We are being sprayed I have no doubt about that but the last pictures you posted are of a natural phenomenon called Frost Flowers. Nature can be full of surprises. Thanks for sharing.
Light dusting of something that looks like snow last night in NC. It feels like there is a heavy chemical component. Reminds me of the spray snow used on indoor displays.
First off, I salute you. You stand on the shoulders of giants like Major General Smedley Butler and Admiral Jeremy Boorda, who recognized that war is mostly a business plan for professional predators and scavengers here at home, who are the greatest threat to our health, freedom, and well-being.
What you have done is what millions of us are called to do: give up the comfort of fitting in, shrug off convenient beliefs and perspectives, trust what you are perceiving directly, face up to reality and respond to it. Anything more you can tell us about how you stood up and stood out I will eagerly read.
I read you partially because you identify two major threats to our survival: weather and radiation. Chemtrails—spraying metal dust and other nasty crap into the atmosphere—is a big part of climate change and an easy way of poisoning us like cockroaches. Radiation from 5G and Smart Meters cooks us at home and degrades us mentally and physically.
I’ll hit both here.
During the CØV$D lockdowns, when no one was supposed to go outside, except for on official business, 5G was installed in cities and towns nationwide. A job that was supposed to take years took only weeks of highly focused, preplanned activity. The logistics were incredibly resourced and executed. During a time of widespread supply chain disruptions, these particular supply chains were fully intact and juiced.
It is possible that the whole global panic was put in place primarily to install this death grid that steadily degrades consciousness and health. Attention spans continue to shorten as the grid is turned up. Chronic fatigue and brain fog increase. Avoidance, aversion, and autism—the inability to connect, share experience, or communicate—intensify. SMART stands for Secretly Militarized Armaments in Residential Technology, according to Mark Steele. That is what SMART Meters and the SMART grid is all about: bringing wartech like battlefield interrogation and active denial to martial law in the homeland, so that we natives will die off politely.
RFK is aware of this. His organization, Children’s Health Defense funded and filed one of the only successful EMF suits against the FCC in D.C. district court. A discussion of the case is here. [https://odysee.com/@jermwarfare:2/Dafna-Tachover:6] He is aware of the dangers and actively funds solutions, so count on him to continue that. He may not be talking it up publicly right now, but his mouth will catch up with his money.
I follow EMF activism closely because I was disabled by radiation for about 20 years. Smart Meters were put on my building in 2004 and I could no longer sleep in it, but there was nowhere free from them to move. I was stuck in the soup of radiation and got the same diabetes-like symptoms as everyone else, and just got more spaced out and weak. The best years of my life were spent fighting radiation-based warfare/illness.
It is a long story, but the happy ending is that I eventually put up emf-shielding metal fabric [https://amzn.to/3CTa7Tk] in my apartment and got Blushield devices [https://www.blushield.com/?sca_ref=6243667.VokmXmp2SN]; a home unit and portable. These radiate scalar fields that retrain the body to align with natural electromagnetic fields and stop reacting to artificial ones. After nine months, I am in a revolution of health, strength, and clarity.
Sleeping 12 hours a night instead of 4 makes a big difference, and not producing reactive oxygen species allows the body to stop poisoning itself and regenerate. Synthesizing collagen and building muscle mass easily is like a new life. The devices are on sale at 19% off this week. [https://www.blushield.com/?sca_ref=6243667.VokmXmp2SN] Feel free to direct message me with questions. A PDF on protecting oneself from EMF is here. [https://ln5.sync.com/dl/7258f6a60#i3mrt4w3-b3yt4gxz-vatk2ytf-jbttgp32]
As for your chemtrail snow pictures: We got really nailed in the Pacific Northwest twice in the past five years with nucleated ice storms seeded by chemtrails. It was like a freezing mist—at way above freezing temperatures—that stuck to everything, put thousands of pounds of ice on trees, and shattered them. I mean oaks. Oak is twice as strong as steel by weight. The devastation was incredible. Dane Wigington talks about it at https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org.
What you have pictures of looks a like hoar frost: “a greyish-white deposit of frozen water vapor formed in clear, still weather on vegetation, fences, etc.” Search for images of hoar frost and your mystery may be solved.
Not sure what the woven-looking thing is around that stick or bud. There are some trippy insects in this world who make interesting textiles.
Please, notice that weather and radiation are "only" two of the 13 major threats I have identified, and all of them converge (the characteristic types of health damages are slowly changing, and I'll post about them soon):
While your EMF file doesn't open, I can assure you that not much can protect against millimeter-waves; the smallest crevice can result in a "pebble-in-a-box" effect, and the shielding also has to be quite thick (according to some sources, about seven layers of aluminum foil).
Geoengineering.com does provide occasionally useful info. What I don't like is that they are after people's money without doing much more than what I am doing for free. Your description of the "snow," however, matches what we had here with my wife.
I am glad that you hit all 13 major threats. They are all real, and they are all converging, and yeah they are coordinated and yeah it looks bleak. // I did not think positive radiation could produce the results it has, but I am suddenly strong and hale in a city of zombies, after decades of being sick and weak. So…. // I appreciate your meticulous linking. // That zip file did not unlock? Alternative link is here: https://familiesforsafetechnology.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/howtoprotectyourhealthfromsmartmeters.pdf // Yeah, for shielding, aluminum won’t do. I use a nickel copper polyester. It’s about $20 a yard on a 54” bolt and blocks emf. Sanity and sleep are priceless. // You may be a little guy reaching a few thousand others, but thanks be for thee. You have found the sweet spot! Big enough to reach people, not big enough to warrant the black bag treatment. May the angels of Brazil and every other dystopian fantasy watch over you. (( ))
It's kind of you to compare me with giants. I am a little nobody; if I were not, I wouldn't be allowed to operate the way I am. In fact, I recently asked the question why I am still allowed:
Is it just me, or do some of these photos resemble what is happening inside of those who have been injected in the past 4 years? I'm happy to see that you see the big picture about those who control governments from outside of government. It helps to understand why it doesn't make any difference which major political party is in control ..., we lose, continuously, as they gain, exponentially!
That's certainly a possibility. However, I have never worn a muzzle, got "tested," or injected, yet already over a year ago, when I nearly died, I was already halfway synthetic:
"Ice at the base of a plant stem is a natural phenomenon called frost flowers, ice flowers, or ice ribbons that occurs when the air temperature drops below freezing but the soil remains relatively warm.
Here's how frost flowers form:
Water movement: Water moves through the plant's porous stem.
Freezing: When the water reaches the freezing air, it freezes to the outside of the stem.
Ice formation: The ice forms layers that resemble ribbon candy on the stem.
Melting: The sun's rays rapidly melt the frost flowers as the day progresses.
Frost flowers are most commonly seen in late fall, but can also form in spring or warmer winter stretches. Some plants that are known to produce frost flowers include wild dittany and white crownbeard. Frostweed, also known as Verbesina virginica, is particularly known for its extravagant ice ribbons. "
Already 8-10 years ago, I had this eerie feeling in comment sections that it was like fish in a restaurant fish tank were discussing who was going to get eaten first...
I'm in Australia and live in a coastal area in the subtropics. Spraying here for the last several years has been off the charts. The clouds are other worldly and some kind of substance often falls, quite visible on car windshields and other glassy surfaces. Sunsets after several days of heavy rain are blood red and doppler radar of storm systems has our rain coming from all directions. About three years ago, I was walking the dogs in the very early morning and a mist descended around the area we live. Unfortunately I breathed this in and my health hasn't been the same since. Never had sinus before and now can hardly breath through my nose. Have been tested for heavy metals, and yes they're there, especially aluminum. No question we are being treated like bugs and sprayed, irradiated, and poisoned.
I too am in Australia. There must be something we can do. Where are the people who are not blind to come together? Chemtrails and 5G are equally important. What I don’t get is that they must breathe the air too. They must live under whiteout skies.
The "masters" are most likely on their self-sufficient islands on the Pacific, so they are just waiting for the "drags" to die out... They might even watch the show through "security" cameras, satellites, or even on people's own computers...
Sorry to hear about your symptoms. At the same time, I haven't encountered anything exactly like that during my working with MDs in the last four years. Radiation sickness alone can cause symptoms that nobody can decipher:
Heavy metals accumulate in the body, and above a threshold, they cause symptoms or even death. They are a lot harder to get rid of than what most of the "cleansing" cures suggest, and even then I'm not sure how far it's possible... Chances are that under constant exposure, they accumulate faster than whatever any cleansing could discard, even if such a detox were possible.
As for aluminum, even lab-made salt (most salts in the supermarket are lab-made or have harmful additives) contains aluminum, which only a few know...
Oz seems to be high priority in the extermination project...
Of course, rural might be a bit better, but the large cities were a nightmare during the plandemic. Had those six thugs dressed up as highwaymen tried to jump on people for not wearing a muzzle here, in rural Kentucky, they probably wouldn't have lasted long. Even sheriffs refused to enforce the muzzle mandate... Large cities were bad here, too, because sheriffs are elected, but the police are not...
For me, the change came in at the end of summer, 2021, when a freshly-injected talked into my face for like 25 seconds. For a year, I had to sit down after walking like 50 yards, and later, it went lower down into the intestines, which nearly killed me last summer:
Strangely enough, I managed to recover, but other symptoms still prevail, closely related to protein synthesization. The following piece has all the links to the whole story:
Yes I think radiation plays a big part. You may be able to answer this question. Why are the skies at night often cloudless and full of stars, yet when the sun rises the clouds form and the dimming starts? Also thanks for the tips, need to research this more. Take care ...
I tried to watch the sunset 2 nights ago. It was too distracting watching 2 separate spraying machines arcing across the skies in opposite directions leaving their trails of destruction and all the people who walked by me completely oblivious. The next morning - as expected - a white haze covered the entire sky.
Chemtrails create a real problem. If you see them, can you pretty much avoid the effects if you stays indoors (windows, doors shut? But for how long? How long does it take the toxins to fall? Staying indoors is not the answer-- besides, some ventilation still occurs. How long can you go without drinking or using water? How long can you go without eating? Everything is tainted. Okay, you could shoot the planes spraying this crap. What would you need to get that high? Oh, wait, that won't work. If you destroy the plane, its contents would still end up all over. A solution(s) does not appear to be readily available. They may just as well nuke us all.
My wife has a vegetable garden and I've been concerned ever since she started about the chemtrail contents.
Staying inside works to some extent, but one might also need some sun exposure, assuming the ozone layer is not particularly damaged for the time being...
What makes all this worse is that there are at least 13 major sources of the mass poisoning, and they converge:
The Bills Dolphins game was PRIME EXAMPLE of engineered YUCK.
That was NOT SNOW, the Sports announcer on the ground gave graphic details describing the 'ice pellets'. Locals have chattend amongst ourselves while shoveling it, and it was a strange looking formation. She described it perfecly similar to the frozen ice cream 'dip n dots' . Like mini-mini perfectly round ice-balls, or super-mini hail. It doesn't melt quickly.
We TRUE Buffalonians know our stuff, we KNOW HOW to plow snow and NEVER in 70 plus years has a mere 4 feet of isolated snow EVER shut down the I - 90 Mid-day. The plows USED TO BE ON TOP of the situations. Things are OFF kilter...this is abnormal.
Either Western New York and Pennsylvania have employed transplants to work in snow removal/ control in the area ( people who have NEVER managed snow) OR a super shortage of Manpower to plow the region. Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse have had this down to a SCIENCE pre-World Shutdown....
By NOW.. the 21st. Century dealing with snow on roads should be 'second nature' considering all the 'technology' and massive snow machines we New York State residents pay for.
Never in 70 years did 4 feet of heavy slush or whatever that stuff is... slow down commerce.
One of my articles (I cannot dig it up no matter how hard I try) mentioned that sports betting is "only" for games, so pre-arranged results are legit...
It is the geo engineering process called ice nuclearization, Dane Wiggington at geoengineeringwatch.org, is the expert, I suggest you visit his site.
For proper information about it.
This weather experiment that has been ongoing in the UK and all over the world for several years, and recently this year increased dramatically, especially in the Western nations.
It has been authorized by your local councils ( they are aware of it but deny it ) , government and is delivered by sub contracts authorized by the military, the met, FCC, FAA, RAF and EPA.
It is designed to kill the older populations (whose pensions have already been spent illegally by the government) who now cannot afford to heat their homes properly due to the governmental purposeful increase in heating taxes and costs.
It is an organized elderly euthanasia program on behalf of the UN, NATO, Swiss Banking Authority and "private" donations from the WEF and other depopulation friendly institutions.
Payed for, by your tax dollars.
All pilots, commercial , freight and military are aware of it, and are told to "shut their mouth, or else".
Other geo engineering programs include spraying aluminum, lithium, manganese, barium, strontium and other various radioactive isotopes and polymer fibres that we all breath in.
This is the main causes of the "pandemic "respiratory diseases, not a virus
In addition and in conjunction, the ionosphere is being super heated with large and small scale EMF devices causing severe weather anomalies such as droughts, flooding, tornados and harsh winters.
The newly installed 5G towers in your area creat a surveillance network and have a catalyst effect.
It is to systematically cause sickness, famine (through crop failure) and death to regions that have been designated for population reduction.
This is stated by the WHO and its leaders , on record.
This is in line with the BRI (belt road initiative) and the federal green belt zoning for non human habitat land designations.
Chemtrailing started in 1947, but it has become overwhelming, and the people don't seem to be able to anything about it, just like they put up with being muzzled and all...
This is the first time I hear this has been authorized in the UK. Can you, please, expand on that?
Older people are designed to be killed. Hospitals here these days seem to first pile up the bill (many people lose their property as a result) and put the victims (apologies, patients) out of their misery only after that. I was lucky enough to get out of the meat grinder last year, when I nearly died:
You probably do , but still I ask - do you know about the UN convention from 1977 that prohibits environmental modification techniques... (yes , what a farce)
All the doppler 'radars' aka beam canons need to come down asap....
on Rumble saw a vid of snow that didn't melt, it burned. Looked like sno, felt cold. But would not melt with direct heat applied instead, burned! eg. Not Snow. Germany and other parts of Europe. Prob. in Canada and upper midwest USA as well. Mean time the UN is hard at work building a green belt across the Sahel to prevent desertification of more of Africa (the place they'll likely want to exploit next for food, supplies, manpower, organs and the like). Well, the permaculture is working okay BUT, the countries with war lords and very poor and aid that doesn't get to the people are struggling to make it prosper. It only works if everyone does it you know? Sad. Some promising permaculture for salt water marshy areas as well. Only trouble is, how to get the salt out of the soil as it gets concentrated there esp. with over fertilization with commercial fertilizer... don't worry they have ideas for that!!
Thank you for the details. Next time, I'll try a lighter, but I'm pretty sure that the heavy-metal content, most likely spiced up with nanotech, does the trick on its own...
For some reason, Germany is included in the bunch of The Five Eyes.
Of course, their options are quite infinite, if the options are combined:
Obviously, they didn't. Still, it was the weird consistency was what called my attention to them after several days of heavy chemtrailing in our rural location.
For millimeter waves, a tiny hole in the shield can create what I call a "pebble-in-a-box" effect, which actually increases radiation exposure at those frequencies...
We are being sprayed I have no doubt about that but the last pictures you posted are of a natural phenomenon called Frost Flowers. Nature can be full of surprises. Thanks for sharing.
Light dusting of something that looks like snow last night in NC. It feels like there is a heavy chemical component. Reminds me of the spray snow used on indoor displays.
That's my point. :)
However, if you can expand on indoor sprays, nobody has ever written an up-to-date article about those...
Dear Ray:
First off, I salute you. You stand on the shoulders of giants like Major General Smedley Butler and Admiral Jeremy Boorda, who recognized that war is mostly a business plan for professional predators and scavengers here at home, who are the greatest threat to our health, freedom, and well-being.
What you have done is what millions of us are called to do: give up the comfort of fitting in, shrug off convenient beliefs and perspectives, trust what you are perceiving directly, face up to reality and respond to it. Anything more you can tell us about how you stood up and stood out I will eagerly read.
I read you partially because you identify two major threats to our survival: weather and radiation. Chemtrails—spraying metal dust and other nasty crap into the atmosphere—is a big part of climate change and an easy way of poisoning us like cockroaches. Radiation from 5G and Smart Meters cooks us at home and degrades us mentally and physically.
I’ll hit both here.
During the CØV$D lockdowns, when no one was supposed to go outside, except for on official business, 5G was installed in cities and towns nationwide. A job that was supposed to take years took only weeks of highly focused, preplanned activity. The logistics were incredibly resourced and executed. During a time of widespread supply chain disruptions, these particular supply chains were fully intact and juiced.
It is possible that the whole global panic was put in place primarily to install this death grid that steadily degrades consciousness and health. Attention spans continue to shorten as the grid is turned up. Chronic fatigue and brain fog increase. Avoidance, aversion, and autism—the inability to connect, share experience, or communicate—intensify. SMART stands for Secretly Militarized Armaments in Residential Technology, according to Mark Steele. That is what SMART Meters and the SMART grid is all about: bringing wartech like battlefield interrogation and active denial to martial law in the homeland, so that we natives will die off politely.
RFK is aware of this. His organization, Children’s Health Defense funded and filed one of the only successful EMF suits against the FCC in D.C. district court. A discussion of the case is here. [https://odysee.com/@jermwarfare:2/Dafna-Tachover:6] He is aware of the dangers and actively funds solutions, so count on him to continue that. He may not be talking it up publicly right now, but his mouth will catch up with his money.
I follow EMF activism closely because I was disabled by radiation for about 20 years. Smart Meters were put on my building in 2004 and I could no longer sleep in it, but there was nowhere free from them to move. I was stuck in the soup of radiation and got the same diabetes-like symptoms as everyone else, and just got more spaced out and weak. The best years of my life were spent fighting radiation-based warfare/illness.
It is a long story, but the happy ending is that I eventually put up emf-shielding metal fabric [https://amzn.to/3CTa7Tk] in my apartment and got Blushield devices [https://www.blushield.com/?sca_ref=6243667.VokmXmp2SN]; a home unit and portable. These radiate scalar fields that retrain the body to align with natural electromagnetic fields and stop reacting to artificial ones. After nine months, I am in a revolution of health, strength, and clarity.
Sleeping 12 hours a night instead of 4 makes a big difference, and not producing reactive oxygen species allows the body to stop poisoning itself and regenerate. Synthesizing collagen and building muscle mass easily is like a new life. The devices are on sale at 19% off this week. [https://www.blushield.com/?sca_ref=6243667.VokmXmp2SN] Feel free to direct message me with questions. A PDF on protecting oneself from EMF is here. [https://ln5.sync.com/dl/7258f6a60#i3mrt4w3-b3yt4gxz-vatk2ytf-jbttgp32]
As for your chemtrail snow pictures: We got really nailed in the Pacific Northwest twice in the past five years with nucleated ice storms seeded by chemtrails. It was like a freezing mist—at way above freezing temperatures—that stuck to everything, put thousands of pounds of ice on trees, and shattered them. I mean oaks. Oak is twice as strong as steel by weight. The devastation was incredible. Dane Wigington talks about it at https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org.
What you have pictures of looks a like hoar frost: “a greyish-white deposit of frozen water vapor formed in clear, still weather on vegetation, fences, etc.” Search for images of hoar frost and your mystery may be solved.
Not sure what the woven-looking thing is around that stick or bud. There are some trippy insects in this world who make interesting textiles.
Keep up the good work. Know you have allies.
Please, notice that weather and radiation are "only" two of the 13 major threats I have identified, and all of them converge (the characteristic types of health damages are slowly changing, and I'll post about them soon):
Sorry, I don't think that radiation can be fought off with radiation; interference can bring about unpredictable, but most likely bad, results:
The threat is especially realistic, because the global AI is running the show, setting people up for any potential "remedies":
Sleeping became a challenge recently:
While your EMF file doesn't open, I can assure you that not much can protect against millimeter-waves; the smallest crevice can result in a "pebble-in-a-box" effect, and the shielding also has to be quite thick (according to some sources, about seven layers of aluminum foil).
Geoengineering.com does provide occasionally useful info. What I don't like is that they are after people's money without doing much more than what I am doing for free. Your description of the "snow," however, matches what we had here with my wife.
I am glad that you hit all 13 major threats. They are all real, and they are all converging, and yeah they are coordinated and yeah it looks bleak. // I did not think positive radiation could produce the results it has, but I am suddenly strong and hale in a city of zombies, after decades of being sick and weak. So…. // I appreciate your meticulous linking. // That zip file did not unlock? Alternative link is here: https://familiesforsafetechnology.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/howtoprotectyourhealthfromsmartmeters.pdf // Yeah, for shielding, aluminum won’t do. I use a nickel copper polyester. It’s about $20 a yard on a 54” bolt and blocks emf. Sanity and sleep are priceless. // You may be a little guy reaching a few thousand others, but thanks be for thee. You have found the sweet spot! Big enough to reach people, not big enough to warrant the black bag treatment. May the angels of Brazil and every other dystopian fantasy watch over you. (( ))
It's kind of you to compare me with giants. I am a little nobody; if I were not, I wouldn't be allowed to operate the way I am. In fact, I recently asked the question why I am still allowed:
I'll answer the rest sepeately.
Is it just me, or do some of these photos resemble what is happening inside of those who have been injected in the past 4 years? I'm happy to see that you see the big picture about those who control governments from outside of government. It helps to understand why it doesn't make any difference which major political party is in control ..., we lose, continuously, as they gain, exponentially!
That's certainly a possibility. However, I have never worn a muzzle, got "tested," or injected, yet already over a year ago, when I nearly died, I was already halfway synthetic:
I only wish I could see who controls the world, but eventually, there can only be one:
Those last photos looked like frozen synthetic spider silks from Chemtrails
I hope RFK Jr. and Trump will stop this!
Both of them are only players who do the same masters' bidding...
When one thing stops, several others take over...
That first image looks pretty
Those frost flowers are lovely. Here is a link to a google search on them: https://www.google.com/search?q=ice+at+base+of+plant+stem&oq=ice+at+base+of+plant&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgCECEYoAEyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRigATIHCAUQIRigAdIBCTIzMjg5ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
"Ice at the base of a plant stem is a natural phenomenon called frost flowers, ice flowers, or ice ribbons that occurs when the air temperature drops below freezing but the soil remains relatively warm.
Here's how frost flowers form:
Water movement: Water moves through the plant's porous stem.
Freezing: When the water reaches the freezing air, it freezes to the outside of the stem.
Ice formation: The ice forms layers that resemble ribbon candy on the stem.
Melting: The sun's rays rapidly melt the frost flowers as the day progresses.
Frost flowers are most commonly seen in late fall, but can also form in spring or warmer winter stretches. Some plants that are known to produce frost flowers include wild dittany and white crownbeard. Frostweed, also known as Verbesina virginica, is particularly known for its extravagant ice ribbons. "
Already 8-10 years ago, I had this eerie feeling in comment sections that it was like fish in a restaurant fish tank were discussing who was going to get eaten first...
I'm in Australia and live in a coastal area in the subtropics. Spraying here for the last several years has been off the charts. The clouds are other worldly and some kind of substance often falls, quite visible on car windshields and other glassy surfaces. Sunsets after several days of heavy rain are blood red and doppler radar of storm systems has our rain coming from all directions. About three years ago, I was walking the dogs in the very early morning and a mist descended around the area we live. Unfortunately I breathed this in and my health hasn't been the same since. Never had sinus before and now can hardly breath through my nose. Have been tested for heavy metals, and yes they're there, especially aluminum. No question we are being treated like bugs and sprayed, irradiated, and poisoned.
I too am in Australia. There must be something we can do. Where are the people who are not blind to come together? Chemtrails and 5G are equally important. What I don’t get is that they must breathe the air too. They must live under whiteout skies.
Yes, the two are the most prominent and obvious threats, but there is another 11 (probably more, but that's where I stopped counting):
It is a problem that people have gotten used to being treated as government property in the last 110 years or so:
The exercise literally no power...
The "masters" are most likely on their self-sufficient islands on the Pacific, so they are just waiting for the "drags" to die out... They might even watch the show through "security" cameras, satellites, or even on people's own computers...
Sorry to hear about your symptoms. At the same time, I haven't encountered anything exactly like that during my working with MDs in the last four years. Radiation sickness alone can cause symptoms that nobody can decipher:
Heavy metals accumulate in the body, and above a threshold, they cause symptoms or even death. They are a lot harder to get rid of than what most of the "cleansing" cures suggest, and even then I'm not sure how far it's possible... Chances are that under constant exposure, they accumulate faster than whatever any cleansing could discard, even if such a detox were possible.
As for aluminum, even lab-made salt (most salts in the supermarket are lab-made or have harmful additives) contains aluminum, which only a few know...
Oz seems to be high priority in the extermination project...
Of course, rural might be a bit better, but the large cities were a nightmare during the plandemic. Had those six thugs dressed up as highwaymen tried to jump on people for not wearing a muzzle here, in rural Kentucky, they probably wouldn't have lasted long. Even sheriffs refused to enforce the muzzle mandate... Large cities were bad here, too, because sheriffs are elected, but the police are not...
For me, the change came in at the end of summer, 2021, when a freshly-injected talked into my face for like 25 seconds. For a year, I had to sit down after walking like 50 yards, and later, it went lower down into the intestines, which nearly killed me last summer:
Strangely enough, I managed to recover, but other symptoms still prevail, closely related to protein synthesization. The following piece has all the links to the whole story:
Yes I think radiation plays a big part. You may be able to answer this question. Why are the skies at night often cloudless and full of stars, yet when the sun rises the clouds form and the dimming starts? Also thanks for the tips, need to research this more. Take care ...
I tried to watch the sunset 2 nights ago. It was too distracting watching 2 separate spraying machines arcing across the skies in opposite directions leaving their trails of destruction and all the people who walked by me completely oblivious. The next morning - as expected - a white haze covered the entire sky.
Apologies, I have no clue... :(
Chemtrails create a real problem. If you see them, can you pretty much avoid the effects if you stays indoors (windows, doors shut? But for how long? How long does it take the toxins to fall? Staying indoors is not the answer-- besides, some ventilation still occurs. How long can you go without drinking or using water? How long can you go without eating? Everything is tainted. Okay, you could shoot the planes spraying this crap. What would you need to get that high? Oh, wait, that won't work. If you destroy the plane, its contents would still end up all over. A solution(s) does not appear to be readily available. They may just as well nuke us all.
My wife has a vegetable garden and I've been concerned ever since she started about the chemtrail contents.
Staying inside works to some extent, but one might also need some sun exposure, assuming the ozone layer is not particularly damaged for the time being...
What makes all this worse is that there are at least 13 major sources of the mass poisoning, and they converge:
My wife and I are using multiple water filters, and it works. Eating as little as possible could work for some:
For that matter, nuclear bombs don't seem to exist. Why did the Rosenbergs die?
At one point, even pilots were "wanted":
The Bills Dolphins game was PRIME EXAMPLE of engineered YUCK.
That was NOT SNOW, the Sports announcer on the ground gave graphic details describing the 'ice pellets'. Locals have chattend amongst ourselves while shoveling it, and it was a strange looking formation. She described it perfecly similar to the frozen ice cream 'dip n dots' . Like mini-mini perfectly round ice-balls, or super-mini hail. It doesn't melt quickly.
We TRUE Buffalonians know our stuff, we KNOW HOW to plow snow and NEVER in 70 plus years has a mere 4 feet of isolated snow EVER shut down the I - 90 Mid-day. The plows USED TO BE ON TOP of the situations. Things are OFF kilter...this is abnormal.
Either Western New York and Pennsylvania have employed transplants to work in snow removal/ control in the area ( people who have NEVER managed snow) OR a super shortage of Manpower to plow the region. Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse have had this down to a SCIENCE pre-World Shutdown....
By NOW.. the 21st. Century dealing with snow on roads should be 'second nature' considering all the 'technology' and massive snow machines we New York State residents pay for.
Never in 70 years did 4 feet of heavy slush or whatever that stuff is... slow down commerce.
.... is obviously awry.
One of my articles (I cannot dig it up no matter how hard I try) mentioned that sports betting is "only" for games, so pre-arranged results are legit...
Something is certainly wrong somewhere.
Mr. Ray:
I did locate the screen shot.
I posted it on 'Notes' for you...
However the screen shot was of the actual 'Google Search' response...
All one need do is ask Google?
I will try to find it I think I have a screen shot...
I may not know how to forward it to you...
It is the geo engineering process called ice nuclearization, Dane Wiggington at geoengineeringwatch.org, is the expert, I suggest you visit his site.
For proper information about it.
This weather experiment that has been ongoing in the UK and all over the world for several years, and recently this year increased dramatically, especially in the Western nations.
It has been authorized by your local councils ( they are aware of it but deny it ) , government and is delivered by sub contracts authorized by the military, the met, FCC, FAA, RAF and EPA.
It is designed to kill the older populations (whose pensions have already been spent illegally by the government) who now cannot afford to heat their homes properly due to the governmental purposeful increase in heating taxes and costs.
It is an organized elderly euthanasia program on behalf of the UN, NATO, Swiss Banking Authority and "private" donations from the WEF and other depopulation friendly institutions.
Payed for, by your tax dollars.
All pilots, commercial , freight and military are aware of it, and are told to "shut their mouth, or else".
Other geo engineering programs include spraying aluminum, lithium, manganese, barium, strontium and other various radioactive isotopes and polymer fibres that we all breath in.
This is the main causes of the "pandemic "respiratory diseases, not a virus
In addition and in conjunction, the ionosphere is being super heated with large and small scale EMF devices causing severe weather anomalies such as droughts, flooding, tornados and harsh winters.
The newly installed 5G towers in your area creat a surveillance network and have a catalyst effect.
It is to systematically cause sickness, famine (through crop failure) and death to regions that have been designated for population reduction.
This is stated by the WHO and its leaders , on record.
This is in line with the BRI (belt road initiative) and the federal green belt zoning for non human habitat land designations.
It is part of the "net zero carbon" agenda.
Thank you for your time.
I'm guessing you know about 'Lines in the sky' and Reinette's Foghorn express ... ?
I also expect a forbidden zone (in the movies, it's a nuclear zone) to force people into "smart" cities:
Well, 5G installations were more than enough to cause "respiratory diseases":
Chemtrailing started in 1947, but it has become overwhelming, and the people don't seem to be able to anything about it, just like they put up with being muzzled and all...
This is the first time I hear this has been authorized in the UK. Can you, please, expand on that?
Older people are designed to be killed. Hospitals here these days seem to first pile up the bill (many people lose their property as a result) and put the victims (apologies, patients) out of their misery only after that. I was lucky enough to get out of the meat grinder last year, when I nearly died:
Pilots are a different lot. Do you want to be a pilot?
For comic relief:
G'day Ray
Glad you made it out of there alive
You probably do , but still I ask - do you know about the UN convention from 1977 that prohibits environmental modification techniques... (yes , what a farce)
All the doppler 'radars' aka beam canons need to come down asap....
another pissed off guy from Australia
Did the fabric-looking ones (last segment) melt as expected when exposed to heat?
on Rumble saw a vid of snow that didn't melt, it burned. Looked like sno, felt cold. But would not melt with direct heat applied instead, burned! eg. Not Snow. Germany and other parts of Europe. Prob. in Canada and upper midwest USA as well. Mean time the UN is hard at work building a green belt across the Sahel to prevent desertification of more of Africa (the place they'll likely want to exploit next for food, supplies, manpower, organs and the like). Well, the permaculture is working okay BUT, the countries with war lords and very poor and aid that doesn't get to the people are struggling to make it prosper. It only works if everyone does it you know? Sad. Some promising permaculture for salt water marshy areas as well. Only trouble is, how to get the salt out of the soil as it gets concentrated there esp. with over fertilization with commercial fertilizer... don't worry they have ideas for that!!
Thank you for the details. Next time, I'll try a lighter, but I'm pretty sure that the heavy-metal content, most likely spiced up with nanotech, does the trick on its own...
For some reason, Germany is included in the bunch of The Five Eyes.
Of course, their options are quite infinite, if the options are combined:
Brackish water is something I haven't heard about, so please, expand on that!
Obviously, they didn't. Still, it was the weird consistency was what called my attention to them after several days of heavy chemtrailing in our rural location.
Maybe the “spider silk” I’ve read about on Mihalcea’s & FM8s stack.
Oh, I meant if you like picked it up, did it melt in your hand, but then I realized I wouldn't want to touch that crap either 😂 Thank you!
Thank goodness for your lovely wife photog, and you Ray, the messenger!
I have also seen and reported on these craziness's - Yet, falling on deaf ears and empty heads, this continues after many, many, many years!!!
It is my hope, others will share your posting and come to terms with the sickness's of theses (D)Evils - Blessings ~
For that matter, sleep deprivation seems to be one of the most severe challenges:
"Smart" meters and anything "smart" turns the electric grid in the neighborhood into a giant 5G antenna:
Faraday shielding can come from bottom-feeders:
For millimeter waves, a tiny hole in the shield can create what I call a "pebble-in-a-box" effect, which actually increases radiation exposure at those frequencies...
Smart meters : No way to opt out! Fucking with my animals heads, hearts, person. The Elec Co threatened me -
We managed, but it's $15 a month and about 20 percent overcharge compared with out consumption from previous years...
The water company is not willing to do anything, but their meter is at least underground in a concrete pit...