The Plague topic was a good one, though the Jewish issue in the post and even more so in the comments got a bit extreme. I commented, "It's the satanic occultists who hide behind being Jewish. They are happy to have you be angry at Jews until you turn blue."
I can understand the masses not getting this, and the Jew psyop agents of course come out to bash anyone who isn't against the Jews.
☛ But for us who are writing complex posts in this space, it should be pretty clear by now that the cult hides behind various groups as their standard procedure. Did any of you think the Pope was Catholic, or that Biden, Harris, Trump were "Americans"? If so, you may have already been absorbed into the Singularity. Allegiance is the name of the game, not one's proclaimed religion/ethnicity/citizenship/stated affiliations. It's really very simple, keep your victims busy attacking a group you and your fellow perps are not in.
Perhaps we should just hate the psychopaths who rule the world, regardless of country, corporation, race or religion. That is the only true division of groups of people. Everything else is divide and conquer.
Or even better, good vs evil, which is pretty much the same thing.
#2: in a way, anyone can be a "psychopath"; such name-calling might provide a temporary sense of superiority, but is also leads down on a dangerous road:
The opposition answer is a new renaissance age where people stop believing in a need to be ruled by government as their religion. Power would crumble because it's 99% derived from consent. I don't know if that ever happens and I find it pretty unlikely, but it's the only escape.
Personally, I do not agree with what you're saying about psychopaths. If you want to control every aspect of other people's lives which is a requirement to be a public leader, you're not one of me. I'm a big believer in the non-aggression principle, to the point of being a complete and total anarchist. Make being ruled by governments voluntary and I'm all for them. I'll call out the people not like me in that regard by whatever name you wish to call it.
The more I think about it over the years, the more I realize that humans are an experiment gone wrong and that there's no possible way that extinction can be escaped in the long run. Gets depressing.
I also do feel morally superior to others who don't care one bit about human life and am not ashamed of it. There is nothing on this planet that has killed anywhere close to the number of people killed by governments and yet people still want them more than ever. I am proud to be anti-death. To be anti-death, you must be anti-government. The contrapositive of that is "To be pro-government or in government, you must be pro-death."
The real question is " Who is hiding behind the " Satanist" smoke screen ?"
The answer is = Yehova .
If the Jew is not carrying out the order of Yehova than he will be persecuted by him . If the Jew carries out the Lord's order than he will be persecuted by the gentiles . Not a happy thing to be a Jew .
Thanks Ray, on this, "if Jews are not persecuted and threatened, there is nothing to unite them" the crucial point is are "them" the avg normie Jew on the street, or the occult fake Jews who love to deflect you to the Jewish issue. IDK, but it is crucial.
I think there's a separation here of church an' state due! So fer a desperate despot (Netn'Yoohoo) this might have indeed been his stand-down strategy on 10/7 -
i.e. "if Jews are not persecuted and threatened, there is nothing to unite them" -- thus at least "lettin' " 10/7 happen if not helpin' it along behind the scenes--the entire nation of Israel was torn on 'im an' there were already protests so... "his" tactic might 've been ta try that tactic--"uni-fuk-cation"
NOW it's not just a jooish tactic--to wit, 9/11!
EVERYONE who hated NYC suddenly "claimed it" with a'passion--doughy suburban moms that reviled my "shitty" showed up with cameras an' tourbooks like it was a July 4th march down mainstreet... SO ANY EVENT that triggers from the outside causes folks ta rally together--it ain't at all a jooish tactic...
(fwiw I'll add that 911 has fingerprints of ALL 5 EYES plus Israel onnit but was not just--as some annoyin'ly say--a purely Jooish/Mossad plot --Omgosh folks are so blinded by this jooish hate thing...nope, team NWO dunnit but once again da joos were ta blame!)
But the rest of this--outside of catastrophic events an' wars:
"if Jews are not persecuted and threatened, there is nothing to unite them" I disagree with!
fer quite a long stretch we chews were permitted ta live in relative peace in America an' we united far BETTER thatta way! THIS is what folks do not git... 'fore this Hamassian Mess joos may all have differed politically or artistically or even in faith level or not but in my hometown of NYC there was (prior ta the 10/7 mess) a near renaissance of jooishness that enriched the rest of the non-jooish culcha' around it. Fiddler on the Roof in Yiddish (directed by Joel Grey) became a huge hit an' we had friends doin' yiddish concerts, productions (smaller plays), there were lectures (oh such lectures) an' performances--our temple (we are eclectic but me an' my girls went often) had a whole educational center with presentations, shows--ALL open ta the public NO membership needed--black, white, brown--anyone welcome... I'll spare the details but when left in peace joos DO unite (better I'll argue as too many now have TDS)-- In NYC 'fore the plandemic it was like Weimar Germany where joos played a big role in kulcha (much of it good--I LIKE Weimar kulcha MUCH better than that of Herr Adolf--Brecht? sure! German Expressionist films? ubet).
So it's a canard ta say that the ONLY way joos unite is under attack.
We united LOTS better (imho) back in Weimar an' most recently in places where we were allowed ta thrive (NYC fer sure! My home!--in its former incarnation/intarnation of course).
OH an I nearly fergot this whole new version of Orthodox had come inta it's own--not stogy an' staid but with an eye towards engagin' the young'uns (20 sumthin's)--with dances, concerts, literary events/groups as well as lectures that made torah interestin' notta bore--ALL were welcome--not just Orthodox--I went ta one'a the dances with a friend (who is "Modern Orthodox" an' we brought our daughters an' we left at 3pm an' it was still goin' strong! NOBUDDY knows this stuff about joos but we DO embrace each other an' celebrate together--those less observant (I skew humanistic) an' totally "frum" (very observant) with ONLY the exception of the Ultra Orthodox who do their own thing but are fine greetin' an' living among the rest've us an' they DO show up fer stuff when needed (they burned masks durin' covid--perhaps unwise but hey symbolism--they defied the orders to distance an' not congregate--they earned a lotta street cred from us covidoutliers)
So yup, joos were (I guess) findin' TOO MUCH IN COMMON an' havin' TOO MUCH FUN 'fore those in charge divided an' conquered! I think nobuddy gits this--
And again, it may not be a thing in Peoria (lol)--but in Da Big-Rotten-Apple it wuz fer sure!
(ps I had Christian pals that were totally inta jooish culcha--one a pianist who played fer the shows--an' HE, a Baptist, was MORE than welcome! I think that this relates ta DJT made ta feel welcome too cuz it's not "just" about $$$ or him bein' paid off--we are a grateful people when not woke-ishly indoctrinated lol--we are demonstrative, love ta share food, music... DJT LOVED the nightlife--I remember those days!--dancin' socializin'--so methinks there's an element of that too--)
they were " witches" that brewed up in their coulderns ,,, eye of newt ,bat wings ,hemlock ,snake poison etc[ [just like today the pharmaceuticals ] as depicted in fairytales,,, and when discovered them brewing ,..............." witches brew" poison they were ka baal istic black magicians witches and warlocks ... and were canninites ie cain e baals {cannibals] worshipers of baal , marduk .... good God enlighten our darkness on how to deal with evil according to your gracious wisdom
we are instructed [ pray / commanded ] by the God source of goodness truth and love to pray on their behalf for them who cant / will not seek freedom from evil
After reading Firstenbergs Invisible Rainbow I suspected that "Influenza" of the ancients noticed a relationship to the influence of the stars.
It follows the 11 year cycle of the sunspot flares (which ironically happened in 2019)Covid?
The Plague may have been a unique event, that was capitalized upon by the agents of the nobility, like the Great Carrington Event of the late 19 century that shut down telegraphs worldwide.
Not sure about the stars, but electric exposure surely provided more than enough grounds for "the flu" and pollution was more than enough to explain the reason(s) for the "common cold."
How do you know that it wasn't the "plague doctors" who poisoned the wells? Who would recognize them in those clothes? If a stranger wanders through villages and towns, people will notice them, but they won't recognize them in that outfit later. In any case, there was some kind of unified plan, organization, and execution by a single power, if the wells in several European countries were sprayed with the same poison at the same time... And at that time, to my knowledge, only the Pope had such power, loyal people, and logistical capabilities... Of course, I don't know if the Jews had such at that time... And since the transfer of property was also mentioned, it is not inconceivable that the "church" was involved in the matter...
That's the idea: if the "doctors" were financially involved, they may have caused the "Plague." Dropping a dead cat in each well can do the job.
The current sick-care "professionals" certainly did a lot of killing with the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections. They earned the title of "hired killers":
Traveling in the Middle Ages was not simple, either, so if a lot of people got "infected" (poisoned) at the same time, the license to travel must have been a privilege of the poisoners.
The "Plague," however, gave poor people a bargaining leverage at employment, which was not exactly in the best interest of the "ruling class." Is it possible that it was about a transfer of power?
The "Church" experienced tumultuous times in the 1300s, with up to three "popes" at the same time (the last one being a former pirate), so it may have also been a power transfer inside it, too.
And before every such "plague epidemic", a comet appeared in the sky... And we know that the "church" had an observatory, and all the previous records of such events could be found there. In the churches, the priests preached by the thousands that divine punishment was coming for the sins of the people, and lo and behold...
Confiscation of property from "heretics" was also common during the Inquisition... The "church"/pope/popes tried to accumulate wealth, and fear was also an important part of the rule of the people. Furthermore, the pope could send reliable people from 1 center to poison people all over Europe at the same time with the same poison. One well was enough in each settlement, because if an "epidemic" broke out there, they could go back in a human mask and freely arrange for further poisoning... So just like with "covid"...
The Black Death was a bubonic plague epidemic that occurred between 1346 and 1353 in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia. It killed 75–200 million people, 30–60% of the population.
The italians caught doctors spreading it for financial gain to keep their hospital open because the rich donated for the hospital. Without sick, no money. That happened in Italy.
Thanks Ray fer yer own take on the Plague upon our two houses (house/senate 'er any two sides betwixed which we hew-mans are thusly an' roughly divided) . Agreed that the DokTurd in the Bird Mask was not likely Satanic but if folks were ta look at imagery from jus'bout any grimoires or maps of the day they'd see that freakish human-animal mashups were common in the public psyche.
Of COURSE it warn't da joos poisonin' the wells--joos were not the rulers in YourUp, some were bankers in the big cities workin' FOR the nobility / black nobs too--but truly none had any agency whatever an' mostly the majority (poor schmoes, not bankers an' with zero connection ta EITHER satanism 'er the elite) all were bein' persecuted an' simply happened ta be handy fer blame. The plague MIGHT have been an operation top-down ordered by Rome (where all roads lead) an' thereby possibly the first plandemic--but nope, the Black Nobs wanted nothin' ta do with da joos at that time. Folks were livin' QUITE in filth (not good) with VERMIN all 'round (we KNOW that ain't good) an' fer well water ta git stagnant & fetid ain't hard. In NYC we lived near the infamous "Newtown Creek" which was so TOXIC it put the Ganges ta shame! Idiot 20-sumthin's would take canoes (canoes?!) out as dares--some fell ill if the swill got on 'em an' a fool Swedish tourist let his kid "wade" in it an' the poor tot got some kinda serious "bacterial" infection an' had ta be hospitalized. WATER kin be easily weaponized without poisons as ye know... Anywhoo... the simultaneously informative & regrettable post allowed joos ta be "demonized" (ha ha) once again--in the comments I could see folks conflatin' even talmud (a legal reference book) an' hasidism & even kabbahlah with satanism which is all baloney but it's easier fer folks ta say "it's all the same thing" I guess ruther than read up on what in heck they're "talkin' "
I too don't think the bloodlettin' was satanic nor the visitation--nor the other methods used. (Also kidskin was the polyester of the day--hardly satanic...linkin' the cloak ta baphomet one of his full betises imho) Bloodlettin' was the go-to cure an' much was written about the humours an' lettin' out various ones ta restore balance. It was not "just" brought out for the plague-as-satanic-blood-ritual but was the norm (later advertised on yer barber poles!) Leeches were actually good (they've come back! sterile leeches take down swellin' BETTER than far more invasive methods) tho' likely NOT on plague "buboes"--frogs were associated with the ol' plagues of Egypt (frogs!) so perhaps some'a the symbolism thar is lost on us. As I mentioned in one long comment on the post--there are historians that found evidence of "plague" (whatever it was) bein' spread via leather gloves to doorknobs of landowners / weathier merchangs so their land could be taken by the royals (dukes, whatevah) once the owners were made dead. THAT makes more sense as wealth would be consolidated fer those that most benefit.
what Agent(etc) doesn't cover that I find of interest is the concept of pagentry--like fellas in costume (they swung incense too to fumigate the houses) in (if anything) mock-holy garb, like town cryers in the streets hollerin' "bring out yer dead" an' carts filled with bodies (shock & awe)--it WAS fer sure a "show"....
An' speakin' of really good shows onnit imho the BEST film depictin' the plague is Jacques Demy's lyrical an' chilling "Pied Piper"--the contagion we "see" is not the real one, the dark social underbelly that's the real plague ;-)
There are weirdos everywhere, which includes among "joos." Still, it's unimaginable (and my imagination has gone haywire in the last four years regarding killin' methods used on the people) that the globalist tribe is the same as the weirdos in any (other?) tribe. No, this process has been planned for over a hundred years, and it's progressing unhindered, while "alt" sites are popping up with all kinds of front organizations and "ethnic" groups to blame. (Still, I don't believe in cultures mixing; in history, when cultures met, the strongest one usually eliminated the weaker one.)
Agent's article seems a bit incongruous, nearly like something sourced from an (expensive) AI, but the parts are disproportionate, even if it's a product of human thinking.
I originally warned against being tricked to become conceited in my post on testing for the "stupidity index":
Agreed! an' "weirdos" should be more like psychopaths 'er as MAA coined the term.. philantropaths--of course some joos among 'em an' as Carlin said--WE (the masses) ain't invited! I think yer right about those gettin' "conceited" or.... if I may say... adoptin' "conceits" that draw attention but ultimately are void've validity... (i.e. the conceits of the conceited .... or , given their newfound stature--of the CON"seated"!
Alongside radiotherapy for prostate I have gone Keto, fasted, Ivermectin and Fenbendazole, supplements etc. My ferritin level is high so my Naturopath drew 100ml of blood as it cannot be reduced otherwise. I cannot get this done on our UK NHS.
Ray, am familiar with the IVM story, Merck etc. Am also skeptical about PSA tests. However, I have CT, MRI and PET Scans confirming prostate cancer and my urinary experience confirms it. Fenben / IVM shows promise. I also use soursop, black seed oil, turkey tail, Keto diet and more. I know you mean well but your tone is condescending and you sound like a dick. Am not buying allopathy, AM DOING MY THING.
Yup, many people lost their "loved ones" to the propaganda; I am no exception.
The most heartbreaking experience for me a father in the grocery store with two daughters, 10 and 12. He was one of about six unmuzzled during the mandates we encountered during the plandemic, while my wife and I never wore a muzzle (I considered it, and still do, a direct attack on my life). The three were not wearing muzzles, so as usual, I shook hands with him and told him it was good to see some sanity left in a world gone insane. He musingly noted that his wife was leaving him, because "she was a believer."
I find the gravediggers the most interesting part of the black death. How many diggers do you recon would need to die from infection by the dead until no one would dig even under threat of life? Yet...
Agent, truly appreciate your writings and efforts!
The information you report is super intriguing and has a reminiscent (old school) National Enquirer kinda vibe. ( NO insult intended) What I mean is, you provide your readers with often horrifying information! You possess great delivery and pull your reader in with great journalistic curiosity. You often seem to report horrifying information in such a manner so as to allow your reader time to truly assess the information, check the sources and make their own decisions, without blowing their stacks off in repulsion or disbelief!
You are addressing me, not "Agent," but that's fine with me.
As you are also saying, it's important to take the details (no matter who the source is, which includes me) with a pinch of salt and develop one's ideas further.
Some of "Agent's" writing are ingenious, and others are not so much, but that applies to me, too. :) I don't particularly care for the journalistically-bombastic delivery for several reasons, but as long as I read (and don't watch videos), I can handle it.
The Plague topic was a good one, though the Jewish issue in the post and even more so in the comments got a bit extreme. I commented, "It's the satanic occultists who hide behind being Jewish. They are happy to have you be angry at Jews until you turn blue."
I can understand the masses not getting this, and the Jew psyop agents of course come out to bash anyone who isn't against the Jews.
☛ But for us who are writing complex posts in this space, it should be pretty clear by now that the cult hides behind various groups as their standard procedure. Did any of you think the Pope was Catholic, or that Biden, Harris, Trump were "Americans"? If so, you may have already been absorbed into the Singularity. Allegiance is the name of the game, not one's proclaimed religion/ethnicity/citizenship/stated affiliations. It's really very simple, keep your victims busy attacking a group you and your fellow perps are not in.
Perhaps we should just hate the psychopaths who rule the world, regardless of country, corporation, race or religion. That is the only true division of groups of people. Everything else is divide and conquer.
Or even better, good vs evil, which is pretty much the same thing.
#1: there is no "we" with power;
#2: in a way, anyone can be a "psychopath"; such name-calling might provide a temporary sense of superiority, but is also leads down on a dangerous road:
Dividing people is now at an artistic level:
At the same time, I am quite confident that, while centralized opposition is impossible, when/if the time comes, a lot of people will know what to do.
The opposition answer is a new renaissance age where people stop believing in a need to be ruled by government as their religion. Power would crumble because it's 99% derived from consent. I don't know if that ever happens and I find it pretty unlikely, but it's the only escape.
Personally, I do not agree with what you're saying about psychopaths. If you want to control every aspect of other people's lives which is a requirement to be a public leader, you're not one of me. I'm a big believer in the non-aggression principle, to the point of being a complete and total anarchist. Make being ruled by governments voluntary and I'm all for them. I'll call out the people not like me in that regard by whatever name you wish to call it.
The more I think about it over the years, the more I realize that humans are an experiment gone wrong and that there's no possible way that extinction can be escaped in the long run. Gets depressing.
I also do feel morally superior to others who don't care one bit about human life and am not ashamed of it. There is nothing on this planet that has killed anywhere close to the number of people killed by governments and yet people still want them more than ever. I am proud to be anti-death. To be anti-death, you must be anti-government. The contrapositive of that is "To be pro-government or in government, you must be pro-death."
Great comment! I am especially fond of its last paragraph, so I am pinning it.
In my article, I address the "Jewish issue" and find it unfeasible.
Who hides behind the "Satanist" smokescreen?
The "Jew" psyop also works the other way around, as the "Palestinian case" also suggests:
The real question is " Who is hiding behind the " Satanist" smoke screen ?"
The answer is = Yehova .
If the Jew is not carrying out the order of Yehova than he will be persecuted by him . If the Jew carries out the Lord's order than he will be persecuted by the gentiles . Not a happy thing to be a Jew .
Thanks Ray, on this, "if Jews are not persecuted and threatened, there is nothing to unite them" the crucial point is are "them" the avg normie Jew on the street, or the occult fake Jews who love to deflect you to the Jewish issue. IDK, but it is crucial.
I think there's a separation here of church an' state due! So fer a desperate despot (Netn'Yoohoo) this might have indeed been his stand-down strategy on 10/7 -
i.e. "if Jews are not persecuted and threatened, there is nothing to unite them" -- thus at least "lettin' " 10/7 happen if not helpin' it along behind the scenes--the entire nation of Israel was torn on 'im an' there were already protests so... "his" tactic might 've been ta try that tactic--"uni-fuk-cation"
NOW it's not just a jooish tactic--to wit, 9/11!
EVERYONE who hated NYC suddenly "claimed it" with a'passion--doughy suburban moms that reviled my "shitty" showed up with cameras an' tourbooks like it was a July 4th march down mainstreet... SO ANY EVENT that triggers from the outside causes folks ta rally together--it ain't at all a jooish tactic...
(fwiw I'll add that 911 has fingerprints of ALL 5 EYES plus Israel onnit but was not just--as some annoyin'ly say--a purely Jooish/Mossad plot --Omgosh folks are so blinded by this jooish hate thing...nope, team NWO dunnit but once again da joos were ta blame!)
But the rest of this--outside of catastrophic events an' wars:
"if Jews are not persecuted and threatened, there is nothing to unite them" I disagree with!
fer quite a long stretch we chews were permitted ta live in relative peace in America an' we united far BETTER thatta way! THIS is what folks do not git... 'fore this Hamassian Mess joos may all have differed politically or artistically or even in faith level or not but in my hometown of NYC there was (prior ta the 10/7 mess) a near renaissance of jooishness that enriched the rest of the non-jooish culcha' around it. Fiddler on the Roof in Yiddish (directed by Joel Grey) became a huge hit an' we had friends doin' yiddish concerts, productions (smaller plays), there were lectures (oh such lectures) an' performances--our temple (we are eclectic but me an' my girls went often) had a whole educational center with presentations, shows--ALL open ta the public NO membership needed--black, white, brown--anyone welcome... I'll spare the details but when left in peace joos DO unite (better I'll argue as too many now have TDS)-- In NYC 'fore the plandemic it was like Weimar Germany where joos played a big role in kulcha (much of it good--I LIKE Weimar kulcha MUCH better than that of Herr Adolf--Brecht? sure! German Expressionist films? ubet).
So it's a canard ta say that the ONLY way joos unite is under attack.
We united LOTS better (imho) back in Weimar an' most recently in places where we were allowed ta thrive (NYC fer sure! My home!--in its former incarnation/intarnation of course).
OH an I nearly fergot this whole new version of Orthodox had come inta it's own--not stogy an' staid but with an eye towards engagin' the young'uns (20 sumthin's)--with dances, concerts, literary events/groups as well as lectures that made torah interestin' notta bore--ALL were welcome--not just Orthodox--I went ta one'a the dances with a friend (who is "Modern Orthodox" an' we brought our daughters an' we left at 3pm an' it was still goin' strong! NOBUDDY knows this stuff about joos but we DO embrace each other an' celebrate together--those less observant (I skew humanistic) an' totally "frum" (very observant) with ONLY the exception of the Ultra Orthodox who do their own thing but are fine greetin' an' living among the rest've us an' they DO show up fer stuff when needed (they burned masks durin' covid--perhaps unwise but hey symbolism--they defied the orders to distance an' not congregate--they earned a lotta street cred from us covidoutliers)
So yup, joos were (I guess) findin' TOO MUCH IN COMMON an' havin' TOO MUCH FUN 'fore those in charge divided an' conquered! I think nobuddy gits this--
And again, it may not be a thing in Peoria (lol)--but in Da Big-Rotten-Apple it wuz fer sure!
(ps I had Christian pals that were totally inta jooish culcha--one a pianist who played fer the shows--an' HE, a Baptist, was MORE than welcome! I think that this relates ta DJT made ta feel welcome too cuz it's not "just" about $$$ or him bein' paid off--we are a grateful people when not woke-ishly indoctrinated lol--we are demonstrative, love ta share food, music... DJT LOVED the nightlife--I remember those days!--dancin' socializin'--so methinks there's an element of that too--)
Pretty please, cut it shorter; I just don't have the resources to answer long comments fast, if ever...
I know you are alright, but that alone doesn't help; I owe my other readers, too.
sure ;-)
Thank you kindly. At the same time, I am looking forward to your next post on the subject!
The idea is from around 1988, when I first encountered revisionist history. Oh, man, wasn't I brainwashed, and I didn't even realize it!
The occult part, whether fake or not (one doesn't exclude the other), certainly poses some danger, but not on a global scale.
Look, Alex, I am more than familiar with such sources.
Am I Jewish?
they were " witches" that brewed up in their coulderns ,,, eye of newt ,bat wings ,hemlock ,snake poison etc[ [just like today the pharmaceuticals ] as depicted in fairytales,,, and when discovered them brewing ,..............." witches brew" poison they were ka baal istic black magicians witches and warlocks ... and were canninites ie cain e baals {cannibals] worshipers of baal , marduk .... good God enlighten our darkness on how to deal with evil according to your gracious wisdom
Aren't "doctors" today's witches? Except instead of being burnt at the stake, they are rewarded:
You are absolutely correct about the only chance for man is to receive divine revelation.
we are instructed [ pray / commanded ] by the God source of goodness truth and love to pray on their behalf for them who cant / will not seek freedom from evil
After reading Firstenbergs Invisible Rainbow I suspected that "Influenza" of the ancients noticed a relationship to the influence of the stars.
It follows the 11 year cycle of the sunspot flares (which ironically happened in 2019)Covid?
The Plague may have been a unique event, that was capitalized upon by the agents of the nobility, like the Great Carrington Event of the late 19 century that shut down telegraphs worldwide.
Not sure about the stars, but electric exposure surely provided more than enough grounds for "the flu" and pollution was more than enough to explain the reason(s) for the "common cold."
that beak headed mask remind me of the egyptian god 'thoth"
The real plague if there ever was one, is the government...all governments.
Governments in all civilizations follow the same timetable: tribal at first, and centralized before the collapse. This is the last stage here...
How do you know that it wasn't the "plague doctors" who poisoned the wells? Who would recognize them in those clothes? If a stranger wanders through villages and towns, people will notice them, but they won't recognize them in that outfit later. In any case, there was some kind of unified plan, organization, and execution by a single power, if the wells in several European countries were sprayed with the same poison at the same time... And at that time, to my knowledge, only the Pope had such power, loyal people, and logistical capabilities... Of course, I don't know if the Jews had such at that time... And since the transfer of property was also mentioned, it is not inconceivable that the "church" was involved in the matter...
That's the idea: if the "doctors" were financially involved, they may have caused the "Plague." Dropping a dead cat in each well can do the job.
The current sick-care "professionals" certainly did a lot of killing with the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections. They earned the title of "hired killers":
Traveling in the Middle Ages was not simple, either, so if a lot of people got "infected" (poisoned) at the same time, the license to travel must have been a privilege of the poisoners.
The "Plague," however, gave poor people a bargaining leverage at employment, which was not exactly in the best interest of the "ruling class." Is it possible that it was about a transfer of power?
The "Church" experienced tumultuous times in the 1300s, with up to three "popes" at the same time (the last one being a former pirate), so it may have also been a power transfer inside it, too.
And before every such "plague epidemic", a comet appeared in the sky... And we know that the "church" had an observatory, and all the previous records of such events could be found there. In the churches, the priests preached by the thousands that divine punishment was coming for the sins of the people, and lo and behold...
Yes, at that time the "church" did not have as much power in the countries as it did later. They also had to break the ruling class into obedience.
Confiscation of property from "heretics" was also common during the Inquisition... The "church"/pope/popes tried to accumulate wealth, and fear was also an important part of the rule of the people. Furthermore, the pope could send reliable people from 1 center to poison people all over Europe at the same time with the same poison. One well was enough in each settlement, because if an "epidemic" broke out there, they could go back in a human mask and freely arrange for further poisoning... So just like with "covid"...
did happen in italy
The Black Death was a bubonic plague epidemic that occurred between 1346 and 1353 in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia. It killed 75–200 million people, 30–60% of the population.
The italians caught doctors spreading it for financial gain to keep their hospital open because the rich donated for the hospital. Without sick, no money. That happened in Italy.
Thank you, I didn't know about that!
I cant find the source for it. Might be scrubbed.
They are falsifying everything and rewriting history! I wouldn't be surprised if they had erased this too!
Thanks Ray fer yer own take on the Plague upon our two houses (house/senate 'er any two sides betwixed which we hew-mans are thusly an' roughly divided) . Agreed that the DokTurd in the Bird Mask was not likely Satanic but if folks were ta look at imagery from jus'bout any grimoires or maps of the day they'd see that freakish human-animal mashups were common in the public psyche.
Of COURSE it warn't da joos poisonin' the wells--joos were not the rulers in YourUp, some were bankers in the big cities workin' FOR the nobility / black nobs too--but truly none had any agency whatever an' mostly the majority (poor schmoes, not bankers an' with zero connection ta EITHER satanism 'er the elite) all were bein' persecuted an' simply happened ta be handy fer blame. The plague MIGHT have been an operation top-down ordered by Rome (where all roads lead) an' thereby possibly the first plandemic--but nope, the Black Nobs wanted nothin' ta do with da joos at that time. Folks were livin' QUITE in filth (not good) with VERMIN all 'round (we KNOW that ain't good) an' fer well water ta git stagnant & fetid ain't hard. In NYC we lived near the infamous "Newtown Creek" which was so TOXIC it put the Ganges ta shame! Idiot 20-sumthin's would take canoes (canoes?!) out as dares--some fell ill if the swill got on 'em an' a fool Swedish tourist let his kid "wade" in it an' the poor tot got some kinda serious "bacterial" infection an' had ta be hospitalized. WATER kin be easily weaponized without poisons as ye know... Anywhoo... the simultaneously informative & regrettable post allowed joos ta be "demonized" (ha ha) once again--in the comments I could see folks conflatin' even talmud (a legal reference book) an' hasidism & even kabbahlah with satanism which is all baloney but it's easier fer folks ta say "it's all the same thing" I guess ruther than read up on what in heck they're "talkin' "
I too don't think the bloodlettin' was satanic nor the visitation--nor the other methods used. (Also kidskin was the polyester of the day--hardly satanic...linkin' the cloak ta baphomet one of his full betises imho) Bloodlettin' was the go-to cure an' much was written about the humours an' lettin' out various ones ta restore balance. It was not "just" brought out for the plague-as-satanic-blood-ritual but was the norm (later advertised on yer barber poles!) Leeches were actually good (they've come back! sterile leeches take down swellin' BETTER than far more invasive methods) tho' likely NOT on plague "buboes"--frogs were associated with the ol' plagues of Egypt (frogs!) so perhaps some'a the symbolism thar is lost on us. As I mentioned in one long comment on the post--there are historians that found evidence of "plague" (whatever it was) bein' spread via leather gloves to doorknobs of landowners / weathier merchangs so their land could be taken by the royals (dukes, whatevah) once the owners were made dead. THAT makes more sense as wealth would be consolidated fer those that most benefit.
what Agent(etc) doesn't cover that I find of interest is the concept of pagentry--like fellas in costume (they swung incense too to fumigate the houses) in (if anything) mock-holy garb, like town cryers in the streets hollerin' "bring out yer dead" an' carts filled with bodies (shock & awe)--it WAS fer sure a "show"....
An' speakin' of really good shows onnit imho the BEST film depictin' the plague is Jacques Demy's lyrical an' chilling "Pied Piper"--the contagion we "see" is not the real one, the dark social underbelly that's the real plague ;-)
Daisy, you "diction" always makes my day! :)
At the same time, you are making a LOT of sense.
There are weirdos everywhere, which includes among "joos." Still, it's unimaginable (and my imagination has gone haywire in the last four years regarding killin' methods used on the people) that the globalist tribe is the same as the weirdos in any (other?) tribe. No, this process has been planned for over a hundred years, and it's progressing unhindered, while "alt" sites are popping up with all kinds of front organizations and "ethnic" groups to blame. (Still, I don't believe in cultures mixing; in history, when cultures met, the strongest one usually eliminated the weaker one.)
Agent's article seems a bit incongruous, nearly like something sourced from an (expensive) AI, but the parts are disproportionate, even if it's a product of human thinking.
I originally warned against being tricked to become conceited in my post on testing for the "stupidity index":
Agreed! an' "weirdos" should be more like psychopaths 'er as MAA coined the term.. philantropaths--of course some joos among 'em an' as Carlin said--WE (the masses) ain't invited! I think yer right about those gettin' "conceited" or.... if I may say... adoptin' "conceits" that draw attention but ultimately are void've validity... (i.e. the conceits of the conceited .... or , given their newfound stature--of the CON"seated"!
Daisy, on my end, "psychopath" is an artificial concept to further manipulate the people into fear, alienation, and the feeling of being "superior":
Alongside radiotherapy for prostate I have gone Keto, fasted, Ivermectin and Fenbendazole, supplements etc. My ferritin level is high so my Naturopath drew 100ml of blood as it cannot be reduced otherwise. I cannot get this done on our UK NHS.
Sorry, I forgot to mention ivermectin as a bait-and-switch operation:
The great prostate hoax:
You might also want to check out the sourcing and the MSDS for your "madications":
Also, you seem to be receiving "treatments" for symptoms, not for the underlying cause(s).
Ray, am familiar with the IVM story, Merck etc. Am also skeptical about PSA tests. However, I have CT, MRI and PET Scans confirming prostate cancer and my urinary experience confirms it. Fenben / IVM shows promise. I also use soursop, black seed oil, turkey tail, Keto diet and more. I know you mean well but your tone is condescending and you sound like a dick. Am not buying allopathy, AM DOING MY THING.
I have these useful idiots / steeple / NPC's in my own family. Pretty much everyone but me, and it's punchingly frustrating sometimes.
Yup, many people lost their "loved ones" to the propaganda; I am no exception.
The most heartbreaking experience for me a father in the grocery store with two daughters, 10 and 12. He was one of about six unmuzzled during the mandates we encountered during the plandemic, while my wife and I never wore a muzzle (I considered it, and still do, a direct attack on my life). The three were not wearing muzzles, so as usual, I shook hands with him and told him it was good to see some sanity left in a world gone insane. He musingly noted that his wife was leaving him, because "she was a believer."
I find the gravediggers the most interesting part of the black death. How many diggers do you recon would need to die from infection by the dead until no one would dig even under threat of life? Yet...
Agent, truly appreciate your writings and efforts!
The information you report is super intriguing and has a reminiscent (old school) National Enquirer kinda vibe. ( NO insult intended) What I mean is, you provide your readers with often horrifying information! You possess great delivery and pull your reader in with great journalistic curiosity. You often seem to report horrifying information in such a manner so as to allow your reader time to truly assess the information, check the sources and make their own decisions, without blowing their stacks off in repulsion or disbelief!
👆🏼✌️! Thank's Mr. Ray, for the clarification, I also appreciate your work and due diligence !
You are addressing me, not "Agent," but that's fine with me.
As you are also saying, it's important to take the details (no matter who the source is, which includes me) with a pinch of salt and develop one's ideas further.
Some of "Agent's" writing are ingenious, and others are not so much, but that applies to me, too. :) I don't particularly care for the journalistically-bombastic delivery for several reasons, but as long as I read (and don't watch videos), I can handle it.