Just wondering... if they all 'disappeared,' how do we know for sure that some or many of them aren't being trafficked for slavery in the various 'trades' - mercenary, military, sex, labor? There are many forms of slavery and trafficking. Often it's the young men who leave first to try to find a way to bring their families. I know this goes against a lot of the rhetoric and will not be a popular consideration for those who want to blame all immigrants, but I think people should at least consider the possibility that we don't know enough about any of this to draw hard line conclusions - that it's possible that even some of these military aged men are being used - promised one thing and then forced into very different realities. It's hard to get any real facts or real journalism on this, and what we need are numbers - also hard to get.
As you have said yourself many times, as soon as they dispense with the need for us useless eaters, we'll all be done away with by human or AI enslavers. This is of the biggest concern to me. And one of the most effective ways to get us to do some of the killing of each other is Divide and Conquer. If you look at genocide, it is often civil war between two ethnic, religious, or cultural factions.
Chicago mayor questioned about funding after plans to spend another $250 million on migrants
Mayor Brandon Johnson defended his decision to not commit another $70 million to migrant care, while the state of Illinois and Cook County announced plans to spend an additional $250 million.
Who funds the cartels, though? I think we need to get to the bottom line of this, because they are being funded. They are mercenaries answering to someone else and doing the dirty work for them IMO.
Ray; One critical factor for all Americans and Westerners to consider: Before 2030, there will be 76 MILLION Americans drawing from an already shrinking Old Age Pension? These people are being let into the US purposely, to fill that "Pension Funding Gap"! I estimate that the US needs 50 million working age people contributing to the pension fund and taxes??
Good sluething, Paul. Sound base, credible logic, but that presumes anyone in the White House cares. Psychopaths moving the chess board to protect age pensioners? Pretty hard to swallow.
Mr. Ryan; You have to remember that there is usually more than one agenda in play at any given moment.
If there were not more 'good' people in government, than greedy parasites, your country would have collapsed years ago. It is similar in Canada, A lot of the "Good People" might not stick their necks on the chopping block. But. they are patriotic and care about their responsibilities. Some of it might even be self preservation? If the pensions collapse, that hits everyone, financially and socially?
I am still waiting for reports that these people are actually there and working.
Other than that, your image of the future looks remarkably optimistic. I'm afraid, my pessimistic-looking stance is still optimistic compared to what's coming.
Allegedly, the projected survival rate in the US (99 million by 2025) will not require 50 million workers:
In the final technocratic world, "useless eaters" will be abandoned or euthanized one way or another. There are many ways to decimate the population, some of them quite creative:
The technocratic future will not need money. The CBDC will be only a transient conditioning period for the survivors of the culling, but ultimately, only the ones who will be considered to fulfill a function will be allowed to exist:
if so many are moving out of calif, wouldn't this drive real estate prices DOWN there? The influx of very wealthy people in a ruined national economy is what i am seeing. Most who can afford to move out of a state like California are likely to be rich. So yes, i can 'buy' it that wealthy people moving to other places can gentrify them and raise real estate prices. It's happening everywhere in the USA. It's just not Californians moving. Rich folks from Texas, Arizona, the East and West Coasts, are moving, some due to climate change and sea level rise, mass environmental destruction and decimation, and economic opportunity elsewhere, where they can grab up land for much cheaper, such as gobbling up land and homes for profit and for 2nd and 3rd homes - that all drives up real estate so that the middle class is out of luck, as are the poor. Is any of this being considered? "The covid years" of 2020 to 2023 gave us 600 new BILLIONAIRES in the U.S. alone. Let's not forget Bill Gates gobbling up farmland for Monsanto, ad nauseum. So, .. shouldn't all of this be part of the real narrative? How is this information not getting out to the masses?
I'm pretty sure the military-aged ones are being trained for corporate armies. That's quite close to being a slave, but they are promised and given stuff, and are pleased with their projected future. Eventually, they will not be needed, either, so in a way, they are already digging their own graves, too.
The rest are just as inconsequential as the US population.
I think you nailed it. Billionaire corporate CEOs training their armies til they get the AI and robot armies going. We're all expendable. What bothers me is how people hate on the victims because, these young men are also victims of a soulless crushing system. People's blame and outrage need to be on the enslavers, not the slaves.
Yup, the UN masquerade can start any minute. I remember freeloaders going to Serbia and making a lot of money, while hiding from any form of trouble. This time, it's a well-groomed gang that hates Americans and enjoys insurmountable technological superiority. Still, a few satellite-controlled drones and mechanized infantry units will be more than enough to do the job...
we can only survive by uniting under the banner of men and women of the will to do GOOD ,,, REGARDLESS of ethnicity race,religon, politics, social status , ... if you wish to do good then you are of my " tribe " .... the new goodall tribe ?
The "Willcommenkultur" is Germany eminently demonstrated that...
The rest of the invaders (no, they are NOT immigrants), mostly from China, are used to being oppressed and they hate Americans. They don't speak English, so "welcoming" them only proves what they believe about Americans/Europeans: they are weak or stupid. There is no way to "convince" them...
i cant convince anybody including my self , but God can like he convinced me through experience of Gods beauty [ philokalia ] which overcame this world ,i pray that the good God convince them acording to His gracious loving beautifull wisdom
It's what the enslavers are the most afraid of; all of us waking up and uniting against them. I'm glad that you can see beyond the traps of beliefs such as religion because goodness exists in its own right. It's natural Law. Live and let Live, and be good to one another and the land and creatures and waters that make life possible on this beautiful Earth.
They are NOT afraid; they are light-years ahead of guns and pistols...
Concerted and centralized action have been ruled out ever since the overall surveillance system was established, which went haywire after 2007...
I still hope that every responsible person can draw the line for themselves, as I did, and once the time comes, everyone will act without the need for being linked up to each other:
i wasn't talking about central and concerted actions. They never worked to begin with and they won't work in a technocratic takeover. the overlords own too much and control too much. I read the link you provided, though. I know what my bottom line is. I'm more of a coward than you I guess. If it gets THAT bad I want a way to make sure I die before they can torture me to make me say things to save my own ass so they can hurt any innocents.
Not talking about YOU specifically in the examples I use; just a general 'you.'
Unplug if you can, keep guns if that's your thing. have land in costa rica or 'escape' to some other country or offshore tax haven and make yourself someone else's problem. Whatever. I just wonder how cash poor/land poor people will have the same choices as the have's. I think they'll be the first cull. And of course, the elderly.
I will choose, I think, to try to help and comfort people worse off than I am. That doesn't mean that poor people stuck in the 'welfare' cbdc system have no bottom line about what I
they can live with and what they can't. I can only speak for myself and even if i had the money to go, I'd probably choose to stay local and act locally. I am ready to die. If it gets that bad, or even a little worse, I'm ready to go.
I am not ready to shoot someone or conceal and carry. I would rather NOT have to physically fight; I have no street fighting or martial arts training. Kudos to the young and also physically fit people who do. I'd rather die than play God with a life, even an evil one trying to take mine. If they tried with someone I loved, or an animal, I'd probably lose my shit and want to kill them, though. Grief can turn to rage in a heartbeat. There is no excuse for brutalizing another person. Period. So you know what I think of ALL war. I think I could be capable of trying to kill someone if they hurt someone I loved or an innocent creature - even a bird or a cat or a dog, just for the fun of it.
If as all of the religious folks say, it's up to God, then who am I to play God? That would make me no better than those who are doing just that. No answers. And I still think that fear of people waking up is very real - if they don't fear it, then their own arrogance will bring them down. As you say, individual actions will make a difference. We have to be true to our own bottom line but I think most of the people here agree that we will not comply.
Exactly Alex, good ploy. My hope is the controllers' plan to flood USSA/White Replacement plans will backfire when immigrants realize they can have a better life by working and earning their keep.
Let's all hope that the realization of something better is to unite against the enslavers, but I'm not sure how we can win - it has to come from the mind because without control over how and what we think, we're all lost. Emotions run riot. I know, because I'm an emotional person - and calm is an essential state in these times of fear, high anxiety, and anger.
to do that is easy for God , but He needs our free will concent and our willingness to embibe and follow good Gods will , which has to be better than my will
You and I agree. When this charismatic guy approaches me at the time of my death, he will tell me, "I'll fulfill all your wishes, come with me." The only proper answer to that is, "Let God's will be done, I don't know what's best for me."
Free Will is something most people do not ever use in life:
What is God's will? (Not trying to make fun of it or entrap you, but that is a good question. All I can say is God simply wants humans to be happy; that's "His will."
for me Gods will is directly reflected and expressed in same as of any good earthly father, mothers will for their childern ,,, including willingly giving up their life to save their childern
interesting you say that because i live in a mostly white place with immigrants from south of the US border, and they work harder than most of the whites - mostly FOR the rich whites. They bust their butts and never complain. They do quality work and show up. They want to be here. They want better lives for themselves and their families and they work for it. I guess I don't know the troublemakers most people talk about. They maintain their own language and cultural traditions, but is that a crime? They miss their homelands. They have my utmost respect. We have a smattering of Chinese; more commonly, folks from the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore.
The 'homeless' people I see here are all young to middle age able-bodied whites who don't seem to want to work, and the climate is good, so they stay and live in the woods. The problem with that is that most are alcoholics, drug addicts, or mentally ill, (so, wildfire danger, since many of them smoke.) Looking back at what I wrote i had to correct some of it - I saw my own harsh judgment about them, and I can't be sure of any of my projections about them, since America doesn't really take care of its own - and you can never tell what's on the inside of a person or what things may have happened to them, by looking only at the outside.
But all this rhetoric and fear about immigrants is confusing to me. I'm a low income poor white older person. They all treat me with kindness and respect, same as I do them.
What I appreciate about you, Ray Horvath, is that you see the whole big picture of how we're all being used, and the plan is to enslave, then discard us. That rings true.
Thanks Beedledee, addiction is sad. I see it alot among my friends. Coffee and alcohol, both of which are diuretics and mind control drugs. My friends don't realize that dehydration is the root cause of their pains including joint and back pain. Even when you tell them. Addiction is a powerful thing. With me, it's mind over matter.
All true, but in my understanding, synthetic protein has been working into humans for at least 60 years, and combined with other sources of poisoning, they all converge. I have collected only the 13 major sources:
lets find and increase things we have in common ... people that push things that divide humanity against humanity , they are on satans side regardless how convincing they try to be
all humans have many things in common like family , friendships , love life, love of music love of innocence, of pets, of foods,of merrymaking ,of marriges, of greaving for lost loved ones , universal existance of compassion,of kindness, of virtue , justice , morality , of respect , ,love of nature , seeking answers to fundimental questions about our place in the scheme of life here , the love of life love of goodness truth , poetry, of art etc etc etc
this world is not our true spiritual home " my kingdom is not of this world Jesus " one sheep dog controlls a flock of sheep , a herd of buffalo can kill all the lions or wolfs if they could organise ... ITS NOT IN THEIR NATURE... THATS WHY WE SHEEP NEED A GOOD SHEPHERD ... they can do " the end justifies the means " we cant / wont . we can /may do " forgive them Father they know not what they do " they cant /wont ... they get the temporary world kingdom ... we get the eternal kingdom of heaven .... CHOOSE ...
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
good God please help us all return to goodness and truth
simply put... we are being [and have been] poison ed and corrupted since the garden of eden and the tower of babalyon ... dear God of goodness and truth please help us all return / turn to goodness and truth and love and grace ... thank you , [ i/we try to love you , [ philokalia ] i /we would like to know you
I pray to God and Jesus for wisdom because I know not what to do in relationship to everything that is being thrown at us. I’m in San Diego. Evidence of the “invasion” for me are immense numbers of Hindus and Sinos—all immediately with immense amounts of money and slotted immediately into the bio-tech industry. These people have zero connection to the West. Yet, they are now the new “middle class.” Meanwhile, 99% of the European-Americans I know—most of whose ancestors fought in every one of these monsters wars into which they were conscripted—are one bill away from being homeless. Do others see this? Should I view the Chinaman or Hindu buying two multimillion dollar houses as some kind of suffering “immigrant?”
Chris, thanks for sharing. I see the immigrants wandering the streets of Commie Massachusetts wearing new sneakers and nice new clothes and carrying cell phones. They don't appear to be working.
well... if you're gonna talk 'vote them out,' the damage goes way back. These are just the latest fuckers, and all the people who voted for the next fucker will soon see that it doesn't matter at this stage because they all have and had their part in the fuckery because they are all under orders of who really runs the world. Please see that.
A friend said he visited a shopping mall in Merrimack New Hampshire. He said there didn't appear to be any Americans there at all. Just dark-skinned types, maybe East Indian. He didn't hear anyone speaking English. They apparently had plenty of money to take advantage of the 'Black Friday' shopping insanity.
See what the weapons are all about, for home defense I use a BHP in 40 S&W. The AR and AK in 5.56 and 7.62X39, 7.62X51 are for terrorists. Soon you won't be able to tell the difference, except the terrorist will have you outgunned.
I’ve got a lot to say about this topic, but in an upcoming, rant-filled article of…well, ranting, of course. It’s just so stupid that so many Americans remain divided up as political tools in colorful combinations of well organized, planned fight-clubs, even war. Are most Americans really so brain-hacked as delusional constituents and too incapable of wrapping their small brains around honest, fair immigration and fair game & trade policies vs. manufactured chaos during an election year along every city, county, state and federal f🤬g boarder?
This madness is as intentional as manmade pathogens or any other “evolving” FalseFlag event the war & disease profiteers and their bought politicians and crooked cops have “created.” Wait until these UN/CIA bussed-in tools are used to facilitate an all out civil war in military uniform. I understand from extensive research going back almost a decade now that this is in fact “their,” or should I say, our end-game; multi-faceted manmade wars; End Times, which we could stop at any time for a fraction of the cost of conflicts and wars We the Majority must always pay for in blood.
This is absolutely their plan—to cause a civil conflict with all of these “immigrants.” “COVID” was a way to instigate this along with many other agendas. San Diego does not even look like the same city since 2020.
don't forget the 600 new BILLIONAIRES - I think that is in the U.S. alone, but still, even if global, that's a LOT - all in the first three years of CONvid. Who are they? No one really knows but does it matter? This is wealth disparity at its very worst. They run everything. I don't know how many global billionaires were 'made' during the scamdemic. it was a land and assets grab planned to destroy us. AI will destroy not only us, but also the controllers.
And apparently now they’re being supported by VA money!! Veterans reporting waiting almost five years on a claim and three years on an appeal. This is sick and disgusting. I’m picturing but not waiting on it these people hanging by their testicles!
Just wondering... if they all 'disappeared,' how do we know for sure that some or many of them aren't being trafficked for slavery in the various 'trades' - mercenary, military, sex, labor? There are many forms of slavery and trafficking. Often it's the young men who leave first to try to find a way to bring their families. I know this goes against a lot of the rhetoric and will not be a popular consideration for those who want to blame all immigrants, but I think people should at least consider the possibility that we don't know enough about any of this to draw hard line conclusions - that it's possible that even some of these military aged men are being used - promised one thing and then forced into very different realities. It's hard to get any real facts or real journalism on this, and what we need are numbers - also hard to get.
As you have said yourself many times, as soon as they dispense with the need for us useless eaters, we'll all be done away with by human or AI enslavers. This is of the biggest concern to me. And one of the most effective ways to get us to do some of the killing of each other is Divide and Conquer. If you look at genocide, it is often civil war between two ethnic, religious, or cultural factions.
True, as easy as drones would be they might need the added terror/horror from the useless eaters to energize this evil.
Alarming Rise in Military-Aged Chinese Men Entering US Illegally, Border Patrol Union Chief Warns
The chief of the Border Patrol union has issued a warning about the spike in Chinese military-aged men entering the United States illegally.
Border Patrol Union rips Biden over border crisis: ‘You OWN this catastrophic disaster’
Migrants continue to flock into unofficial border camp near remote California town by the hundreds
Chicago mayor questioned about funding after plans to spend another $250 million on migrants
Mayor Brandon Johnson defended his decision to not commit another $70 million to migrant care, while the state of Illinois and Cook County announced plans to spend an additional $250 million.
Texas Land Commissioner shuts down cartel activity on island, cleared weapons and explosives
Who funds the cartels, though? I think we need to get to the bottom line of this, because they are being funded. They are mercenaries answering to someone else and doing the dirty work for them IMO.
Ray; One critical factor for all Americans and Westerners to consider: Before 2030, there will be 76 MILLION Americans drawing from an already shrinking Old Age Pension? These people are being let into the US purposely, to fill that "Pension Funding Gap"! I estimate that the US needs 50 million working age people contributing to the pension fund and taxes??
Good sluething, Paul. Sound base, credible logic, but that presumes anyone in the White House cares. Psychopaths moving the chess board to protect age pensioners? Pretty hard to swallow.
What’s the pension for Biden & Trump?
A drop in the ocean compared to patronage payments.
Mr. Ryan; You have to remember that there is usually more than one agenda in play at any given moment.
If there were not more 'good' people in government, than greedy parasites, your country would have collapsed years ago. It is similar in Canada, A lot of the "Good People" might not stick their necks on the chopping block. But. they are patriotic and care about their responsibilities. Some of it might even be self preservation? If the pensions collapse, that hits everyone, financially and socially?
I am still waiting for reports that these people are actually there and working.
Other than that, your image of the future looks remarkably optimistic. I'm afraid, my pessimistic-looking stance is still optimistic compared to what's coming.
Allegedly, the projected survival rate in the US (99 million by 2025) will not require 50 million workers:
I think, the projection is a bit too fast, but eventually, the SHTF:
In the final technocratic world, "useless eaters" will be abandoned or euthanized one way or another. There are many ways to decimate the population, some of them quite creative:
The most ignored silent killer in the last 70 years seem to be altered proteins:
The technocratic future will not need money. The CBDC will be only a transient conditioning period for the survivors of the culling, but ultimately, only the ones who will be considered to fulfill a function will be allowed to exist:
That Deagal one there looks like Deagal has decided that in the war between BRICs & Anglo world that BRICs wins.
and gets a bit killy as well. That’s not very nice.
This account tracks their behavior across various countries and cities. They are causing a lot of trouble.
Not all Palestinians are Muslims. Some of them are Christians.
IF these folks are in cities, the cities seem very quiet about it.
Small cities or whatever would surely notice the influx of new persons, especially if these persons do not speak english?
Where are the 'undercover' drones following these busses?
Who hired the busses...
Where is the digital paper trails?
Busses, airports, hotels, etc.
most of this is privatized thus there should be tax records or church records for transport.
The WWII actors had ALL the records..
There need be records somehow...
This stuff is NOT happening in a damn Vacuum like the media portends...
Pictures? The same damn picture of a mass of persons on line in some lame road in east bum -f^,k? How many times have we seen the same picture?
Well...while Flying across America the
'Narrative' for the increase in housing costs is:
People from California, moving OUT of California are the main cause for inflationary housing prices ACROSS THE COUNTRY!!
This 'fact' was overheard in:
Buffalo NY
Washington DC
These seemed educated persons 'chatting' amongst themselves...
So 6 million Californians affect housing prices from Alaska to Florida,
But NOT ONE of these millions of potential residents or immigrants or whatever have not had ANY effect on the economy?
We need to double check this narrative...
Perhaps masses seem to be quite distracted with wasting time on hand held technology and the latest movie app!
if so many are moving out of calif, wouldn't this drive real estate prices DOWN there? The influx of very wealthy people in a ruined national economy is what i am seeing. Most who can afford to move out of a state like California are likely to be rich. So yes, i can 'buy' it that wealthy people moving to other places can gentrify them and raise real estate prices. It's happening everywhere in the USA. It's just not Californians moving. Rich folks from Texas, Arizona, the East and West Coasts, are moving, some due to climate change and sea level rise, mass environmental destruction and decimation, and economic opportunity elsewhere, where they can grab up land for much cheaper, such as gobbling up land and homes for profit and for 2nd and 3rd homes - that all drives up real estate so that the middle class is out of luck, as are the poor. Is any of this being considered? "The covid years" of 2020 to 2023 gave us 600 new BILLIONAIRES in the U.S. alone. Let's not forget Bill Gates gobbling up farmland for Monsanto, ad nauseum. So, .. shouldn't all of this be part of the real narrative? How is this information not getting out to the masses?
The controlled demolition of the USD is accompanied by the controlled demolition of the country.
What's everyone complaining about? Give them some shovels, and let's start digging! "that's the sound of man...working on the the chain gaaa-aang..."
I'm pretty sure the military-aged ones are being trained for corporate armies. That's quite close to being a slave, but they are promised and given stuff, and are pleased with their projected future. Eventually, they will not be needed, either, so in a way, they are already digging their own graves, too.
The rest are just as inconsequential as the US population.
I think you nailed it. Billionaire corporate CEOs training their armies til they get the AI and robot armies going. We're all expendable. What bothers me is how people hate on the victims because, these young men are also victims of a soulless crushing system. People's blame and outrage need to be on the enslavers, not the slaves.
UN Peace Corps. Cell phones, at the ready awaiting orders; possibly they will come out of the ground, swarm like the cicadas.
Yup, the UN masquerade can start any minute. I remember freeloaders going to Serbia and making a lot of money, while hiding from any form of trouble. This time, it's a well-groomed gang that hates Americans and enjoys insurmountable technological superiority. Still, a few satellite-controlled drones and mechanized infantry units will be more than enough to do the job...
we can only survive by uniting under the banner of men and women of the will to do GOOD ,,, REGARDLESS of ethnicity race,religon, politics, social status , ... if you wish to do good then you are of my " tribe " .... the new goodall tribe ?
lets get the immigrants on our side by welcoming them as our own men and women " of good will"
Islam is not compatible with our way of life:
The "Willcommenkultur" is Germany eminently demonstrated that...
The rest of the invaders (no, they are NOT immigrants), mostly from China, are used to being oppressed and they hate Americans. They don't speak English, so "welcoming" them only proves what they believe about Americans/Europeans: they are weak or stupid. There is no way to "convince" them...
i cant convince anybody including my self , but God can like he convinced me through experience of Gods beauty [ philokalia ] which overcame this world ,i pray that the good God convince them acording to His gracious loving beautifull wisdom
It's what the enslavers are the most afraid of; all of us waking up and uniting against them. I'm glad that you can see beyond the traps of beliefs such as religion because goodness exists in its own right. It's natural Law. Live and let Live, and be good to one another and the land and creatures and waters that make life possible on this beautiful Earth.
They are NOT afraid; they are light-years ahead of guns and pistols...
Concerted and centralized action have been ruled out ever since the overall surveillance system was established, which went haywire after 2007...
I still hope that every responsible person can draw the line for themselves, as I did, and once the time comes, everyone will act without the need for being linked up to each other:
i wasn't talking about central and concerted actions. They never worked to begin with and they won't work in a technocratic takeover. the overlords own too much and control too much. I read the link you provided, though. I know what my bottom line is. I'm more of a coward than you I guess. If it gets THAT bad I want a way to make sure I die before they can torture me to make me say things to save my own ass so they can hurt any innocents.
Not talking about YOU specifically in the examples I use; just a general 'you.'
Unplug if you can, keep guns if that's your thing. have land in costa rica or 'escape' to some other country or offshore tax haven and make yourself someone else's problem. Whatever. I just wonder how cash poor/land poor people will have the same choices as the have's. I think they'll be the first cull. And of course, the elderly.
I will choose, I think, to try to help and comfort people worse off than I am. That doesn't mean that poor people stuck in the 'welfare' cbdc system have no bottom line about what I
they can live with and what they can't. I can only speak for myself and even if i had the money to go, I'd probably choose to stay local and act locally. I am ready to die. If it gets that bad, or even a little worse, I'm ready to go.
I am not ready to shoot someone or conceal and carry. I would rather NOT have to physically fight; I have no street fighting or martial arts training. Kudos to the young and also physically fit people who do. I'd rather die than play God with a life, even an evil one trying to take mine. If they tried with someone I loved, or an animal, I'd probably lose my shit and want to kill them, though. Grief can turn to rage in a heartbeat. There is no excuse for brutalizing another person. Period. So you know what I think of ALL war. I think I could be capable of trying to kill someone if they hurt someone I loved or an innocent creature - even a bird or a cat or a dog, just for the fun of it.
If as all of the religious folks say, it's up to God, then who am I to play God? That would make me no better than those who are doing just that. No answers. And I still think that fear of people waking up is very real - if they don't fear it, then their own arrogance will bring them down. As you say, individual actions will make a difference. We have to be true to our own bottom line but I think most of the people here agree that we will not comply.
truth is beautifull
Yup, that's my understanding of beauty: all the good and the bad things showing up in one...
i find it impossible that God does bad,,, but i hope in can ask Him about the why/how of evil
Please, peruse my response to alex's comment.
Excellent comment Beedledee. The law is written on our heart.
truth transcendant goodness
Just replied to alex; it pertains to Beedledee's comment, too...
No, they are NOT afraid; they can't wait...
Exactly Alex, good ploy. My hope is the controllers' plan to flood USSA/White Replacement plans will backfire when immigrants realize they can have a better life by working and earning their keep.
Most of these invaders are from China. They will not realize they are slaves, but one sunny day, they might realize there is something better...
Let's all hope that the realization of something better is to unite against the enslavers, but I'm not sure how we can win - it has to come from the mind because without control over how and what we think, we're all lost. Emotions run riot. I know, because I'm an emotional person - and calm is an essential state in these times of fear, high anxiety, and anger.
to do that is easy for God , but He needs our free will concent and our willingness to embibe and follow good Gods will , which has to be better than my will
You and I agree. When this charismatic guy approaches me at the time of my death, he will tell me, "I'll fulfill all your wishes, come with me." The only proper answer to that is, "Let God's will be done, I don't know what's best for me."
Free Will is something most people do not ever use in life:
What is God's will? (Not trying to make fun of it or entrap you, but that is a good question. All I can say is God simply wants humans to be happy; that's "His will."
for me Gods will is directly reflected and expressed in same as of any good earthly father, mothers will for their childern ,,, including willingly giving up their life to save their childern
Thanks Ray. All we can do is be kind, but be prepared for the worst. It's a mind over matter thing. I mean be prepared in your mind.
mind over matter... if we dont mind it doesnt matter... humor
interesting you say that because i live in a mostly white place with immigrants from south of the US border, and they work harder than most of the whites - mostly FOR the rich whites. They bust their butts and never complain. They do quality work and show up. They want to be here. They want better lives for themselves and their families and they work for it. I guess I don't know the troublemakers most people talk about. They maintain their own language and cultural traditions, but is that a crime? They miss their homelands. They have my utmost respect. We have a smattering of Chinese; more commonly, folks from the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore.
The 'homeless' people I see here are all young to middle age able-bodied whites who don't seem to want to work, and the climate is good, so they stay and live in the woods. The problem with that is that most are alcoholics, drug addicts, or mentally ill, (so, wildfire danger, since many of them smoke.) Looking back at what I wrote i had to correct some of it - I saw my own harsh judgment about them, and I can't be sure of any of my projections about them, since America doesn't really take care of its own - and you can never tell what's on the inside of a person or what things may have happened to them, by looking only at the outside.
But all this rhetoric and fear about immigrants is confusing to me. I'm a low income poor white older person. They all treat me with kindness and respect, same as I do them.
What I appreciate about you, Ray Horvath, is that you see the whole big picture of how we're all being used, and the plan is to enslave, then discard us. That rings true.
Thanks Beedledee, addiction is sad. I see it alot among my friends. Coffee and alcohol, both of which are diuretics and mind control drugs. My friends don't realize that dehydration is the root cause of their pains including joint and back pain. Even when you tell them. Addiction is a powerful thing. With me, it's mind over matter.
All true, but in my understanding, synthetic protein has been working into humans for at least 60 years, and combined with other sources of poisoning, they all converge. I have collected only the 13 major sources:
For that matter, most alcoholic drinks are now tainted. Not sure about coffee as long as it's "organic."
Sitting on a chair alone can destroy the spinal disks...
lets find and increase things we have in common ... people that push things that divide humanity against humanity , they are on satans side regardless how convincing they try to be
It would be nice, if it was an option. Some cultures are simply incompatible, as I observed in my first comment to your original comment.
all humans have many things in common like family , friendships , love life, love of music love of innocence, of pets, of foods,of merrymaking ,of marriges, of greaving for lost loved ones , universal existance of compassion,of kindness, of virtue , justice , morality , of respect , ,love of nature , seeking answers to fundimental questions about our place in the scheme of life here , the love of life love of goodness truth , poetry, of art etc etc etc
this world is not our true spiritual home " my kingdom is not of this world Jesus " one sheep dog controlls a flock of sheep , a herd of buffalo can kill all the lions or wolfs if they could organise ... ITS NOT IN THEIR NATURE... THATS WHY WE SHEEP NEED A GOOD SHEPHERD ... they can do " the end justifies the means " we cant / wont . we can /may do " forgive them Father they know not what they do " they cant /wont ... they get the temporary world kingdom ... we get the eternal kingdom of heaven .... CHOOSE ...
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
good God please help us all return to goodness and truth
simply put... we are being [and have been] poison ed and corrupted since the garden of eden and the tower of babalyon ... dear God of goodness and truth please help us all return / turn to goodness and truth and love and grace ... thank you , [ i/we try to love you , [ philokalia ] i /we would like to know you
I pray to God and Jesus for wisdom because I know not what to do in relationship to everything that is being thrown at us. I’m in San Diego. Evidence of the “invasion” for me are immense numbers of Hindus and Sinos—all immediately with immense amounts of money and slotted immediately into the bio-tech industry. These people have zero connection to the West. Yet, they are now the new “middle class.” Meanwhile, 99% of the European-Americans I know—most of whose ancestors fought in every one of these monsters wars into which they were conscripted—are one bill away from being homeless. Do others see this? Should I view the Chinaman or Hindu buying two multimillion dollar houses as some kind of suffering “immigrant?”
Chris, thanks for sharing. I see the immigrants wandering the streets of Commie Massachusetts wearing new sneakers and nice new clothes and carrying cell phones. They don't appear to be working.
You should not.
Vote the fuckers who brought this on us OUT!!!
well... if you're gonna talk 'vote them out,' the damage goes way back. These are just the latest fuckers, and all the people who voted for the next fucker will soon see that it doesn't matter at this stage because they all have and had their part in the fuckery because they are all under orders of who really runs the world. Please see that.
As Stalin said, it doesn't matter how people vote; what matters is who counts the votes. Dominion machines can do the job these days.
Democracy has always been a scam:
If that is a possibility, I’m for it. I don’t think it’s a possibility.
Chris, I look around and it’s like being in another country! I’m on the coast of Commifornia. I won’t even go into details.
Absolutely like being in another country. I’m the minority in many parts of San Diego.
A friend said he visited a shopping mall in Merrimack New Hampshire. He said there didn't appear to be any Americans there at all. Just dark-skinned types, maybe East Indian. He didn't hear anyone speaking English. They apparently had plenty of money to take advantage of the 'Black Friday' shopping insanity.
See what the weapons are all about, for home defense I use a BHP in 40 S&W. The AR and AK in 5.56 and 7.62X39, 7.62X51 are for terrorists. Soon you won't be able to tell the difference, except the terrorist will have you outgunned.
7.62 travels through 5 or 6 people... Not sure about the 5.56. Even a remote-controlled minitank or a large drone could take out half of our village.
I’ve got a lot to say about this topic, but in an upcoming, rant-filled article of…well, ranting, of course. It’s just so stupid that so many Americans remain divided up as political tools in colorful combinations of well organized, planned fight-clubs, even war. Are most Americans really so brain-hacked as delusional constituents and too incapable of wrapping their small brains around honest, fair immigration and fair game & trade policies vs. manufactured chaos during an election year along every city, county, state and federal f🤬g boarder?
This madness is as intentional as manmade pathogens or any other “evolving” FalseFlag event the war & disease profiteers and their bought politicians and crooked cops have “created.” Wait until these UN/CIA bussed-in tools are used to facilitate an all out civil war in military uniform. I understand from extensive research going back almost a decade now that this is in fact “their,” or should I say, our end-game; multi-faceted manmade wars; End Times, which we could stop at any time for a fraction of the cost of conflicts and wars We the Majority must always pay for in blood.
This is absolutely their plan—to cause a civil conflict with all of these “immigrants.” “COVID” was a way to instigate this along with many other agendas. San Diego does not even look like the same city since 2020.
don't forget the 600 new BILLIONAIRES - I think that is in the U.S. alone, but still, even if global, that's a LOT - all in the first three years of CONvid. Who are they? No one really knows but does it matter? This is wealth disparity at its very worst. They run everything. I don't know how many global billionaires were 'made' during the scamdemic. it was a land and assets grab planned to destroy us. AI will destroy not only us, but also the controllers.
San Diego was one of the best places in CA... High rental prices and real estate taxes...
It was absolutely one one of the most affordable places in CA…until the mid-1990s.
that is everywhere USA. Here, the boom of 1989 changed things radically for the worse. Downhill ever since.
The phenomenon surely demonstrates the futility of politicians.
I think, a "civil war" would be quite honorable compared to what's most likely coming: starving zombies killing each other...
same difference.
No doubt, Ray.
And apparently now they’re being supported by VA money!! Veterans reporting waiting almost five years on a claim and three years on an appeal. This is sick and disgusting. I’m picturing but not waiting on it these people hanging by their testicles!
They already are, but they do not know it. :)
Ha ha now I’m picturing those testicles being used for Satan’s s’mores