Sep 8Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Hi Ray, thank you for creating this excellent platform for wide ranging info and discussions, bravo!

Here in UK, the Chemtrailing activity is intense. Sometimes, when clouds leave a gap, 4 or more distinct Chem layers can be seen. The UK has a huge informal grouping who keep tabs on Airfields used, Tanker lorry ownership and the labyrinth of shell companies and cut outs used to pay operational fees and bills. These shells can rotate rapidly by buying up legit UK Limited Companies by the sackload. As an aside, I have a Heart Pacemaker which is real live OTA 5G linked , 24/7 to my distant Hospital Cardio Dept. This is my attempt at gaining borrowed time to enjoy my family rather than unthinking uncritical acceptance! My research, finds that China is years ahead in the killer app, 7G. UK is awash with Hua Wei embedded in our critical govt/defence infrastructure, as published in MSM here. Researchers should look up tech gear in all the Chinese Online sales platforms..... eye opening! Cheers, Ross

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Exactly as you are saying, global investment firms have been rotating ownership of key businesses, but it's been going on for a lot longer than most people would assume:


They avoid taxes, can barely be tracked, while make sure production and distribution can be halted anytime, while other operations ensure the blame can be placed on someone else.

7G is also used in the US (I believe, it's mostly in "smart" meters) and 5G-compatible home routers (the only thing ISPs favor) can turn the local electric grid into giant antennas, so there is not much need for towers, especially in sparsely-populated areas:


The Russians, the Chinese, and the US are working on Agenda 2030, and they exhibit superficial differences that also make WW3 on TV and option (after a few well-placed false flags).

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-Just like each batch of the convid vials contained different things, nobody knows what’s in a synthetic product these days. - I think this has always been the case - mankind has never been told the truth about these various toxic substances and there have certainly always been different batches - so these criminals could try out their abhorrent “study goals” again and again without people's consent - if it went wrong, they invented another name for a new disease that they could then blame on an imaginary, fictitious virus - a diabolical circle that will never end as long as there are always people who allow themselves to be influenced and are not prepared to learn. ... Conclusion: “We can't save them all if they are not prepared to save themselves...!”



under the double exclamation marks you can read: “.....it is easy to suspect that if taken up by a pregnant woman (through inhalation, ingestion, injection, skin contact etc.)...” THAT leads me to the following conclusion - so when children are “vaccinated” with these nanoparticles, the detoxification process starts, this is mainly associated with various skin lesions in children (as the organs are not yet fully grown), including fever - then they are said to have “measles”, rubella, smallpox etc.... - and the mother, if she is/becomes pregnant again, can massively endanger the fetus, by precisely through these possibilities of absorbing these particles, but they then call it rubella and should consider an abortion - only the truth will never be published or offered to humanity.... - and there is constant fantasizing about infection/contagion by fictitious “viruses”, although the illness of other children and adults has a completely different cause.... - and that with the G's and of course also with the so-called “medicines” (every pharmaceutical product contains chemicals that damage the body in the long term) is of course a gradual disease that some people who are not very sensitive may only notice after years, others immediately, is clear - what is frightening for me personally is the fact that all this is simply ignored by a large part of the medical profession, but also by the people themselves....

And the same is now:

https://web.archive.org/web/20210308053257/https://cdn.pfizer.com/pfizercom/2020-11/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol_Nov2020.pdf (Pages 67-69)



Thank you for your great article!!!

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Aug 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Could this attack on sleep be a way of disconnecting people from not only the healing power of good sleep but as a way of disconnecting people from their subconscious and the abstract problem solving that dreaming creates?

Maybe this is allowing people to continue to robotically function enough to sustain the basic complex systems of our crumbling " civilization"? Ignorance is bliss, or at least preferable after all.

I thought people's" subconscious dumps" would eventually explode, but maybe they don't have access to one.

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From my perspective, the so-called "attack on sleep" is "only" a "side effect." Of course, it bears all the signs of the globalist planning that brings multiple results from a single event (and multiple events still point towards Agenda 2030):


What others call "subconscious" is what I call conditioning both on the primary and secondary levels. The objective is that the subject would never be able to use their free will:


Most people are not even interested in facts, possibly because they don't want to take responsibility for their decisions/actions, or they might intuitively know that they cannot do much, anyway.

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Thankyou for your insights. I had not looked at the subconscious as conditioning before a starkly.... but I guess only what goes in can come out, mayhaps extruded in a somewhat different shape.

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Aug 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

https://substack.com/@77778878888788/note/c-66541984?r=3rl4zv I think it's the frequencies interacting with the plastic skin Ray. Everyday another polymer layer is sprayed over us shrink wrapping and choking us off.

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It seems to be an AI-programmed operation, out of which humans can only scratch the surface.

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Completely agree. I had the best sleeps I've ever had in America when I was there for three months. Here I'm being woken usually around three am. Perhaps the Ai had not attunated to me there but has a firm grip back here in Nz. Antarctica and the frequencies coming out of there may play a big role. One things for sure, I wake feeling like a bus has run over me. Thanks for the article.

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Aug 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I remember reading about the military being able to place a town to sleep using radar, supposedly in the forties. Do you have a link to those military studies?

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i read that persons stack. i’m not quite sure what you’re pointing to by writing about what he has written. mercola IS hella suss lately. i still read him though. there is so much noise out there. getting increasingly challenging to know who is who and why they’re who they say they are. thoughts on dr. sircus!?!

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Not sure what you point is, but my impression is that "MWD" (who/whatever that is) is a mix of Mercola and ChatGPT. I also read some of him, like I read many other authors who must still give away some facts in order to remain somewhat credible for their readers. That's basically nearly the only way to learn these days, unless the type of conjecturing I am practicing counts, but I haven't seen anything like that anywhere else...

You might be interested in searching for "Mercola" under "Archive" on my main page; there are plenty of articles that explain my stance further.

Sorry, don't know "dr. sircus."

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Dr Sircus reads well, aims, purpose, etc. A Labyrinth website, tons of info, remedies, freebies. Books, Articles, open mind. Recommend taking a gander, Ross

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This is an important topic. I've seen insomnia and sleep issues increase dramatically over the last couple of decades in my patients as our 24/7 microwave radiation soup has become ubiquitous. I have no doubt that this is primarily from microwave exposure which blunts both melatonin release and REM sleep, along with a slew of other biological adverse effects.

I am personally extremely sensitive to EMR of all types. I am very lucky to live in suburban area of a moderately sized town where my bedroom measures mostly "green" on my microwave meter, except for someone's smart meter, but this is exceedingly rare.

Before living in this area, I was living in a larger metropolitan area about 2 hours away and after attempting to find a place to live, for 6 months, I could not find a place that had an acceptable level of EMR exposure. I had to spend this time couch surfing and staying with a family member because multiple places I rented ended up being so bad that I could literally feel the radiation and I experienced terrible, crushing insomnia ; the effect of both the radiation and the EMR toxicity felt like torture. I don't know how some people even function in urban environments these days.

Overall, especially after reading The Invisible Rainbow, it's clear to me that this is yet another bioweapon being used against humanity in the Globalist depopulation agenda.

I have also not found any subtle energy tech that could combat a seriously bad EMR environment. For microwavea, a faraday tent does work! I bought a portable Mercola faraday tent for $600 bucks while I was in my looking-for-a-safe-home-couch-surfing-phase, and I got zero microwave readings on the inside and I was able to sleep fine, though the tent was so small that it felt claustrophobic. Likewise a larger Faraday canopy would be a great solution potentially for you guys; downside is that they are not cheap. I think going forward having one's room "faraday-ized" or living in an isolated area might be the only way forward. I still can't grasp how most normies can even function in an urban environment these days...

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Hi, if it helps, via internet research there ar suppliers of large rolls of fine copper mesh, for creation of large " personal spaces." Ross

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These are mm waves, and if radiation goes through a small crevice, they create a "pebble-in-a-box" effect...

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Sorry about your predicaments...

For us, "smart" meters and 5G-compatible routers are "taking care of" my wife and me in a rural area.

Please, notice that instruments that can measure above 10GHz are not available for the public. The ones that are, irrespective of their range, require the user's location, which is basically advising the perps on which areas need more "coverage"... There are phone apps that work in the "legal" 5G range, but only on 5G phones and, of course, they also report back on the user.

Beyond radiation intensity, the frequency also matters; severely sickening above 30, and deadly above 45GHz. There are other ways to deliver these besides the towers; routers, "smart" meters, military radars, and HAARP also participate...

The problem with Faraday tents is that these are mm waves. A tiny hole in a canopy can create "pebble-in-a-box" effect, and actually amplify the radiation, which resembles using a cell phone in a car...

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To add to Heart Pacemaker general knowledge.... I got myself electrocuted via a dodgy outdoor power line, holding an electric drill. ( UK 220-230 V standard) As I felt myself going dim I managed to get indoors, collapsed on the floor totally paralysed for 72 hours (messy!) before Paramedics alerted. In Hospital, the Consultant and the Med team called me a liar and fraud, until one of the team said she recognised my typical Electrocution exit wounds, ie the lumps of flesh blown off both legs! During this hostile interrogation, I was hallucinating vividly, took me 10 days to escape out of a groundfloor window and be rescued by my family. The Pacemaker Manufacrurer was my only visitor in hospital, as they had never had a Pacemaker survive such circumstances before. The oaf medics had never even heard of Degaussing. BTW, Those Radiant Cooker Hobs really made my Pacemaker burp in annoyance, extremely uncomfortable. Avoid!

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Aug 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Same. I haven’t slept regularly for years, and it’s only gotten worse since my condo had dozens of “smart” meters installed, though I’m only speculating until a more elaborate forensic investigation from my local, state and federal agencies begin, who refuse to acknowledge these “weapons” even exist in the first place, just like the plastic, heavy metal, radioactive, biosynthetic nanotechnology weapons in our food, water, air and medicines—which are triggered by these energy weapons that don’t exist. Add dozens, if not hundreds, of local Bluetooth & WiFi routers (weapons), I’m surprised I haven’t been driven to jumped off my balcony yet. But there are even greater threats nobody likes to talk about coming from “government energy weapon targeting systems” that utilize these communication systems and imbedded nanotechnology in our bodies, plus whatever the hell HAARP & DARPA are up to lately…for our bloody security, no less.

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High EMR environments can literally feel like torture. Check out faraday canopies for your bed. The good ones are not cheap but they can significantly block or reduce microwave exposure

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Thank you. I’ve been looking to totally insulate all the walls of my bedrooms and office along with acoustic sound proofing as well. Between gutting these rooms and the cost of these upgrades, it’s very pricy, indeed.

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The same applies for stuff bought for thousands of dollars. Physics can't be cheated. :)

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Much of it can be home-made, but the results cannot be predicted.

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And if done wrong, can increase, not decrease levels to the point of extreme detriment

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The problem with Faraday tents is that these are mm waves. A tiny hole in a canopy can create "pebble-in-a-box" effect, and actually amplify the radiation, which resembles using a cell phone in a car...

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As per a roll of everyday Parcel Tape, for size, rolls of "Copperised" sticky tape are available on the usual internet Platforms. They are meant to cover the awkward gaps, joints, folds etc on a large copper mesh Cage/ Construction. (in theory). There are UK suppliers of pre-shaped copper mesh Router Covers for standard and odd Router shapes. I have one. Using the Before/After readings App on my moble phone, it did register a drop in emissions..... given that the App is no real substitute for proper techie equipt. Ross

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Aug 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

this has been nagging me every time i eat an apple

It's about hose little stickers they put on each one

why? approved with poison to kill???

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Aug 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Over the last 50 years, my sleep habits have been all over the map. It is impossible to follow those 10 tips consistently. I am generally an early riser as I was "trained" that way for about 23 years having the same job early in life. Before retiring, I had a job for about 10 years being on call all hours. I think many sleep problems arise from thought fatigue...people cannot stop replaying their thoughts. Maybe too much MSM garbage.

If you are having sleep issues from just one 5G router some distance away, imagine living in an apartment where there are several of these things in close proximity. I do live in an apartment and its' no use turning off my router at night and it's not 5G. We use nothing 5G but it seems to be everywhere. And of course the apartments all have smart meters which are nothing more then spy machines.

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I can't even do apartments anymore. All the useful idiot normies have as many wireless gadgets as they can possibly have. None of them grasp the dangers, just line with the mRNA jabs, geoengineering, etc. if you can afford a quality faraday canopy over your bed (and shielding under) they do work and can make a big difference

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Originally, I posted that mRNA is extremely unlikely to be used, because it can start a chain reaction that cannot be controlled. That's why the Soviets didn't use it after inventing the technology around 1981:


Still, I can imagine that it is now used (no need for it, because other methods that can be controlled can be used to achieve the same effect), assuming the technocrats have become so conceited that they believe they are invulnerable...

Moreover, these are mm waves. A tiny hole in a canopy can create "pebble-in-a-box" effect, and actually amplify the radiation, which resembles using a cell phone in a car...

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Yup, in crowded areas, peptic ulcers are also a lot more common...


The meters are probably incendiary devices as well...

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Aug 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Yes, i only sleep 4 / 5 hours now, over the last year or so its changed, annoying lol.

Have a great day dude, your work is excellent, thank you.

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Thank you for the kindness. Well, at my age, I'm probably not a "dude," but what the heck, I might even become one! :)

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Aug 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)


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Aug 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

lol you're a good wise man / dude regardless. I wish you & yours all the positivity in the world.

I know humanity will overcome the parasites, regardless of what they do. Of course its going to get rougher lol, the toxic shots are really kicking in now, killed 2 of my family with blood clots. Our civilization is sick, & the quicker it collapses the better. I personally welcome this, though I understand " they " want this to, to bring about their world order, for something else to take over, " Order from Chaos " as they say.

We are more than the sum of our parts.

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I can only hope you are right. Currently, everything indicates otherwise, It turns out that the globalist plan has been out in the open since 2001:


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Aug 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Late 60's and never have trouble sleeping. Get at least 7.5 hours a night, every night!

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Good to hear!

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