The brave and the courageous need each other more than ever. Brave Britains went to the Falklands to save a British protectorate and a people willing to be free.

The courageous yomped over open ground to storm entrenched enemy positions and gave their limbs, their lives and their sweat for people they'd never met.

The two were the same. They were the brave and the courageous in one and they gained victory.

American is at Civil War, whether you believe it or not. The enemy are looking to destroy Alex Jones, Mike Lindell, President Trump.

They will seek out Julie Kelly, Dan Bongino, Don jr.

Who will have the bravery and courage to stand against the machine? Who will form a wall around the truth seekers? Who will put their lives on the line for other people.

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No doubt there is a difference between courage and bravery. Bravery is the practical application of courage-- doing vs. thinking. One cannot be brave, and likely not courageous, if consumed with fear. Fear is an emotion which needs to be controlled and/or eliminated. We need a bit more courage and a lot more bravery to defeat the globalist gang. There is no cause for fear. You may die fighting the war, but you will definitely die, or worse, if you don't fight. Let's put our bravery in gear.

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Being taken alive is probably the worst, except a lot of people will board the FEMA buses willingly...

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Be courageous and go to cchfreedom.org and submit a comment against the UN's proposed digital IDs such as digital licenses. They are trying to implement their pact for the future to make us digital slaves. Make a short comment to fight back.

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Petitioning usurpers only acknowledges their reign and offers up a list of potential "resistors." Just about ALL the popularized options for resistance do more harm than good.


What people must realize is that they have no power whatsoever, and they are divided:


As a result, everyone MUST draw their line somewhere, as I did:


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Back when the Tea Party was going or maybe just before, there was a national group, I forget the name now, that believed in "the right to petition government for redress of grievances." So they had a great petition to sign. I remember thinking this is kind of touching, they really think this will have an effect, that they will be listened to and things will change for the better. It went absolutely nowhere. A politician or two jumped on, like they did the Tea Party which went nowhere as well.

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Was I brave or courageous for not taking the jab, for not allowing the company I work for to force me to do something that was against what I believe in? I know in my heart I would have not survived if I would have fallen to their requests. Would they have cared if I became sick? No. I listened to my heart and my head; my Guardian Angel kept telling me not to do it, no matter what, to stand my ground, so I did. Was horribly accused for trying to "murder" others by one co-worker. I am so thankful that I now work from home part time and they can no longer put this kind of pressure on me. Should they try and pull this again on all their employees, I will go into full retirement then.

My boss has taken several of the boosters and he's been sick so often I am concerned about him. He will never admit to me he made a mistake. Following the corporate guidelines.

I have other friends who live up north from me and she took two of the jabs and immediately after the second one, acquired a pain in her lower back she can't get rid of. She said she'll never take another one. I feel very sad for her, but why wait until its too late to wake up? Doctors won't help her at this point, just aid in brushing it off. I told her do not take any flu shots of any kind. One can be healthy by eating right.

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Good for you Fran.

None of us should allow the government what to do with our bodies, just like Carmella says, right?

We too would not get the jab. Some of my family members took it and thankfully are not sick from it, but they ridiculed us for abstaining. Even today, 4 years later they still look at us with disdain. They are the same kind of people who would have turned in their neighbors for protecting Jews in Germany during WW2 and stupid thing is, they are Jews.

A good lesson to learn here, that people are easily fooled and easily turned into monsters who will turn on their own loved ones in the blink of an eye......as they are demonized by a wicked regime.

Let's not forget that widespread wickedness is what brought the destructive flood thousands of years ago. The next global destruction will be by fire. God will not be mocked and He will not let arrogant humans continue to destroy His created order.

Blessings to you and yours.

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Sep 25Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Other than all the jabs and potions that were forced upon me as a child, I have never taken a flu shot and I won't. What woke me up was the Swine Flu in the 70s, when I witnessed everyone I worked with got sick, whether they took a jab or not. I used to walk 10 blocks to work each way. The outside fresh air was what did me good. Even if it was 40 below.

I don't trust doctors. None of them. Most are murderers, licensed to kill and they don't have a conscience. Doesn't matter if they "just don't know" about a healthier lifestyle. I call BS on that. If I and others can learn this stuff from those that take the time to really investigate, then so can they. Doctors take the easy way out. They are all guilty. So let them burn in Hell.

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Walking outside these days can also kill people... My wife and I usually try to observe the chemtrails and act accordingly.

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Well, we will certainly die trying, now won't we? One more reason for me to get out of this rotten Big City and get to country life.

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From the very moment one is born in the US, they are issued their slave numbers (SSN), marking them as government property, while the "government" is actually owned and controlled by private interests:


Humans are not exactly indispensable. They are allowed to do all their idiocies in this world; that's what this world is for.

The official stories of WW2 are just as much lies as everything else coming out of the globalists' orifice:


A different history is the one for compliance-training, which is not taught at schools:


Not becoming like the monsters might be a good start:


The current globalist plan is drawing to an end, and it's been going on for a long time:


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That is true, Ray. But my spirit and soul will never belong to them.

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You did what you could...

Starting in March, 2020, I kept telling people that muzzling was only a start, which it was. In 18 months or so, I encountered only six unmuzzled faces in stores...

The "tests" were "only" toxic and testing for compliance. The injections were certainly bioweapons. People will keep dying because of the injections for a few more years, but there are sooo many other ways to kill them... How come they are still around?


I knew quite a few people who got extremely ill after the second injection, but KY (where I live) had the highest death rates, too.

From the end of May, 2023, "vaccination" through the food supply has been legit. Moreover, ten companies control the food supply, and they are globalist-controlled. How can people be possibly eating healthy?

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We can try to eat right. My friend lives far into the country. So there is opportunity to purchase eggs and chickens from local small farmers. That is what I want to do. Not the Big City life. I hate it. The folks around her area all help each other. Very down to earth good people.

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We are also growing things, but there are many chemtrails around...

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The cure for fear is action.

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To what end?

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Trying to ma'e a change!

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As in the fictitious last part in my post at https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/the-long-trip-to-global-control-is?

"If this was a movie, resistors (which must include those who swore up to “protect the country against enemies, foreign and domestic”) would take over the power and water utilities, food production and distribution, the media, airports, communications right away. In reality, satellites are used even for tracking single persons, who can be specifically targeted. They would issue their own currency and enforce its use in the current banking system. The same, of course, would happen in all countries concurrently."

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You are absolutely right in all your post nevertheless no matter what they are doing it doesn't mean "THEY "

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succeed and if "THEY "do, well, just don't let them do it without a fight!!!

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