Yes, “The Plague” still exists, and it seems to have a lot in in common with today’s plandemics. Looking at the map and at history, apart from carcasses in drinking water, heavy-metal poisoning comes in as a good candidate for the cause. Oh, and if you can still remember it; Madagascar was a major playing field.
The story of The Plague has always been intriguing, and “Agent” addresses quite a few details about which I have already written, but considering the significance of the events since 9/11, the problem deserves to be revisited. Of course, he proceeds in his usual bombastic manner, but that doesn’t have to prevent further considerations, especially because his piece contains details that hardly ever surface.
Are Agent’s claims facts? I’ll respond to some of the most important ones, but the decision is yours.
Nice touch about the beaks and the outfit!
“Silencing” was apparently also important those days… And Germ Theory was not born with Pasteur, either…
To me, they sound like the “shock treatment” that so copiously applies these days, too. Most people are mesmerized by it:
For that matter, bloodletting did work sometimes, but only because it activated the body’s reserves, which helped with recovery. Bleeding out the patient doesn’t count as a cure, but today’s Madicine offers countless alternatives.
The “Plague” is one of my favorite invented illnesses, besides tetanus, rabies, and depression:
It only adds to the flavor that death was a big business in the Middle Ages, too, just like US hospitals received $13k for each (inevitably fraudulent) convid diagnosis, and $39k after they put their victims (aka. “patients”) out of their misery with the Remdesivir/ventilation protocol, occasionally spiked up with some horse tranquilizers...
As for Satanist symbolism, I have my doubts; Satanism has always seemed to me a facade to cloak the actual perps. Of course, the romanticism that comes with Satanism, along with the thrill of death so many people just love to experience, generates a large and appreciative audience:
To each, their own. As long as someone believes in the Boogey Man, critical thinking goes down the drain.
How about Jews poisoning the wells? I’m sure after being tortured a little, I would have even admitted that I am a woman (no, I am not a “biologist”) and killed the last 12 presidents without anyone noticing it… A dead animal in a well is enough to do the trick; no poison was needed. Also, if it was the “doctors” who profited from the deaths, why didn’t just make it simple and do the poisoning themselves? I guess, “the Jews” were the proper scapegoats, although they were not, and are not, a conglomerate. In fact, they are just as much divided as “Christians” or “Americans” (well my favorite deceptive term is “humanity” these days).
While fleas were only assigned to be the culprit, they can wreak havoc these days, just like Bill Gates’ GMO mosquitoes seem to be able (and are being used!) to “vaccinate” people (Lyme also seems to have been one of such “experiments”):
To make it clear, I have collected 13 major methods to harm/kill people:
I am no good at numerology, but “Agent” observes,
Oh, and one last thing: the Bubonic plague began in 1346. What was 666 years after 1346? 2012. What happened in 2012 other than the reelection of Barak Obama and the year of the United Nations Earth Summit?
2012 was also a very important year because it was Doomsday. The year was predicted by the Mayans 5,126 years prior, a year they claimed marked the end of a cycle in humanity and the beginning of a new era.
However, I know one thing that is still not widely known: 2012 was the year when nanochips/nanocomputers were already obviously used, and their processing speed/capacity was about 12-15 thousands higher than that of the much-popularized “supercomputers.”
In the meanwhile, “useful idiots” believe they are smart:
The most recent tool to catch patsies and useful idiots is compartmentalization:
The Plague topic was a good one, though the Jewish issue in the post and even more so in the comments got a bit extreme. I commented, "It's the satanic occultists who hide behind being Jewish. They are happy to have you be angry at Jews until you turn blue."
I can understand the masses not getting this, and the Jew psyop agents of course come out to bash anyone who isn't against the Jews.
☛ But for us who are writing complex posts in this space, it should be pretty clear by now that the cult hides behind various groups as their standard procedure. Did any of you think the Pope was Catholic, or that Biden, Harris, Trump were "Americans"? If so, you may have already been absorbed into the Singularity. Allegiance is the name of the game, not one's proclaimed religion/ethnicity/citizenship/stated affiliations. It's really very simple, keep your victims busy attacking a group you and your fellow perps are not in.
I find the gravediggers the most interesting part of the black death. How many diggers do you recon would need to die from infection by the dead until no one would dig even under threat of life? Yet...