simply put... we are being and have been poison ed since the tower of babalyon ... dear God of goodness and truth please help us all return / turn to goodness and truth and love and grace ... thank you , we try to love you , we would like to know you

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"Microwaved food tends to become fatty tissue in its consumer." Do you have a citation for this? Would be interested in that. Thanks!

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Jan 14Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

EMOTIONAL STRESS seems to cause 90% of all dis-ease and illness.

And because the 1% want to kill off 90% of the chattle cattle and control the remainder, their poison-as-medicine program is rightly labeled me-die-cull. (h/t to jason christoff)

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Poison the cattle so they are weaker, sicker, and thus easier to herd, lie to, push into self euthanization, abuse, etc.

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Really thank you for this piece, Ray.

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" correcting my posture by relaxation have kept me out of trouble since then, but as everyone else, I am on borrowed time. " Ray, check out MFR myofacsial release from the John Barnes School - you might be able to borrow a little bit more time 😹 my therapist fixed stuff from 50-year-old injuries, and it is staying fixed.

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So, Brendan Murphy is advertising " How To Evolve Yourself without meditation or hard work " .. I already missed the free class. I wonder if anyone took it? I was curious but slightly repelled by the picture of him looking very Keanu Reeves-ish, now that I've gotten to the age where a very sexy looking man is a danger signal!

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Hey Ray, I'm reading the Truthiverse link, Brendan , a lot here that is way over my head! but made me think it probably explains how Kinesiology works. thanks for this comprehensive article.

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You wrote: 'The peculiar thing is that western “medical” examinations... can’t check for bacterial or parasitic (im)balance in the body..' The good Lord led me to read this at just such a time when I am going through just such a thing. Earlier this year, I went to the VA hospital for a *diagnosis. (*The only thing I will go near a doctor for! I have taken none of their treatments or medications my entire adult life.. which is to what I credit my perfect health at age 66.) But I was having peculiar symptoms and I wanted to know.. What was the root cause? I didn't expect much from the medical community. And they did not disappoint. They wanted me to return for a colonoscopy.. I didn't go back. I knew that my gut issues and CFS had nothing to do with cancer. That much the Lord had showed me. Then with further investigation, he also led me to figure out that my issues this year,(the worst of which was debilitating fatigue)., were ALL related to candidida, a yeast infection. ( Much in the same way that he led me to this very interesting article). So I commenced an aggressive program of both herbal and oxidative therapies to destroy the overgrowth of the yeast. The program is working marvelously and the symptoms have all but completely disappeared.. That said, your expose and synopsis on the failure of Western Allopathic medicine is stupendous. I look forward to the publication of your encyclopedia..

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https://www.bitchute.com/video/X7pqGIl7NV6C/ CANCER CURE BY MAINSTREAM MEDICAL DOCTOR PHD ... DOCO

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Great read! It reminded me in some aspect of the book Medical Nihilism from Jacob Stegenga.. I wrote a small piece about it went I worked for a Health Communication research unit last year.. it's in french though :/ it basically calls for poor faith in the promises of "modern" medecin and a humble approach towards healing methods. I learned a lot from your piece as a nurse, thanks!

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" [children] didn’t develop “covid” symptoms so often . . "

Because of their more efficient innate immune system AND a very low level of ACE2 receptors in their nasal mucosa.

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An excellent article with a ton of information!!!👍👍👍

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May 7, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I like the advice to eat what one's ancestors ate. Because I like potatoes.

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Apr 29, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Well said Ray. As a 13 year cancer survivor I thank God that He opened my eyes to do my own research and beat this disease the way ANY disease can be beaten......by faith in God, eating right, exercise, and removing as many toxins from our lives as possible. And yes it is that easy. But man in his infinite wisdom says a man-made pill/vaccine that is foreign to the body is the way to heal.....WRONG! This IS where doctors make their living and will continue to make their living..........pushing drugs/vaccines/procedures/tests to treat and mask a disease and never getting to the root cause of the problem.............IT'S WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN TRAINED TO DO and to do otherwise They WILL lose their medical license.

Doctors never try and get to the root cause of the patient's problem. How often do they check a patient's vitamin D levels for any disease? Doctors should be checking every patient's vitamin D levels because vitamin D is very important to a strong immune system to fight disease. Mankind has moved in doors to work and live over the last 2 centuries causing a lack of vitamin D which in turn brings more disease. Health is that simple, but again there is no to very little money in telling people to get more sunshine and/or supplement with vitamin D.

I also believe there is little to no medical ethics with most doctors! When this lie called covid came out, why couldn't doctors practice medicine? Because they can't. They have to do what your administrators and government tells you to do. Why were doctors forced to use remdesivir which destroys kidneys and ventilators which kill up to 80% of patients who use them? Medical ethics my ass!!!!! It has been said that medical deaths are the third leading cause of death in America behind cancer and heart disease. I believe medical deaths are number 1 because most death certificates are fudged by doctors to avoid lawsuits......"Remdesivir did not kill the patient, he died of kidney failure". How many times do you think that is happening? Also, a Harvard study stated that only 1% of deaths and adverse reactions to vaccines are reported in VAERS.

As you can tell I have lost ALL faith in the medical system when it comes to treating disease. I believe doctors have their place which is in emergencies, trauma, injuries and some Pediatrics. But, when it comes to treating disease modern medicine is a complete FAILURE.

I want to live and to stay alive.........and to do so I WILL AVOID DOCTORS!!!!!!!!!!!

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