Storing seeds can help in the future
Bill Gates allegedly owns the world’s largest seed depository of nearly 800 thousand plants in his “doomsday vault”:
As the globalist plan is to make people fully dependent on the puppet state, a few people are swapping seeds and even gardening equipment. Our village in Kentucky even has a “poor box” for anonymous donations to anonymous visitors-in-need. As growers are becoming more and more conscious of the dangers from government edicts and GMO crops, there is an increasing number of seed “libraries” nationwide. They look something like this:
Risks must be accounted for
The “seed library” initiative is wonderful, but I’ve always been a good party pooper. Centralized opposition cannot work, because it can be beheaded, its members can be individually targeted1, or infiltrated until it becomes fully incapacitated. Publicity only speeds up the process by creating honey pots for future targets2.
GMO seeds have been known to infect neighboring fields, and at one point, Monsanto even sued the farmers for using the fruits of its “intellectual property.” GMO seeds render traditional crops infertile, so paid agents can distribute GMO seeds in such libraries, making sure that nothing will grow for independent farmers much longer. Agents are everywhere, anyway, and this would give them another task to perform.
Or maybe, it’s no so urgent for Gates & Co., because chemtrails contain enough toxins to cause harm3.
Legalized poisoning has been happening at least since the first mandatory “vaccinations” against smallpox. The practice, however, has been around for several years, and legalization sometimes happens only several decades after it’s started.
Poisoning through the food supply has been happening at least for a hundred years, ever since pesticides became dominant in agriculture in the 1920s. To add variety to the mix, government agencies are also participating in the projects to experiment on the people:
Moreover, animals have also been selected to poison the population. Not sure what it means that pigs have been fed GMO soy since 2017, but surely nothing food for the consumer.
Since the end of May, 2023, “vaccination” through the food supply has been legal:
Many of the toxins are mandated; the ever-increasing number of childhood “vaccines” stick out of the bunch like a sore thumb:
Captured government agencies, whose job would be to protect people, are implicitly mandating them by “recommending” them, leaving the last part of the dirty job to state and local governments and, ultimately, to “healthcare” providers4.
As usual with toxic pharmaceutical products, besides being harmful, they tend to be for invented illnesses5.
Industrial waste in municipal water (fluoride), food “fortification,” and “vitamins” contribute to the general attack on humanity. Miracle treatments for convid or the general poisoning are often immediately suspicious.
It turns out that the FDA is only “following orders” from the UN:
And the largest traditional form of poisoning that goes back to at least the 1960s, most likely altering the DNA and enzymes, come from protein manipulation, and not a single representative of the “resistance” has even mentioned it. I had to figure it out on my own:
So, what can farmers really do?
Presumably, as long as they are all aware of the problem with GMOs and agricultural toxins, toxins from chemtrails, they can still assume the pattern of the seed libraries. Yes, their crops can be contaminated with GMOs and with bioweapons6, and they probably already are. Still, as long as they do what they can, they cannot be blamed for doing nothing and waiting for a lawsuit or a politician to save them.
Growing food at home is also an option; I would encourage everyone to go for edible mushrooms that can even replace meat, when insects become the staple. They can be grown in dark cellars, away from drone cameras, and be more or less free from the toxins, pathogens, and parasites in chemtrails. Consequently, cooperation between growers must include fungal spores as well.
That’s a nice variety, but some of them require quite a bit of expertise and specific conditions. In general, it’s best to keep it simple.
And most of all, keep it private. In states with the Castle Doctrine, signs like this are common:
Consequently, calls for non-compliance are most likely from controlled opposition:
Of course, geoengineering entails more than chemtrails:
Most common “health conditions” are “diagnosed” from symptoms and are given fancy names, out of which anything with “syndrome” in it is taking the cake.
This is why we grow our own veggies and swap with neighbors, seeds and plants and ripe grown food, and only get meat from local farmers who use no hormones and have free range animals..chickens and cows. It is getting really hard to find any cows that haven't had at least one vaccination. Even our local grass fed organic River Valley Farms gives their cows one shot, it might be mandated, not sure...which I am not happy about. Moreover, I live in only one of two counties in California that still bans whole milk. This is purely a financial problem, as the dairy the county's deep invested in went belly up a few decades ago and the Humboldt County powers that be are afraid any law suit would destroy the dairy business that eventually was purchased by a big corporate entity. They are still afraid that bacteria in milk might might people sick. They have no clue that pasteurized is basically worthless
The most "Revolutionary" action independent people can undertake, is to dedicate their daily lives to increasing society's "Self Reliance".
"Guns, Gold, and God" might(?) get you and your family, through the short term? (Your year's supply of goods will probably not last six months?) But, if humanity is to survive and thrive, we need a semi cooperative plan for the long term! This means building a sustainable architecture for everyone.
Many people are "Youtube Experts". They have watched every available video on Survival and Growing Food. But, there is a huge gap between the Theory and the Practice. Thinking that you "Know", but never having done the work is very dangerous!
Self Sustainabilty is a monumental and "Long Term" project: If you don't produce Half your needed food this year, there is zero chance of producing All the food you need next year! Food production gives satisfaction and value. But, be realistic, most of us have no hope of Sustainability. The Project just needs to much preparation and too many material inputs.
First, you need Soil.
Then you need tools and equipment.
And finally, you Need a Knowledge Base suitable for your exact environmental conditions (Contrary to modern wisdom(?) that changes every year.)
So; To reliably produce food for a year, you need to prepare to grow a variety and volume of crops sufficient for atleast two years. There will be surpluses to aid those people who didn't get the message or those who had "Crop Failures Every farmer has crop failures. That is why the most sustainable agriculture is always "Mixed Farming".