Life is cyclical. We're in the end States of a civilization that took too many wrong turns. Life, whether created by a God(dess) is infinite and ever dying and being reborn in many manifestations. Evil is simply the dying forces at work which must happen in order for new life to emerge.
I believe that life=love. But I don't necessarily believe that hate=death. It's more subtle and nuanced than that. Humanity, one of millions of species that exist or have ever existed struggles to see the 'big picture's because our life span is so short. But maybe that's essential for us to stay humble?
All I know is that all of it is incredibly beautiful even the suffering. I love Helen Keller's quote: "The world may be full of suffering but it is also full of the overcoming of it." I'm learning to give all my heart, my focus, my gifts only to that which affirms life.
I just can't see how our Creator is going to allow one of his creations who went rogue, (desiring to be a god himself and convincing others in his rebellion) to continue for much longer, to continue ruining this beautiful earth and the teeming life upon it. To be allowed to change the essence of mankind, who is made in God's image. The covid con has stripped away layers to reveal how a relatively small group of people are bringing about an enormous amount of unbelievable levels of evil, and trashing creation itself. Our Creator has complete awareness of what's going on and why, and will bring an end to this dystopian horror. And the way things are going, that will have to be soon.
That's my take on it atm but the allowing of evil is a hard one to get my head around.
Watched this tonight & found myself realizing that prayer, living life, sharing ones gifts & talents, spreading love, its of the utmost importance right now. We have to do everything in our power to stop the takeover of biological beings
Whatever the "elites" (Did they give themselves this tag?) have planned for humanity is void of happiness and the entity we call God or Creator. They believe that their plan for humanity as some sort of robot existence does not include or have the need for God or love. "You will own nothing and be happy." I guess if you are happy you don't need a God, or anything else. From my observations, mankind has to have some sort of superior being to be guided by and must have the capacity to give and receive love. God and love have been replaced by material goods and ambition of happiness. The "elites" or other similar leaders/rulers have been trying to eliminate our desire for Godliness and love since man was created. In the past 100 years, there has been an accelerated push to fundamentally change (thanks, Obama) the essence of human existence. During the last, give or take, 20 years the change has been drastic. Man's inhumanity for man has increased by leaps and bounds. Whether there remain enough love and God fearing/worshipping left to stop us from tumbling over a cliff into a dark abyss is questionable. What happens largely depends on our efforts to put the brakes on and reverse course. Which direction are you going in?
There's power within, we're connected to " God ", or source, yet we also have the beast within, the ego, some strive to overcome. The greatest battle anyone can face is within, conquer that & your fears will dissipate, & death is but a transformation. The Hermetic laws hold true imo, & the wisdom is from a far older time. As above so below, as within so without, as the universe so the soul. Balancing the opposites / the narrow path / the God staff the ancients depicted accross the world. It matters not what " they do ", ALL that matters is what you do.
Thank you Mr Horvath, you have an interesting name, not Ray lol, is your heritage, if you dont mind me asking, from Eastern Europe, Croatia or Hungary maybe ? im interested in etymology a bit, i know nothing lol
My heritage seems to come from all over the place in Europe, including Moldovan, Slovakian, Hungarian, and even some Spanish. And of course, American (which includes the predecessors).
When I felt suffocated by my amassed "knowledge" at the age of 19 (I had the unpleasant habit of being able to embarrass just about anyone with my "erudite" utterances in just two or three sentences, but after making an effort, I became just fine), I realized that letting everything go was the only answer. It was a salto mortale, a leap in the dark, but it worked. It helped me experience that whatever I was able to let go, was not me. However, what was left was still me. I've been practicing the same every since. :)
Those, who have something greater to live than survival, cannot be intimidated.
You speak of a God when the biblical history talks of GODS. The Gods (both male and female) made us THEIR image.
It seems our distant ancestors chose A God out of all them.
So, questions. The universe is upwards of 13.8 billion years and humans some million years old.What was your God doing in the meantime? Perhaps he was creating other worlds or other beings.
Does the bible talk about your God using DNA to create
Adam and Eve or was Adam a visitor from one of your God's other worlds?
As for your God, perhaps he was chosen because of the fear his maniacal,genocidal actions. My gods were certainly involved in war but the spirit I pray to simply looked after the earth, water, air, the Sun and the Moon...that's it No Onwards Christian Soldiers.
Its a fascinating topic etymology, & tracing names back as far as we have the information for can yeild some surprises.
Through trial & error you've found yourself, lol i laugh because i find it so joyous, it's rare in our culture to hear this, if only more understood themselves we would be living in a sublime world. The words you use speak volumes, as you understand there's wisdom & power to gain from letting yourself be vulnerable, balancing the ego, & going within. Of course it doesn't happen overnight, but it comes if you do the work, as you understand.
Awesome quotes dear fellow, could not agree more lol, we're in this world but not of it.
Have a great day mate, to you & your, " better half ", your words not mine lol.
Mind manipulation (via drugs, m k u ltra, e m fs, propaganda, censorship, etc) is a challenge the fragile human species struggles with daily. Given the low level of critical thinking skills (by design and greatly due to the aforementioned) apparent in the current population, the challenges are indeed considerable.
The species seems to have a precarious balance between mimicry, which leads to blind following, and creativity, which leads not only to innovation, but 'leading' others. Too much creativity brings an aloofness from one's fellows. Too much mimicry, and worship and servitude follow. We seem to have evolved for both. Otherwise the massive growth of brain tissue wouldn't occur after birth.
And yes, the low level of critical thinking has been designed and aggressively pushed with the masses falling into line and being entertained to death. The events of the last five years seem to have accelerated this decline immensely. It saddens me greatly.
See Jason Chistoff's illuminating work on coffee, as a poison, that reduces blood flow to the prefrontal cortex by up to 50%. The effects last for up to two weeks. Jason is on Substack.
Let's not forget about the 10s of millions of babies that have been, and are continuing to be, murdered under the guise of "woman's health" and "my body my choice".
Hellish methinks, like a Kafkaesque purgatory. I am far from Zen but toughing it out day by day. Got Prostate Cancer but rejecting UK oncology protocols for my own approach, getting pushback but will go my own way with faith not fear.
my 75year old uncle had one round of chemo and radiation for prostrate cancer and when it didnt work was recomended another round of same ,he decided to try apricott kernals for a month and then had a check up [fingerbin bum test for prostrate enlargement, to wich the doctor remarked , your prostrate is normal small soft as it should be , no need for further chemical radio intervention , and he lived anotherb 15 years withought problems with his prostrate ... look up the book "world withought cancer by griffin" backed by science ... aperantly cancer is a vitamin "b17 " deficiency
1. Seek a good German product of alpha-lipoic acid (neutracutical) which has been shown to stimulate stem cells and seems to neutralize free radicals that excess chemo produces.
2. Research AKAM doctors.
3. Research Dr Burt Berkson, New Mexico, (his book: Alpha-lipoic Breakthrough).
4. Research very high doses vitamin C via I.V. (said to kill cancer, as does ivermectin).
5. Research Denise Otten, holistic health coach (New Jersey).
6. Research Dr. Moshe Dekel for stem cell therapy.
8. Doctors featured in Jonathan Landsman’s docu-series on cancer included: a) Dr David Minkoff (Florida), b) Dr Thomas Lodi, c) Dr Ronald Hunninghake (Kansas) d) Dr Edward F Group (Texas), e) Dr Antonio Jimenez (Mexico), f) Dr Mark McClure (Washington, DC), g) Dr Thomas Lewis (Tennessee), h) Dr Veronique Desaulniers, i) Dr Robert DeMaria. j) Dr Peter Isborne, k) Dr Ellen Tart-Jensen, l) Tammy Kohlschmidt (New York), m) Dr Bill Bergman, and n) Dr Nathan Goodyear.
9. Everyone with cancer has low vitamins in their tissue, not blood. Research Dr Tsuneo Kobayashi (Japan) he developed the TMCA test and he’s a maverick in the treatment of cancer.
10. Dr Ronald Hunninghake is the director of the Reardon Clinic and has a protocol worth researching.
11. Cancer cells have 15-20 times more insulin receptors because they need glucose. The 1/3 of cancer cells that are dividing are not using glucose, but rather glucosamine. The other 2/3 are using glucose. Eat more veggies and less fruit.
12. Starve cancer by eliminating sugar.
13. Per Dr David Minkoff, cancer cells have a vulnerability that healthy cells do not - they need to take up more glucose. We can trick cancer cells by making a person hypoglycemic via insulin. Patients are given a small dose of chemo (like 10%) and a little glucose. Cancer cells are glucose dependent. Once the cancer cells are starved of glucose, their receptor doors are wide open and waiting for sugar. Healthy cells have one door for sugar while cancer cells have 10-15 doors. With a small dose of chemo into the bloodstream and a little sugar, cancer will suck up more of the chemo than the healthy cells (because they’re desperate for sugar). Because the chemo is a low dose, healthy cells are less affected. Combined with oxygen therapy, heat (hyperthermia) high dose of vitamin C twice per week (150 grams depending upon a person’s size), UV light, hyperbaric chamber for 1.5 hours every day, steam sauna with ozone and micro current frequencies, methylene blue, etc. Integrative oncology is key.
14. Cancer centers to research: a) Hope for Cancer, Mexico (Dr Antonio Jimenez), b) Guarner Clinic, La Jolla, CA (Dr Daniel M Vicaro), c) Ecopolitan, Minneapolis, MN, (Dr Adiel Tel-Oren), d) Garrison Institute, Garrison, New York, e) Hippocrates Health Institute/Hippocrates Wellness, West Palm Beach, Florida, f) Optimum Health Institute, Lemon Grove (burb of San Diego) CA.
15. Carbs convert to sugar fast.
16. If a person is deficient in melatonin, cancer often follows.
17. Avoid too much calcium - too much can cause cancer.
18. Vitamin C is one of the safest substances we can put in our body. Ignore those that tell you too much vitamin C is bad.
Thank you. I am in UK but will look into these. I do use raw home grown garlic, FenBen and IVM, Turkey Tail, saw Palmetto, Black Seed Oil and other non pharma vitamins. Keto diet, no sugar or carbs, stevia and glycine for sweetness. Also 5 day fast was great. Got Soursop / Graviola coming soon.
Thank you for trying to help. Of course, one must remember that "everyone is a doctor" and, as a result, most people are the best, but only for themselves. There is no miracle cure for something that cannot even be properly diagnosed:
That's a nice list, but everyone must take precautions before taking their chances. Ultimately, it's always up to the person, because nobody knows what exactly to treat, and "doctors" certainly don't, or are not allowed to care:
Let me emphasize that most, if not all, synthetic supplements are manufactured by the same pharmaceuticals or their subsidiaries as the ones who poisoned people with the convid injections.
The good news is that MSDS searches can help identifying toxic stuff:
In my understanding, staying away from all forms of radiation is a good idea, albeit it's not exactly possible in the days of "smart" meters and 5G-compatible home routers (both turn the local electric grid into a giant antenna). Some sort of taming the radiation might be possible, although oppressing it with something more powerful is probably counter-advised, just like quite a few "miracle meds" targeting the desperate:
These days, reducing food intake might give a chance to the body for detoxing itself (although much of the nanotech seems to be inhaled in many places):
"Eliminating sugar" might be a good idea, but the system is ready to offer "sugar-free" alternatives that are endocrine disruptors and, for that matter, carcinogens, too (ALL artificial sweeteners do that)... They also mess up the body's metabolism.
Not all parasites (and bacteria) are "evil"; some of them peacefully live in symbiosis with the body. The problem starts, when the fragile equilibrium is upset:
Sorry, I cannot cover it all in a single comment, but if you search for key words under my "Archive" on my main page, you might find valuable info, quite often in the comments.
Are "they" alone? The mistranslation of "love your neighbor as you love yourself" might actually draw people to destroy others... The original commandment said, "Love your neighbor, because (s)he is like you."
Life is cyclical. We're in the end States of a civilization that took too many wrong turns. Life, whether created by a God(dess) is infinite and ever dying and being reborn in many manifestations. Evil is simply the dying forces at work which must happen in order for new life to emerge.
I believe that life=love. But I don't necessarily believe that hate=death. It's more subtle and nuanced than that. Humanity, one of millions of species that exist or have ever existed struggles to see the 'big picture's because our life span is so short. But maybe that's essential for us to stay humble?
All I know is that all of it is incredibly beautiful even the suffering. I love Helen Keller's quote: "The world may be full of suffering but it is also full of the overcoming of it." I'm learning to give all my heart, my focus, my gifts only to that which affirms life.
I just can't see how our Creator is going to allow one of his creations who went rogue, (desiring to be a god himself and convincing others in his rebellion) to continue for much longer, to continue ruining this beautiful earth and the teeming life upon it. To be allowed to change the essence of mankind, who is made in God's image. The covid con has stripped away layers to reveal how a relatively small group of people are bringing about an enormous amount of unbelievable levels of evil, and trashing creation itself. Our Creator has complete awareness of what's going on and why, and will bring an end to this dystopian horror. And the way things are going, that will have to be soon.
That's my take on it atm but the allowing of evil is a hard one to get my head around.
Watched this tonight & found myself realizing that prayer, living life, sharing ones gifts & talents, spreading love, its of the utmost importance right now. We have to do everything in our power to stop the takeover of biological beings$/download/Celeste-Solum---The-End-Game,-Synthetic-Biology-EXPOSED!-(Related-info---links-in-description)/45f7921e6c1159b69aaacd8e660966aeed38a7fd
Whatever the "elites" (Did they give themselves this tag?) have planned for humanity is void of happiness and the entity we call God or Creator. They believe that their plan for humanity as some sort of robot existence does not include or have the need for God or love. "You will own nothing and be happy." I guess if you are happy you don't need a God, or anything else. From my observations, mankind has to have some sort of superior being to be guided by and must have the capacity to give and receive love. God and love have been replaced by material goods and ambition of happiness. The "elites" or other similar leaders/rulers have been trying to eliminate our desire for Godliness and love since man was created. In the past 100 years, there has been an accelerated push to fundamentally change (thanks, Obama) the essence of human existence. During the last, give or take, 20 years the change has been drastic. Man's inhumanity for man has increased by leaps and bounds. Whether there remain enough love and God fearing/worshipping left to stop us from tumbling over a cliff into a dark abyss is questionable. What happens largely depends on our efforts to put the brakes on and reverse course. Which direction are you going in?
There's power within, we're connected to " God ", or source, yet we also have the beast within, the ego, some strive to overcome. The greatest battle anyone can face is within, conquer that & your fears will dissipate, & death is but a transformation. The Hermetic laws hold true imo, & the wisdom is from a far older time. As above so below, as within so without, as the universe so the soul. Balancing the opposites / the narrow path / the God staff the ancients depicted accross the world. It matters not what " they do ", ALL that matters is what you do.
Thank you Mr Horvath, you have an interesting name, not Ray lol, is your heritage, if you dont mind me asking, from Eastern Europe, Croatia or Hungary maybe ? im interested in etymology a bit, i know nothing lol
My heritage seems to come from all over the place in Europe, including Moldovan, Slovakian, Hungarian, and even some Spanish. And of course, American (which includes the predecessors).
When I felt suffocated by my amassed "knowledge" at the age of 19 (I had the unpleasant habit of being able to embarrass just about anyone with my "erudite" utterances in just two or three sentences, but after making an effort, I became just fine), I realized that letting everything go was the only answer. It was a salto mortale, a leap in the dark, but it worked. It helped me experience that whatever I was able to let go, was not me. However, what was left was still me. I've been practicing the same every since. :)
Those, who have something greater to live than survival, cannot be intimidated.
Those who are afraid, die a thousand deaths.
You speak of a God when the biblical history talks of GODS. The Gods (both male and female) made us THEIR image.
It seems our distant ancestors chose A God out of all them.
So, questions. The universe is upwards of 13.8 billion years and humans some million years old.What was your God doing in the meantime? Perhaps he was creating other worlds or other beings.
Does the bible talk about your God using DNA to create
Adam and Eve or was Adam a visitor from one of your God's other worlds?
As for your God, perhaps he was chosen because of the fear his maniacal,genocidal actions. My gods were certainly involved in war but the spirit I pray to simply looked after the earth, water, air, the Sun and the Moon...that's it No Onwards Christian Soldiers.
What about the ''Hermetic laws'' Ray? Do you know anything about those?
Please, specify, preferably with a link or two.
Its a fascinating topic etymology, & tracing names back as far as we have the information for can yeild some surprises.
Through trial & error you've found yourself, lol i laugh because i find it so joyous, it's rare in our culture to hear this, if only more understood themselves we would be living in a sublime world. The words you use speak volumes, as you understand there's wisdom & power to gain from letting yourself be vulnerable, balancing the ego, & going within. Of course it doesn't happen overnight, but it comes if you do the work, as you understand.
Awesome quotes dear fellow, could not agree more lol, we're in this world but not of it.
Have a great day mate, to you & your, " better half ", your words not mine lol.
Mind manipulation (via drugs, m k u ltra, e m fs, propaganda, censorship, etc) is a challenge the fragile human species struggles with daily. Given the low level of critical thinking skills (by design and greatly due to the aforementioned) apparent in the current population, the challenges are indeed considerable.
The species seems to have a precarious balance between mimicry, which leads to blind following, and creativity, which leads not only to innovation, but 'leading' others. Too much creativity brings an aloofness from one's fellows. Too much mimicry, and worship and servitude follow. We seem to have evolved for both. Otherwise the massive growth of brain tissue wouldn't occur after birth.
And yes, the low level of critical thinking has been designed and aggressively pushed with the masses falling into line and being entertained to death. The events of the last five years seem to have accelerated this decline immensely. It saddens me greatly.
See Jason Chistoff's illuminating work on coffee, as a poison, that reduces blood flow to the prefrontal cortex by up to 50%. The effects last for up to two weeks. Jason is on Substack.
Please, advise on the details. I only have one post on coffee:
Top 5 Diseases Caused by Coffee and Caffeine
How Coffee Became a Tool for Mind Control
So, if all the lemmings "go into the right," the one who doesn't is aloof?
You have just IDd me! :)
Conformity is certainly a problem:
As the article suggest, what matters is not what someone thinks, but where their heart is...
Let's not forget about the 10s of millions of babies that have been, and are continuing to be, murdered under the guise of "woman's health" and "my body my choice".
The list of lovelessness is endless.
Hi Ray. How many good things, acts of kindness, acts of love, do you think happen in a day Ray?
one shouldn't quantify, it's the quality one can bring to daily life - love, friendship, empathy, sharing...
You miss my point.
Hellish methinks, like a Kafkaesque purgatory. I am far from Zen but toughing it out day by day. Got Prostate Cancer but rejecting UK oncology protocols for my own approach, getting pushback but will go my own way with faith not fear.
my 75year old uncle had one round of chemo and radiation for prostrate cancer and when it didnt work was recomended another round of same ,he decided to try apricott kernals for a month and then had a check up [fingerbin bum test for prostrate enlargement, to wich the doctor remarked , your prostrate is normal small soft as it should be , no need for further chemical radio intervention , and he lived anotherb 15 years withought problems with his prostrate ... look up the book "world withought cancer by griffin" backed by science ... aperantly cancer is a vitamin "b17 " deficiency
Notes to Consider:
1. Seek a good German product of alpha-lipoic acid (neutracutical) which has been shown to stimulate stem cells and seems to neutralize free radicals that excess chemo produces.
2. Research AKAM doctors.
3. Research Dr Burt Berkson, New Mexico, (his book: Alpha-lipoic Breakthrough).
4. Research very high doses vitamin C via I.V. (said to kill cancer, as does ivermectin).
5. Research Denise Otten, holistic health coach (New Jersey).
6. Research Dr. Moshe Dekel for stem cell therapy.
7. Consider hyperbaric chamber therapy (cancer hates oxygen).
8. Doctors featured in Jonathan Landsman’s docu-series on cancer included: a) Dr David Minkoff (Florida), b) Dr Thomas Lodi, c) Dr Ronald Hunninghake (Kansas) d) Dr Edward F Group (Texas), e) Dr Antonio Jimenez (Mexico), f) Dr Mark McClure (Washington, DC), g) Dr Thomas Lewis (Tennessee), h) Dr Veronique Desaulniers, i) Dr Robert DeMaria. j) Dr Peter Isborne, k) Dr Ellen Tart-Jensen, l) Tammy Kohlschmidt (New York), m) Dr Bill Bergman, and n) Dr Nathan Goodyear.
9. Everyone with cancer has low vitamins in their tissue, not blood. Research Dr Tsuneo Kobayashi (Japan) he developed the TMCA test and he’s a maverick in the treatment of cancer.
10. Dr Ronald Hunninghake is the director of the Reardon Clinic and has a protocol worth researching.
11. Cancer cells have 15-20 times more insulin receptors because they need glucose. The 1/3 of cancer cells that are dividing are not using glucose, but rather glucosamine. The other 2/3 are using glucose. Eat more veggies and less fruit.
12. Starve cancer by eliminating sugar.
13. Per Dr David Minkoff, cancer cells have a vulnerability that healthy cells do not - they need to take up more glucose. We can trick cancer cells by making a person hypoglycemic via insulin. Patients are given a small dose of chemo (like 10%) and a little glucose. Cancer cells are glucose dependent. Once the cancer cells are starved of glucose, their receptor doors are wide open and waiting for sugar. Healthy cells have one door for sugar while cancer cells have 10-15 doors. With a small dose of chemo into the bloodstream and a little sugar, cancer will suck up more of the chemo than the healthy cells (because they’re desperate for sugar). Because the chemo is a low dose, healthy cells are less affected. Combined with oxygen therapy, heat (hyperthermia) high dose of vitamin C twice per week (150 grams depending upon a person’s size), UV light, hyperbaric chamber for 1.5 hours every day, steam sauna with ozone and micro current frequencies, methylene blue, etc. Integrative oncology is key.
14. Cancer centers to research: a) Hope for Cancer, Mexico (Dr Antonio Jimenez), b) Guarner Clinic, La Jolla, CA (Dr Daniel M Vicaro), c) Ecopolitan, Minneapolis, MN, (Dr Adiel Tel-Oren), d) Garrison Institute, Garrison, New York, e) Hippocrates Health Institute/Hippocrates Wellness, West Palm Beach, Florida, f) Optimum Health Institute, Lemon Grove (burb of San Diego) CA.
15. Carbs convert to sugar fast.
16. If a person is deficient in melatonin, cancer often follows.
17. Avoid too much calcium - too much can cause cancer.
18. Vitamin C is one of the safest substances we can put in our body. Ignore those that tell you too much vitamin C is bad.
19. Medical Maverick Tsuneo Kobayashi |
For parasites, consider organic raw, minced garlic (I consume 1 TBSP daily) and organic, raw pumpkin seeds.
Thank you. I am in UK but will look into these. I do use raw home grown garlic, FenBen and IVM, Turkey Tail, saw Palmetto, Black Seed Oil and other non pharma vitamins. Keto diet, no sugar or carbs, stevia and glycine for sweetness. Also 5 day fast was great. Got Soursop / Graviola coming soon.
Thank you for trying to help. Of course, one must remember that "everyone is a doctor" and, as a result, most people are the best, but only for themselves. There is no miracle cure for something that cannot even be properly diagnosed:
Diagnosis, for that matter, is mostly where allopathic "Madicine" fails most of the time:
That's a nice list, but everyone must take precautions before taking their chances. Ultimately, it's always up to the person, because nobody knows what exactly to treat, and "doctors" certainly don't, or are not allowed to care:
Let me emphasize that most, if not all, synthetic supplements are manufactured by the same pharmaceuticals or their subsidiaries as the ones who poisoned people with the convid injections.
The good news is that MSDS searches can help identifying toxic stuff:
In my understanding, staying away from all forms of radiation is a good idea, albeit it's not exactly possible in the days of "smart" meters and 5G-compatible home routers (both turn the local electric grid into a giant antenna). Some sort of taming the radiation might be possible, although oppressing it with something more powerful is probably counter-advised, just like quite a few "miracle meds" targeting the desperate:
These days, reducing food intake might give a chance to the body for detoxing itself (although much of the nanotech seems to be inhaled in many places):
"Eliminating sugar" might be a good idea, but the system is ready to offer "sugar-free" alternatives that are endocrine disruptors and, for that matter, carcinogens, too (ALL artificial sweeteners do that)... They also mess up the body's metabolism.
Not all parasites (and bacteria) are "evil"; some of them peacefully live in symbiosis with the body. The problem starts, when the fragile equilibrium is upset:
Sorry, I cannot cover it all in a single comment, but if you search for key words under my "Archive" on my main page, you might find valuable info, quite often in the comments.
Very true. Am being careful
Will try to remember you in my prayers. Try Black Seed Oil.
It is a natural dewormer.
I cannot advise others, but I would do the same. entertaining back story plus an insider expose of pharma shenanigans
Thanks Paul, very enlightening, and supports my contention, 'they' are trying to kill us.
Are "they" alone? The mistranslation of "love your neighbor as you love yourself" might actually draw people to destroy others... The original commandment said, "Love your neighbor, because (s)he is like you."