As for D3 toxicity for humans, I added the following to the article:

10,000 IU D3 is 25 micrograms, that is, 0.000025 gram. About 0,0001 gram kills a rat, which equals four 10,000 IU D3 pills/capsules, so humans are not necessarily in immediate danger, but D3 surely doesn’t come with more benefit than harm. Also, people take D3 on a daily basis, which might not be the best idea, either.

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Are you aware cholecalciferol is an essential nutrients for rats?

Rat breeders are advised a daily dose of 1,000i.u's in their pet rat diets in order to keep them healthy.

It's the dose which makes the poison - not the substance.

And rats can't read labels or nutritional manuals in order to make a judgement call on intake.

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And how can one ascertain that? Lots of "madical" myths have been around in the last hundred years, and they tended to change every five years or so... Do you really believe anyone gives a rat's ass about rats? :)

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You write "...and how can one ascertain that..." without specifying what "that" is.

I told you you misdirection and obfuscation won't work with me.

Stop the bullshit and address the issue(s).

You are getting boring already.

I'm still waiting for your comments on Agent131711 and my critique of his duplicitous shite.

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And you are getting aggressive and still haven't said anything specific, except you are occupying comment place. Please, consult:


Ascertain your statement. Have you forgotten what you said? :) Sorry, I don't have the time and the energy for disruptions. Either you talk business or, please, leave.

You can plentifully read up on my contextualization of Agent's stuff. Just type "Agent" in the search box under Archive on my main page.

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You are now employing classic Brigade misdirection.

I'm not being aggressive.

I'm just not playing your game, which you find very annoying.

The fact is you have failed to address a single point I have raised so there is no mileage in claiming the opposite.

"Ray Horvarth, "The Source" :)"

The source of unmitigated bullshit.

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It looks like you have properly introduced yourself, so I don't even care about banning you. :)

Let your comments stand as monuments of trolling. :)

Oh, "unmitigated"!!! :D

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Cholecalciferol is oxidized cholesterol. It is a product of detoxification. Do you have any controlled studies that show it is essential for rats?

Also, what are the safe doses of cyanide or arsenic or mercury?

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It's certainly true you need enough NASTY LDL cholesterol in order to synthesise cholecalciferol from those NASTY UV(B) rays hitting the skin. Amazing bodies we have - working so well with everything modern medicine (and some stupids) tell us to avoid for our good health.

Re rats, I can't say I've focussed on them too much but if you go to https://www.afrma.org/ for starters you can find your answer.

I'm not sure why you ask about the metal toxicities but looks them up for yourself. I'm not your gofer.

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Your link is a general link.

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You want spoon-feeding?

Now, now, diddums, there no choo-choo train on this line.

Frankly, I don't give a shit about rats and I am not wasting my time on them for the likes of you.

Why not stop trying the cheap shots and read my article on the fraud known as Agent131711.

Are you part of his Brigade by any chance?

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You are offensive again. No, I want specific questions.

At this point, I am considering banning you, while leaving your "comments" intact...

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Most conventional madical (as you call them) practitioners would not recommend D3 - the ones I know of that do, take it themselves....so I guess time will tell if they were wrong...how soon should we expect their demise?

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D3 is what people are buying OTC. Whatever it it, it's synthetic, and synthetic stuff has been sickening/killing people for several decades:


They are in a winning position. Imagine a chess game, where only a few pieces are left, and the opponent has a Queen and two Rooks over you. :)

They will kill of themselves, but most likely not before exterminating most others:


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I guess it makes sense to some people, but I struggle to find the motivation in that m.o. to kill everyone by getting them to take vitamin D3. Also D3 in one form is not the same as D3 in another…because of the capacity to be absorbed which is impacted by the form it is consumed in and whether it is consumed with something that will enhance its absorbability. ***You didn’t answer my question though. How soon should we expect….? ***

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I just wrote a note about how the cell salt/Schuessler mineral salt for Capricorn is calcium phosphate, which is the principal mineral that makes up bones, which Capricorn governs. So it's interesting when you point out that supplemental 'vitamin' D3 or cholecalciferol draws out the calcium and phosphorous from bones- makes sense. I've also read that drinking milk in the elderly causes osteoporosis, and they do add d3 to everything, like milk, but milk is also a supercharged food designed for sprouting babies, not the elderly, who are losing bone mass anyways. Here's what i wrote:

Matthew 16:18 "On thee, Peter (mineral), will I build my church."

I.e., the foundation to your body temple are the mineral salts. These rocks/petra are in a sense, the Philosopher’s Stone. For example, calcium phosphate corresponds with Capricorn, which governs bones and structure, as well as the “the foundation and framework of society-the commonwealth of human interests.” Calcium phosphate (phosphate of lime) is the principal material of bones. “In alchemical lore the "Great Work" is commenced "in the Goat" and is finished in the "White Stone."“, i.e., this phosphate of lime, like white limestone.

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Finally had a chance to read your dive here into the D3 and blood thinners !

I actually took the stuff for almost 2 years daily during the onset of the Plandemic! 2000 icu - most likely staying outside as much as possible with the garden and all was helpful.

Began just going with the sunshine dosing-even prior to Agent’s blast about its origins.

Never checked on the blood thinner problem. I dare guess that most in the medical profession have no idea what happens once two (or usually more) prescriptions are transacting in a body that is desperately attempting to regulate itself. Worse than crap shoot !

Stay warm and sleep well, that’s my prescription on this chilly evening 💕

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And adding blood-pressure-lowering chemicals makes it even more "complicated"...

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Ray, It's a good idea to think of vitamin D as a hormone rather than a vitamin - good policy not to mess with hormones in a willy-nilly fashion

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That's a novel idea, but it certainly makes sense.

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I have cut back my D3 intake by 80% and still take a bit since there is very little sun to be had in the north during winter. Of course, no one is certain how long vitamin D if gotten from sunshine lasts in your system.

As far blood thinners go, if you have "thick" blood or it needs to be thinned because of some vascular condition, seems like it's the causes of either than needs to be discovered and addressed.

But as usual, all the modern stone age medical mafia has to offer is drugs and more drugs. Your loss, their gain...profits that is.

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Crixcyon. Blood donation will reduce haematocrit. Also make sure enough water and electrolytes

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An honest review is due for many. I also used to take D3 previously, and I found it was weakening me.

If "Vitamin" D were as important as it's supposed to be, how come people survive just fine about the Arctic circle with no sunshine for like six months a year? Isn't it possible that sunshine is overrated?

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I have been taking a lichen-derived (plant-based) form of Vitamin D3 in liquid drop form. I was unable to tolerate any other form of Vitamin D (I am vegan and gluten-free and sugar-free other than natural fruit sugars). I also switched to a Vitamin C that is derived from Acerola Cherries and other fruit sources. For A, I use a beta carotene supplement derived from fruits/vegetables, etc. As a Vegan (for 30+ years now) I've supplemented especially B12 , but all B vitamins and many of these in tincture form. It would seem logical that anything derived from synthetic processes, made in HUGE quantities and then packaged in highly preserved forms (capsule and tablets) would fail to have much efficacy and as you point out, be potentially harmful or even lethal. Have you researched the difference between naturally-sourced (for example food versus chemical-based) Vitamin supplements as I feel the difference?

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Vitamin A is not a vitamin, it is another toxin. Please read Grant Genereux's free ebooks, and see also The Nutrition Detective, Dr. Garrett Smith. Vitamins, by and large, are another psyop.

We can make our own "vitamin" C. It helps you feel better by slowing detox, which keeps toxins in storage instead of being released into the system, which is what causes symptoms of illness. Eventually storage runs out (as we age) and the body makes new storage cells (excess fat and/or cancer). See Dr. Smith's Toxic Bile Theory videos.

Efficient detox depends on sufficient protein (at least 50g per day), Zinc, selenium, molybdenum, sodium, potassium and magnesium. If you want details on the best forms and amounts, see Dr. Smith's videos or join his Love your Liver network. Flush niacin (nicotinic acid) provides the energy to run detox pathways. Most important is to poop at the very least once a day, as that is the best and main route for toxins to leave the body. Soluble fiber and activated charcoal both adsorb toxins so they can be eliminated rather than be reabsorbed in the gut.

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You state "...we can make our own vitamin C..."

Please explain how.

As far as any my biochemical knowledge stretches, humans together with the guinea pig and the fruit-eared bat are genetically incapable of endogenous vitamin C production.

All OTHER mammals are capable, IIRC.

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Grant Genereux has been consuming a diet extremely low in "vitamin" A for over 10 years. He mainly eats bison or beef, rice and black beans. There is not much vitamin C in this diet, either. But in this essay, he shows that ascorbate was found in his 2019 urine sample.


He cites many other examples of people who survive and thrive without "vitamin" c. This essay is also cited in Ray's article below. I guess you didn't read it carefully enough.

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You mention a single person and his blog.

This in response to my simple question; "Please explain how."

Can you explain how, or not?

Do that, and we can move on.

If you can't, retract your statement.

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Please, clarify AND specify your question or "retract your comment." :)

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The question is very simple.

The retraction is very obvious If you can't answer the question

If you want to get involved I suggest you read it again.

Attempted misdirection and obfuscation does not work with me.

And why not read my response to Agent131711 while your spending your time on someone else's problem. I can't wait for your correction of my commentary.

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Based on the scurvy study, it looks like the human body IS able to produce Vitamin C, whatever that is...


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You quote "yourself" as evidence and then when I open it you quote Agent131711.

Read the following and tell me where I go wrong, because nobody has. Yet.

And I do keep asking.


Prove me wrong and I will publish my second post - a full and profuse apology to Agent131711.

Until then, I don't believe a word Agent 131711 writes.

Not should anyone else.

Back to vitamin C. Do you have anything which isn't from Agent131711.

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Are you going to point out the errors in my analysis of Agent131711's article on "Vitamin D3 is rat poison"?

You owe it to your public.

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You and I both do owe "to the public" (most of whom cannot even read and write, but what the heck?).

I believe, I have gone a lot further than Agent, so it is your turn to point out where I am wrong. Agent doesn't matter.

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Thanks for mentioning these resources.

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Good questions.

Nothing is "naturally-sourced" anymore. They label even hydroponic crap as organic, while who knows what's in the water (and chemtrails)...

Is "Vitamin" C also a hoax? It looks like it:


Can anyone acquire ANY at least halfway "healthy" food?

The result is that one must beware of what they eat, and leave time for the body to detox itself, if such a thing is possible at all:


ALL supplements are produced by the same manufacturers or their subsidiaries as the ones for the convid (sooner-or-later) lethal injections, fraudulently called "vaccines."

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At 67 (almost 68), we're prescription-drug free (and averse to ANY traditional western medical "care") and we eat as healthfully as is possible given that our water, air, soil, plant life, animals and processes are laden with nanoparticulate toxins, heavy metals, microplastics and disease vectors, foreign proteins and synthetic biological technology meant to connect us to the WBAN / IOT and to use our bioenergy and to makes us nodes on their vast network to connect us to the hive mind and become "one" with the "controllers'" AI-based coordinating and governing apparatuses. Fortunately, we also de-tox and the means for that are multiplying as we are seeing. Both chemical as well as frequency-based solutions are now prevalent and more are being explored and developed as I write. Thanks for your research and admonishments.

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Just added the following to the article:

10,000 IU D3 is 25 micrograms, that is, 0.000025 gram. About 0,0001 gram kills a rat, which equals four 10,000 IU D3 pills/capsules, so humans are not necessarily in immediate danger, but D3 surely doesn’t come with more benefit than harm. Also, people take D3 on a daily basis, which might not be the best idea, either.

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Boy, that escalated quickly...

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I sent this to Robert Yoho. It needs seriously debunked. PNW doesn't normally cover these stories. They are Pain News orientated. It was 1 of several stories, like the Spinal Defib crappy device, that many Urologist have been peddling for nearly 2 decades. I researched it in my late 50's. Turns out to be a case of dirty specimen cups the Primary used.

How Vaccine Misinformation Distorts Science


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While I strongly dislike the word "debunked," what exactly do you think must be refuted?

Sorry, I am not familiar with the sources, but just about everything around is a lie; fake news, fake science, and fake history:


I'll check out your links later. Sorry, there is only one of me and only 24 hours in a day. :)

"Pain clinics" (I don't know if your link has anything to do with them) are an abomination...

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I use the K2-7 complex and refused their thinners. Along with D3, 2,500 ui. Sun when I won't burn in 10 minutes.


A former director of the CDC under Donald Trump says he believes COVID-19 may have been born in a North Carolina laboratory as part of a secret biodefense program.

He is still trying to make money and gain credibility, which he no longer has among knowledgeable people. He is just as guilty as Fuci. Bird Flu PLANDEMIC CHIEF.


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Flu "pandemics" usually occurred, when a new electronic installation took place. Convid was most likely a result of the new 5G installations, which took place in Wuhan and in Northern Italy at the time.

Diagnoses are usually based on symptoms, but even the last "madical"-school dropout knows that the same symptoms can be caused by several things...


The secret labs must have developed many "vaccines" (sooner-or-later lethal injections), and the "authorities" can blame the symptoms on just about anything, while exerting their power on the commoners, which is THE central problem:


ALL these "authority" figures are only globalist stooges... It's not an accident that questioning "authority" is now considered a psychiatric "condition"...

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