Jun 3Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

No problems regarding typo's Ray, it just means you are human, personally I appreciate typo's. :-)

I found it very interesting so many people roboticaly became military killer soldiers (license to kill) without any formal training. They just accepted the task. Maybe they should be sent off to the battle field to chase the enemy with syringes.

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I don't appreciate typos. If there are many, I don't share. That said, I rarely see any typos in Ray's articles.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

My reply was for the personal email he sent out, thought best just to reply here. No biggy.

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All this only confirms that one must stay ready. :)

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Societies that engage in child sacrifice and abortion are destined to fail as it turns murder into a noble act.

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Brilliant article, which doesn't mean flawless. Your following paragraph is among those that earned my applauding admiration. :

"All major groups and organizations seem to have been infiltrated and operate as globalist tentacles. The current Pope offers a glaring example of the largest religious institution openly serving the globalist masters. Its priests were just as much afraid of losing their jobs for non-compliance as most hospital personnel who preferred to become mass killers over losing their jobs and the benefits that come with legalized murder:"

Much appreciate your reference to the deadly financial design basis of the Evil power on display in so many ways, including mass murder hiring and inspiring.

In Dec. of 2021 Global Research published the first part of my two part article on things Covid, which I had given the heading Genocide By Gaslight: Predatory Finance's Ultimate Atrocity. The editor made that title secondary, then cut off all future contact with me re second part.

One aspect of history that offers food for thought: sometimes what is developing is hidden, obscure, seemingly insignificant, but can suddenly powerfully erupt. Call it the human earthquake and volcano syndrome. The sudden end of the USSR, and the Covid Atrocity itself, are examples. Surprises get to play, too. So we'll see what happens, if we're around....

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I'm glad to hear you and I are working on the same project, although our conclusions might differ, but that's alright with me: it would be unusual for two thinking persons to agree on everything.

I never claimed to be perfect; nobody is. All I am aiming at is that my readers are informed a bit more than they would be without me, and MAKE THEIR OWN DECISIONS.

Global Research has some valuable information, but if you want me to react to your articles there, I'll need links. It would surprise me, if anything preceded me in reporting AND analysis, but I'm glad if it did. You see, I'm not getting anywhere, anyway. The roughly 2,900 subscribers are a drop in the ocean, but they WILL LIVE THEIR OWN LIVES AND DECIDE THEIR FATE:


Clandestine experiments on the general population have been going on for several decades, and sometimes they are made legit later:


In fact, "vaccination" through the food supply has been legal since the end of May, 2023:


On the other hand, I am aiming at enabling people to make their own decisions and to prepare for what's coming:


Apart from that, the "truth" doesn't empower the commoner and it doesn't set anyone free.

By now, a new window has opened up regarding how people are going to "own nothing," not that it has ever been a secret:


In the last 60 or more years, even mil-grade R&D has been at least 10-15 years ahead of whatever was marketed, but the central AI is making all current human knowledge obsolete:


There are NO surprises...

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I was a bit surprised by your final words. I think you've mentioned that you had been/are a chess player. AI has certainly provided some impressive and I would say surprising results. I think it was Bobby Fischer who said that Chess was played out, or words to that effect. Not so, for people anyway.

But that's different than godlike powers.

For example, the next impressive belch by the sun, should it come from the sun's center and head directly towards Earth, qualifies as some manner of monkey wrench to the system. And some people can decide to be pretty unpredictable.

I think you'd gain little if anything in checking out my published articles. The Covid article was an attempt at providing present and historical context. Global Research had also published an article of mine from a few years ago on the money system.

My particular life journey included not having a television until high school, and an older sister who got a job at the local public library at 14 years old. So I read, and among others discovered Bertrand Russell, who near the end of his long life wrote the third volume of his autobiography. In it he asked (if I recall) 16 pointed questions about - what I would call - the public execution of JFK. One question was why was the arrest warrant for (rather brilliant young patsy) Lee Harvey Oswald for the murder of officer Tippet issued an hour before Tippet was murdered by someone not resembling Oswald.

Russell also held extensive hearings on what those who controlled the US were doing in South Vietnam. Reminiscent of Reiner Fuellmich's hearings. Russell explained he didn't want to commit the sin or crime of silence. His conclusions were widely censored and his effort denigrated.

Anyway, the point is that by the 1960s it was crystal clear to me that the US Republic had been replaced by seriously malevolent totalitarian forces, with print and electronic media tightly controlled.

I still don't have a tv. The advantage includes finding out easily in conversation with tv watchers what they have been programmed with.

Here are a couple of links to articles of mine. Really though, I.m just an old man trying to get the garden in with my proverbial fingers crossed.



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First of all, let me respectfully thank you for trusting me with all this. FYI, I'm not getting any younger, either. :)

As I stated at the end of the article, "God-like powers" come from controlling the money flow and from owning/controlling production and distribution.

Bobby Fisher was killed before he could say a word about it.

My wife and I have a little stuffed dog, Bertie. He was name after Bertrand Russel, but I think, he is a lot more than Russel: he is getting along happily with Oggie, the dragon, Teddy, the bear, and Horsie, the little horse that our dog never had a chance to play with. Russel thought that everything could be handled by logic, which is embarrassingly idiotic, because most problems are not logical. People based their truth judgments on other premises, out of which the existential part (also in my article) is the most convincing for them:


Fuellmich looks nothing more than a diversion and a folk hero created by the globalists:


Oswald was certainly a patsy, and so war Sirhan:


We don't have TV, either, and I couldn't take if for even 60 seconds; just too familiar with the type of manipulation, and it drives me nuts, when I am exposed to the "news" as a guest in someone else's place.

Around here, my wife is the gardener; you might be interested in exchanging your experiences. We live in rural Kentucky.

Sorry, I am too eager to respond, and I'll check out your links later.

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Pneumonia just means crud in the lungs. It’s not a disease. FYI? The sign is poop, tho, yeah. WTF.

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It can still be pretty bad with the calcifications...

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It is obvious to everyone....

The Republic / Representative Democracy, has failed.

We say it has failed because it does not “promote the general welfare, and provide for the common defense” in ways in which we are in agreement.

And because nothing is more important than our national sovereignty, nor is anything so dear to our sacred posterity, we simply must adjust the mechanism of our government or finish the slide into disintegration.

The ball is in our court; since the authority for government comes from The Citizens.

So… how do we get there from here?

We now have to stand up and inform our representatives that they have broken their Oaths and failed in their Duty to the office in which they were entrusted. They are in Breach, and now must either accept our help by adding the Fourth Branch, The Citizens Branch to our government or Vacate the building.

Because Citizenship, true Citizenship, is not about writing letters to elected officials or voting some good person into office.

Citizenship is about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule, regulation and supreme court decision on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law, policy and taxes.

Nothing short of this is going to ameliorate the present situation, nor will we get to the Stars without it.

During the 1992 Presidential campaign, Ross Perot observed that: "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy is the one specific reason that the people of America suffered…. and our only means of correction is to inspect their work and hold them accountable.”

Mr. Perot went on to note that this can easily be done with computer programs.


“It is only logical that it will become our Fourth Branch of Government”, he said.

Objective reality:

the voting members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not have enough time to read, comprehend or debate any of the laws they vote on. They vote 100 times a day, every five minutes, while in session.

Approximate absolute facts:

Every day that the Congress and Legislatures are in session 100 new bills are introduced and distributed.

The representatives are given two weeks to review the bills before they are brought up for The Vote.

Two weeks into the session they begin voting on the Laws that were previously introduced, while newer laws are introduced.

Many of these bills are in excess of two thousand pages.

The arithmetic demonstrates that the elected representative does not have the time to even read the name of the Law much less the content of it.

Since the Representatives cannot evaluate 200 thousand pages of law speak per day, they vote the way their Party advisors tell them to vote.

This demonstrates that Representative government does not exist.

Thus, they have forfeited their delegated obligations to us, The Citizens.

And the only way to prevent these over worked and fallible people from making even more tragic mistakes, from which we, and the rest of the world, might never recover is to include ourselves in the final decision making process.

The Electronic Congress

How it works:

Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.

Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.

This program can be applied to every level of government and will ultimately solve every problem we have.

To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.

Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available in their day.

Just imagine:

With a new understanding we will also be able to accommodate new proposals initiated by us, The Citizens, for program and infrastructure improvements.

We, The People, could actually direct the priorities and review the progress of the major agencies like the: CDC and NIH as well as the libraries, school boards and local police departments.

If our government truly is of the people, by the people and for the people then this is the only way forward.

How to implement it:

We talk about it until it is done.

Concerned Citizens could have AI parse a recent law or Supreme Court ruling into its actionable elements, apply the Ratify or Annul Questionnaire, then distribute the links.

Can I make money with this?

Of course, you can. Use AI to parse the laws you find most egregious into their component pieces. And then have it build the ballot / questionnaire along with some demographic background to make the game especially interesting. Charge a $1 per voter per law to deliver the results of the poll to the government officials and watch the evolution in real time.

The Electronic Townhall becomes the means by which the Authority of the Citizens is used to Ratify or Annul the Propositions of Government.

Ask the local school board for their agenda items, have AI parse the actionable elements, create a questionnaire, distribute it to the concerned citizens and then evaluate the results.

When Human Beings made in the image of God can see the results of their noblest and most sober thoughts, at such a scale, then there will be the moment where Our Benevolence and Good Will shall

overcome Evil and then we can all live happily ever after.

Ross Perot publicly promised that if the People of America would elect him to The Presidency, he would give us The Electronic Townhall.

The Fourth Branch of Government will allow us to go from Chaos to Prosperity and a Life Worth Living … until the end of time.

We were created by God and in the image of God; we are human beings, not animals in a pen.

The Electronic Townhall







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Also, something along the lines of the classical Greece Athenian mass juries (made up of thousands of citizens) could be given high tech form, thus encouraging civic engagement, and drastically reducing the present problem of bought or intimidated jurors.

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Yes, yes a thousand times yes.

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Name any major city, especially blue ones you have mass murders frequently, murders daily. Memphis is #1 in TN, #5 in the Nation.

3 more mass murders were reported in 2 days, in blue states. Akron, Ohio, Philly, and Pittsburgh.

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It doesn't matter. All cities are being set up as "smart" cities or for demolition, but not all at once. The frogs must not jump out of the pot.

The political theater is there only as a diversion, and the Uniparty is faking opposition in order to occupy feeble minds...

Blue AND red are also the colors on the flag of the country that is already owned by the Federal Reserve:


ALL politicians are globalist agents, many of them even groomed to become one, perhaps as a kidnapped child:


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Jun 3Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Typos? I am still good for something, proofreading, no charge, just ask.

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Let me ask you for the future, please; I could use all help. :)

You can do it in the comments or in messages sent to me; it's your call; I'm not ashamed of being imperfect, but being sloppy doesn't exactly make me proud, either.

Your help would support other readers, too, which I consider the most important aspect.

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Jun 3Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

No lives are ever saved...death is only, in every case, postponed. There is seldom any real proof that doing anything saves lives. Why? Because you cannot know what might have happened or what the outcome might have been if you took the other road and didn't do the thing you thought you were doing to save a life.

Doing nothing, while out of fashion, is often the best course of action. The saving lives thing is always buried in statistical/probability mumbo-jumbo, although at times it is useful...probabilities, that is.

The real tragedy of the fake pandemic is humanity's unquestioned willingness to be herded like sheep into doing certain actions that had absolutely no basis for existence and thus were bamboozled by retarded experts. As similar instances are found throughout history, one need only look at the Tulip Mania of the 1600s. This event started in the 1500's carried forward into a crescendo of mass frenzy as human psychology went beserko.

I would submit that all of this is mainly based in fear. The fear of the unknown and the consequences of placating those fears. One must be grounded in awareness and cultivate the method of "seeing" beyond the nonsensical proclivities of humanity. It might be the same for murders...you join the crowd of murderers because if you don't they might murder you.

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"Saving lives" can have many meanings, most of them meaningless. I cannot even save myself, so posing as a savior for others would be preposterous.

The most dangerous ones are the Living Dead, who have never used their Free Will, and couldn't, even if they wanted to, because they believe in their programming, are unable to reach the level of intimacy with even themselves, and are caught up in addictive games among which wishful thinking seems to be taking the lead:


If you mean to stay away from the games the globalists initiate, you and I are in agreement: the only way to "win" is by not playing.

It has always astonished me, too, that the majority are unable or unwilling to make their own choices, and by that, they fall victim to a game they are offered: they can blame the one whom they follow for their failure, which is extremely obvious in the political theater, where the electorate can be blamed for their (s)elected ones' "poor" decisions (the puppets are "only following orders" from their handlers).

The main reason why, despite my two doctoral degrees (computer linguistics and communication) I didn't list myself as a "doctor" is that I don't believe in "experts." Most "experts" cannot even wipe their own asses without their bosses'/handlers' permission, and all scientific paradigms are built on irredeemably incomplete premises; the biggest problem is that they all use closed systems to describe/manage open ones, but only the globalists' central AI can handle open systems by running a live simulation, which is also an open system:


While I do my best to respect everyone, I refuse to comply with demands for conformity at the price of harming myself. Granted, it was excruciating not to wear a muzzle for the duration of the 18-month mandate, and to be ready for six thugs dressed up as highwaymen jumping on me, I only performed my duty of staying human and sane in a world gone insane and subhuman...

Fear is indeed powerful, but having something greater than survival to live for definitely provides the strength. As a minimalist, I also outlined the threshold beyond which life, at least for me, is not worth living:


"There is no greater victory than leaving this world as a free man":


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Spot on. There were a few things You brought up that I would elaborate on:

"There is nothing new about divide and rule, but in recent years, the owners of the Earth have played out that game to perfection."

Technically, Our planet and its wealth belong to ALL of Us. They don't own it except in the system They created to make it look like They do. If We did not have an interest in the wealth, there would be no Cestui Que Vie "TRUSTS." (Legal caps there.) I offer a piece on that here:

Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/trusts-the-big-heist-against-humanity

"All civilizations follow the same timetable from being tribal/communal until centralization, and they always end up destroying themselves or taken over by another, but these days, there is nothing more powerful to take over; only the technocratic future awaits those who manage to transform into cyborg slaves. Their masters are irrelevant, because they will not share the same living space, just like the Unite States was only useful for the globalist until a firm control over the money flow was established worldwide. At this point, there is no more need for the “indispensable nation.”"

Yes and no. The societies that emerged in abundance, few and far between as they were, did not destroy themselves because the caring Ones took care of things, having no need to account for everyOne's energy (use money) to ensure All got Their "fair share." Needed things were there for the taking.

Of course... The "western world," arisen from scarcity and thus with money systems empowering the psychopaths, did take them over. For profit and control.

And at this point, We are capable of providing abundance for all, with the technologies We have. And thus, technically, there is no point to accounting for Our energy added. No need for money in any form. But... The psychopaths, promoted to the top by money, want to maintain Their control chain on Us, so tech that would free Us is well hidden.

"The whole global operation is controlled by the globalist banking system that presides over governments by controlling the money flow and owning the major investment firms that, by now, own or control everything that matters."

Indeed, money is the enabler for the psychopaths. And in truth, all "governments" on Our planet are for-profit corporations those globalist bankers own. And yes, via the antiquated tool called "money," that very dangerous tool because it will promote the psychopaths for the power over Others it has, They own virtually everything - including (but not limited to) all the "precious" metals, so if "fiat" fails, They will still be in control.

As money accounts for the energy We add, it is small wonder They hide, suppress, and poo-poo free energy tech...

Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/electrogravitics-my-knowledge-of

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I understand now why I always feel like an alien amongst other humans (most of whom I like very much). Why I am very friendly but ultimately born to be alone in terms of my perspectives on life, its because I am the 7%

Obviously I wouldn't feel this way if I had friends who were of the 7% but social anxiety doesn't let you have that, even if you can see that some of the anxiety is illogical ;)

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In my experience, everybody is on their own beyond a certain threshold. That may be part of the reason why so many flee into noise and/or addiction.

I've never had more than a handful friends; there is no room for more, and my straightforwardness doesn't exactly pass for "emotional intelligence," either. :)

The increasing number of my readers still amazes me, because my publications usually require some decent attention span (a minute or two as opposed to the US average, which was 8 seconds already about 15 years ago), some logical thinking (here comes the 7%), and the ability to think deductively (that's about 5% of humanity). Five percent of seven percent already sounds miserable, but when the need for attention span AND the ability to withstand cognitive insecurity come in, it's a miracle that there are any readers here at all (subscribers and followers add up to 2,894 at this moment). I used to say that this is for the three percent of the three percent, but the actual percentage is probably immeasurable.

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Jun 3Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I have to agree with you my hubby doesn't read anything only watches videos for information

That is hard for me to have any conversation

He is also an avid football fan

Not that is hard to understand how they can watch it year after year men running around kicking a ball for what?

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Cannot relate to that breed...

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If it wasn’t for the unvaccinated

As a healthy control group.

(That is, If everyone was vaccinated)

They would ALREADY

Be quarantining the “vaccinated” .


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Eventually, all "surviving" cyborg slaves will be locked up is "smart cities." There are a few, but here is a favorite:


Everyone's blood has been tainted already more than a year ago. The injections have become a side show and, possibly, an accelerated type of personally-specific poisoning and a measure of compliance:


Still, the game you are talking about can be played out in the next plandemic, which is not even necessary, but the globalists' central AI usually uses multiple attacks concurrently:


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This article triggered one of my own, relating to how this all started long before covid.


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Jun 3Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Here in Uganda they just used fear and a soda, the same way you handle little children. Do this or else you might die/not enter church/not travel by public transport etc. But if you are a good child, mommy will give you something sweet (that will also slowly kill you).

Government employees and teachers they just forced and the worst thing in it all is that they used these teachers to allow the students to be jabbed by their paid thugs without consent of the parents. Not that many would object, but still.

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Incredible, but Tennessee offered free milkshakes!


Life is cheap indeed, but some bonuses and savings may have affected mothers as other incentives:


Can humans sink any lower after they hit rock bottom? Apparently so...

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I think we have yet to see the worst and I think this is by design. It is a messed up way of bringing the worst out of the human species ending in a time full of catastrophes; some real (the poison victims) and some fake like 99% of coming WW3. The empty supermarkets, energy/internet outages, lack of medicine for the drugged out zombies will be real and this will bring out the worst in people.

Gullible people believing in one of the two major religions will cry out 'the messiah is near', not knowing their stories were given to them by the third religion that made its believers believe their messiah will come when the other two have finished each other of. And so we reset and try again, now in a world with less people, most of whom ready to be brainwashed again. I wonder what story they will make up this time..

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Agreed. The Great Plandemic of 2020 was only a warm-up exercise for mass compliance, but when people actually start dropping dead in the street (due to 5G of areal poisoning) and/or shortages start, it will be the CHAOS during which people will keep killing each other and, eventually, DEMAND "law and order" from the very monsters who created the chaos...

5G can actually turn people into remote-controlled zombies, which I first noted in


The religious aspect is indeed intriguing. Organized religions:


The end of times?


The "one-world religion" of the future:


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Jun 4Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I have not researched 5G to that extend but I can clearly see it is not healthy for life. This is broadly what I think is happening.

Interactive End Times


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Thank you for the link. It looks like you and I treading similar paths. Good luck to your endeavor!

There are more links in the following. Even light is used for doing harm:


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Mike of The Vaccine Reaper most decidedly BELIEVES what he's hearing are actual aliens and they have chosen him out of billions to be their messenger and they are coming to save us all except for a few bad apple aliens.

Why are you listneing to him? Much less promoting his channel? He's not well.

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I used Mike's article only as a reminder for me to write mine.

As I also said in my text, "aliens" is a psyop...

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Been depressed lately; unsure if it’s the price of losing faith in humanity, or realizing I lost it a long time ago.

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One doesn't exclude the other...

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Jun 2Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

For a laugh, Ray, you have a doctorate in common sense and logic. At 67 I’m thinking I could be a master. That said a good game to hone the skill of exponential math is chess. Pulling together real science and human behaviors is where you shine by research. And yes somehound dogging. Good summation.

7 percent, hmmm, imo that means 93 percent are working against sovereign individual by birth given rights. Formidable..

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Interesting that 93 stands out as the greeting of Thelema... But sometimes coincidence is just that.

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Normally, there is hardly any need for logic in life, because most problems are not strictly logical and they are handled in analogies. :)

In chess, I am only a shadow of what I used to be, but once I was able to calculate 15-20 moves ahead, I felt like everything was predestined, so I quit playing. Of course, my feelings do apply to chess, but chess is infinitely less complex than even a human being.

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