The truth Ray, it accomplishes the truth.

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And most people are either not prepared to take it or are refusing to do so...

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You asked what it accomplishes, I told you. Eventually lies crumble. These ''most people'' will see.

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The truth (even if people could comprehend it in this world) still doesn't negate overwhelming power, which is that hey are facing at this point...

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We are all terminal. No one gets off this planet alive.

easy no risk action? put as many mini flyers on cars that you can

every single day, or tape to gas pump screens or hand to masked souls

as they are still out there even in summer...Ive slipping these little FU fauci suckers into Convid test boxes and mask boxes at walfart or and pharmacies,

and diaper boxes in baby isles. the places are endless. my local hospital parking lot got saturated- one employ actually contacted Dr. Cowan to say his message and book are getting out there- found one on my car ! We have power to use , dont let it go to waste. I dont waste one day. I like the ones called LuckDay at www.VirusTruth.NET puts the book Contagion Myth directly into hands. I make 2 sided tickets for cars and diaper boxes, one sided tickets to scan at the gas pump. Every shot in a babies arm is Russian Roulette

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Look, Toni, I am not criticizing you; you do what you feel is best. I simply expressed my concerns.

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Jun 17Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I agree with you a full 100%

We don't need to know everything or to be sure about all theories. We simply have to accept that we know ENOUGH to understand that the people we ALLOW to rule our world, let's put it mildly, are not doing it in our best intrest.

But I know why the 'truth movement' could better be called a 'lie discussing movement'. I wanted to convince myself first by trying to know all the 'facts', understand all the lies, the bigger picture; then with this knowledge I could explain my world view to others.. Others of who most of them won't understand what you mean because these ideas are pretty different to the way they like to see the world.

Then the second problem is the idea they have brainwashed us with; one person can't change the world (or you have to be Superman/Jesus etc). So it keeps people doing exactly as you have stated; writing about one conspiracy after the other, people discussing it, arguing about details failing to see that all the while, they are still complying and therefore RESPONSIBLE. It is like people born in hostage discussing if the hostage taker took some candy or not, ten years ago. Instead of just understanding that the hostage taker has limited power and looking for a way to simply walk away (as much as possible) from him and resuming life with him (or her, okay okay), thereby showing others that they are a hostage mostly by their own doing.

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I think I see your problem. I'll tell you if you want?

What is the cause of the pandemic lie?

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The appropriation of power from knowing that ‘they’ (the gullible, patients, good people) will submit to a lie, a universal lie, the perversion of trust. The problem is not so much with the lie itself. The power lies elsewhere..

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You are most welcome to contribute to the article, but ad hominem is not welcome.

The cause of the lie seems to be the global depop plan, which has been going on and carefully prepared with invented illnesses in the last 60 years or so.

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Here's how the lie goes.......virus........disease..........vaccine............mask.....etc.

Take away the cause, the virus, then all else fades into the wind. That's the power of the truth. Isn't that amazing Ray? I know that you are into truth.

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Power rules. The "truth" makes no difference, except for those who care for it, but it still doesn't empower them...

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There is only one Power. Knowing the truth will set you free.

Sure it does. More people are empowered every day. You see, that's what ''they'' fear, the truth. ''They'' already know that Natural Law, The Principles, are truth. They use it against us. The trick is for us to turn around and use it to our advantage. Higher against the lower. It will be so.

Stick with me Ray. It's an onward and upward trek to THE ALL.

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People can be VERY different, when they interpret "the truth." Ultimately, the cognitive stages of truth judgments are universal:


Moreover, most people are way too much conditioned/preprogrammed to EVER use their Free Will:


Between the two of us, it is possible that even I am operating as predicted by the Central AI:


I am smart, but not THAT smart...

I still firmly believe that these technocrats cannot reach the soul. All they can do is disrupt the link between this world and one's true nature.

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You idea of the exposing the lies sounds a lot more realistic than the human ability to tell or even just to comprehend the truth.

I have also noticed the prominent role of Stockholm syndrome. It usually happens, when people realize they are powerless. That can be a result of conditioning, but say, during the plandemic, why did people agree to be muzzled, forbidden to walk up to each other, forced to be "tested" and even injected? Conformism, caving in to blackmail, the need to make money or even "earn rewards," the feeling of exercising power over others, and a number of other things also "convinced" people to submit. They were/are also heavily divided.

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I love truth, wherever, whatever form it comes. Go, Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Tom Cowan etc. I personally like to know, know what MAY be happening.

Dr. Bailey may be dismantling the current form of the immune system, in that

she's showing autoimmune diseases, for which there's a long list may be disinformation.

She tends to believe the body knows. She also believes in God, so that's a foundation that some, many, don't share.

I remember counseling a couple and the woman, but not the husband threw up her hands and said 'there's too much', and thus did nothing. The husband saw that revealing anything would reveal a lot.

That's my position, but I can't fix the other position.

I'm pursuing truth, and it's an exciting adventure.

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Jun 18Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

It's not the knowledge that's important, it's what you do with it that counts. Unfortunately, most of the knowledge is useless unless you can improve your own life.

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Like this 👆 JA. :)

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What a load.

What does ''you'' do with it if ''you'' doesn't have it?

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Not native English and not using any translator. Sorry man.

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"You" is obviously a general subject here... It's up to everyone how they decide, which is the ultimate objective of my stack...

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

The key phrase is ''not the knowledge that's important''. The knowledge is clearly most important because without the knowledge there is no ''do with it''.

Edit: is

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JA says something very important. ‘Knowing’, is knowledge, and ‘what to it with it’ counts. ‘Knowing’ it was fundamentally wrong to inject needles into humans without respectful informed consent was/is wise human ‘knowing’ an ill considered ‘scientific truth’ I suggest.. what some ‘did with this knowledge’ was to refuse to be injected. The ‘truth’ search, or rumination, over knowledge in the ‘virus/no virus’ debate, is interesting and appreciated. Virus or no virus, unwanted madical treatments will be revisited upon humans again because this is a This is a power and money $$$ problem. This search for the virus ‘truth’, shifts debate at a critical from ‘truth’ to the realm of madical sophistry, avoiding a more important ‘truth’ that of miss-appropriated madical power.

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Before one acts, one has to know. That is what I'm talkin about.

''virus/no virus'' Cause Leanne, Cause. Think cause.

The truth is the truth. You do not seek the truth? Now, ''they're'' saying that ''they'' can make a virus in a lab. Just in time for your children and grand children. Maybe our children would be better off if we did seek the truth now, yes?

''informed consent'', right. No virus eliminates the lie......bam.

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Well, being prepared seems to me the most important aspect. Getting into minute details could help others, but as of today, I have never seen much of that sort of thing, when it comes to the convid injections...

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Consequently, it doesn't hurt to aware of the available realistic choices, which is what I have always been talking about ever since I started my stack. While faith is one of them, I don't care for authors who use it to entice followers.

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Bailey usually comes out with stuff I wrote about weeks or months before her, and I usually cover the subject more comprehensively. As a result, I don't have time to listen to her (at one point, I spent a weekend watching her videos and she didn't say a single thing I hadn't known...

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Jun 18Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

These people keeps us doing turns in the roundabout. They're a distraction.

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Most people are slow, and these sources still inform them to a certain extent, but the popularity of such resources also suggests that my description of the interchangeable addictive roles holds water...

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Jun 18Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I have an example in my own family. She keeps sharing about 10/15 alternative news daily. I asked her what she's doing with all that info. Silence was her answer. It's my own mom.

I've warned her already that she's following exactly the avenue the controllers want us to follow. She's addicted to it.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

In the near future we will have no doctors only veterinarians and AI.

Most have embraced godlessness and the theory of evolution. In this "belief system" we are nothing more than animals and will be bred like animals, fed like animals and put down humanely like animals when we are too sick or malformed or grow too old.

At best, some will be "service dogs" and will get better food and vet care.

AND this is the future for those lucky enough to survive the transition to transhumanism via religious adherence to various protocols like frequency machines and supplements and medications..

This is the logical progression. Why are people whining like silly dogs?

As the old advertisement said, "You asked for it. You got it."

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This doesn't sound very different from whatever is already going on.

People are already treated as government assets, which has been going on since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913:


And yes, the crime of "democracy" is already based on "you asked for this."

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Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

🎯 🎯 🎯

Virus blah etc is breadcrumb chat in the face of the real mystery which imho is ‘Who in the the hell do ‘they’ think ‘they’ are, these extremely spiritually ugly overeducated-under intelligent’, humans who think or entertain any glimmer of a notion, that ‘they’, or their less agreeable ‘colleagues’, have any crumb of a right to direct any other free humans to be injected’. That’s the priority mystery, The rest is mere attempts at intellectual puffery and self distraction.

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Well said, but somehow I have the suspicion that it all comes from human nature. Most people would do the same if they were the puppet masters, because it's so easy to look down on others, and once they consider themselves superior and the rest garbage, this is what comes out of it...

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Young humans, children have a deep sense of unfairness, or injustice, call it what you will, ‘equality’ perhaps, onwards from 4-5 months if I recall correctly.

Im often tempted to think that ‘educated adults’ in our culture have been ‘infantilised’ but that is too kind, unfair to the infants. ‘Education’ has proved itself, in the last five years particularly, to be the ‘safe and effective’ tool to produce obsequious submissive humans who believe in their own deity.

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My first memory is when I was about six weeks old, and I was simply inquisitive, which didn't change over the years.

Primary socialization seems to determine one's sense of right and wrong before the person reaches the age of about five.

Schools in America have been what I call "zoos" in the last 30 years or more. Even private schools work on secondary socialization that usually has its own flavor. Public schools tend to churn out the conformists who are unable to make their own decisions.

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👏 to that

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I don't care what anyone thinks or beLIEves at this point because I've already put out to the big names in the Viruses Don't Exist cult the requirement to address bacteriophages, but they never responded. Humanity has already gone the way of the dinosaur so the persistance of the ghost is what is called Delayed Death with Radiation poisoning. The lethal dose has already been absorbed there is no way for the organism to survive, it will just keep going until it catastrophically drops from full shutdown of all of the cells.

Viruses exist. Viruses matter. It's an elaborate psyop to deflect people's attention from them in the same way of the quote: "The Devil's greatest accomplishment is getting people to believe he doesn't exist."

I'm appalled at the infantile quality of what is left of human brains that they can't work out the simple biochemistry on their own and I'm absolutely nukeear over the rejection of what I have put out there since 2008. Most people are so petulantly stupid that they can't grasp concepts that I've reduced to Farm Boy level so they default to what they 'feel' good about: putting it to The Man for 'lying' to us about viruses. Science has never been about 'feelings'. This caliber of ape never once considers the level of Evil that it confronts where the Magi could be lying about lying to you.

Puppets indeed - of all varieties just like your picture in the Stack.

So, if there is really only one pandemic (spirochetes from the dawn of time), and viruses are self-assembling nanomolecules that are shed from other microbes, AND people are made to ignore the glaringly obvious; allow themselves to get caught up in dogmatic dialectic provided for them by the people that they claim to hate; then there will be no seek & destroy mission for what the root cause of Evil is to eliminate it because the retarded dogs have been gleefully put off the scent.

At this point in history, I'm just waiting for some nice fireworks from cometary showers to excoriate the surface of wherever this is, but alas: I don't even believe in comets anymore.

Here's all anyone needs to know about this non-topic of VDE.


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ray is clearly self defeating . i prefer not to roll over and make it easy.

ray may not value saving babies from vax caused sids, or stop autism but this chick

does. taking down virology stops suffering on many levels and opens eyes to other lies. domino effect. easy mini flyers called LuckyDay print, copy make 10 per page, put on cars everyday until all shots are stopped. at least mothers would no longer be complicit i. the death or brain damage or maiming of their baby. www.VirusTruth.NET

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I saw Sam Bailey and Cowan so I just harvested this one sentence then closed the page.

I asked both of them to address the topic of bacteriophages. No response. They can't respond because they are part of the psyop that has everyone divided on a non-issue = VDE.

Lanka claims to be the first to isolate FREE LIVING VIRUSES from sea water, therefore, the vangaurd of the VDE movement says... viruses exist.

So you can see that this hackjob got broken (on purpose) into two factions?

VDE and

viruses don't cause disease like claimed.

This is just religious denominational fighting.

"For example, symptoms of disease known as scurvy, pellagra, and beriberi were all at some point in the past believed to be highly "contagious" and deadly, but then, with time, it became widely taught that vitamin deficiency..."

The lack of anyone to exhaust a topic to its logical conclusions is a constant vexation to me.


Scurvy can be from lack of vitamin C complex but even the native americans knew how to correct that with just pine trees. The European stock were bred to be stupid. Stupid is as stupid does when you find that ascarid worms can destroy all of the vitamin C in a host and everyone has one or more PARASITES in them as a CAUSATIVE AGENT of the "vitamin deficiency".

I mean: Where the hell do people think these 'deficiencies' arise from? Unicorn farts?

Round worms are CONTAGIOUS.

Pellagra: "It's caused by low niacin due to malnutrition or absorption issues."

Enter the worms again or even spirochetes shutting down a key nutrient that actually fights them. Where did people thing the malabsorbtion came from? Leprachuan booze?

Worms and Spirochetes are CONTAGIOUS.

Japanese scientists claim that BeriBeri is due to a mycotoxin from infected rice so were back to microbes, and goat polio (treated with emergency B1 or they die) has been linked to Listeria infection. Goats just don't one day say: I think I'll have a ACUTE thiamine deficiency and drop dead.

The great scam is to get people thinking that the 'deficiency' comes solely from food or lack of it NOT the agents that cause the food or the person to BECOME deficient. This is Black Magicks Spell Casting 101. If you're not looking for the cause you will eat fortified white rice and think you are at the top of the whirled.

This is simple biology. If someone can't handle this level of deconstruction then they are not qualified to handle advanced concepts.

I guess you will have to define what 'virology' means to you because it seems to have morphed into a useless word like 'conspiracy theory'. There is no need to dismantle 'virology' to say that all vaccines throughout all time have been chemical and buy oh logical We Upons. There is no need for buy oh We Upons of any kind.

Corvelva looked into what the classic shots had in them to find horrors including:

Parasites, fungus, and a host of unknowns. Some lots had none of the labeled ingredients. I wrote to them asking to have their labs run sequences on the unknown proteins for matches to Lyme disease components and within months the entire nation of Italy was taken down by the Core Onus Plandemic. Since the world does revolve around me I'm sure that the A.I. didn't like how close I was getting to shutting the SIM down so it shut the world down.

So, since NO ONE knows what is in ANY vaccine then the presence or absence of viruses as agents or as fantasies is not an issue. THEY PUT ANYTHING THEY WANT IN THOSE VILE VIALS so vaccines of any kind should not exist - ever!

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Jun 17Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

''but then, with time, it became widely taught that vitamin deficiency was the cause for each, with simple cures.'' From the website.

Where does it claim that ''deficiency'' comes solely from food or lack of it''.

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Which part of what I am saying do you think is not realistic?

Labeling me doesn't get anyone anywhere.

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I don't know Ray but the poster may be referring to the tone of nihilism? I'll watch him for you.

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The point is in the article.

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Maybe no one wants to read your books or listen to you because you talk down to them, so...try something new.

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"Viruses" do exist; in fact, there is an unlimited number of them, and most appropriately, they are called exosomes:


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Il n'existe pas de'virus' ni de microbes non plus : il n'y a pas de germes pathogènes, d'ennemis qui viennent de l'extérieur. Toutes les maladies sont produites par le corps qui doit se maintenir en vie le plus longtemps possible.Les maladies sont en fait une bénédiction. Lisez Béchamp, consulter les travaux du docteur Hamer. Pasteur a menti (cf. https://archive.org/details/privatescienceof0000geis) et ses mensonges ont été repris par les créateurs de la médecine allopathique. Savoir qu'il n'y a pas de germes pathogènes détruit la peur des maladies et ouvre la porte vers la Vérité.

Merci pour vos articles. Mais ne vous égarez pas.


There are no 'viruses' or microbes either: there are no pathogenic germs, no enemies that come from outside. All diseases are produced by the body which must keep itself alive as long as possible. Diseases are in fact a blessing. Read Béchamp, consult the work of Doctor Hamer. Pasteur lied (see https://archive.org/details/privatescienceof0000geis) and his lies were taken up by the creators of allopathic medicine. Knowing that there are no pathogenic germs destroys the fear of illness and opens the door to the Truth.

Thank you for your articles. But don't get lost.

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I agree with you 100% - you've summed it up short and perfectly!!! It's very IMPORTANT!! I will take a screenshot of this perfect answer and post it on my site along with the pdf files of the books!!! Thank you!!!

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Except that this has been known for a while, and Bechamp was also a con man, which is not exactly common knowledge...

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I know that this has been known for a long time, but very many people don't know this - and whether Bechamp was a fraud or not, nobody can say today, rather not, because none of what is perceived as given in studies today is verified, because everything simply saw the light of day through fraudulent experiments, none of it can be proven - after almost 40 years with these experiments, I know what I'm writing about - but well, to each his own - by the way, I think your articles are very informative, but hopefully you know that by now - all the best!!!

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What it boils down to is that Germ/Terrain is NOT going to solve anything... The "rulers" are just too powerful, as I am showing it in the article. The problem is that some people are wielding WAY TOO MUCH power, and they are also usurping all this power...

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''Bechamp was also a con man''

Ohh, That's interesting. Have you got a link?

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I used to, and I probably have it somewhere, but it doesn't matter. Following Terrain Theory to a T leaves much to be desired:


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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

I'm glad that I found you Ray. I think that your site is broken. Look: ''User was temporarily suspended for this comment.'' There has to be some mistake, the Ray I read would never ban someone for a difference of opinion. I mean, that's what ''they'' do.

Edit: sp

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The person was making a mess out of the comment section, which can destroy the otherwise useful interchange for others. I personally don't care, if someone disagrees with me; it would be a miracle, if two thinking persons agreed on everything. I locked him out for 24 hours to allow some time for him to reconsider, but if he keeps going, I will ban him indefinitely. Please, read his comments, and notice, if he made changes in the original comments today.

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I actually found him making a shit-tonne of sense. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Such as? He obviously didn't read the article and refused to act in a civilized manner, plus created a diversion.

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Like this one?

''Edit: sp''

I think ''sp'' stands for spelling. That would usually indicate that a word was changed due to incorrect spelling.

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I’ll chime in with too little too late ;). Current ideological beliefs are quite sticky😂. We still have flat earthers and snake handlers.

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Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I will also add that Mike Yeadon is highly suspect imo. For instance, now he wants us to see how viruses haven’t been isolated properly? This expert who worked for all those years in the pharmaceutical industry as a researcher…

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I have followed him from the beginning and find him to be a man of integrity - on a journey , like the rest of us, but with no adverse agenda, just seeking the truth.

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Same here. I have yet to see anything hinky. It's possible that people who are suspicious of Dr. Yeadon do not agree with what he is saying and do the typical knee-jerk reaction of going after the messenger. At some point, we will no longer be able to trust anyone, and that will be a sad day indeed.

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Typical limited hangout: a rubber bone to the masses to chew on, while the story is continuing somewhere else.

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Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

From my vantage point in San Diego, we no longer even live in America anymore. Defeating virology would be fantastic, but then what? I am surrounded by a bunch of aliens who have no connection to the history of America, and the mythology of the West, or to Christianity. Many of these people from Asia would be described as globalists, and would happily fight people like us. In fact, that is probably why they have been brought here. In that sense, defeating virology may just result in a newer more violent conflict. I believe that is part of the agenda, as well. Bastards.

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Debating Virology, while correct, is sidetracking people.

Yup, made several visits to New Jersey last year. It's not America anymore; the 2nd Amendment is nearly completely ignored, and it's full of newcomers, many of them Muslims, whose ideology requires expansion even by outbreeding locals.

Christianity has been attacked so successfully that the once-Christian nation is now totally divided ethnically, racially, and by religion or lack of religion to the point that the country cannot have an underlying ideology on which its residents can all agree. The "American Dream" died a long and painful death, and only those asleep can believe in it.

Most Asian cultures are collectivists, and they have little respect for the individual, so they are ideal laborers and slaves. Lots of illegals have been, and are, imported, and it looks like they are trained against Americans, except for those who are used for sex or organ trafficking.

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Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Debating virology is idiotic.

We are in the midst of an enormous transition and people want to waste their time arguing about whether a microscopic thing which they themselves will never be able to see or ascertain whether it's real or not while their bodies are either being slowly murdered or transitioned into a living robot.

Good werk, humanity. Maybe we should listen to that guy who said we need to pull the log out of our own eye before we chase invisible specks.

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Thank you for your unflinching mind, Ray. Half-synthetic or no, you still got it.

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Thank you for your kindness, but I am far from perfect. It's your and other readers' decisions is what counts. I am only the messenger.

My soul will always remain intact, but I'm not sure how much longer my body will be able to keep it in contact with this dying world.

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Same here so - Say it loud before the lights go out.

I have that embroidered on a throw pillow which I throw.

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Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I agree with the dozens of fronts we face and how long they have been orchestrating this agenda. The ICAN legislation seems like a nail in the coffin, supplementing the quarantine laws in each state. Keeping us focused on international bodies while the noose is being tightened right here in our own individual states.

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Mandating "Madicare" over 65 is also part of the process... It's like signing up for the waiting list for incineration.

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Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Yes, now they want to visit you monthly for “wellcare” visits. Pretty soon, when they visit, they’ll be selling euthanasia and funeral packages, to go with that “wellcare”.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Soon there will be no salesmanship required.

Euthanasia will be ubiquitous. Like taxes.

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Aldous Huxley, the son of one of the first prominent evolutionist elitists was promoting genetic manipulation in Brave New World (1932), which reads as a dystopia, but it was meant to describe "the ideal society" for humans. Euthanasia was part of that world, although the non-compliant were only deported, not killed or experimented on...

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Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

He had a soft spot…the others that followed skipped over that part.

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Oh, well. The "elite" can afford not to be perfect. :)

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Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Oh yes 👆Moe. Death commodified, follow this money. ‘Wellcare’ visits to include pamphlets ‘Swiss style’ final package’ deal, choose your own music’ option, or ‘remote island 🏝 experience’ . Victim free of course.

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Although only the taxpayer's money is being spent, no matter what the project is, following the money does reveal important details. My favorite is the way the globalists control the world through central banks (the money flow) as well as everything that matters through their global investment firms...

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Pre Plandemic, Wall Street was known to go nuts whenever a new rat poison ‘vaccine’ was listed onto the childhood schedule ….just horrendous and few were bothered back then.

The plandemic plan, simply, injections in every arm was easy to recognise. Totalitarianism, the merger of corporate and government, two drivers.

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Those days are mostly gone. By now, the injections are only for fast "software upgrades" and indicate compliance...

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Oh, and Congress switched from supporting low-income elderly with a portion of their internet costs, they are now expecting the same populace to accept "free" Lifeline machines, which are Trojan Horses:


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It's casing the territory. :)

For that matter, they can use "smart" devices and Wi-Fi, too, to track and attack people and for mapping up living spaces.

Euthanasia is already being freely marketed in Canada, and it's one of the first "madical" recommendations "patients" receive, even when they are not even (often falsely) diagnosed with a terminal condition...

Funeral packages are new, but the dead being used for fertilizer has already been going on for a while:


Italian sausages, anyone?

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Good article Ray. I learned about the body farm in Tennessee is college. I found it intriguing at the time (assuming people donated their bodies). Now, I can’t help but to see the “minders” in all these areas..

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While you were sleeping... and you were so deep into fighting germs vs terrain…

1. they released AI - effectively killing all creativity of all human beings in the world

2. they released deepfakes - effectively removing the concept of “truth” for good

3. they continue taking your hard-earned money (not applicable to scientists and researchers) and transferring it wherever they want

4. you continue to writing or reading articles or comments thinking that it can change anything

each day irreversibly leaking energy of life and wasting it on others, while leaving your own home unattended.

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Are you talking to me, the author? I've written about all this before, even years ago.

I don't change anything, but my readers can change the way they think.

Are you sure there is any need for trying to discredit me? It's not going to work, but if it's going to create too much of a diversion, I'll have to ban you.

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Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

No, nothing personal. Just a reference to a movie which showed what is needed (sometimes) to trigger an in-depth transformation.

We are all writing here for others to read. And reading to self-educate. I hope.

I merely presented my view of how recent developments distract us all and lullaby us into more distraction. All of us, including you and me. It’s just the magic of technology and the inertia of the mind.

In my comment there is nothing about you, either as a person or as an author. I wonder where you got this interpretation.

You can now see how we have been trained to “pre-cog” hostility even when there is none. Maybe it’s an integral part of the mind, the defensive attitude, interpreting things to its own detriment, possibly just in case.

Back to the subject of your article - the germ/terrain dichotomy is a false opposition, although made so prominent that everything else is pushed aside (while we are sleeping). It excludes areas which have not been investigated or described and areas of which we are not even aware. Self-curing and self-healing being some of the more easily touched. The placebo effect is another, so easily dismissed, and never analyzed in depth. Hypnosis, NLP and other reprogramming techniques adding more complexity to the picture.

BTW. Ray, I value your articles highly. This is why I make comments here. Thank you for the inspiring body of work.

Regards, Dan

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Thank you for the clarification and your appreciation of my work.

I enjoyed your first comment (I have previously confirmed your entries in several articles, too) until it became ambiguous and it was possible to mix up the general subject "you" with ad hominem. No pre-cog was needed. :)

Actually, after being left alone for about a year, I got some trolling after my previous article; obviously, I touched a nerve, because it steps forward from everything else out there, and it must be in the right direction...

I also agree with you on the artificial dichotomy, which is why I do not promote Terrain, although it's still better than Germ.

I cannot see much difference between your way of thinking and mine, and I am thankful for your contribution in the comment section.

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Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

It feels exactly the same here.

I find (some) comments equally inspiring to articles. As I see it, we all here are trying to get a better grasp on Life. Some can do it in a sophisticated way, some in nice manners, some happen to be not so kind. I don’t mind. If they feel better offending me, ok. I usually don’t respond, because it’s not in line with my vision of respect for another.

Clearly, there are lines which (we expect that) shouldn’t be crossed. In real life, it wouldn’t happen. The invention of anti-social media dissolved this barrier, unfortunately. I say, they way people address you (as a person) is the way they are presenting themselves. They have never met you, so they cannot harm you in any way - they make not so kind comments addressing their own image in the monitor’s mirror.

I am no-one to give advice, but… enjoy whatever happens. Your writing is unique. “Bad vibes will self-destruct in five seconds” - to quote other movies :-)

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By the way, I forgot to mention it, but I had good memories of your previous comments, but you remained silent for a long time.

The only good thing about "end-of-times" mood is that people must face the most important existential questions and make their own decisions. By that, they might even be able to start to live their own lives, instead of blindly following their programming.

Losers indeed seem to feast on false accusations and real insults, but I have learnt my lesson here, and I try to keep the house as tidy as possible. Some previously good sites have been destroyed by crazy and one-dimensional comments alone... I don't care what others who don't care for me think about me, but this is a public forum, and it's here for the reader's sake, not mine.

One more thing: although I cannot quote you, your comments have been memorable for me, so please, do not quit. :)

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Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I don't believe in viruses, big pharma, allopathic medicine, drugs, and doctors. I mean I avoid them all as much as possible and would rather doctor myself or use natural healers. Nothing will change because big pharma controls congress (so no laws will change as far as getting rid of things like the 1986 vaccine laws) and most people will religiously believe in big bad viruses because they believe governments and big pharma and their doctors would never lie or mislead them. It's the indoctrination/propaganda wave of the last 70 years that has created this mess.

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Statistically, those who don't see doctors, live longer. Of course, one never knows if they don't see doctors, because they are healthy to begin with, or they know that doctors are bad for them most of the time.

The same powers that control Congress, control Big Pharma, too, but Congress, among many other players, is playing the roles of the enabler and the enforcer, too.

There has been a lot of predictive programming even in movies...

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

My comments/questions on another stack were said to be unimportant until we prove that there is no virus.

I didn't bother to continue with more comments such as the fact that imo the important thing is to find out why great swaths of the population are falling ill (emf?/poisoning?), and how to stop THAT from happening.

Rather than being like mAdical doctors that treat symptoms not the disease. That's what this argument seems like to me.

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Here is the subtle dialectic within the dialectic.

The Clandestine Service Operator Lanka claims to be the first person to have isoloted FREE LIVING VIRUSES FROM SEAWATER.

Why has that particular aspect of who he claims to be ever at the forefront of the discussion.

So the psyop has two eliptical orbit foci of:

Viruses Don't Exist (not possible according to Lanka)


Viruses Don't Cause disease like we've been told.

My hypothetical class of Third Graders would be able to detect the smell of that dinosaur doo from several miles away.

Until emotionally drivin, non-logic and critical thinking people DEFINE the problem then that famous quote stands:

"If you ask the wrong questions - It doesn't matter what the answer is."

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im not rolling over and going quietly. babies being killed by shots for non existant viruses matter. maybe not to self defeating Ray, , but to this chick. I put mini flyers called LuckyDay from www.VirusTruth.NET on cars, tape to gas pump screens, hand to moms with kids, hand to masked souls who deserve the info to be relieved of their fear. join me. taking down virology creates domino effect for all other lies.

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Nobody has to roll over, but everyone has to make their own choices.

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I have been very open-minded and objective about the whole thing, and without emotion. Doesn't matter to me if/if no virus exists.

I just want to know how to make people well

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impossible if they dont understand no virus and keep getting shots or taking rx to kill viruses . so no virus needs to matter ! from there they will look for the next toxic exposure if stopping shots and stopping rx to prevent or treat viruses or germs does not eliminate their main toxins.

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Here's the problem with anyone getting well as was explained to me by a former Pentagoner: Assymetrical, Full-Spectrum Wharf Air.

By the time you figure out what they did to us 50 years ago and start working on it, they have been waging a whar of attrition with new upgrades as quickly as they can make and release them, so by the time you catch up to last year's laundry list of assaults you have to learn (only if they've been leaked - no mortal can fathom the tech these creatures wield) what they are and what the countermeasures are and then implement them while being riddled with MORE ASSAULTS as you trying to catch up with year #49's We Upons.

So the only solution that no one has the stomach for because they've been bred into passive farm animals is to stop the perps cold. The only way you can do that is to determine if viruses exist or not because there's literature out there that claim that like bacteria, viruses exhibit Quorum Sensing which would put these tools into the realm of a HIVE MIND.

Consider this: A woman gets a raging yeast infection that tells her to binge on Crispie Creme donuts and she obeys. Microbe telling host what to do. An animal gets rabies that makes it foam at the mouth and bite. Microbe tells host what to do.

Man gets syphilis - might even get treated with antibiotics that merely push it into a cell wall deficient form THAT IS STILL CONTAGIOUS - but the lesions are gone - and he's hornier than a billygoat so he spreads his disease everywhere. Microbe telling host what to do.

Therefore: we can't be ambivilant on what the ROOT CAUSE of Evil might be it has to be sought and eradicated no matter what people might think/feel/believe.

I work with the worst of the worst.

There ain't no fixing this.

It's like putting a bandaid on a single machine ghun wound while they're still Shoo Ting.

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Jun 17Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

rabies is fabricated. animals foaming at mouth are starving and dehydrated. not sick from any virus. www.drsambailey.com covers rabies.

or www.VirusTruth.NET

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Indeed, it's an invented illness, along with a large number of others, but here are the most fashionable ones:


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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

This is the conclusion I've been at for four years now. Damned if we do, damned if we don't .

Essentially, we're fucked.

Endy stawry

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Doing nothing is 100% fucked!

get busy. we all have more power than they or Ray want you to believe.

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Really? Who is "we" and what can your flyers ever accomplish apart from telling people that they cannot do anything against the next plandemic, except for disagreeing? Do you honestly believe that there won't be enough enablers and enforcers to run the show? During the 18 months of the muzzle mandate, I encountered six (!) shoppers in grocery stores without a muzzle. A humiliated population is an ideal victim.

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That observation regularly gets the label of Fatalism.

On the contrary, I call it reality. In most hollywood self-stimulating story lines there is always the man or woman who has NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE who then takes on the role of hero.

This is a concept from the ancient Samauri who adopted the Wu Shin = No Mind before they went into battle. They were so highly trained that their reactions were second nature. To remove any conscious thought that would slow them down they went into the battle already accounting themselves as DEAD so they would just fight as pure machines.

So, fucked as we might be, my position has always been to give back worse than we got and collect interest - or go down trying.

That's as close to a Happy Thought as I've ever had in this Vale of Tears.

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You n me both sir! I keep saying if I'm ever diagnosed with something I'm not coming back from....

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Essentially, yes, and the frustration justifies the limited linguistic code...

Still, it might be possible to slow down the "symphony" until the globalists finish off each other. However, that would mean to know the causes of various conditions, and there are too many potential causes without any way to arrive at a realistic diagnosis:


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Matt has some interesting work going on lately re healing


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Forgot to mention; "Agent" has an entertaining series to substantiate that dinosaurs never existed:


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Yup, his series have been fascinating

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Many of them. :)

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Tiny particles that some call "viruses" do exist:


But it doesn't matter:


And "viruses" have never been proven to cause illnesses. In fact, contagion itself must be redefined, and think, my paradigm applies:


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it does matter, bec they dont exist.

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It makes no difference in the outcome. Other excuses are lining up for the next "state of national emergency," and the options are countless to force people into compliance, but here is my oldest list:


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Yes, after identifying the powers that pull the strings, the next question is how. The way I see it, it's designed and implemented by the central AI, so even its operators don't quite know what's going in. Reverse-engineering could work, but only with the help of the AI that designed the causes:


It's a different question how the puppeteers could be stopped. I think, only in one of two ways:

1. Their enablers and enforcers realize they will be next in line to the slaughterhouse and stop to serve;

2. The rulers could be convinced that they are destroying themselves, too (which they are), so it is in THEIR best interest to stop.

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Ray, I would like for you to consider, based on your image of the puppets, that perhaps there is another level at work here.

The legends of Demon Possession are depicted as some foul spirit entering a person through an orifice. In hollywood it was often a fly getting up the nose or in the ear or mouth. Ba'al Ze Bub = Lord of the Flies. Once in, the UNSEEN (just like a virus) entity would take over the host and make it do things against its own will and reason (like a virus taking over the machinery of the cell due to being described as a intracellular obligate parasite).

Viruses have been claimed to puppeteer host insects at the molecular level:


The chemistry is simple, elegant and scary as hell.

So, although people can greedily point to The Royalty of England! or The Jesuits! or The Yahoodim! as the authors and executors of all of the grief on the planet...

What if?

What if these evil pieces of refuse merely had neurosyphilis or neuroborelliosis that made them mad as a Hatter and that the shedding from those infections (demon possessions) were the Smallpox (a HERPES virus) and other things that ATTACK NERVE CELLS?

So, regardless of how many of the evil minions were identified and maybe even hunted down it wouldn't accomplish anything because the ROOT CAUSE OF EVIL EXISTS AROUND US AS A MICROBIAL ENTITY THAT HAS CONVINCED PEOPLE TO TRY TO PROVE IT DOESN'T EXIST.

I've never seen and can't understand the level of resistance that I get to this cogent postulate that demands investigation especially from people who claim to be religious who believe in dead people rising, demons, angels and a totally unseen world. The dichotomy is a hernia of the mind.

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Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I honestly don't think the enablers realise they are also doomed. Look at the pilots spewing our the poison in the skies, for example. They must be content to take the cash for now and not even consider the future.And the rulers think they are gods andwill survive all of this and rule the earth. Really, these people have not grasped the truth of the situation nor the severity

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This is not a slight on you, Monica: you're projecting and anthropomorphizing.

They only LOOK human. Not only are they NOT US. They are terraforming the planet to suit their needs that is lethal to humans.


With their consciousnesses housed in nearly indestructible battle chassis and The Cloud then all other considerations are inconsequential.

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Btw, you sound a lot like an old, recently passed octogenarian friend of mine from Texas who went by the handle Captain Dragon Farstar. He just *knew things* ❤️

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Thanks! I will look at that later. So much to investigate and take on board!

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Check out Mike Huggins at Vaccine Reaper Report, and Pasheen Stonebrooke at Diva Drops

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Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

The way I see it is that all people are disposable commodities however they may regard themselves. They are being used to fulfil a plan. This plan of depopulation has been in the making for decades. Those behind it must have a far longer lifespan than your normal run

of the mill person.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Basically what I am saying is to keep this plan alive over decades when many of the people who supported it have passed away, implies to me that the beings behind it have a much longer lifespan with an unchanged end goal, and that willing people are used to

support that goal. Which is a rather elongated way of saying that the beings behind this attack on all life forms are demonic.

It took me a while to get there lol

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The hosts that they inhabit are fragile. We were told that they feed their bone marrow to babies specifically bred to be the next new Dick Cheney, etc. so that the Race Memory is preserved.

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Stem cell is expensive, but it's available to rejuvenate the uber-rich, so adrenochrome is no longer needed, unless it's for ceremonial purposes and for the less opulent.

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They also get very high off the adrenochrome

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I just posted on them feeding bone marrow to infants to continue their line and now you bring in Stem Cells that are derived from what?

Bone Marrow.

Black Magicks goes High Tech.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Has adrenochrome made any difference to the lifespan of these perverts? My family live have lived well into their 90s eating healthily. I reckon it is an excuse to create fear and other horrors to serve their luciferian gods. No, I reckon the long living creatures behind all of this suffering on earth

are actual demons who hate God with a vengeance.

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As far as I know, the pilots are military and are following orders. Insubordination can send them to prison for years, and sometimes such are also subjected to "experiments" or even made fun of and their sex is changed...

The rest of them were certainly caught up by the money coming in and are probably feeling obligated to justify their murderous acts retroactively.

Even the self-appointed rulers are doomed by their own design:


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Jun 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Pilots sprayed Agent Orange and dropped spent Uranium and carpet bombed, etc.

I don't know why people think they will have a crisis of conscience now over chemtrails.

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People, when they cannot do a thing, tend to wait for someone else to "save" them, so the globalist program is giving them folk heroes:


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Very good, Ray. Truth is, you must get all you can, before you die, God doesn't exist, only Big Government, boy what a surprise to them awaits at the end.

God is Great.

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