When I go to town, I am often greeted with a nod by people who look like me, unshorn and unshaven most of the time; I guess, they can see it in my eyes. And I am proud to look into theirs and return their gesture.
Without faith, there is no manipulation.... Without manipulation, there is no fear....
Without fear, there is no power. (Unknown)
Although I am writing about myself, it looks like similar considerations apply to everyone who cares to find an answer to the question: Why are humans still around? The first answer comes from Cosmology:
The second answer conjures up the ghost of permanence in a world of diminishing existence, and explores the current stage of the end of humanity:
Third, I must consider my position in the calm before the storm. As everything is related, my stack also encompasses the most prevalent factors in my life. Why is it allowed to pertain against all odds and surveillance?
My audience is limited
When I started this stack on May 6, 2022, I already knew it was game over, and only a question of time. That made my site “pessimistic” and me a fear-monger, and both are supported by globalist forces. Facing facts, however, goes a long way around pessimism, because it allows for preparations, and fear-mongers usually incite fear with an ulterior motive, attempting to push their audience to specific responses. My very motto is that I am writing for those who are able and willing to think on their own. Alas, that’s a dying breed.
I don’t use the bait “we,” so the warmth of the pigsty is not available in my articles. Apart from taking a position of power in the rhetorical sense, “we” is also a tool for dividing people.
I do not call for support to have a drink or for drinking together. In fact, I try to warn my readers that most alcoholic beverages sold in the US are laced with arsenic or worse:
The majority of my readers come from old people, veterans, scavenging authors searching for ideas and, of course, AI. The supporters’ positions, just like mine, have already been officially settled either as potential t*ists or people who, just like me, can make little or no difference.
From the very beginning, my impression has been that somewhere around 10k readers, authors are either bought, intimidated, or replaced with AI deepfakes. At 4,200 readers, I am still not in the danger zone.
Quite a few (up to two thirds) of the e-mail notifications about my new posts seem to end up in Spam folders or, perhaps, are not even sent out at all. Can I take it’s in my own protection? :)
I have always lived my life by making the best decisions based on the available information, but I still made the wrong decisions in the most important cases, which sometimes ended up hurting me or others. By now, all I can do is assist others with my perhaps-sufficiently-matured knowledge and hope it might make up for all the suffering I caused. Am I being given a last chance?
Most people act according to their (mostly early-childhood) conditioning most of the time, which includes me. Exercising Free Will is rare and harder than one can imagine. In fact, I have solved the problem of Free Will in a mundane, but pragmatic fashion, which is not particularly philosophical, but anyone who is willing and able to listen can profit from the knowledge: https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/i-have-solved-the-question-of-free
Is it the good who die young? I believe, it’s the other way around: young people are still less corrupted and misled by the spoils of this world. Well, I’m less and less certain about that after the state of public “education” in the last 30 years…
I don’t expect anyone to agree with me, so those who are hoping to blame their “leaders” later, if the “leaders” prove to be wrong, cannot “follow” me. They might want to realize that the dead won’t be able to blame anyone.
Although I am dedicated and committed, I am not using religion as a bait. Also, I don’t think that all religions are created equal and “lead to God” (which is what the current usurping Pope is suggesting). I have provided sociological, historical, psychological, and political aspects to consider about world religions (you can search for key words under “Archive” on my main page), but I am refraining from discussing or supporting religions, because I believe that anyone can find their way as long as they don’t succumb to adhering to a single aspect, to their past, or striving to be politically correct.
Compartmentalized “truth,” as deceptive as it is, captures a lot of minds, because it offers a nook of cognitive security, which I do not provide (instead, I am leaving the decisions up to my readers and project a global perspective):
I do not disseminate false hope, but false hope sells, because it’s cheap:
The fight has been on for decades, but this time, it’s culminating. YOUR strength and situational advantages might make a difference, and delaying the “inevitable” might win the war after many lost battles:
I used to think my life was a tragedy - now I know it's a comedy. Thanks for your post!
A big part of answering the question “Why am I here (as a human being, struggling through the human condition)?” is finding meaning in & for one’s life and discovering for oneself what the struggle is FOR. No one is going to answer these (existential) questions for you. You’ve got to put in the work, in the specific context of “Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened unto you”.