So how would anyone know if it’s not you that’s dissuading these supplements that actually work for nefarious reasons? If you’re saying all the studies and people claiming they work for them are false placebo effects, etc, how do you propose that it’s not your work or those studies you follow aren’t the psy-ops?
That's how gaslighting works. No, I am not accusing you of gaslighting anyone here; you are pointing out something that I also occasionally note in my articles: don't trust me, trust your judgment. Still, it doesn't hurt to figure out what kind of truth judgment one us using, and for that, I am providing the method here; a flagship article that is absolutely unique even today with its findings, although I figured this out in 1991:
I’m not trying to disrespect. It’s a quandary to be sure. Every time I read something here on SS there’s always something to counter it. In this deep deception of all things, one wonders at what point is the truth actually being told?!
Look, I am grateful for your question; it is one of the most important ones one can ever ask about any source, including me. In fact, as consistent as I am, I've never posed as someone infallible, but emphasized, based on the limitations of human understanding, I can never be completely correct.
It’s when someone gets defensive and doesn’t believe themselves to be fallible is a definite red flag. I respect that. That said, when I attempt to go on both links the entire message goes away. I’m unsure if it’s me or something else but I’ve tried several times to no avail. I will try again later.
It looks like about a third of my readers are receiving notifications about new posts, and I have no clue about further limitations, but they might be in my protection (too many readers always raise even more suspicion).
Have you tried to "subscribe"? Everything is free here.
Also, you might be interested in my story (I know, many agents use the device):
Of course, the daily recommended value is just as much fraudulent as the calorie-counting fraud. When I was an active semi-professional player, based on my amount of exercise and my height/weight, I would have needed 3,000 calories, and I felt that amount would have literally killed me; I happily functioned on 1,200...
I used to be a powerlifter and consumed 7000 calories per day. Had to hire a cook to prep all that. Wake up a 4 am to eat a meal. Crazy stuff. But I was huge and strong and not fat. Calories are a target, but real food is the key. Everything I ate was burgers, potatoes, carrots, you know, real food made from scratch.
Scurvy doesn't appear to be caused by "vitamin" C deficiency... Still, I am trying to figure out what the cause might be, but chances are it's some kind of poisoning, possibly an overwhelmingly unbalanced diet.
Glad your cleansing worked! Isn't it strange that one can be full of energy even with minimal calorie intake? Is it the Sun?
Imo, both sides are right. The stuff they sell as vitamins is fake, but not all of them are fake, thus people get positive experiences with some of them, and war ensues between sides because everyone is convinced by experience of being right and in possession of the truth.
You can just go and buy 3 bottles of ascorbic acid powder from different manufactureres, and simply look at it with your eyeball. They dont look the same at all for a reason.
Humans have survived for thousands of years without supplements. The supplement business stinks of fraud, just like in the last 12 years, working close to sick-care providers, I've never encountered a nutritionist who gave feasible advice; they all parroted back the current fake pharma narrative to their victims (beg your pardon, "patients")...
Not all "nutritionists"...or so my title says. I have had the most successful cases in victims where they came off all medications, all supplements, got them eating whole organic foods, laid in the sunshine and moved their bodies. 🙃 I rarely "take new victims" now, because how can one feel good about charging people for unlearning, etc.
Or have little knowledge. D is important, most of us don't get out in the sun enough. Especially if it's to hot or cold or like me very fair Celtic skin and burn fast. With the label change you have to look up the Units, of both D, A, and E. I take all 3. Our food lacks enough of what we need, and as a Senior my taste are not easily changed in foods. I've hated milk since it went all Holstein to bitter to hard to digest. Calories have to be limited to maintain my new lower weight. Gastroparesis caused the weight gain as I eliminated the undigestible foods. Which BTW is the side effects of those weight loss injections, and not on the label.
Mine was caused by a bad Vertigo fall on my AB. Doctors even Gastro's don't think to run a Gastric Delay Test. My Type 2 eldest son describe it as a living H. While better still have bowel issues that will never be resolved.
Thank you for sharing. Sorry about your predicaments. You probably know that Type 2 can also be triggered by "madication"... And "bowel issues" come along with the synthetization project of the human body...
My first question is, "What caused the vertigo?" Statins are usually good candidates, but last time I checked, there has been something else out doing the same thing, except it's even worse...
I am only describing facts and as my slogan says, it's my reader's decision. At least, they cannot blame anyone else after they act on their own volition...
Yes, the lack of nutrients in food coming from hydroponic "organic" and, worse, industrial agriculture, does present some problems, but the Daily Recommended Doses have always been a joke, with the exception of toxins, whose harmful impact the FDA usually generously underestimates, sometimes by several orders of magnitude...
"Lower weight" can be maintained by eating little, and it also helps with regular detox, but at the same time, everyone's metabolism is different. Processed food, the wrong cooking oils/fats, "corn sugar," preservatives, "fortified" food/drink ingredients, sugar substitutes, and a lot of other things are out there to mess up human metabolism. My favorite is contraceptive hormones in drinking water...
Gastroparesis is still a mystery to me, but not quite, when I remember how synthetic stuff is being embedded into human tissue...
Ozempic and its ilk are mundane poisons... Even my insurance company stopped paying for them, possibly, in order to evade liability.
"Vitamin" D, no matter what, is a synthetic product, also used as rat poison and a beef meat tenderizer given to cattle eight days before they are slaughtered...
ALL "vitamins" are made from industrial waste and, as such, are under suspicion. A chemical compound can be harmless (or, perhaps, even beneficial) or murderously toxic, depending on its molecular/crystal structure...
survived for thousands of years without supplements is factually uncorrect, though semantically debatable if eating the brain of your slain enemy to gain his powers and wisdom counts as a supplement or not. Every culture you turn to has its own supplements from ancient times. We could, of course, pretend that feeding child bearing age women with blood was not definitely intended as a supplement since before the dawn of time, but to what end?
Personally, I would adamantly refrain from eating the brain of anyone who would attack my wife or me. :)
Every tribe in history had its own diet, and these days, people have lost touch with their ancestors' diet. Even if they knew what to eat, chances are, it's not available anymore.
Not sure what you mean by "supplements in every culture," but an example would be most welcome.
The brain of the slain enemy gave natural nourishment to the body, and faith in consuming it nourished the soul. But they didn't eat "nutritional supplements" made from petroleum derivatives. They took everything from fruits or animals that their bodies transformed for you based on their own needs.
Pretty please, English, please. I am more than willing to help out...
Other than that, oil refinery products have indeed been used in "madications" and the refineries themselves also poisoned the people in their vicinity...
Humans survived for thousands of years without big medicine, supplements and health advice. This under some horrific environmental conditions and the argument can be made that we are facing similar toxic conditions today. What to do?
Question everything. If you look around you with an unbiased eye you will see that most of the world revolves around some sort of marketing scheme. In other words, someone is always trying to get you to do something that favors them and many times with little regard as to how it affects you.
The importance of B vitamin's needs covering. Along with the food that provides them. Especially for Kidney patients who may be on Dialysis and Type 2 Diabetic.
if you dont notice anything from ascorbic acid, wait until your face is swollen like a loaf of bread from a infected tooth that goes away to nothing in 3 days from 12g ascorbic acid per day.
Indeed. Im the only person i believe. It really doesnt do anything when you are not at dis ease imo. Dont think its a vitamin either, it has to be a metabolite of a microbe or indigenous production of it wouldnt happen anywhere in the empire of life. Isnt it interesting, how there is less than 5 species afaik on the planet, that apparently cant produce ascorbic acid for itself, man being one of them? If you subscribe to previous resets and stuff, the last reset and its covid equivalent jabs handicapped man by removing the indigenous ascorbic acid producing microbe from the gut biome of man.
You are on the ONLY right track because you are making your own decisions! That has always been my primary objective in this stack, and nobody has to agree with me.
Messing up the human metabolism might as well be a definition of illness:
That is the electrical (electron) donor part you were experiencing. Ascorbic Acid is powdered electricity. Despite the poison. I will be posting a cancer reversal series explaining it.
We don't need to make our own vitamin C because our natural human diet is actually mostly fruit which contains vitamin C. Same for other primates. There's no reason for our bodies to go to the effort to make vitamin C when are natural food supply provides it.
We humans do not synthesize Vitamine C for some weird reason. Almost like we have been genetically altered in the past (mRNA ? That worked mischeif maybe). Other animals do. When we eat those animals we uptake it. Though the Eskimos who are not getting scurvy eat the whole animal, and I mean everything, assholes and eyeballs everything.....
To be clear. I think MRNA is a fraud used to get people to line up to be suicided by injection, with a poison techno cocktail. I have looked deeply into it, and I think it is a fraud, a big complex expensive fraud.
The reason for Noahs flood was that the earth animals and people were geneticaly contaminated. Noah and his peeps, were the pure bloods who repopulated. Think GMO of today but way worse, which is where we are headed to.
Haha yes! Thank you... a few months back I tried to research into scurvy but couldn't find anything. I strongly had a sense that we were not getting the truth on it. This was before I came across the vitamin scam. Now how to heal the gums? I guess its almost like, keep it simple, get rid of toxins and eat well.
That was a hell of a link on the website. Read that late last night, and I have to say I'm totally not surprised. We really must learn to question everything we think is true. Even if that were all true (and likely is) the vitamin c market isn't going to die anytime soon. Too much money to be made in it, and fools don't like to be told they've been fooled.
Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition (Second Edition)
, 2003
‘Scurvy’ is the current word in the English language for what has at various times in history been referred to as skurvie, scurvie, skirvye, scurvey, scurby, skyrby, scorbie, and scorby. The same word, in varied forms, has also been used to refer to scurf, i.e., dandruff. Confusion has also arisen because one sign, the petechiae (small hemorrhages in the skin), that are a feature of scurvy and many hematological disorders, has been referred to loosely and quite incorrectly as scurvy, because they are confused with purpura. In addition, many of the early references to scurvy are almost certainly erroneous as only later was it possible to differentiate this clinical disorder from other diseases of close or superficial resemblance. Further confusion and lack of clarity were caused by reference to patients with mixed disorders such as rickets as a comorbidity as scurvy, when the disease might in reality have been just a portion of the whole clinical presentation. Scurvy is a clinical syndrome caused by vitamin C deficiency which is associated with a derangement of collagenous protein synthesis; this is rapidly reversed with vitamin C supplementation.
So how would anyone know if it’s not you that’s dissuading these supplements that actually work for nefarious reasons? If you’re saying all the studies and people claiming they work for them are false placebo effects, etc, how do you propose that it’s not your work or those studies you follow aren’t the psy-ops?
Great question! I am pinning it!
That's how gaslighting works. No, I am not accusing you of gaslighting anyone here; you are pointing out something that I also occasionally note in my articles: don't trust me, trust your judgment. Still, it doesn't hurt to figure out what kind of truth judgment one us using, and for that, I am providing the method here; a flagship article that is absolutely unique even today with its findings, although I figured this out in 1991:
Checking for consistency in a source is indispensable. The only tool is here:
Other than that, everyone is on their own.
I’m not trying to disrespect. It’s a quandary to be sure. Every time I read something here on SS there’s always something to counter it. In this deep deception of all things, one wonders at what point is the truth actually being told?!
Look, I am grateful for your question; it is one of the most important ones one can ever ask about any source, including me. In fact, as consistent as I am, I've never posed as someone infallible, but emphasized, based on the limitations of human understanding, I can never be completely correct.
It’s when someone gets defensive and doesn’t believe themselves to be fallible is a definite red flag. I respect that. That said, when I attempt to go on both links the entire message goes away. I’m unsure if it’s me or something else but I’ve tried several times to no avail. I will try again later.
It looks like about a third of my readers are receiving notifications about new posts, and I have no clue about further limitations, but they might be in my protection (too many readers always raise even more suspicion).
Have you tried to "subscribe"? Everything is free here.
Also, you might be interested in my story (I know, many agents use the device):
The links in it might also show that I am for real.
Sorry, I copied and pasted the quote. Is it possible that some kind of "self-correct" intervened?
At the same time, "humans AND guinea pigs" appear in lots of sources.
Also, being impressionable can be avoided only if someone faces facts, as I did, when I realized at 16 that life is not a cabaret:
I have covered all sorts of defenses against mass manipulation, but you'd have to search for the pieces under "Archive" on my main page.
Thanks for the links.
Meat doesn't contain much:
Of course, the daily recommended value is just as much fraudulent as the calorie-counting fraud. When I was an active semi-professional player, based on my amount of exercise and my height/weight, I would have needed 3,000 calories, and I felt that amount would have literally killed me; I happily functioned on 1,200...
I used to be a powerlifter and consumed 7000 calories per day. Had to hire a cook to prep all that. Wake up a 4 am to eat a meal. Crazy stuff. But I was huge and strong and not fat. Calories are a target, but real food is the key. Everything I ate was burgers, potatoes, carrots, you know, real food made from scratch.
Scurvy doesn't appear to be caused by "vitamin" C deficiency... Still, I am trying to figure out what the cause might be, but chances are it's some kind of poisoning, possibly an overwhelmingly unbalanced diet.
Glad your cleansing worked! Isn't it strange that one can be full of energy even with minimal calorie intake? Is it the Sun?
Imo, both sides are right. The stuff they sell as vitamins is fake, but not all of them are fake, thus people get positive experiences with some of them, and war ensues between sides because everyone is convinced by experience of being right and in possession of the truth.
You can just go and buy 3 bottles of ascorbic acid powder from different manufactureres, and simply look at it with your eyeball. They dont look the same at all for a reason.
Humans have survived for thousands of years without supplements. The supplement business stinks of fraud, just like in the last 12 years, working close to sick-care providers, I've never encountered a nutritionist who gave feasible advice; they all parroted back the current fake pharma narrative to their victims (beg your pardon, "patients")...
Not all "nutritionists"...or so my title says. I have had the most successful cases in victims where they came off all medications, all supplements, got them eating whole organic foods, laid in the sunshine and moved their bodies. 🙃 I rarely "take new victims" now, because how can one feel good about charging people for unlearning, etc.
Glad it worked! :)
Or have little knowledge. D is important, most of us don't get out in the sun enough. Especially if it's to hot or cold or like me very fair Celtic skin and burn fast. With the label change you have to look up the Units, of both D, A, and E. I take all 3. Our food lacks enough of what we need, and as a Senior my taste are not easily changed in foods. I've hated milk since it went all Holstein to bitter to hard to digest. Calories have to be limited to maintain my new lower weight. Gastroparesis caused the weight gain as I eliminated the undigestible foods. Which BTW is the side effects of those weight loss injections, and not on the label.
Mine was caused by a bad Vertigo fall on my AB. Doctors even Gastro's don't think to run a Gastric Delay Test. My Type 2 eldest son describe it as a living H. While better still have bowel issues that will never be resolved.
Thank you for sharing. Sorry about your predicaments. You probably know that Type 2 can also be triggered by "madication"... And "bowel issues" come along with the synthetization project of the human body...
My first question is, "What caused the vertigo?" Statins are usually good candidates, but last time I checked, there has been something else out doing the same thing, except it's even worse...
I am only describing facts and as my slogan says, it's my reader's decision. At least, they cannot blame anyone else after they act on their own volition...
Yes, the lack of nutrients in food coming from hydroponic "organic" and, worse, industrial agriculture, does present some problems, but the Daily Recommended Doses have always been a joke, with the exception of toxins, whose harmful impact the FDA usually generously underestimates, sometimes by several orders of magnitude...
"Lower weight" can be maintained by eating little, and it also helps with regular detox, but at the same time, everyone's metabolism is different. Processed food, the wrong cooking oils/fats, "corn sugar," preservatives, "fortified" food/drink ingredients, sugar substitutes, and a lot of other things are out there to mess up human metabolism. My favorite is contraceptive hormones in drinking water...
Gastroparesis is still a mystery to me, but not quite, when I remember how synthetic stuff is being embedded into human tissue...
Ozempic and its ilk are mundane poisons... Even my insurance company stopped paying for them, possibly, in order to evade liability.
"Vitamin" D, no matter what, is a synthetic product, also used as rat poison and a beef meat tenderizer given to cattle eight days before they are slaughtered...
ALL "vitamins" are made from industrial waste and, as such, are under suspicion. A chemical compound can be harmless (or, perhaps, even beneficial) or murderously toxic, depending on its molecular/crystal structure...
survived for thousands of years without supplements is factually uncorrect, though semantically debatable if eating the brain of your slain enemy to gain his powers and wisdom counts as a supplement or not. Every culture you turn to has its own supplements from ancient times. We could, of course, pretend that feeding child bearing age women with blood was not definitely intended as a supplement since before the dawn of time, but to what end?
Personally, I would adamantly refrain from eating the brain of anyone who would attack my wife or me. :)
Every tribe in history had its own diet, and these days, people have lost touch with their ancestors' diet. Even if they knew what to eat, chances are, it's not available anymore.
Not sure what you mean by "supplements in every culture," but an example would be most welcome.
I mentioned feeding menstruating women blood as a supplement. Want another one? Any aphrodisiac you can name.
The brain of the slain enemy gave natural nourishment to the body, and faith in consuming it nourished the soul. But they didn't eat "nutritional supplements" made from petroleum derivatives. They took everything from fruits or animals that their bodies transformed for you based on their own needs.
Pretty please, English, please. I am more than willing to help out...
Other than that, oil refinery products have indeed been used in "madications" and the refineries themselves also poisoned the people in their vicinity...
Sorry, I thought I pasted the English translation!
They have eaten everything they could lay a hand on.
But they didn't eat tar...
Please, clarify.
Humans survived for thousands of years without big medicine, supplements and health advice. This under some horrific environmental conditions and the argument can be made that we are facing similar toxic conditions today. What to do?
Question everything. If you look around you with an unbiased eye you will see that most of the world revolves around some sort of marketing scheme. In other words, someone is always trying to get you to do something that favors them and many times with little regard as to how it affects you.
In fact, humans survived better without Big Pharma...
Before the Rockefellerian approach and "vaccinations," most modern "illnesses" didn't exist.
Yes, one must do their own research and make their own decisions; no matter how faulty they are, at least I'll die under my own rules.
The importance of B vitamin's needs covering. Along with the food that provides them. Especially for Kidney patients who may be on Dialysis and Type 2 Diabetic.
I have seen patients to be put out of their misery with "treatment" resulting in kidney failure, and it's not "only" Remdesivir...
Type 2 is usually overdiagnosed, and the body gets used to the "madication," and after that, doesn't produce enough insulin... It' all planned...
Excellent my friend. Keep up the good work.
Thank you kindly.
if you dont notice anything from ascorbic acid, wait until your face is swollen like a loaf of bread from a infected tooth that goes away to nothing in 3 days from 12g ascorbic acid per day.
but you do what you gotta do
If you say so. Everyone is free to experiment as they wish; it's their decision.
Indeed. Im the only person i believe. It really doesnt do anything when you are not at dis ease imo. Dont think its a vitamin either, it has to be a metabolite of a microbe or indigenous production of it wouldnt happen anywhere in the empire of life. Isnt it interesting, how there is less than 5 species afaik on the planet, that apparently cant produce ascorbic acid for itself, man being one of them? If you subscribe to previous resets and stuff, the last reset and its covid equivalent jabs handicapped man by removing the indigenous ascorbic acid producing microbe from the gut biome of man.
You are on the ONLY right track because you are making your own decisions! That has always been my primary objective in this stack, and nobody has to agree with me.
Messing up the human metabolism might as well be a definition of illness:
Humans can either produces ascorbic acid or they don't need it...
That is the electrical (electron) donor part you were experiencing. Ascorbic Acid is powdered electricity. Despite the poison. I will be posting a cancer reversal series explaining it.
Looking forward to your post. Please, insert a link, once it's ready!
Here is the link to the Spotify Podcast; I am migrating things over and have not got it to Substack yet. Cheers.
Just hit the blue play button, you do not need to be signed up to Spotify to listen to it.
We don't need to make our own vitamin C because our natural human diet is actually mostly fruit which contains vitamin C. Same for other primates. There's no reason for our bodies to go to the effort to make vitamin C when are natural food supply provides it.
If you read the source in the article, it's more than likely that either humans DO produce vitamin C or vitamin C is simply not needed.
We humans do not synthesize Vitamine C for some weird reason. Almost like we have been genetically altered in the past (mRNA ? That worked mischeif maybe). Other animals do. When we eat those animals we uptake it. Though the Eskimos who are not getting scurvy eat the whole animal, and I mean everything, assholes and eyeballs everything.....
The "weird reason" is the deception of "madical science."
mRNA is a red herring, but it takes a while to realize that:
There have been at least 13 other ways to produce the same symptoms as mRNA would, but they can be controlled:
To be clear. I think MRNA is a fraud used to get people to line up to be suicided by injection, with a poison techno cocktail. I have looked deeply into it, and I think it is a fraud, a big complex expensive fraud.
If you read the source in the article, it's more than likely that either humans DO produce vitamin C or vitamin C is simply not needed.
How did you end up at the genetically altered in the past idea?
The reason for Noahs flood was that the earth animals and people were geneticaly contaminated. Noah and his peeps, were the pure bloods who repopulated. Think GMO of today but way worse, which is where we are headed to.
Don't know about that, but saving organic human genome MUST be part of the globalist plan, just in case. Will post about that in my next article.
The seed bank is not the only thing underground.
Haha yes! Thank you... a few months back I tried to research into scurvy but couldn't find anything. I strongly had a sense that we were not getting the truth on it. This was before I came across the vitamin scam. Now how to heal the gums? I guess its almost like, keep it simple, get rid of toxins and eat well.
You said you’re a janitor, right?
That was a hell of a link on the website. Read that late last night, and I have to say I'm totally not surprised. We really must learn to question everything we think is true. Even if that were all true (and likely is) the vitamin c market isn't going to die anytime soon. Too much money to be made in it, and fools don't like to be told they've been fooled.
Not just sailors...
"Vitamin" C has never been proven to cure scurvy...
But you obviously want a double-blind randomized large clinical study?
Pardon me, but have you read the link in the article? It copiously proves the current paradigm to be wrong...
Well, re-reading the article might also clear up some ambiguities...
T.K. Basu, D. Donaldson, in
Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition (Second Edition)
, 2003
‘Scurvy’ is the current word in the English language for what has at various times in history been referred to as skurvie, scurvie, skirvye, scurvey, scurby, skyrby, scorbie, and scorby. The same word, in varied forms, has also been used to refer to scurf, i.e., dandruff. Confusion has also arisen because one sign, the petechiae (small hemorrhages in the skin), that are a feature of scurvy and many hematological disorders, has been referred to loosely and quite incorrectly as scurvy, because they are confused with purpura. In addition, many of the early references to scurvy are almost certainly erroneous as only later was it possible to differentiate this clinical disorder from other diseases of close or superficial resemblance. Further confusion and lack of clarity were caused by reference to patients with mixed disorders such as rickets as a comorbidity as scurvy, when the disease might in reality have been just a portion of the whole clinical presentation. Scurvy is a clinical syndrome caused by vitamin C deficiency which is associated with a derangement of collagenous protein synthesis; this is rapidly reversed with vitamin C supplementation.
Please, respond to the link in my article.
Let me know which particular conjecture you’d like to address.
Perhaps the one you are addressing? Sorry, just guessing. :)
Which one? This?
Mostly a bunch of inaccurate conjectures and hearsay. As for Inuits not having any vit C in their diets:
Inuit people have historically avoided scurvy by eating a diet rich in vitamin C, which is found in many types of meat, fish, and plants:
Muktuk: A mixture of frozen whale skin and blubber that is high in vitamin C
Raw meat: Fresh seal, whale, caribou, and other animals are high in vitamin C
Viscera: The organs of the animals they ate are also a source of vitamin C
Plants: Some plants, like licorice root and mountain sorrel, provide additional vitamin C
Kelp: Raw kelp is a source of vitamin C
Crowberries: A source of vitamin C
Inuit people also preserved vitamins by freezing food instead of cooking it.
Actually, meat is LOW in "vitamin" C.
Also, I am finding the evidence from the British Navy overwhelming that scurvy is NOT caused by "vitamin" C deficiency.