Well, I noticed a couple weeks ago, I was driving on the highway more often than normal… And I am seeing 5G towers every 500 m. And this is on a major highway between MONTREUX and Geneva Switzerland. Like literally out of nowhere… I drove quite a bit last summer and didn’t see as much, but when I was driving last week I noticed a ton
All of them lining the highway.
I’m in a different Canton now, I will pay more attention as I head back to the Canton that I live in, because I wonder if it’s just my Canton that’s done this
It was in July, 2023, when I realized that the latest routers were "5G compatible" and "you just have to plug them in." That means that the routers are using the local electric grid for an antenna, and one is enough in the whole neighborhood to make the towers redundant:
You know I read your article. I need to double check with my phone provider… Because I’m switching next year and I do not want 5G. While my current provider does offer 5G, I can stay on the 4G network. We’re home. The Wi-Fi is off unless it’s absolutely necessary. we don’t smart anything it’s ridiculous. Why do people use those things?
In a nutshell, Lind et al.’s thesis is that the “modern age” of warfare began with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, which, Lind opines, “gave the state a monopoly on war.” From that point on, modern warfare went through three generations, namely:
First-generation warfare: the tactics of line and column, developed in the era of the smoothbore musket;
Second-generation warfare: the tactics of indirect fire and mass movement, developed in the era of the rifled musket, breechloaders, barbed wire and the machine gun; and
Third-generation warfare: the tactics of nonlinear movement, including maneuver and infiltration, developed in response to the increase in battlefield firepower in WWI.
This, according to Lind and his co-authors, brought us to the late-20th century, when the nation-state began to lose its monopoly on war and military combat returned to a decentralized form. In this era—the era of fourth-generation warfare—the line between “civilian” and “military” become blurred, armies tend to engage in counter-insurgency operations rather than military battles, and enemies are often motivated by ideology and religion, making psychological operations more important than ever.
But, some argue, we have now entered a new era of warfare, namely fifth-generation warfare.
There is still much debate about what defines fifth-generation warfare, how we know we’re engaged in it, or even if it exists at all (Lind, for one, rejects the concept). Various scholars have made their own attempts at defining fifth-generation warfare (5GW), like Dr. Waseem Ahmad Qureshi, who identifies it as “the battle of perceptions and information,” or Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui of the People’s Liberation Army, who write of the era of “Unrestricted Warfare” in which “a relative reduction in military violence” has led to “an increase in political, economic, and technological violence.”
If academic debates about the changing nature of warfare are your thing, then there’s plenty of reading for you to do on the subject, from The Handbook of 5GW: A Fifth Generation of War? to a slew of academic articles.
But for the purposes of this editorial, I’m not interested in that debate. In fact, we’re going to use a decidedly non-academic definition of fifth-generation warfare from an Al Jazeera article as our starting point: “The basic idea behind this term [5GW] is that in the modern era, wars are not fought by armies or guerrillas, but in the minds of common citizens.”
5G is not obsolete at all: it works for cell phones for data collection, tracking, and targeting as a potential extermination device that can target individuals or whole areas.
6G and 7G etc. have more and more limited applicability (as they go up, they are increasingly able to transmit more and more data, but their range becomes more and more limited, so they have to be connected to work at their full capacity to supply data to the central AI), so logically, they are used for local networks, as in home routers, "smart" meters, and devices that are linked together. It doesn't matter if the device is listed with such a capability, I'm nearly absolutely certain that even 4G phones in the last few years are using 5G, but the user is not getting 5G services, which is fine for the provider, because the user is the product).
I have written quite a few articles about the tech, and you can search for multiple key words under "Archive" on my main page, but if you are interested in anything specific, I might also be able to provide links.
Why did the renters leave, why did the landlords demolish their assets, why are other houses left empty.
Other locals won't be as paranoid as you are, so what's their motivation.
I thought that the idea was to herd the cattle into big 'stupid' cities, but I have not seen any proactive moves on this, people whom I interact with are moving to the countryside and growing food.
Sorry about the platitude, but in my experience, "we" are "our" greatest enemies; not much help is needed.
Other than that, the power balance is a lot more upset than if you tried to fight drones with bows and arrows.
Moreover, "they" don't have a plan; only the outcome has been defined. The graphene-nanotech AI running their worldwide simulation processing live data is apparently lagging behind, but that doesn't mean it's not going to win. The technorats have no idea what is happening in the AI's "mind," but following its instructions has been working for them. If the AI comes to the realization that humanity itself is the plague, it might employ a gambit against its operators that, eventually, can easily lead to an extinction-level event... Internal sabotage might delay the inevitable, but I'm certain that even the operators are compartmentalized and none if them really knows what's happening...
The agenda is known or part of it ie Depopulation of billions of 'Useless Eaters' - Kissinger said this apparently as does his protégé Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum who has mentored WEF member 'king' Charles for decades'. The WEF poses as a philanthropic global group of do gooders but is in fact a club of the worlds richest and most powerful (psychopaths)who openly declare that billions ie most people and even animals must die 'to save the planet', also legalised Paedophilia is necessary Schwab says so that sex does not result in babies which increases population. The world is ruled by these types ie bililon, trillionaire Luciferian, Satanic paedophiles. Schwab openly boasts that WEF has 'penetrated' most world governments. UK for 14 years run by WEF leaders and cabinets who have so impoverished multi millions of people by many methods, and destroyed the health service, injected most with the deadly bioweapons etc, that the country is falling apart .....but not for the rich eg royals,government, pharma corporations etc who ard thriving. WEF trains world leaders and CEOs who are gleefully destroying the world. It is very difficult to believe such evil people exist let alone that hey rule the world but they
please, your email response doesnt state my previous comment to which you are responding to . therefore i dont know to which of my comments you are responding bto ... please be assured my intensions are good... communication can be difficult by this media for me
Look, Alex, I understand. While I registered my response, I didn't accuse you of trolling, only pointed out inefficient levels of communication. The latter was sad, because your ideas, when explained, could be important contributions.
In general, please, introduce your sources and your special terms/terminology in a sentence or two; that would help your fellow commenters to understand what you mean and see, if they are interested.
https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bring-science-home-block-radio-waves/ also certain mountains block , scramble disrupt radiowaves naturally ,,, also they tried to xray the great pyramid but got different results different pictures everytime ... ultimatly staying close to the good god will guide us , so pray for guidence and salvation from evil for all especially for our enemies that they return to goodness truth and the good god of love
I receive wise and loving guidance from my Source, just for the asking, all of the time, and perceive the Spirit guiding me in many subtle, wonderful ways. I trust my "intuition", which is akin to practicing and growing ones faith, knowing that the Spirit I follow will never lie to me or misguide me, and I am not a religious person at all, and vast nature is my Church; and I do not hate and condemn those that cannot perceive of things in the way that I do, but try to show by example.
But let us not be ridiculous, with some church-fuelled B.S. in the form of some Hollywood-style, wise, white-bearded presence (or, George Burns, for that matter) coming down from the clouds to deliver a personal message to one of His own, for such is not the case.
try it and see " i suspend ed my preconcieved notions temporarly and said "good god if you exist i would like to get to know you} , then it up to good god to act
There isn't a solution just yet, but there will be in time. Patience, perseverance and preparation.
Right now we have to use our heads and do the best with what we've got, but prepare. Some may need to move, but most are best off where they are and adapting to what's coming. Middle of big cities is a definite NO.
I believe we need to learn to live as our ancestors did, without power, for the short to medium term anyway. (Think about it, all the devices of surveillance, control and harm(5G) need electricity)
An EMP event is pretty certain I think, either an enemy att@ck or natural large solar flare or other cosmic event. Even off-grid solar/wind/water generator setups won't work after an EMP. Generators of any type will not work. It will be back to basics.
Anyway, this Substack and many others and some websites out there are great for keeping us informed, so many thanks to critical thinker Ray "THE SOURCE" and others.
Survival bunkers (a new article is coming up on those) sell for an average of $1.2m for five years, without being able to guarantee the quality of air, water, and power sources. Most of them have been sold out, indicating a 5-year-long blackout or more.
EMPs might be fired over certain regions, but they will be false flags; complete destruction of the grid would be detrimental for the globalist objective. People's electronics, including most vehicles, will be incapacitated, which does matter, because diesel can run even on expeller-generated vegetable oil.
Wind/solar are a scam (another article is coming on those).
Yes, you and I are in good company among the readers of this site. :)
That seemed to be approximately the distance, one at Walmart on edge of town and one in the heart of the small town, county seat of approximately 15k population.
Walmart is in DEEP, with their corporate fingers in Many Pies all over the world, and they also work very closely with our 3&4- letter fed agencies, and the other corps, like Bayer/Monsanto, on many fronts - from helping to implement new tech, continuing the monopolization of the world's agricultural and supply chain, amenable to letting the govt experiment on their shoppers, and so forth.
One World Walmart.
Each of the 7 siblings reportedly make $600/ second, profit.
Gotta spend it on something, so why not pretty tree-shaped death towers?
Someone reposted a banned (removed) video on one of my long-long time favorite
websites and I saw it yesterday and watched the video.
"They can’t stop the truth anymore. I just replaced their banned video with the version on Bitchute. If that gets pulled, there are many more options." Vital that peeps see it.
Also, the focus must be on the mode of tyranny: it doesn't matter if viruses exist or cause diseases; what matters is that the (otherwise false) pseudo-medical paradigm is used for mass murder and global population control.
Withdraw all funding from the enemy. Do not pay your taxes to the gov, put them in an account you can verify and protest. Use amy means possible to delay funding the government. Stop paying a cell phone bill, stop paying a cable bill. Do not engage in QR Codes for any reason, or soon you will have one on your forehead too.
I agree but not paying means no emectric for example, no Internet, or e en food if ordered online etc. We have to go back to pre I dustroal times but how many will do it? After nuclear war which US, UK wants thee will be no choice but to live without most things we have now.
However, corresponding false flags WILL be promoted on the goloballist-owned MSM that promotes WW2 on TV, and a few false flags will be most likely there, as 9/11 suggested. For me, this has been clear for years:
That's optimistic, at least, as far as I can see...
The "government" has access to unlimited funds from the Federal Reserve, the private bank that issues the USD as a loan to the taxpayer at an interest. Taxes are only there as means of control and submission. If you don't pay your federal taxes, the privately-owned IRS will come after all your assets after five years. Non-payment of phone bills cancel the services and chances are a collection agency and lawsuits/liens on one's house are following.
Non-compliance doesn't have to involve suicidal behavior. :)
I am not suggesting you do not pay bills you owe, with the phone and cable. I am suggesting unsubscribing to them and eliminating the bills altogether. As for the taxes, if you want more of the same, pay them. Power in numbers, a million folks not paying taxes on time (and doing as I suggested above, putting the funds into an account verifyable elsewhere) and seeking legal assistance as well. Or keep funding our nudges and deaths. massive non compliance like your life depends on it. No QR codes for anything.
Taxes. Long ago and far away, I worked for the IRS for a year.
"Tax protestors" actually had a case that was difficult to fight, and we were to always, always ALWAYS refer them on to "Special Agents." The record of success with "tax protestors" was dim and slim.
That's my memory of it (also dim and slim) anyway. This was just before the HUGE tax code update in the late 80's.
I saw an excellent documentary years ago called 'From Freedom to Fascism' which looked at the history of taxes in the US and uncovered the fraud
if taxing the people when nowhere in the constitution or any law does it say that taxes must be paid by people. It is fraud, theft and a crime. People who refuse to pay tax to the government are within the law. But apparently, the government tries to hide the truth and will take non payers to court etc which might be expensive. I also discovered that taxes in the UK where I live, were a temporary measure put in place for war hundreds of years ago but then of course, proved so lucrative that it was reinstated as permanent. Governments of course are criminals.
Corey Lynn at CoreyDigs. Com posted a method that state treasurers and AGs can take to put their state residents federal tax payments into an escrow account, while suing the federal government for fraud, treason misuse etc. whatever, on the surface it sounds reasonable but herding the population of sheep seems next to impossible IMO.
Learning the tangle of rules imposed by the IRS has been a tactic of mine to starve them as much as possible yet this too is a mute point as the Federal reserve digital machine quantity of purchasing media overwhelms the amounts provided by tax revenues.
Sounds good, but it would pose just about as much danger as a fly circling around a bull's ass, while it would prove quite incapacitating in the information exchange. I keep my landlines, but never answer them, unless I know who is calling, and they don't take messages. My cell is on for a minute or two a day, when I check for messages. Other than that, the battery is out. Lawyers are mostly good for ripping you off, although there are a few respectable exceptions. Non-compliance is a duty, not a fight. Just don't ever board any of those FEMA buses. :)
I used to live in your neighbourhood, just on the other side of the river.
I dated a fella from the hills & hollars, how grandma got a phone. She put it at the curb with the mailbox. She said, I'll take your call when I want to!
? is a fly landing on a bulls ass is (=) or not (=) to a butterflys wing? seems a bit stronger, given bull.....I will take it. Sound like you are well far on the way, Ray, exempliarily, thanks for enumerating some specifics......and as for a FEMA bus, they will have to find me down by the riverside before I will go thare. As for lawyers...as with the docs, about half are hawks.
I have come to appreciate what one lawyer I listen to says, which is that if a lawyer is stationed in only one area, works in one city, they will become beholden to local 'muckiness' of some sort more likely. So being a 'mercenary' lawyer with no fixed state (or many I guess) allows you to remain free or free-er of this problem. It seems a practical and life-true idea to me, though intuitively I want to support local people. Most of us aren't in that tax bracket anyway, right? It's all about local politics again. best
How can one ascertain that chemtrails and radio waves are not rendering the area uninhabitable and unsuitable for growing anything for human consumption?
I don't think they can end the biology on this planet, these maniacs can only change it more quickly than it would have otherwise. The challenge is to figure out how to grow food, live, where when and how, despite these maniacs who seek what's not possible; total domination.
These chemtrails and radio waves require a lot, a tremendous amount of resources to operate and won't last much longer. Imagine when the taxpayers can no longer finance this thing, you think they will pay for this themselves? Get that out of your mind that these people will rule the planet and begin the process of preparing to live without their "assistance".
Bill Gates bought the depository of 287,000 heirloom seeds that can be used for replanting the planet, but first, everything must be destroyed. They even want to block out the Sun in order to speed up the process. They can, and if they are allowed, they WILL destroy everything, but I doubt they can start life over.
It doesn't matter how much longer the poisoning can last as long as it lasts long enough to reach its goals.
During the five-year-long blackout, people will be forced to used the CBDC, and they cannot do a darn thing about it:
We are all targets. It is extremely malicious and deeply personal. Everyone is suffering. Damages to be paid if we ever get this 1% to trial? Going to be expensive and unfortunately won't be payable in cryptocurrency.
Could be. The pattern in the past was to break the citizens who would fight the next war. Before the Civil War, before the 2nd World War, 2008 and the coming depression. Don't deny there is going to be a depression.
There is going to be a total collapse, not a depression. The upcoming depression will be only an appetizer for a five-year-long period of death and deprivation.
Citizens don't even know who the enemy is... Once the famine starts, they will fight each other for a bowl of thin soup and murder their neighbor, especially if their children are starving...
Placing trust in human benevolence and, especially, intelligence, is most likely a fatal mistake. :)
It also bothers me that people demand "justice," but they don't seem to have clear targets or objectives, which would only result in mindless revenge, kangaroo courts, or lynching:
Yes, we are all targets. You mention 5G. Sure. There is also shedding of the injected onto the non-injected.As for the famine-to-be - there we are, targets again. Financial meltdown - yup, targets once more, even if we don't have stored money.
They are paying glitzy ad agencies, with psychology-driven tactics to grow fear, therefore compliance, should we allow ourselves to cave to such fears.
I will allow my faith to draw the line, as so far it has done a remarkable job.
Fear is the mind killer, but what kills ones heart? Is it lack of faith?
Should our faith in the knowledge of What exactly preserves us falter us, then we are like castaways.
Not sure what you mean by faith, guess it's religious. I'm an atheist and I don't think that's done me any harm so far. Each to their own as long as it's not setting out to destroy others.
I would say "not at all" does faith have anything to do with religion.
Because the religions cannot outright control the Spirit, they debase it, and shred it, and co-opt the muddied version, and sell it in their shrines and churches, and, mainly, only lip service is given to it, turning otherwise good folks away from a great tool and a beautiful aspect of their intended human experience, robbing them of one of our greatest gifts, if not the greatest, or so I hold.
I am always troubled by this schism created by turning something as beautiful and natural as expressing ones spirit into a droll act of one just going through the motions, no real connection or meaning.
Ultimately, no one escapes the source of ones being, no matter how much one kicks and screams!
Not even those that choose to go against it with all their grain, for their own various reasons, of which I may be unaware.
If you care to read some amazing works on the topic, I'd suggest Augustine's "Confessions" and "The City of God" (though I detest the word "God", a corruption), both of which gave me immense feelings of gratitude for life's Mystery(s).
The spirit of the lie has it as its mission to sway as many people as it can from it's nemesis, the Truth, so I feel for people that are seemingly out of sync with what is as plain on the nose on my face.
"....that lacks any evidence" I would read some of the comments here: https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/vaccine-shedding-finally-proven Speaking of which, I forgot to add my own experience. I do agree with you partially in that that shedding is not primary means of getting the toxin to spread.
With that said, I do think the #1 way to bypass the body's numerous protective layers of mucous membrane and ensure the toxin have direct access to the bloodstream is via direct injection, which is why that method was/is pushed so heavily. Shedding, GMO foods, chemtrails, etc all play their part.....but the direct injection you have a significant disadvantage to fight it, except your real DNA's (cell's original) mandate to maintain homeostasis.
Chudov suggests that shedding is mRNA or exosomes, but it's neither.
Probably graphene oxide, controlled through 5G; possibly natural or artificial parasites. Exosomes (that might as well be called "viruses," if they prefer that) don't cause infection:
My friend's wife had a miscarriage after a freshly-injected breathed on her. I also got extremely ill for a few minutes after such an episode and it took two or three weeks until the dizziness went away. Never felt as sick in my whole life as during those five minutes.
Well, I noticed a couple weeks ago, I was driving on the highway more often than normal… And I am seeing 5G towers every 500 m. And this is on a major highway between MONTREUX and Geneva Switzerland. Like literally out of nowhere… I drove quite a bit last summer and didn’t see as much, but when I was driving last week I noticed a ton
All of them lining the highway.
I’m in a different Canton now, I will pay more attention as I head back to the Canton that I live in, because I wonder if it’s just my Canton that’s done this
It was in July, 2023, when I realized that the latest routers were "5G compatible" and "you just have to plug them in." That means that the routers are using the local electric grid for an antenna, and one is enough in the whole neighborhood to make the towers redundant:
Switzerland seemed to have joined the globalist forces no later than last year.
You know I read your article. I need to double check with my phone provider… Because I’m switching next year and I do not want 5G. While my current provider does offer 5G, I can stay on the 4G network. We’re home. The Wi-Fi is off unless it’s absolutely necessary. we don’t smart anything it’s ridiculous. Why do people use those things?
Chances are you will be unable to buy a device which doesn't have 5G capability - which is the same as "using" 5G.
Corbett did a really good episode on the 5th Generation of Warfare:
In a nutshell, Lind et al.’s thesis is that the “modern age” of warfare began with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, which, Lind opines, “gave the state a monopoly on war.” From that point on, modern warfare went through three generations, namely:
First-generation warfare: the tactics of line and column, developed in the era of the smoothbore musket;
Second-generation warfare: the tactics of indirect fire and mass movement, developed in the era of the rifled musket, breechloaders, barbed wire and the machine gun; and
Third-generation warfare: the tactics of nonlinear movement, including maneuver and infiltration, developed in response to the increase in battlefield firepower in WWI.
This, according to Lind and his co-authors, brought us to the late-20th century, when the nation-state began to lose its monopoly on war and military combat returned to a decentralized form. In this era—the era of fourth-generation warfare—the line between “civilian” and “military” become blurred, armies tend to engage in counter-insurgency operations rather than military battles, and enemies are often motivated by ideology and religion, making psychological operations more important than ever.
But, some argue, we have now entered a new era of warfare, namely fifth-generation warfare.
There is still much debate about what defines fifth-generation warfare, how we know we’re engaged in it, or even if it exists at all (Lind, for one, rejects the concept). Various scholars have made their own attempts at defining fifth-generation warfare (5GW), like Dr. Waseem Ahmad Qureshi, who identifies it as “the battle of perceptions and information,” or Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui of the People’s Liberation Army, who write of the era of “Unrestricted Warfare” in which “a relative reduction in military violence” has led to “an increase in political, economic, and technological violence.”
If academic debates about the changing nature of warfare are your thing, then there’s plenty of reading for you to do on the subject, from The Handbook of 5GW: A Fifth Generation of War? to a slew of academic articles.
But for the purposes of this editorial, I’m not interested in that debate. In fact, we’re going to use a decidedly non-academic definition of fifth-generation warfare from an Al Jazeera article as our starting point: “The basic idea behind this term [5GW] is that in the modern era, wars are not fought by armies or guerrillas, but in the minds of common citizens.”
5 - 5 - 5
What a time to be human!
Corbett is an implant:
Many are... lots and lots of pointing fingers these days - part of the divisiveness one has to measure the information as such at all times.
This piece made sense to me.
Juxtaposition, on Substack, says 7g is already in use. That means 5g is obsolete. I don’t know! Someone might want to prove this to be True.
That's a good question.
5G is not obsolete at all: it works for cell phones for data collection, tracking, and targeting as a potential extermination device that can target individuals or whole areas.
6G and 7G etc. have more and more limited applicability (as they go up, they are increasingly able to transmit more and more data, but their range becomes more and more limited, so they have to be connected to work at their full capacity to supply data to the central AI), so logically, they are used for local networks, as in home routers, "smart" meters, and devices that are linked together. It doesn't matter if the device is listed with such a capability, I'm nearly absolutely certain that even 4G phones in the last few years are using 5G, but the user is not getting 5G services, which is fine for the provider, because the user is the product).
I have written quite a few articles about the tech, and you can search for multiple key words under "Archive" on my main page, but if you are interested in anything specific, I might also be able to provide links.
Why did the renters leave, why did the landlords demolish their assets, why are other houses left empty.
Other locals won't be as paranoid as you are, so what's their motivation.
I thought that the idea was to herd the cattle into big 'stupid' cities, but I have not seen any proactive moves on this, people whom I interact with are moving to the countryside and growing food.
Just because our enemies have a plan and execute it is no guarantee it will succeed.
Sorry about the platitude, but in my experience, "we" are "our" greatest enemies; not much help is needed.
Other than that, the power balance is a lot more upset than if you tried to fight drones with bows and arrows.
Moreover, "they" don't have a plan; only the outcome has been defined. The graphene-nanotech AI running their worldwide simulation processing live data is apparently lagging behind, but that doesn't mean it's not going to win. The technorats have no idea what is happening in the AI's "mind," but following its instructions has been working for them. If the AI comes to the realization that humanity itself is the plague, it might employ a gambit against its operators that, eventually, can easily lead to an extinction-level event... Internal sabotage might delay the inevitable, but I'm certain that even the operators are compartmentalized and none if them really knows what's happening...
The agenda is known or part of it ie Depopulation of billions of 'Useless Eaters' - Kissinger said this apparently as does his protégé Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum who has mentored WEF member 'king' Charles for decades'. The WEF poses as a philanthropic global group of do gooders but is in fact a club of the worlds richest and most powerful (psychopaths)who openly declare that billions ie most people and even animals must die 'to save the planet', also legalised Paedophilia is necessary Schwab says so that sex does not result in babies which increases population. The world is ruled by these types ie bililon, trillionaire Luciferian, Satanic paedophiles. Schwab openly boasts that WEF has 'penetrated' most world governments. UK for 14 years run by WEF leaders and cabinets who have so impoverished multi millions of people by many methods, and destroyed the health service, injected most with the deadly bioweapons etc, that the country is falling apart .....but not for the rich eg royals,government, pharma corporations etc who ard thriving. WEF trains world leaders and CEOs who are gleefully destroying the world. It is very difficult to believe such evil people exist let alone that hey rule the world but they
do. What do we do about them?
There is no "we" with the power to do anything but prepare.
Also, Schwab, the WHO, and the WEF are only fronts...
Who is behind WEF etc? Black 'nobility' etc?
The landlord is unknown.
I am only making observations and, based on the general trends, contemplate on possible motives and outcomes. :)
If that is paranoid, I am proud of it!
Some of the locals are already dead, so they certainly cannot be "paranoid"!
We have 12 million cows in NZ and about 6m humans.
Sorry 12m 'cattle'.
Or maybe 18m cattle?
Isn't there a horse or two too?
How about sheep? :)
diy orgone generators and other orgone stuff protection against em signals ...
Please, explain.
explain what ???
Whatever you want to say. :)
For the time being, your only achievement is being disruptive, which I do not appreciate.
please, your email response doesnt state my previous comment to which you are responding to . therefore i dont know to which of my comments you are responding bto ... please be assured my intensions are good... communication can be difficult by this media for me
Look, Alex, I understand. While I registered my response, I didn't accuse you of trolling, only pointed out inefficient levels of communication. The latter was sad, because your ideas, when explained, could be important contributions.
In general, please, introduce your sources and your special terms/terminology in a sentence or two; that would help your fellow commenters to understand what you mean and see, if they are interested.
Thank you for your understanding.
thanks , i agree , all good , happy trails
em pulse generator diy fries eltronic circuits that are unschielded and if strong enough even schielded ones
That they do, but readers here are aware of that...
How is your comment related to the topic? Please, explain.
which comment
please no offence intended which comment would you like me to respond to? ive made many
https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bring-science-home-block-radio-waves/ also certain mountains block , scramble disrupt radiowaves naturally ,,, also they tried to xray the great pyramid but got different results different pictures everytime ... ultimatly staying close to the good god will guide us , so pray for guidence and salvation from evil for all especially for our enemies that they return to goodness truth and the good god of love
Depends on the wavelength and the satellites are also up there.
Can you come up with a single example, when "praying for guidance" worked? Thinking it over sometimes does. :)
I receive wise and loving guidance from my Source, just for the asking, all of the time, and perceive the Spirit guiding me in many subtle, wonderful ways. I trust my "intuition", which is akin to practicing and growing ones faith, knowing that the Spirit I follow will never lie to me or misguide me, and I am not a religious person at all, and vast nature is my Church; and I do not hate and condemn those that cannot perceive of things in the way that I do, but try to show by example.
But let us not be ridiculous, with some church-fuelled B.S. in the form of some Hollywood-style, wise, white-bearded presence (or, George Burns, for that matter) coming down from the clouds to deliver a personal message to one of His own, for such is not the case.
i read in the bible " test the spirits " pray to the good god for the truth
try it and see " i suspend ed my preconcieved notions temporarly and said "good god if you exist i would like to get to know you} , then it up to good god to act
I've been thinking about this too.
There isn't a solution just yet, but there will be in time. Patience, perseverance and preparation.
Right now we have to use our heads and do the best with what we've got, but prepare. Some may need to move, but most are best off where they are and adapting to what's coming. Middle of big cities is a definite NO.
I believe we need to learn to live as our ancestors did, without power, for the short to medium term anyway. (Think about it, all the devices of surveillance, control and harm(5G) need electricity)
An EMP event is pretty certain I think, either an enemy att@ck or natural large solar flare or other cosmic event. Even off-grid solar/wind/water generator setups won't work after an EMP. Generators of any type will not work. It will be back to basics.
Anyway, this Substack and many others and some websites out there are great for keeping us informed, so many thanks to critical thinker Ray "THE SOURCE" and others.
Survival bunkers (a new article is coming up on those) sell for an average of $1.2m for five years, without being able to guarantee the quality of air, water, and power sources. Most of them have been sold out, indicating a 5-year-long blackout or more.
EMPs might be fired over certain regions, but they will be false flags; complete destruction of the grid would be detrimental for the globalist objective. People's electronics, including most vehicles, will be incapacitated, which does matter, because diesel can run even on expeller-generated vegetable oil.
Wind/solar are a scam (another article is coming on those).
Yes, you and I are in good company among the readers of this site. :)
Just reporting what I've heard from Exopolitics Michael Salla - seems we will need to be prepared for about 3 weeks of food & water.
Not sure I buy it - these people are far more optimistic than I am!
Will be interested in the survival bunker article.
That is my next one! :)
Wishes for a peaceful day. We just can’t hide, drove 1.5 hrs to my mom’s for the day- two new towers in this lazy mountainous part of the world.
The towers must be installed about half a mile apart.
That seemed to be approximately the distance, one at Walmart on edge of town and one in the heart of the small town, county seat of approximately 15k population.
Same here. The two towers are about half a mile apart.
It looks like Walmart is a major player in the genocide...
Walmart is in DEEP, with their corporate fingers in Many Pies all over the world, and they also work very closely with our 3&4- letter fed agencies, and the other corps, like Bayer/Monsanto, on many fronts - from helping to implement new tech, continuing the monopolization of the world's agricultural and supply chain, amenable to letting the govt experiment on their shoppers, and so forth.
One World Walmart.
Each of the 7 siblings reportedly make $600/ second, profit.
Gotta spend it on something, so why not pretty tree-shaped death towers?
Someone reposted a banned (removed) video on one of my long-long time favorite
websites and I saw it yesterday and watched the video.
"They can’t stop the truth anymore. I just replaced their banned video with the version on Bitchute. If that gets pulled, there are many more options." Vital that peeps see it.
Isn't the circus a little bit too little, too late?
Nobody is panicking; everything is on schedule.
There are much more urging things out there by now:
What is a virus? Does it cause a disease? These questions have been answered in the last two years, but hardly anyone seems to listen. :)
Also, the focus must be on the mode of tyranny: it doesn't matter if viruses exist or cause diseases; what matters is that the (otherwise false) pseudo-medical paradigm is used for mass murder and global population control.
That's why I simply tell them what I think and don't care to wait for their answers. :)
Withdraw all funding from the enemy. Do not pay your taxes to the gov, put them in an account you can verify and protest. Use amy means possible to delay funding the government. Stop paying a cell phone bill, stop paying a cable bill. Do not engage in QR Codes for any reason, or soon you will have one on your forehead too.
So, are you saying that those who own any property, can afford not to pay the property tax?
WHO has ANY means to "defund the government" is another good question. The "do-not-comply narrative are stale and irrelevant:
I agree but not paying means no emectric for example, no Internet, or e en food if ordered online etc. We have to go back to pre I dustroal times but how many will do it? After nuclear war which US, UK wants thee will be no choice but to live without most things we have now.
That's the idea. It's enough to have a single neighbor to turn the whole local electric grid into a giant 5G antenna:
Nuclear weapons do NOT exist, unless dirty bombs count...
However, corresponding false flags WILL be promoted on the goloballist-owned MSM that promotes WW2 on TV, and a few false flags will be most likely there, as 9/11 suggested. For me, this has been clear for years:
Can you, or for that matter, anyone else, still "eat healthy"?
That's optimistic, at least, as far as I can see...
The "government" has access to unlimited funds from the Federal Reserve, the private bank that issues the USD as a loan to the taxpayer at an interest. Taxes are only there as means of control and submission. If you don't pay your federal taxes, the privately-owned IRS will come after all your assets after five years. Non-payment of phone bills cancel the services and chances are a collection agency and lawsuits/liens on one's house are following.
Non-compliance doesn't have to involve suicidal behavior. :)
I am not suggesting you do not pay bills you owe, with the phone and cable. I am suggesting unsubscribing to them and eliminating the bills altogether. As for the taxes, if you want more of the same, pay them. Power in numbers, a million folks not paying taxes on time (and doing as I suggested above, putting the funds into an account verifyable elsewhere) and seeking legal assistance as well. Or keep funding our nudges and deaths. massive non compliance like your life depends on it. No QR codes for anything.
Taxes. Long ago and far away, I worked for the IRS for a year.
"Tax protestors" actually had a case that was difficult to fight, and we were to always, always ALWAYS refer them on to "Special Agents." The record of success with "tax protestors" was dim and slim.
That's my memory of it (also dim and slim) anyway. This was just before the HUGE tax code update in the late 80's.
Confiscation of property seems to have become rampant in the US even without charges...
Yeah, you might be stealing water out of the sky or drinking raw milk.
I saw an excellent documentary years ago called 'From Freedom to Fascism' which looked at the history of taxes in the US and uncovered the fraud
if taxing the people when nowhere in the constitution or any law does it say that taxes must be paid by people. It is fraud, theft and a crime. People who refuse to pay tax to the government are within the law. But apparently, the government tries to hide the truth and will take non payers to court etc which might be expensive. I also discovered that taxes in the UK where I live, were a temporary measure put in place for war hundreds of years ago but then of course, proved so lucrative that it was reinstated as permanent. Governments of course are criminals.
Corey Lynn at CoreyDigs. Com posted a method that state treasurers and AGs can take to put their state residents federal tax payments into an escrow account, while suing the federal government for fraud, treason misuse etc. whatever, on the surface it sounds reasonable but herding the population of sheep seems next to impossible IMO.
Learning the tangle of rules imposed by the IRS has been a tactic of mine to starve them as much as possible yet this too is a mute point as the Federal reserve digital machine quantity of purchasing media overwhelms the amounts provided by tax revenues.
New hard asset backed system is a must.
Actually, an off-shore account in DE might work, but you must be incorporated. :)
Sounds good, but it would pose just about as much danger as a fly circling around a bull's ass, while it would prove quite incapacitating in the information exchange. I keep my landlines, but never answer them, unless I know who is calling, and they don't take messages. My cell is on for a minute or two a day, when I check for messages. Other than that, the battery is out. Lawyers are mostly good for ripping you off, although there are a few respectable exceptions. Non-compliance is a duty, not a fight. Just don't ever board any of those FEMA buses. :)
I used to live in your neighbourhood, just on the other side of the river.
I dated a fella from the hills & hollars, how grandma got a phone. She put it at the curb with the mailbox. She said, I'll take your call when I want to!
Your policy reminds me of her.
? is a fly landing on a bulls ass is (=) or not (=) to a butterflys wing? seems a bit stronger, given bull.....I will take it. Sound like you are well far on the way, Ray, exempliarily, thanks for enumerating some specifics......and as for a FEMA bus, they will have to find me down by the riverside before I will go thare. As for lawyers...as with the docs, about half are hawks.
FEMA buses will be used for "distributing food" annd probably by looters, too. Staying away from them will be a good idea.
I love your optimistm about lawyers! I would say, no less than 80 percent are no good.
I have come to appreciate what one lawyer I listen to says, which is that if a lawyer is stationed in only one area, works in one city, they will become beholden to local 'muckiness' of some sort more likely. So being a 'mercenary' lawyer with no fixed state (or many I guess) allows you to remain free or free-er of this problem. It seems a practical and life-true idea to me, though intuitively I want to support local people. Most of us aren't in that tax bracket anyway, right? It's all about local politics again. best
No solution, only adaptation. Being hung up on what has been searching for a solution is a waste of time. Grow your own food is the first step.
Most people have no garden or land to do that but it is a vital step.
How can one ascertain that chemtrails and radio waves are not rendering the area uninhabitable and unsuitable for growing anything for human consumption?
I don't think they can end the biology on this planet, these maniacs can only change it more quickly than it would have otherwise. The challenge is to figure out how to grow food, live, where when and how, despite these maniacs who seek what's not possible; total domination.
These chemtrails and radio waves require a lot, a tremendous amount of resources to operate and won't last much longer. Imagine when the taxpayers can no longer finance this thing, you think they will pay for this themselves? Get that out of your mind that these people will rule the planet and begin the process of preparing to live without their "assistance".
Bill Gates bought the depository of 287,000 heirloom seeds that can be used for replanting the planet, but first, everything must be destroyed. They even want to block out the Sun in order to speed up the process. They can, and if they are allowed, they WILL destroy everything, but I doubt they can start life over.
It doesn't matter how much longer the poisoning can last as long as it lasts long enough to reach its goals.
During the five-year-long blackout, people will be forced to used the CBDC, and they cannot do a darn thing about it:
I can assure you, all this is in my mind only because it's happening. :)
The good news is that, for some reason, the execution of the plan seems to be delayed. I guess, their central AI is still collecting data...
"The best laid schemes o' mice an' men. Gang aft a-gley."
We are all targets. It is extremely malicious and deeply personal. Everyone is suffering. Damages to be paid if we ever get this 1% to trial? Going to be expensive and unfortunately won't be payable in cryptocurrency.
#1: nothing will go to trial; nothing has.
#2: in a couple of years, the fiat USD will be worth next to nothing, so what are millions now will buy a bar of soap in the store.
Could be. The pattern in the past was to break the citizens who would fight the next war. Before the Civil War, before the 2nd World War, 2008 and the coming depression. Don't deny there is going to be a depression.
There is going to be a total collapse, not a depression. The upcoming depression will be only an appetizer for a five-year-long period of death and deprivation.
Citizens don't even know who the enemy is... Once the famine starts, they will fight each other for a bowl of thin soup and murder their neighbor, especially if their children are starving...
Placing trust in human benevolence and, especially, intelligence, is most likely a fatal mistake. :)
There's that 5 again.
5 years.
That there is truth. "Citizens don't even know who the enemy is"
Because of the divide and conquer mind games they've been playing on the citizens for decades.
My profile picture has the following comment, but it cannot be seen fully as the corners have been cut off.
"Psychological warfare is being waged upon you, but most have no idea they are even on the battlefield." (LET ALONE WHO THE ENEMY IS)
It also bothers me that people demand "justice," but they don't seem to have clear targets or objectives, which would only result in mindless revenge, kangaroo courts, or lynching:
Yes, we are all targets. You mention 5G. Sure. There is also shedding of the injected onto the non-injected.As for the famine-to-be - there we are, targets again. Financial meltdown - yup, targets once more, even if we don't have stored money.
I wouldn't worry about shedding. It's another boast, that is either a lie or a misunderstanding, that lacks any evidence.
Plenty of evidence it's real un fortunately. from doctors, scientists and more.
They are paying glitzy ad agencies, with psychology-driven tactics to grow fear, therefore compliance, should we allow ourselves to cave to such fears.
I will allow my faith to draw the line, as so far it has done a remarkable job.
Fear is the mind killer, but what kills ones heart? Is it lack of faith?
Should our faith in the knowledge of What exactly preserves us falter us, then we are like castaways.
I'm afraid all those agencies are inconsequential.
Fear kills everything, including the heart. "Wherever your treasure is, there your heart will be."
Not sure what you mean by faith, guess it's religious. I'm an atheist and I don't think that's done me any harm so far. Each to their own as long as it's not setting out to destroy others.
I would say "not at all" does faith have anything to do with religion.
Because the religions cannot outright control the Spirit, they debase it, and shred it, and co-opt the muddied version, and sell it in their shrines and churches, and, mainly, only lip service is given to it, turning otherwise good folks away from a great tool and a beautiful aspect of their intended human experience, robbing them of one of our greatest gifts, if not the greatest, or so I hold.
I am always troubled by this schism created by turning something as beautiful and natural as expressing ones spirit into a droll act of one just going through the motions, no real connection or meaning.
Ultimately, no one escapes the source of ones being, no matter how much one kicks and screams!
Not even those that choose to go against it with all their grain, for their own various reasons, of which I may be unaware.
If you care to read some amazing works on the topic, I'd suggest Augustine's "Confessions" and "The City of God" (though I detest the word "God", a corruption), both of which gave me immense feelings of gratitude for life's Mystery(s).
The spirit of the lie has it as its mission to sway as many people as it can from it's nemesis, the Truth, so I feel for people that are seemingly out of sync with what is as plain on the nose on my face.
Agree with you about the glitzy ad agencies & tactics.
"....that lacks any evidence" I would read some of the comments here: https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/vaccine-shedding-finally-proven Speaking of which, I forgot to add my own experience. I do agree with you partially in that that shedding is not primary means of getting the toxin to spread.
With that said, I do think the #1 way to bypass the body's numerous protective layers of mucous membrane and ensure the toxin have direct access to the bloodstream is via direct injection, which is why that method was/is pushed so heavily. Shedding, GMO foods, chemtrails, etc all play their part.....but the direct injection you have a significant disadvantage to fight it, except your real DNA's (cell's original) mandate to maintain homeostasis.
Chudov suggests that shedding is mRNA or exosomes, but it's neither.
Probably graphene oxide, controlled through 5G; possibly natural or artificial parasites. Exosomes (that might as well be called "viruses," if they prefer that) don't cause infection:
mRNA is a red herring for graphene:
These don't change the fact that shedding is real, although it can also be caused by the new "vaccine" delivery systems:
Ultimately, it doesn't matter:
My friend's wife had a miscarriage after a freshly-injected breathed on her. I also got extremely ill for a few minutes after such an episode and it took two or three weeks until the dizziness went away. Never felt as sick in my whole life as during those five minutes.
Exactly what I think as well.