE truth" and go onto pretend all fake events (like shootings) are real and attack us poor people calling everything out as we should. Also, Alex Jones is pretending the fake "assassination attempts" on Trump are real... Lol, Alex, what happened to wanting people to see you as intelligent?

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Of course, Alex is trash, but so are the orchestrated events. Even trash dealers must present factual details in order to be somewhat credible. The important part is already in what I said in the sentences you are quoting.

The Trump side of the planet is also a circus for entertaining the crowd and occupy feeble minds:


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Terrific post, thank you, Ray. I would like here to juxtapose your concluding statement with Lt. Col. Michael A. Aquino's definition of "MindWar" (2016). Aquino was a satanist.

Your statement: "People who are convinced they belong to an imaginary community will always be members of such mental constructs, waiting for someone else to solve their problems. As a result, they contribute to the divisions among the people."

Aquino's definition of MindWar: "MindWar is the psychological and psychophysiological conditioning of all participants in a sociopolitical problem, first to cooperatively stabilize it without recourse to violence, then to eliminate its basis by the creation of a moral community to supersede it."

All around me I am witnessing the proliferation of divisions among the people through an intensive, media-driven process of moral community-making. You describe it well in this article. Thanks again.

Source: Michael A. Aquino, MindWar (2016), p. 32.

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Thank you kindly.

Satanism, per se, as far as I can see, is an elitist movement, and it doesn't require its participants to believe in Satan:


Right now, people seem to be being goaded into violent actions, and I'm afraid that the BLM?Antifa criminals will start violence after the (s)elections, and they will likely side with "the people," who will have to feel obligated to join the "action" that will inevitable lead to martial law, which will serve the globalist agenda:


Dividing the people is now at an artistic level:


Can you provide a link to Aquino, please?

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Another Aquino title that I only recently encountered has become of great interest to me, We Break the Sword: The Nazi Peace of 1940 (2016):


It is worth, in my opinion, reading Peter Levenda's Amazon review of the book. Levenda is the author of Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult (Bloomsbury Academic, 2002).

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Thank you for the reply. I very much appreciate the links and your work generally. Aquino's MindWar book is available on Amazon:


His 1980 MindWar paper (co-authored with Col. Paul E. Valley) is available at archive.org:


Cheers :)

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Wow, Dr. Ana Milhalcea,  Karen Kingston, Sasha Latypova, Cliff Carnicom, 2nd Smartest, Vigilant Fox…they’re falling like flies. Is this because of a lack of cooperation in our community or are we being carefully manipulated by the intelligence agencies? 

Ray, I have a pretty reliable perspective about mental illness and the intersection of the targeted individual—and the implications for the population at large. There is a definite demonic nature to the punishment we are undergoing. This is where the eschatological process becomes necessary. I refer your readers to my “Targeted” essays and particularly, “Hitting the Target: 5G and Neuromodulation”:


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I'm not sure what you mean that the authors on your list are falling like flies. I categorized some of them as compartmentalizers and others as bait-and-switch operators. Well, Kingston is divisive with adding religion to her posts and she also disinforms and applies mostly limited hangouts. While there must be some facts in them in order to make an audience that is late for the show believe them, I cannot even touch Kingston and the last two anymore, because they irritate me too much.

As I am saying in the relevant article, everyone is targeted:


While I find it logical that MKULTRA included experiment in which people were kidnapped and reprogrammed to believe that had suffered alien abduction, on my end, I am finding extremely hard to believe that anyone seriously targeted can come back and recognize the conditioning (which reminds me that most people don't realize their general conditioning, either), and if they are meant to be killed, it can happen so many indiscernible ways that they wouldn't have the chance to tell the story... Your story (in the link) seems to be an exception, but it's good to know you've figured it out...

For more history, please check out


As for my IQ, I can only joke about it: sometimes it's 360 and on other occasions, it's -36:


Yes, people are constantly manipulated, which is one of my focuses. They are also forced into double binds like living for their families, while the family unit has been under controlled demolition since the 1960s the latest. Some forms of feminism also qualify:


Among a lot of other articles, I wrote about mass manipulation in my first Substack article on May 6, 2022 (the following is a mildly updated version):


From December, 2022:


This list is from July, 2022:


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Thank you, Ray. I’ll catch up with these. I’m currently working on an article about gangstalking, to bring to a focus all the information proffered in our community of late.

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It's good to know you and I are on the same "team"! :)

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What do you mean they're falling like flies? In what way? Are they not the same as always?

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I meant their integrity is waning, if that. Kingston was “harassed”, to put it lightly. Milhacea was “visited”; attacked by the same technology: EMF communication, much like V2K in my estimation—she has walked off the deep end and is just gaslighting now. Sasha has been compromised. Robert Duncan was suicided. As a TI, I recognize what the intelligence agencies are wielding against them. The same was probably used against Crook. I’m just wondering if we should cause division among ourselves, as we’re so limited in number. I know it is imperative to defend the truth and therein, protect the Covid counter narrative, while I think we need more tolerance in our community.

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Being suicided is certainly a trend developed after 9/11 for public figures.

The above authors may have been replaced or intimidated, but it's also possible that on your and my way of learning more and more, their stance is now obvious, which was not the case, when we knew a lot less.

In the comment section after one of my previous articles, Sasha was using LE/Mil terminology to intimidate me, while I was actually praising her and Katherine Watt (as much as that was possible):


I may have calmed her down by saying that my barely more than 3,000 readers would pose no danger against her site with 50k+, but you never know. She didn't ban me from her site, and even "Liked" my last comment.

Causing division, in my understanding, is impossible, because everyone is alone in this... Differences in opinion are normal, because everyone is working from a limited amount of sources/information. Agenda 2030 (and its derivatives) are clear, and I hope that when the time comes, many people will do the same, in spite of the fact that concerted action is impossible. Around here, you can hardly ever see a muzzled face in stores (and my wife and I usually bark without looking at the person, because we don't want to personally embarrass anyone).

Convid is not the problem. The problem is the insurmountable power exercised by usurping "authorities" and people obeying them.

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PTSD = Putting The Screws to Democrats. Fear is a state of mind only. You cannot show me a fear in the flesh. The only violence you may need is if and when you are called upon to defend yourself and your family.

There are always alternatives to fear and violence. It is the false self, the self that is conjoined to a psychotic society (of which most of it is) that is rampant with fear when it prognosticates the future which is unknowable other than the fact that everyone (yes, even the poor retarded globalists) will at some point stare down into the abyss of death.

Screw the shock-a-roo-skis and all their demented nonsense.

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Moral relativism can easily make a lesser evil look good. The (s)elections are a side show, but the do matter:


Perhaps the most prominent method to make people docile is by taking away their human dignity by conditioning them into conformity (in public education), by muzzling, and by making them accept nonsense in return for allowing them to keep their jobs a little longer:


Even talking about fear can invoke fear into one's soul. What do people think, when told, "Don't be afraid!"? To be afraid, of course, and once a grain of fear is found, it can outgrow anything else. Fear can only be prevented by commitment to something greater than survival...

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Great article Ray! It took me a while to realize some of these things, but my moment of clarity came around mid March 2020. While watching the daily “death toll ticker” on the 24/7 news loop and seeing the videos of people dropping dead in the streets… from a so called respiratory virus, I started questioning everything. In fact I started questioning everything that I was forced to fed in the msm over the course of my then 55 years. Fake news as coined by the previously selected president.. still not sure how he got away with throwing that phrase out there, but undoubtedly it’s all part of the plan to keep us confused and complacent. Now I only turn on the news once a week to see what the latest narrative pushes are. Same thing with the so called messiah of free speeches platform x. There is so much useless nonsense coming from every direction, fakes, bots and constant arguments over the latest propaganda push. The controller’s have a win win situation on those platforms, constant confusion, fear and anxiety.

I appreciate writers like yourself that do not try and push their opinions, but rather spur readers into thinking for themselves, reviewing the information critically and coming to their own conclusions.

Thanks for what you do.

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March, 2020 was also the time I went into high gear. Previously, I knew about many of the "madical" myths and the misdiagnoses, but the direct attack on my life with a fake pandemic did it.

I subscribe to many fake alt-sites, because they inform me about the latest trends in mass manipulation. In fact, that's why I re-posted the current article. Right now, people are being goaded into violence...

Please, let me know about other authors who do what I am doing. I know a handful, but that's just about it, and we are VERY different. Otherwise, most articles bore me to death.

And please, notice that I am not buying into "we":


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I have been following A Lily Bit here on substack for about a year now. She has some good insights on the manipulation and psyops from the government as well as the black rock/ military industrial complex. Some long reads that she puts out but they are full of information. I follow agent and medicine girl as well. Some of the other ones are taken strictly with a grain of salt. And like you say, some just to see where they are pushing the narratives.

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Manipulation is one of my focuses. If interested, please, also check out the articles that come up after a search for "manipulation" under "Archive" on my main page.

Please, provide at least one preferred link to Lily Bit's works. I am interested.

I take everyone, including myself, with a grain of salt. :)

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Good info Ray. Everything you say about psychiatry is true, especially about the labels used. But, clearly there are people who are subjectively someplace between upset and troubled to quite disturbed, some chronic with no provable cause and cannot function. Knowing the cause would be nice, but usually it is unknown and changing their environment only helps sometimes. Toxins in the environment, food, drugs, vaxes, chemtrails, could be the cause and more and more I am suspicious of the planned nature of these things. Esp cognitive impairment, some cases of loss of normal development at 2 years old after shots, and inattention/hyperactivity to name a few. Giving people voices from ELF is possible, but voices have been around since even before the 1880s.

👉Actually we have had discussion on it before, but my main point is that an unprovable and faulty labeling system does not mean people are not disordered/disturbed/sick. We can prove what symptoms the person reports so that a subjective symptom list is a good way to describe people.

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Electricity is alive. Humans harness electricity⚡

A few times in my life I have witnessed entities using electrical devices such as a television and a corded rotary dial phone be used as a porthole to move through.

I do not know any science behind these events I witnessed, I have read many differing opinions about this phenomenon but settled with the fact that I did witness these entities using these means, electrical devices, as a way to interact in our world and that I do not know exactly how or why or who and what they are.

Might have been off topic to your comment but I felt compelled to share this tid but.

Best your way ❤️

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Of course, it's been all planned for over a hundred years.

As for "allergies" and "autoimmune conditions," my best bet is that they are due to protein modifications in the human body:


Although I focused on peptic ulcers in the following article, the course of the illness (and potential treatments) are the same as for allergies and autoimmune stuff. Embarrassingly enough, the 13 variables I collected can converge anytime, which suggests AI planning/implementation:


People who don't know who they are (conditioned to accept the nonsense according to which they live) are extremely vulnerable, because they cannot possibly imagine what they want (they have been conditioned to fear for their lives). These days, I am finding the situation dramatically worse than I could have ever imagined.

The "voices" may have something to do with the introduction of electricity.

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Would not be surprised about the voices, but note that is more likely to cause tinnitus, also the incidence of voices and psychosis has not changed in many decades even with Wifi and Cell phones, nor cities vs countryside. There has to be more to it.

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The strange thing about recurring and temporary tinnitus is that its frequencies vary. Chances are, it's most likely cause by some form of radiation.

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Also, tinnitus seems more common after Covid shots started.

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I am and have been certain that tinnitus IS from the harnessing of electricity.

When we discovered that tinnitus was also a result of the jab and discovered the magnetism and the mac addresses of the jabbed and knowing that the jabs always contain metals and that metals are sprayed on us 24/7 - I surmise electricity and metals are the means of causing tinnitus. Could be incorrect but this is where I stand as of today.

Best your way ❤️

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Very nice. I did not read all of it, but I shared a link.

I also unsubscribed to a so-called medical freedom stack after I was banned from commenting for 100 years. Just reporting a fact here. Not worth the time to go into it, nothing new. You can't know who is banning dissenting views or questions until you test it yourself. Doesn't take the 2nd smartest guy in the world to teach you that, but it is a disappointing lesson.

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As I said in the introduction, I believe, reading the whole darn thing, including the links, offers a unique experience that cannot be encountered anywhere else.

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Both 2nd and "Vigilant Fox" banned me, too. The latter is because I made fun of him after he had tried to mislead people with an article written by Russian hoaxters:


Both started out fairly well, and later, turned into deceptive sources:


I don't think I've ever read Medical Freedom, but any name involving freedom, humanity, or even "we" is under suspicion.

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As the old Jewish joke goes. :)

"Do you like Jews?"

"I love them!"

"How about Levi?"

He is a crook and a monster!"

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