I recently learned that the ancient Sumerians saw only three aspects to a himan being.

Love Fear and Rage

And if we view this as a symbiotic Triune, it sort of encapsulates,all that a thousand Personality Psychometrics, completely misunderstand.

And hence, I have been shorn of my Beloved ones, have learned NO FEAR, as a former Fire Officer, and all that is left, is what THEY are individually terrified of.

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Because they understood the nature of a child before we coukd even write.

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If you are a Psychologist who just so happened to have reared his children on his own, you'd realise that the Research into Child Psycholgy, is still floundering in the ratings.

This is my simple take on a simple enigma, and this wisdom goes back tens of thousands of years.

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Why should I care for ancient Sumerians?

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You can always edit you own posts...

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If only I could see ....My screen is cracked and the omage is almost unseeable.

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I've been giving in to the hatred lately. Its hard to not hate being surrounded by stunned tax cattle that carry water for the psychopathic predators actively abusing them, you and everything you love..

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The Boomers look back on the "good old days" (50s-60s-70s) reminising about how wonderful and idyllic things were (Father Knows Best, the Nelson's, Leave It to Beaver). Our parents slaved to buy things-- houses, cars, t.v.s, stereos). See what you can buy if you work hard (for low wages), pay your taxes and go to church (or synagogue). Remember if you study hard, do your homework, you will be able to go to a college and achieve more "success". At least education was half good, instead of useless like it is today. We had instilled in us love of country, family, God. We learned about patriotism, kindness, morals and ethics. BUT, a lot of the picture was an illusion, not what it appeared to be. President Eisenhower warned of the Military Industrial Complex. Life was good, so we didn't listen. Then, in came the Demonrat, Kennedy. who wanted us to give more to the growing government ("Ask not what the government..."). At least he warned us about the Commies. Also, we were forewarned by the USSR'S, Kruschev, that they were going to bury us. Things were still good, so we didn't pay attention to the warnings. The Commies, Fascists, Eugenists were formulating and initiating their plans. We were asleep. Now, they have achieved their goals (mostly) and many are still asleep. America, the bully "democracy", still exists, for now. The humans here also still exist, through genetics and luck. The question is how much longer will we exist. Things do not look promising. Maybe, there is still a brief window of opportunity. What is your plan of action?

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I agree we has been weaponized and used to disarm. But it is we that build anything more that 60 pounds. As I said it’s a spectrum that we will go through. Chaos to order. Happened in the past and we are still here. Yes. People will die. I’m not delusional. Best to you.

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No, you are certainly not delusional. :)

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Ideas and words are powerful. None have all the answers therefore those that can must sort the truth and their path from the information available. Be it facts in your face, slap up the side of the head, propaganda sources, what have you. All valuable.

I think your aversion to “we” is unfounded. Take my life as an example. I am a very independently minded, solitary, and some might say introverted. However despite this I was able to accomplish huge projects working with others. The individual may be able to blend into the background or slip through the cracks if that’s your strategy/capability, but only a collective can muster any sort of influence. It may be that the individual must survive but in the end it is the collective humanity that moves forward. Chaos to mad max to functional communities move humanity forward. No reason to fear. It’s just uncertainty. As it has in the past. As it will be so in the present and future. That’s my optimism.

I’m saying this as I’m trying to figure out how to get to my wife and granddaughter trapped with no communication in the mountains of western NC. She went through hurricane Andrew without me. So I know she’s okay. No fear. Just uncertainty. We planned as best we could. It’s just we planned when we were younger to approach as a team. Showing operational problems that we will correct and react better next time.

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As a former Professor of Communication, I don't believe that my dislike of "we" is unfounded. It is actually a tool for the Rhetoric of Power, and it works exactly as I usually describe it:


Human civilizations always default to the same setup. To me, it's boring, and I don't find the timetable promising at all, either (it happens every time, and it is predictable):


One thing everyone must ask is if this is the only world and human life ends here or not. If it does, what would hold anyone back from becoming a parasite and a murderer? Sadly, the person's decision doesn't affect the outcome in this world.

We had a twister here that passed us by only about a mile away, and a large tree nearly destroyed our small house. We have a tornado shelter, but I tend to sneer at the option of being "gone with the wind."

How is your idea of "we" going to pan out once people, especially their children, start starving or having no access to drinking water, but mom and pop have plenty of guns...

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A big part of answering the question “Why am I here (as a human being, struggling through the human condition)?” is finding meaning in & for one’s life and discovering for oneself what the struggle is FOR. No one is going to answer these (existential) questions for you. You’ve got to put in the work, in the specific context of “Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened unto you”.

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Indeed, and my site is here to inspire my readers in the process! :)

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whether or not we like it, whether or not they deserve it, in order to save ourselves, we must help others save theselves.

living in the age of treason...is so tiresome...

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In my understanding, humans can save themselves only as much as Dostoevsky's rich man, who is offered a string of onions to be pulled out of the boiling manure.

Humans need divine salvation, and it's up to one to decide if it exists.

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i dont believe in salvation or a need for it. its just how nature is. the destruction visible everywhere, is not a negative thing in the eye of the universe. without destruction, there would be no creation. the old and rusty must be torn down to make room for the new and shiny. without destruction, nothing would ever change. the world would be stagnant. static. forever. sucks to be living in the times where the demolition is happening, indeed it sucks. but.. everything happens because it cant happen any other way. evil rules? good just appears from nowhere to provide balance. isnt that so. it is. take the corona jabs as example. it was such evil, it necessitated that lots of people woke up to shenaningans. people who before the jabbing nobody would habe believed to become aware, simply became aware. philosophiae naturalis.

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I too wonder why we have not been killed off and I keep coming back to the idea we are being farmed for energy and used for data storage, and that alone is valuable enough to keep us alive.

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"We" ARE being killed off. I started this page with the knowledge of that. :)

Actually, it looks like the global experiment training the central AI is still going on. We (you and I) can get killed in a jiffy anytime.

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I used to think my life was a tragedy - now I know it's a comedy. Thanks for your post!

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How about tragicomedy? The smileys must stand for something! :)

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I've heard there is a difference btwn Courage and Bravery. Courage doesn't mean never being afraid... we're all afraid sometimes. Bravery means doing the right thing anyway - that is true strength, but that's what is missing in most folks today. So the critical thinkers act confused because they are distracted by their fears and 'what ifs?' and find solace in the hive-mind of the brainwashed, where decisions aren't permament and consequences always come with a 'get out of jail free' card. But real life lessons are never learned, and democide on a global scale doesn't produce a hint of 'extinction rebellion' among those who see no reward for doing the right thing... and the high priests of Babylon America (corporate leaders) continue to be well-fortified by the tax-cattle-cowards. You're in the fight once you're red-pilled - if not you die.

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Doug, you and I seem to be on the same page!

As for me, I don't care about the difference between courage and bravery. I made up my mind about all this crap in March, 2020, although I started publishing only on May 6, 2022, with the knowledge that it would most likely kill me. Still around, which seems like a bad joke, but what the heck. :)

Only someone who has something more precious to fight for than survival can remain human, at least for some more time.

Well, I don't believe in "critical thinkers" either. Someone can or cannot think AND decide for themselves is what matters. To me, being confused and claiming to be a critical thinker is an oxymoron, something like "human intelligence." During my academic teaching, I forbade the word "controversial" and "issue" in papers, because I maintained that there are no "controversial issues," only confused minds exist. I also provided the tools for clear thinking, which is one of my main themes in my stack, too.

I also concur that people are not used to making life-and-death decisions, and this time, many of them will not have a second chance, while making decisions for predictable situations beforehand is the only way to avoid "confusion" when the time comes and there will not be more than 10-15 seconds, which are unlikely to suffice under the circumstances.

The global democide is cleverly distributed among factions and solutions, so human error can also be blamed, and the outcomes are wildly and poetically different, allowing for a lot of room for plausible deniability for the masters.

Knowing what's coming doesn't suffice; preparing might provide some delays, which could be crucial before even the globalist plan collapses:


As a matter of fact, it's a question of under what circumstance one is willing to "survive," which I determined for myself a long time ago:


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Semantics/Rhetoric have always been used to direct the conversation away from what is not be believed, yet true but cleverly hidden. I was a “C-D” ‘student’ so boy howdy - if I can see through the glaring lies - those who are surely smarter than I are either smoking magic marker-highlighters - turned-off critical thinking parts of their grey matter - or are actively participating in the fall… the remedy being the subjection/punishment/exposure of their crimes - so that others won’t go about feeling so exempt. Thanks for responding - I like your attitude!

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Remember golden days? When the starts and stripes forever, symbolized her glorious name? AMERICA! But now it's all been changed and when we gaze upon old glory, it's hard to fight back feelings of shame. Putting up with lying politicians, and greedy corporations, and sending our soldiers off to wars we were never meant to win. WE WANT THIS COUNTRY BACK!! We ain't just jokin' jack! We want our LIBERTY and our DIGNITY and our FREEDOMS AND OUR RIGHTS RESTORED! WE WANT THIS COUNTRY BACK! She's been driven way off track, and we're madder than hell now and we ain't going to take it any more!!!

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Yes, I remember being young and having the chance of getting out of our 'hood...

I remember we saying, "What a country!" Obviously, we didn't know what we were talking about, because the Federal Reserve already owned the country:


The corporations are owned by the globalists through their investment firms that rotate ownership all over the world...

As I observed in the last paragraph of


"If this was a movie, resistors (which must include those who swore up to “protect the country against enemies, foreign and domestic”) would take over the power and water utilities, food production and distribution, the media, airports, communications right away. In reality, satellites are used even for tracking single persons, who can be specifically targeted. They would issue their own currency and enforce its use in the current banking system. The same, of course, would happen in all countries concurrently."

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"FREE WILL"....????...really , this old tome again. You think you have free will when you go to the store and decide to buy an ice cream cone...vanilla or chocolate??? you "think" you choose "chocolate ". But , when you spill the chocolate on your good blouse you take it to the drycleaners WHERE, while you are waiting, you meet the gal that will become your future sister-in-law. Really think you "CHOSE" that chocolate????? get real god scripts your life and everyone and everything in it...#wtfu

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Please, peruse my article on Free Will and I am interested in your feedback!


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"Also, I don’t think that all religions are created equal and “lead to God” (which is what the current usurping Pope is suggesting)"

As a practicing Roman Catholic I have always been told "As The Church goes so goes the world'. One need only look at both. .

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The Church has been infiltrated in the second half of the 19th c. and at this point, it has been captured... Not sure what the faithful can do now...

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Maybe there is a certain lateral strength in the cohesion between believers that will help to resist the evil doers. A type of ballast.

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