Most US adults are declining COVID boosters as CDC warns of health risks: 'Relatively little protection'


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Protection against a non-existent disease is a wild idea to begin with. :)

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Like jill biden calling herself a Dr. when all she has is a Ph'D in education. Not even good at that.

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Jun 4, 2023Edited
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Apart from mRNA never found in a vial, Ana says what I say: the 5G/graphene combo does what mRNA would, except it is more simple and easier to control.

"Smart carbon" (it's remote-controlled graphene structures that light up after being anchored in the body and operate on bio-electricity) technology has been around for over 10 years. Nanobots have been used since the early 1990s. Self-assembling nanobots have been confirmed by various resources. 5G converting graphene oxide into graphene hydroxyde (which kills fast) has also been documented. My only "proof" is that the globalist agenda (obviously making progress), the pseudo-medical paradigm, the 5G installations causing "covid" symptoms, being poisoned by chemtrails, water, and food, along with the global data collection and the available technology for live data collection, processing, and storage all point in the same direction. I understand it's a mouthful and not for everyone to swallow. Even after swallowing, it takes time to digest:


5G/nanobots (in this case, receiver, transmitter, and CPU) can be used for a number of things; reprogramming the DNA is one of them, but there have been plenty of cancers and autoimmune conditions after the injections. There is a lot more to this, but I have also written quite a bit about it. The following contains the most important links:


In order to continue this discussion, you and I must agree on the conditions of discussing diverging opinions, which I describe here:


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Jun 4, 2023
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mRNA has been around since 1981. It exists and it can be deployed in the human body by using hydrogels. The same, however, applies to the self-assembling nanostructures that can anchor themselves inside the body and take control over specific parts by using bioelectricity and being remotely controlled by 5G or comparable technologies.

As I said, my only way to check the plausibility of my conjecturing is that the details must add up and function in the whole without contradictions.

No, it's not only spectrospcopy. Spectroscopy can identify chemical compounds, but not their molecular or crystal structures. It shows the presence of graphene oxide, but it cannot tell you what it's there for. However, the nanocomputer technology and the 5G link(s) to the injections not only allows for, but loudly demands further considerations of the situation.

I am using Occam's Razor. Are you employing a reductionist approach? The can overlap, but they are not the same.

I've also asked you to make sure there is a point to our discussion, so it would be necessary to meet the minimal requirements for any productive thought exchanges:


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Jun 5, 2023Edited
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Jun 4, 2023
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Thank you for your respectful approach. Human cognition has disastrous bottlenecks, which is why I have to resort to conjecturing in an open-ended cognitive frame.

The details of the bioweapon are certainly unclear, but the whole picture is making sense. 5G doesn't reprogram DNA; it's supposed to control the nano-computer that is hitched into the body. There are many ways to affect the immune system (upset the balance of living organisms in the body), the nervous system (such disruptions can cause cancer), and even send a message to the body that it has to fight off some threat, in which case the body attacks itself, generating an "autoimmune" condition.

The razor-blades were Dr. Noack's analogy, and he did get killed for his report, which in my understanding, gives him more credibility than just about everyone else combined. He actually knew what he was talking about. He said graphene hydroxide never breaks down and once in the bloodstream, it keeps cutting up the blood vessels and causing damages to internal organs. That's physical trauma, but graphene oxide has been copiously found in the vials, and 5G can be used to convert it into graphene hydroxide.

The operation is not conducted by humans; it is assigned to a central AI that is running a worldwide simulation by processing live data and it knows more about the human genome than humans could ever possibly conceive.

Controlling humans remotely has been around since the early 1970s, but it has become a lot more efficient by now:


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Jun 4, 2023Edited
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There are only 2 commandments. You guys are overthinking it.......

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Put up and sh*t up? :)

My best guess for two...

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You and the midwestern doc make it sound so complicated. Dudes, they killed a baby girl ( abortion) and kept growing her cells in the lab.....for years....then they used those cells in either testing or production of the vaccine jab. Who thinks you should profit from someone else’s death? I’m an idiot, but even I figured that one out.

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Abortion is a distraction, when hundreds of millions are getting killed. Still-births and miscarriages have also drastically multiplied. Unknown numbers of young people have been sterilized with "vaccines."

Sounds simple to me.

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So....am I the only one who was terrified waking up to the Land of Evil? It might not have been their intention, but that scared me more than covid could. And I knew that if I took the shots, they'd own my soul. It wouldn't be mine anymore. And that scared me more than anything.

Prosaic, perhaps, but that's about the it of it. The whole thing still feels like Invasion of the Body Snatchers to me. And, oh, they're planning to bring the mandates back where I live. Joy.

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I'm a healer, in ways, sometimes.

I hate 'proving' things, but this was interesting to me.

We'd asked for an estimate from an electrician (far too high!!), but

we liked him, he sat down to talk. He showed us his hand, his

First finger by the thumb, Huge. Said he no longer could play golf.

He'd had this a long time.

I was sitting beside him, gently wrapped my hand around his finger,

went on talking for a few minutes. Then removed my hand,

he looked, 'exclaimed 'it's GONE'', and it was gone.

Did these things to save my husband's life.

We cut our own path, or accept how we're led, take responsibility for that. I like some of youtube, better info for me.

Haven't ENTIRELY thrown out viruses due to Dengue, Malaria.

Otherwise, yes.

Could be both, mixed bag.

Await info.

I was healed. Astounding.

Shouldn't be around or walking. Amazing grace.

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Tibetan doctors diagnose from the pulse. It works. Still, considering the amount, speed, and versatility of poisoning, these days, it's hard to tell what would work...

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Ayurveda the same.

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I would suggest reading this article: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/filters-in-the-age-of-information

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Your work relies on different premises from mine, we are using different terms with different segmentation of the human experience, and our own culturally-specific implications, but you and I don't seriously differ in the "what could/should be done" department.

I combine induction and deduction in a steady cognitive frame (frame of reference) and keep the system open for adjustments or erasure and starting over:


The method is not much different in forming a medical paradigm:


or a medical diagnosis:


I know I can never be fully right, but at least I know what makes people decide if they consider something true or not (and I'm trying to remain human, for better or worse):


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Have you ever read and responded to any of my articles?

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Ive really learnt to dislike quite a few innocuous words (Some, quite a bit more than others), over the last few years- "vaccine", "reset", "lockdown", "CBDCs", "Gates"🤣😂, but none so much as the word "awake".

To me (and yes, i have been guilty of using the word once or twice myself in the early days), it smacks of smug, self-rightous superiority. Regardless of who's use of the word world view or political stance. I agree with your assessment though, that to use the word in reference to people or events is to imply a deity-like understanding of the unfathomable (because of the ever evolving multiplexity of open systems).

Your statement of, "people who lose their sense of continuity of self, go insane."

That's very similar to the loss of apoptosis function within cancer cells, they lose their ability to recognise that there are other cells around them, so instead of cell suicide process, as is the normal functionality when the body recognises a cancer cell, the cells "insanely" signal that they are alone and need to multiply to continue life. 🤔🤔 Food for thought.

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Cancer needs to be reframed

The body’s physiology is not instigating a pathology for fun,

It is solving a chronic problem.

For example

The adrenals are boosters, producing hormones for emergencies and when dehydration becomes a chronic situation (death via hyponatremia) the adrenals have two choices:

Exhaustion or hyperplasia

This is the nature of cancer

pHARMa has made

cancer the realm of exorcists

Cancer is to be defended by exorcism/excision and all manner of poisons.

The body is stupid, the design faulty, underpinning these methods of assault.

If we look at the problems being solved by the hyperplasia and address the short falls, the hyperplasia may well resolve itself

The body’s physiology is vastly under estimated by the know little researcher who gets paid not to pioneer thoughtful revisions of medical foundations but to poison. The best poisoners go slow, to remain undetected

Another medical foundation that needs revision is the idea we breathe oxygen, that this dry air, 67ppm of water contamination, powers our physiology

It’s a complete fallacy!

Air does not consist of oxygen and nitrogen etc instead oxygen and nitrogen are manufactured from air, products of air.

These gas only exist after iterations of drying and compression to remove moisture

Calibrated by their dryness

Whereas air is calibrated by its humidity or moisture

Lungs require 100% humidity at the alveoli

Hence it’s easy to see why oxygen toxicity results in alveoli damage and how death can result

If this interests you

My article

We breathe air not oxygen


will take you on a journey to revision - the schooled daze needs to fall away, under scrutiny, at the risk of ridicule or worse dismissal from arrogance - THEIR main tools to prevent contemplation of alternative explanations.

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There are many ancient practices understanding this concept- Ayurvedic neti pots and nasal flushing, breathwork, aromatherapy, sauna, smokehuts etc. And these all have a long history of empirical evidence of benefit. It's us as modern humans that have unlearnt all of this.

I've read the 100 reasons book you mention in the link. It's an entertaining and interesting read on the semantics of terminology, as it relates to water. The correct naming of a process is vital to its comprehension, but that is why they should have mentioned water's 4th state- exclusion zone or extracellular.

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You are referring to Gerald Pollack’s work

He is still clinging to the idea water is H2O and as for the fourth phase I have an alternate explanation.

Water is inert

This is why water can cycle

Water is never reacting and giving away oxygen gas or hydrogen gas

Water is measured by it moisture by its watery ness

Oxygen is calibrated by its dryness or lack of moisture

Can you see the 180 rug pull?

Science has been intentionally retarded with this concept that water is H2O

Air is the gas form of water

Air is bubbles of water

Water is made of drops or full bubbles and if water is energised, bubbles form and rise to become air

Ice is water and air/bubbles

The fourth phase

My explanation

The ions dissolve in water

Water always remains the inert medium

Bubbles contain the ions and the bubbles plus ions that move to align with the potential energy fields

All manufactured gases are carried by air bubbles therefore every gas has a water contamination component

Manmade gases drop out of the atmosphere

The atmosphere is all air

No oxygen or nitrogen or the other manufactured gases listed in the schooled daze texts make up the atmosphere

Easy to see once the manufacturing process of oxygen and nitrogen is reviewed

Oxygen is made by iterations of drying and compression

Nitrogen is just oxygen plus carbon particles to smother the flammability of plain oxygen, hence they are made in side by side vessels.

Curiosity allows new information to be considered that the only thing I ask

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Jun 4, 2023
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You are definitely using unique concepts that ring true. I wish you had your own articles; I would subscribe right away.

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Me too

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Jun 3, 2023Edited
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🤣😂 "People Farming for Dummies". lol.

While I love your phrasing, your example reiterates my comment on "awake". Whether one believes in deities, God, Universe, Buddha, Allah, etc, or NOT, the word has definitely been weaponised over the last few years, to imply superiority, privilege or access to other. Be it access to knowledge about cabalistic workings on earth, or spiritual sanctity in the afterlife, medical/biological processes or language, or simpler versions of lockdown/masking protect or damage (awake or asleep? Neither, simply points of view based on facts relative to the individual at the time).

Awake is a word, but words have power (they carry energy), so it is important that the right energy carrier (just like electrons) be used appropriately. Anyway, that's a sidebar to your question!

Love it, love it. Mine but I would say isolated, not Dr Tom Cowan's loneliness (although I do enjoy his work and I do believe that now is the right moment for his work to be looked at again, people are ready), but definitely influenced by Dr Zac Bush (from Regenerative farming work- I am a farmer after all, among other things) his experience in oncology and palliative care, universal biologist Lyn Margulis and the many Russian scientists work on electromagnetism.

I could not agree more with your statement re cancer cells being an intelligent, complex purpose of function, and as you also said, particularly in the last line of response to toxicity sequestration. However, I ask you- have you ever seen a cancer cell revert, without going into apoptosis? The point is, they do not communicate coherently with the cells around them, for all that they send out signals to the extracellular matrix and influence the returning signaling responses. For lack of a better example right now, that's like me shouting to you on a hill- you'll hear noise but not understand clearly what I'm "signaling". We are communicating but incoherently.🤗 They don't switch "off" apoptosis, apoptosis doesn't occur because they can't receive the signal clearly from the body. They are cut off from the intelligence. As soon as that is restored, apoptosis is triggered and they go through normal cell function of cell suicide and autophagy.

The body is exquisitely intelligent and efficient in its single-minded drive to maintain life, and our current scientific medicine understands so very little of that intelligence.

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That's a bit too much to me to conceive all at once, but it would be most welcome to leave out the "Christian" bashing. :)

At this point, I cannot relate to the theory you are describing, because I cannot see the logic in it. Yes, maybe I'm stupid, but that would be a new one.

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Jun 4, 2023Edited
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Not sure if your familiar with Dr Ana Milceas work (see Substack) re her investigations on the clotting occurring. If not, it is interesting and I think you'd appreciate some similarities. Your concept has merit in my mind as I do think it is a body's "safest" response to a novel toxicant. Do I think there is more to it- yes, because we barely understand the extracellular zone water and its complete functionality, particularly in its quantum-level capacity for interactions within the body. So understanding what is also happening when we add mRNA encapsulated LNPs (with or without additional contaminants) to that environment? Yeah no. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Humans were not used as lab rats. The injections were intentionally harmful and must have been through decades of development and testing.

The Epoch Times is not a respectable source...

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Schizophrenics think for themself too. Our human pointy educated heads are also seen in the round. Round to let pointy thought change direction. Character and not knowledge is the key. A donkey laden with books is a donkey. A human able to learn is free.

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My son suffers from schizophrenia. He refused the jab even though he was hospitalized during several months in 2021 when there was great pressure on patients to get it. He definitely thinks for himself although most of the patients he was hospitalized with at the time took it without thinking. Certainly many schizophrenics are able to think for themselves and some have particular insight. I think that something purely physical happens to brains of so-called schizophrenics at a certain age for whatever reason and which needs to be treated initially but after a short period the treatments need to stop and only be used again punctually during major psychotic episodes. Constant anti-psychotics only make things worse. I'm doing research at the moment on contents of anti-psychotic medication. Do you know anything about the subject? Your pen-name suggests you might. Don't worry if no time to reply. I'll check out yr ss.

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No. I knew the prison psychologist for Manson and he also was formerly the prison psychologist for the mistress of Willie Brown. I have resided in SF for 35 years though and met many people among them several schizophrenics with no meds and my neighbor with who goes on and off. He is dangerous to himself, his lover, and others. He is about 50.

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Schizophrenia seems to be induced by something like toxins, radiation, or a combination of the two, and it does seem to be an irreversible condition. Depending on the severity of the injury, some people couldn't function at all without the "madications." Not all antipsychotics are causing the same type of damage. Haloperidol, for example, is murder.

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If everything is conjuring then what you are stating is simply an opinion.

You think that there is no Truth because the medium you are living in is

untrue and obviously you have accepted the lies that have been taught

you from your initiation in a system called school which is a Greek term

meaning entertainment. The Romans defeated the Greeks and used

the Greek pedagogies to babysit their unwanted children.

For example you have accepted the spinning globe theory , spinning

at over one thousand miles an hour without anyone suffering I'll effects

held up by the theory of gravity all provided by the theory of evolution

which is accepted as both the truth and an unprovem speculation.

A flat earth is nonsense to those that have been supported by well

meaning parents that forces children to toe the line even though the

three longest rivers in the world are flowing northward,uphill

against gravity. You then have to accept that the sun which is staring

down at you while the ocean waves put you to sleep is an incredible

ninety three million miles away and on it goes. This knowledge

enables you to believe with the perpetrators that God is a myth

because the Greek philosophers thought so!

In the time of Yehoshua the proper Name for Jesus that was changed

because it described Who He Was. When The zLord was born in a stable

because Joseph's wife according to the monsters in control could

not be a virgin as the Bible indicated by the prophet Isaiah. Herod the

Tetrarch an Edomite banned from Israel appointed the high priest

and decided how his community should be run. Would you like some

more of that Truth which has been discarded by your lawless society?

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Quite unclear to me really. All knowledge rests upon our assent to accepting premises presented as knowledge. We are manifestly unequal in our agreements. We are though all human and presumed to be -unless Schizophrenic-agreement capable. Therefore all mankind can hear the Gospel. Not all men are agreement capable of binding themselves to the highest and best understanding. And these poor wretches likely suffer from sluggish schizophrenia no doctor detects, no herb dulls, and no surgeon can cut. Money alone distracts from the pain, and only for but a little while.


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Nice doctor saying all the right things but evading the issue in hand. I fear that someone interested in percentages of people born "awake" at the bottom of his heart would like to run a farm and start breeding them. Sound familiar?

Furthermore I am sure that those called "awake" are individuals who'd rather bite their tongues than tell this doctor or anybody else how they got to be the way they are.

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That's why I wrote the article. :)

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Another idea arose. Renumeration is absolutely independent of individual attainment. A tarot reader in Hollywood can earn more than a expert in Heart Surgery. Hunter Biden even more. A wicked world in all meridians.

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