FYI, that hack included the social insurance numbers of everyone in Canada and the UK as well.

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Aug 23Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I have seen numbers like 2.9 billion accounts hacked which is 40% of the world's population. Don't know what to believe.

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Thats what I read. But youre right, dont know what to believe.

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Nobody has to believe anything. The facts speak for themselves...

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You mean, "hack," right? :)

Thank you for the information; I am pinning your comment.

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Aug 24Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I had not connected that the SSN breaches were just another goose along the path to digital ID but it does make sense. They will keep the legacy SSN but add a block chain identifier. “For security”.

Let’s face facts. We will all be dealing with the digital ID and all that entails. Unless you’re willing to go ferrel. To maintain any connection to society at large you will have to be in the system. I see 2 scenarios. All in or nominally in but actively engaged in some form of personal satisfaction outside the system. The system must be made too cumbersome to maintain or demonstratively ineffective. It means you have to use deception and subterfuge. I know it’s hypocritical to a moral person but this is after all a war for humanity. It may take decades. Eventually it will evolve to serve everyone. Not just the power brokers. And it may only work for finite number of humans. Although it’s wrong to target the innocent, it appears there is also a self selecting cull well underway.

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I hope, it will be "only" about five years for the technocratic system to collapse:


Still, only a few people can make it as long as that off-grid, and I could make it for probably no more than two years, but wouldn't be very mobile, which is bad and makes one a target. At least I don't have a propane tank or solar panels to attract more than usual attention, and my place is small without a chimney. Although I live in rural central KY, the terrain around here is not fit for the purpose of becoming invisible. Those in the hills in the East might have better chances, but I don't like the scenario of people starting to scavenge and, possibly, loot (although they would be shot at from all directions, but I can't see any guarantee that some of my neighbors wouldn't like to check out my place, and that would be bad news for everyone, even for those who are not involved).

There is a detailed discussion about the potential problems after


That was two years ago, but some things never change, at least not in this case for the time being.

There is nothing hypocritical about fighting for one's life, but to me it boils down to the line beyond which life is not worth living; I don't think I am alone with this:


And there won't be anything heroic or spectacular about it, as you are also observing.

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I am in the hills of E Ky. Although I don’t live anymore outlandish than any of my neighbors, I’m still cautious around them. They talk a big game, some are downright stupid, the younger woman are narcissistic, and many drug addicts. When their pantries are bare they know where to come.

Unfortunately my wife and I are too old for the nomad strategy and pre-school grandkids. Although she and I would have relished it in our younger days. Those younger experiences did teach us how little it really takes to live however.

I think you’re right though on the chaos period. 2-5 years. Anything over 1-2 years is a tough slog even for a competent prepper.

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According to some occult theorists, evil people (humans who worship Satan) or beings (demons) have been given rules to follow by God (true God that is good). One such rule is they have to tell you what they are going to do to you before they do it. If you don't fight back, that is implied consent.

So if you know some of the rules, you can use them against evil. To win, it is a spiritual battle.

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For discussion purposes, let's say CBD C becomes the "currency" of official use [Not an endorsement, but Trump declared there will be no CBDC if he wins]. Now say my property tax bill is due and I go to my local tax collector, treasurer or whatever. I tell him/her that I haven't signed up with the new slave system. But I would love to pay my taxes (yes, I might be crazy. I then offer to pay my bill with gold or silver. If the tax official accepts. my precious metal payment, he has helped me kill the CBDC system. Repeat where and whenever possible, especially with any government fee or bill. I find it unlikely that government (and most businesses) would refuse to accept gold or silver as payment. This is the only money authorized by the Constitution. Destroy the fake digital money by using real money. Comments?

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Aug 23Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Your Constitution has been permanently suspended- go to K Watts stack for all the legal citations since the early 90's. Read David Webb's The Great Taking regarding the changes to the UCC code and manipulations regarding collateral- you already own nothing-all titled assets only extend a beneficiary not an ownership right and will be seized to satisfy debt created far above you or I. Seriously, read Webb's work to understand and to be prepared.

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Sorry, I have not read Webb, but it all stands to reason.

Yup, I posted it last December:


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Aug 23Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

It is enough to impose legally binding service - on gold, silver, precious stones - and make their possession illegal. In Hungary during communism, the possession of currency was punished with 10 years in prison... (And we were still among the most livable of the communist countries!) If, say, this is introduced, then it won't really happen. let there be people, companies, etc. who would accept "illegally" owned currency as currency gold, which makes it immediately punishable... And the governments are against us and not with us!

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That kind of reminds me of the way the US "government" (already globalist-owned after 1913) took gold from the public during the "Great Recession" that was caused by its handlers, who were the same as today. :)

Fort Knox is probably empty by now, but it doesn't matter, because all the gold in the world would only cover about two percent of the financial transactions going on:


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Aug 24Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

You can't eat gold or silver .... It will be confiscated.

Flying projectiles will be the best investment.

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Or people will be simply robbed most of the time by gangs...

"Eating the bullet" (literally :) ) doesn't work, either, but some organized defense system might.

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Aug 24Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Growing a garden, raising livestock, having a skill like electrician or builder, and even native healing knowledge etc.. All things that can be used as currency or just to keep you alive

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Whatever doesn't attract attention...

Those with skills but no protection will be most likely enslaved...

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Yes, a little bit of each , IF you're in for the long haul :)

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Aug 23Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Yes! The "communism" experiment also came from them, which had at least 100 million victims. But rather more...

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Only the US military may have achieved that amount abroad against countries that posed no threat to Americans... The nomenclature seems to make little difference...

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The Constitution, in Dmitri Orlov's words, is "just about as relevant as an old copy of Pravda in an abandoned Siberian outhouse."

These freaks do whatever they want. Not paying taxes incurs the loss of personal property after a lien is placed on it... "They," just like "we," is an abstraction. Many miserable people eke out their living on serving the masters who have already openly announced will get rid of the "useless eaters." Still, the enablers and the enforcers don't get it...

Destroying the CBDC has the chance of a snowball in hell. The Corbett report was one of the sites raising false hope regarding the problem in September, 2023:


Cash would only pay about 2% of whatever the fiat money is covering, and the same applies to gold:


Still, as you are also saying, one must not volunteer their servitude:


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We need people to start understanding g the derivatives market and the changes to the UCC code. Their titles "assets" they think they own do not convey ownership rights but beneficiary rights. We all already own nothing. Satisfying property taxes won't change that. All will soon be seized and the hurt will blindside most.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Yes, if I went to the local township office where my property taxes are paid, with a gold bar equalling exactly the amount I owe for the year, you know what would happen? 🤣

That's right. Raised eyebrows, dirty looks, rude comments and a recommendation to go get "real" money and come back and pay that bill

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Indeed. The "Constitution" established federal rule all over the country...

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Maybe that hacking was done intentionally by the globalists who will come in and save the day by replacing SS numbers with new digital accounts. You must realize that no digital account of any kind is safe from being invaded or hacked.

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That what I said in the article...

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Sorry...I didn't pay enough attention.

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Aug 23Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Welcome to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, T-Mobile and Germany will appreciate everyone’s compliance that’s not a choice. Digital ID, Vaccine Passports, Social Credit Scores, and CBDC - T-Mobile has it all ready.

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It's also a question if T-Mobile is now close to mandating 5G phones. Verizon is now offering up to $2,500 rebate on 5G phones and a year of free service. What's that, if I am not the product?

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I hated giving up my 11 year old 3G flip phone that still worked fine. That was in 2021. 3G was shot dead by Consumer Cellular which buys service from T-Mobile and AT&T. I have a 4G phone and that is my limit. They can shove 5G all the way to the moon.

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They don't mandate phones, they simply update the network and the phones follow along. 5G is already widespread and the network standard in America, some of the conspiracies bout 5G are true and then some are absolute nonsense being shared by people who have no idea how cell phone technology works. We're definitely the product because the devices and applications are learning everything about you so it can be used against you.

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Aug 23Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

From what I can see going up around me, they are bringing the 15 minute cities everywhere…through all these new towers going up .. I’m calling em flag pole towers .. they All have huge American flags hanging .. like a big F. You to what’s coming to us here

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Are the survivors going to comply? The ones allowed to live most likely will...

Is my "fear-mongering" (real fear-mongering usually mandates compliance, which I never do) coming to fruition? Isn't it time to prepare?

Statism is still infecting inferior minds...

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Good Ray, now some solution brainstorming.

1. Having one foot in and one foot out of the system

2. Eating the system out from within

3. Making an outside system

I have ideas but tired of never getting much feedback. I propose these as seed for discussion, also I'm going to sleep now....

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Aug 23Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

They are only afraid that the entire population of Earth will rise up and kill them! This does not happen, since all peoples are against each other and only their servants are in the governments. If it wasn't like that, it could have been cleaned up a long time ago. So there is only this 1 solution, but it doesn't work for now!

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I only wish "they" were afraid. As of today, I still haven't been able to identify "them," and I am not an exception.

Yes, the people are divided even in ways only few can imagine:


The "Earth" is not going to rise up. Chances are that after the Digital ID, the next "doormen" at grocery stores will be robots... During the plandemic, I shook hands with everyone not wearing a muzzle; they amounted to six in 18 months. Do you really think these sheeple will ever fight for their "freedom"? They will always have their iPhones (maybe only under their skin of their hands, but does that matter?) and their "virtual" reality in their coffin residences...

The Masons have been doing a great job at infiltrating every global organizations since the Origin of Species, (1859), and many US "presidents" have been 33rd-degree Masons, even that links the high end of Masonry to the globalist butchers only to a certain extent...


Frankly, I don't think they are living in the US or, for that matter, anywhere else among the "despicables." Most likely, they reside on their own self-sustaining islands (that's what I would do, if I were one of them, but my house is only 420sq.ft. in rural KY :) ), and will watch the satellite videos as the people are going to kill each other for a can of soup, possibly as soon as a few more from now (early November is a killer...).

The only solution still works, but I don't know how much longer...


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Yes, I don't think there will be a rebellion without "help" either. However, according to the WEF plan, "in 2027, people will realize that they have been tricked and will revolt and exterminate those responsible". So I think the Freemasons will have a hand in this again. The question is, of course, who will remain alive until then?

Albert Pike also set this schedule for them. According to Jewish apocryphal writings, this is the "divine" schedule in this era. If thinking people survive, maybe there will be some minimal chance of removing the pus? Of course, the survivors have to shut down the entire electrical system so they can't affect their minds. And here's this:


Maybe there is a species among them who want the planet more?

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In plain English, please. :)

My major disappointment was the limited amount of responses to ground-breaking articles like


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I’ve never gotten good ideas on CBDC people seem stuck. I just questioning this time.

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