How Did Simple People Become Mass Murderers during Convid?
Now, here the story of the REAL "Holocaust"
They used to be humans. No, Hitler is not among them…
The need for an explanation
This is an article I never wrote, because I considered all this evident, which apparently it’s still not. To my credit, I did publish most of the details in a few posts and in comment sections. This time, I might be just late enough to be on time with the following summary. The show is not much different from the plandemics of 1918 and 2020:
People were muzzled at that time, too, which caused bacterial pneumonia, resulting over 90% of deaths according to a paper after several bodies were exhumed; Fuxxi co-authored the paper in 2008 and it was published by the NIH
As incredible as it sounds, it’s easy-peasy to turn nondescript nobodies into mass murderers. The clue is that they MUST feel they are NOT nobodies anymore, and once they “assume the position,” they willingly promote themselves to the position of executioners, especially if they are also financially and/or status-wise rewarded (which is usually temporary, but they will never notice). Yes, many of them were the heroified “first-responders” during the Great Plandemic of 2020, while many of them still look like hired killers.
In the last 36 years, I’ve always held the opinion that, grounded in the way humans function, most people can be turned into killers in a matter of days, but no more than a few weeks. The Philadephia experiments, even if you take off the dubious statistical markers and procedural missteps, already showed that obedience to “authority” alone can produce unexpected and devastating results How many people did you see in stores without a muzzle during the plandemic?). This time, I am about to show that compliance doesn’t pop up out of nothing, and in itself, it is actually one of the minor factors. The convid years compelled me to think about it more and educate myself further than ever before, so I discovered more than I could have ever imagined, and some of my findings directly pertain to answering the question about the reasons why simple people can become mass murderers without much of an effort or transformation.
According to Oliver Stone’s Natural Born Killers, most people can’t wait to be put out of their misery, which can be added to Eric Berne’s noting that most people do nothing but wait for death. When the fascination with death is added, the full picture even conjures up elements that most people would call perverted in public. That part is a bit mystical for most, and I have recently enlarged on its addictive nature without my observations attracting much attention. On the other hand, my thoughts on the petty killers comprise a number of publications over the last two years.
Why are simple people willing to kill their fellow humans? No, it is NOT the usual excuse that was also brandished during the kangaroo trial in Nuremberg, “I only obeyed commands.” The rabbit hole goes a lot deeper, and one must understand that ANYONE can become a mass killer, unless they are prepared for the situations that generate mass murderers.
Mike Huggins published the following today, reminding me of the necessity of commemorating the subject:
While I agree with Mike on some details, I cannot condone his priorities, and I was flabbergasted by his ignoring the MAJOR point. My reaction made me realize that an article that actually covers the important aspects weighed for their importance is sorely needed, so here it is.
Generating mass hysteria: then the puppets puppeteer
With the installation of 5G towers, both in Wuhan and in Northern Italy, lots of convid cases were confirmed, although even the idea of a virus cannot be firmly proven, and viral transmission stands for a phantasmagoria that could never occur, either. 5G, combined with nanoparticle deployment, resulted in sudden illnesses and deaths, all ascribed to convid by sock puppet authorities, and the hired killers in sick-care were heftily rewarded for each fake diagnosis and death enforced by Remdesivir, horse-kick sedation, and over-ventilation.
After the mass hysteria (which is not exactly “mass formation”) was raised in March, 2020, I knew that it was only a start. That’s how frogs are boiled without noticing, and the masses fell for the “only two weeks to curb the spread” baloney and, while they were at it, also started fearing each other or, at least, honoring arrows in store lanes and adhering to antisocial distancing, accompanied by the compliance-training torture-device, the muzzle. The deeply humiliated masses readily accepted being poked through the nose and injected with things that turned out to be Russian roulette, determining for some to retain at least some health, and for others to develop one of more out of several illnesses, or to retire from this life. I tried to warn people that it was only the beginning, but couldn’t get anywhere with anyone. I remember a video clip of a guy who stood up on a display table at Costco’s and told people what I was thinking, and he was ignored by submissively-muzzled shoppers and ended up being treated like a criminal or a madman by “authorities.” That incident reminded me that the everyday person, represented by the shoppers in that scenario, cannot stand up for themselves or even think on their own and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY, because it’s easier for them to “follow orders,” that is, someone else to make their decisions, whom they think they could blame later, if the instructions turn out to be wrong. It didn’t dawn in their feeble minds that they could be dead well before they could ever blame anyone else, and it was the last conscious decision for many of them.
The enablers and the enforcers
I was amazed at the number of enablers and enforcers who willingly gave their bodies and souls to forcing people to become slaves, entice them to their doom, attack them, arrest them, or taze them for non-compliance, or even flip the switch on the ventilator (to turn it ON, not OFF…). I suppose, many of them needed a job after their small or medium-sized employers had been shut down, and only corporate stores were allowed to carry on, along with liquor stores to soothe the pain that loss of self-respect or being a compliant moron sometimes generates…
High-end and medium-level enablers and enforcers must have been promised a future Paradise in which they will live happily ever after, although it’s been pretty clear in about the last two and a half years that they will come next in the line to the slaughterhouse. Those, who have profited, and still are, profiting, from the mass murders were either hooked (it’s a power game, after all) or were aware that there was no way they could get out of the game alive. Many of them, at any level, couldn’t handle the fact that they had been wrong, so they forced themselves to keep believing the lies they had helped promoting; in short, they were committed. The freely-chosen roles of a victim, an enabler, an enforcer, a savior, or whatever else made the game entertaining AND addictive.
Dividing the people
There is nothing new about divide and rule, but in recent years, the owners of the Earth have played out that game to perfection.
People were divided by crazy tales of false flags, limited hangouts, bait-and-switch psyops, and red herrings; there were plenty of distractions. Riots were arranged by ex-cons released from prison for the sole reason of being bused around and pose as Antifa or BLM “protesters,” crisis actors were propagating “mass shooting” events (and some of them even sneered into the camera after “losing a child”). “Police brutality” helped “defund the police” and make whole cities unsafe enough to be primed for becoming “smart cities,” and after after mostly ruined, only to be bought up for pennies on the dollar by globalist investors. News were spread about racial, sexual, or whatever discrimination, tearing down monuments, the absurdity of “restitution for slavery” included, although white slaves were actually detested even by black ones, and blacks readily owned black slaves, too. Transsexuals, men in women’s sports, Israel, Russia, and a lot of other orchestrated problems were added to the mix, and the authorities enforced the brutally-crazy narratives. Popular attention was directed to natural and man-made catastrophes. Flat-earthers were unleashed to enrich the “science” that has always been in jumbles, anyway. Paying attention to the WHO is still a decoy, and many believe in lawsuits that will never happen. Elections are still stealing a lot of public attention in spite the fact that not a single politician would ever do anything for the people in the long run. “2nd” banned me for making fun of him/her by noticing that (s)he posted a farce as something serious, namely, Putin prohibiting 5G towers; by the time I entered my comment to point it out, the “article” already generated 108 “Like”s from dummies. Either way, the list of deceptions is endless.
After people realized they WERE getting sick, LOTS of fake remedies were offered, which kept the victims busy, and tried various cures, out of which “detox” was/is the most popular, instead of realizing they are being turned synthetic as I have been, or are simply being murdered.
Later on, I realized that the “remedies” were/are probably parts of the globalist scheme that is supposed to turn everyone into a drone:
Once they understood they were falling victim to the usurping “authorities,” their hopes were directed to activities that can only harm them:
If only they understood, and it’s not late for that, they must NOT put the carriage before the horse: hope must NOT precede faith/trust. Still, false hope sells, despite its being worse than nothing, because it prevents the person from preparing for the near future. Most participants in this group remain inactive, believe in the force of “we” (a flock of sheep is a lot, but it still doesn’t wield any power against the wolves), and hope for a legal or a political savior who will never succeed, or a miracle that will never happen:
In order to further divide the people, among the (usually controlled or just dumb) “opposition,” the blaming game started. I immediately realized that if all participants were imprisoned or worse, there wouldn’t be many survivors, and I even posted about that already two years ago:
When it comes to “aliens,” Mike surely meant humans mimicking aliens, not aliens mimicking humans, right? After all, “uniting humanity” against an alien threat is part of the globalist script, along with WW3 on TV and a number of other things, which I also pointed out in August, 2022:
Hunting for specters: a free ride to select enemies whose elimination would make next to no difference
People usually can’t tolerate cognitive insecurity: they MUST “know” what’s going on, which is the default path for those, who cannot assume that there is a benevolent Creator behind all the mess that humans cause to themselves.
There are popular choices for who is responsible for the globalist plot, openly executed all over the world unhindered. There are fake glitches, like state governments saying no to the WHO, and most people don’t seem to realize that all this, including the WHO (which was NOT needed for executing the plandemic), is only a facade:
Among the popular selections, perhaps Freemasons rank first, but they are most likely only patsies, except for the 33rd degree ones who, among many US Presidents, seem to have been playing coordinating roles. Zionists are also certainly serving the process, but their agenda doesn’t exactly overlap with Agenda 2030, so hardly any of them will profit from it in the long run with the exception of perhaps a few in high positions. Even the darkest and most exotic “secret” societies that, nevertheless, congregate in public, seem mostly red herrings, but many people embrace them as the target enemies (and some of them certainly are, at least at the top level). Some secret societies don’t even seem to exist anymore, but that doesn’t bother those who are striving for cognitive security.
All major groups and organizations seem to have been infiltrated and operate as globalist tentacles. The current Pope offers a glaring example of the largest religious institution openly serving the globalist masters. Its priests were just as much afraid of losing their jobs for non-compliance as most hospital personnel who preferred to become mass killers over losing their jobs and the benefits that came with legalized murder:
The end game
All civilizations follow the same timetable from being tribal/communal until centralization, and they always end up destroying themselves or taken over by another, but these days, there is nothing more powerful to take over; only the technocratic future awaits those who manage to transform into cyborg slaves. Their masters are irrelevant, because they will not share the same living space, just like the Unite States was only useful for the globalists until a firm control over the money flow was established worldwide. At this point, there is no more need for the “indispensable nation.”
Fear is a powerful weapon, but those who have something greater than survival to live for cannot be easily intimidated, and if they have to fight the fearful, they tend to triumph. Consequently, an evil leader must go beyond raising fear in their subjects (in this case, this can be a country or a race, among other things), and unite them for a greater cause that they cannot deny. Wiping out the United States can come later, but at first, even the idiotic idea of “saving grandma” worked:
It worked, until it either didn’t or they ran out of “grandmas.”
The masses were rallied up against the “unvaccinated.” As it turned out, even “vaccination” was a side show (although even the existence of a pathogenic virus has never been substantiated), people were warned that it wouldn’t prevent “infection” or transmission, but it would mitigate the symptoms (of course, the victims must have died of “milder” symptoms), which should have been enough warning, but only about 7% of humans can think logically, and gradually, everyone was being poisoned in ways even romantic poets, if they were around to show the power of creative imagination, would have a hard time to dream up:
Oh, there is more:
I have collected 13 methods of poisoning people; they can even interact with each other and activate/enhance their impact:
Again, tried to warn people that what mattered was that a tyranny was forming, subjugating everybody and depriving them of all rights in the foreseeable future:
How to turn your neighbors into a mass murderers? Call for their need for being important, and offer them to become parts of something that will change the world for the better, while affirming their statuses as superior. Of course, they have no idea what all that might be, so you must feed them the idea that their human very lives or at least their dignity or perhaps even their “freedom” is in danger, and unite them in the endeavor to defend their stance against an enemy that is, preferably, relatively easy to eliminate or, for popular demand, the “authorities” will do the favor:
Priorities must be respected, when weighing the options to stop the globalist operation
Mike (who believes in aliens, while it’s only globalist tech light-years ahead of what you and I know) lines up a number of things that must change or be stopped, but he doesn’t mention the engine behind the globalist juggernaut: full control of the global money flow. To make a long story short, you already “own nothing,” but you do not know that:
The whole global operation is controlled by the globalist banking system that presides over governments by controlling the money flow and owning the major investment firms that, by now, own or control everything that matters. Terminating them would stop production and deliveries, which would result in just about the same 95% population loss as the one projected by the globalists who, of course, are using other methods that they even seem to enjoy, which was manifest with “omicron” for the moronic and “monkey pox” for the apes.
I’m totally baffled that my parents & their friends (all in 80s, knew right away that Covid was “a bad flu” & hospitals just making $$$ .. but they all lined up like sheep for the vaccines.. I was shocked..
I understand now why I always feel like an alien amongst other humans (most of whom I like very much). Why I am very friendly but ultimately born to be alone in terms of my perspectives on life, its because I am the 7%
Obviously I wouldn't feel this way if I had friends who were of the 7% but social anxiety doesn't let you have that, even if you can see that some of the anxiety is illogical ;)