Ask me - AI is already at your doorstep - If you use Fed Ex - Thye been spying! Should you lye complacent, ultimately, while they will arrest you in your complasent=C!? I have knowledge of this and the implications of this, for several years. Be the voice you were gifted, drop the silence, command your souverenty (sp) over and over agian, to be that of humanism, not the trans type of it !

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"If humans could agree on what they would not like to live without, it would be impossible to enslave them."

Yes, but their desires are enslaving their movement to free themselves - They desire tangible over intangible! They have not been human, for quite a length of time! They cannot live without fucking one another, as they know not what is love! They have nothing further than that of the essence of power, which they believe is money! This is all for the sake of the greed - Greed is one of the spoken seven sins - They cannot ever be present again! Of course, unless it is in the almighty name of Love and Light!

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"If humans could agree on what they would not like to live without, it would be impossible to enslave them."

Yes, but their desires are enslaving their movement to free themselves - They desire tangible over intangible! They have not been human, for quite a length of time! They cannot live without fucking one another, as they know not what is love! They have nothing further than that of the essence of power, which they believe is money! This is all for the sake of the greed - Greed is one of the spoken seven sins - They cannot ever be present again! Of course, unless it is in the almighty name of Love and Light!

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Sep 18·edited 22 hrs ago

Ray, thanks for the erudite history. I suspect that the reason(s) the human species still exists is primarily God and his vibration of light and love. Satan and its henchmen do not have enough evil to overcome the base goodness of man. Only about 30% of people are trapped by "The Science" (aka, Mass Formation). The human species is more resilient and independent than the globalist scientists realized. Another 40% or so are disinterested or uninvolved with global affairs (they "function" only in their personal spheres). The cabal has a hard time ensnaring those folks. The remaining, around 30%, are good people who embrace God, family, country, and love. They (we) are highly unlikely to fall prey to the propaganda, enticements of the vile so-called elitists and their twisted plan for the globe. That doesn't rule out a massive poisoning or nuclear disaster. The more drastic the weaponry used against us, the more likely the cabal will destroy itself. That being said, don't expect that we can just sit back and do nothing. There can be no victory without mounting a vicious, vigorous war against evil. It is said that God helps those that help themselves. Make your move or die.

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My apologies; Perhaps this is not to be a funny posting... I had only just finished pulling in all of the delicious, food for the week from the grill - There in my kitchen, Sat several cast iron pans, cooling on the marble slab. The dogs sniffed every inch of me and the air above them, yet knowingly, stayed their distance from the piping hot cast irons. It is always a joy to see the enthusiasm of one, two, three, or more while anticipating a bite. Inevitably, there is drool associated with this endeavor - Yet, for me, as I glanced at the photo and head line of this article, I had just taken a bite of the newly fried rice. Then proceeded to spat it out in audible laughter, thus allowing the fur kids an opportunity to sample without harm - Guessing, now is the appropriate time to read this article!

Creator, Bless us all ~ As first, we shall partake in the goodness placed on the table before us.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

They will never achieve immortality. It's a pipe dream. They want to be immortal gods but are flesh and blood with an inbuilt limited lifespan they can barely extend for a handful mote years. They all die, just like all of mankind. How long did Kissinger live? 200 years, 150 years? No, 100 years. And that's with all the best doctors at his disposal, the most nutritious food, the adrenochrome (I hate even writing that word). Just FYI my Irish mother -in -law lived to 97 years on tatties, salted porridge and butter (not altogether lol) There are some laws in Nature that cannot be overriden. Our limited lifespan is one of them.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

Excellent summary. Sadly, I concur with much of what you say here. I pray for God's wisdom and discernment daily to deal with all that is occurring.

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“How do you know there is intelligent life in the Universe?”...“They haven’t tried to contact us.” That perfectly explains why those darn UFOs just keep flying right on by. Can't blame them a bit.

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Right, holographic images, probably the same type as the "planes" on 9/11, unless the latter were drones.

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Sep 18Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

That's one fine of analysis. Thanks!

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Thank YOU! These are only facts and I am only a messenger.

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