The level of sugar that you need in your system to be labelled a diabetic is far lower than it was in the 1950s. And the level that is needed now would probably qualify most of us at some stage of the day. Like back in 2014 or some such where the doc trying to convince me that a 7.5 reading was bad, real bad, jabbed herself and scored an 8. In the 1850s diabetes did not exist.
There is a study group at Yale I think who have labelled Metformin as toxic. I don't have the time right now nor the inclination to write anything major. I am still trying to get my marriage and business back in order.
It would be interesting to compare people who were not vaccinated with heavy metals from infancy, who do not poison their water, food or air. Who do not have their homes full of all kinds of chemicals, cosmetics, chemical furniture, clothes, and do not take a handful of medications. Moreover, they are not exposed to continuous, different-frequency radiation... I can imagine that in the past, when people only had access to, for example, arsenic-containing groundwater, or food containing arsenic or other poisons, this exposure could even cause diabetes - I think diabetes can also occur in a dog - but recently it seems that this "disease" is spreading mostly in areas where but recently it seems that this "disease" is spreading mostly in areas where Rockefeller medicine is already popular...
My best friend growing up got diabetes at age 6 or 7. They were vegetarian and very simple diet at that. Later her neice became diabetic as a child too. They also are gluten intolerant ( celiac disease) I have been searching for a true understanding of this for years but haven't really found much. I have always thought that once they are given the medication it's game over, they are dependent afterwards but it's not like they can survive without it. Or is there another way...? I wonder if they were using those artificial sweeteners ?
If my conjecturing holds water, theoretically, the conditional reflex could be turned around, but that would not be without life-threatening risks. It's better to talk a decent doctor about it, who will be hard to find, but decent doctors are usually reluctant to follow their mandated protocol and prescribe metformin right away. Sadly, nutritionists hardly ever divert from their protocol, which tends to be potentially harmful and not much good.
Part of the problem: everybody is an "expert". Enough is known about the functioning of the human body to be dangerous, yet, not enough is known to be able to cure. A design flaw from the Creator? Don't worry, Lause Scab and friends from WEF will keep you alive forever.
“Any “writer” who fails to distinguish between type 1 and type 2 diabetes in the first paragraph will be assigned additional homework,” says the guy with the insulin pump.
It's was a brilliant moment in time when some medically-tainted shrub began thinking he could get super rich promoting disease and providing the cures that only exacerbated those diseases. Thus more and more cures were needed and the viscous cycle became a merry-go-round where the patients could never jump off until they were dead.
Thus we have been inaugurated with the modern stone age medical mafia...proudly at your service for over 70 years. And the profits just keep rolling in. consider Stevia to be a dangerous sugar substitute? Should we just use sugar in our coffee? Honest question. Is sugar in small doses, fine? They lie about everything else. My grandmother used sugar in her coffee and lived to be 100.. She only died when a so called caregiver from hospice injected her with something.
"real" Stevia is a plant, aka candyleaf, sweetleaf or sugarleaf, widely grown for its leaves, from which extracts can be manufactured as sweetener products..." -
in the summer we use fresh crushed leaves to make a super-refreshing lemon tea. not sure though how 'poisonous' the stevia artificial sweetener is.
Sorry to hear about your grandma... During the plandemic, old people were disposable, and DNR ("Do Not Resuscitate") are still common, especially in hospitals in Britain.
Thank you for your question.
Last time I put sweetener in my coffee was 35 years ago, and couldn't stand the taste of any sweetener. My body has always been quite reactive to stuff that later turned out to be bad for human health. I cannot speak for other people.
Stevia is "zero calorie," so if my conjecturing stands, it's bad for human health and a risk for developing diabetes.
Caffeine is produced by plants as an insecticide. You should consider coffee and tea as additional toxins that your liver has to process to keep you functioning properly. And yes, Stevia is another toxic burden to the liver.
Coffee and tea are heavily sprayed with pesticides and are extremely toxic, unless they are organic (which is a label that has become harder and harder to trust; 100% USDA Organic is supposed to be better, but the list of ingredients don't have to be listed in organic products is proliferating). "Organic" milk, for one, often contains Calciferol, which is most likely toxic:
Moreover, fermented "organic" products often use GMO cultures for fermentation ("precision fermentation"). Just about everything is toxic in some ways, and (white?) flour has just been added to the list:
As for coffee, I don't think it's my morning coffee that's going to kill me, but drinking coffee all day is definitely an overkill, as most things are, when consumed without moderation.
If you do enough research on the topic of diabetes, you will find that this dis-ease started with the rollout of the electrical grid. It exponentially increased with the introduction of wireless telegraphy. And its been increasing every since. Diabetes, cancer, heart disease -- all of it -- began with the introduction of alternating current. It is increasing exponentially now as we continue to electrocute ourselves with the use of wireless devices, all of which are designed to destroy us. I encourage people to read the book "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg on this topic. Sadly, Firstenberg puts out alot of bullshit too, such as the ridiculous lie that radiation exposure increases life span. Utter nonsense. The type of radiation coming from all electrical devices, and especially wireless devices, is anti-life and causes rapid aging.
Yes, every time some type of electric expansion occurred, there was a "pandemic." I also listed radiation among the 13 major sources of modern illnesses in
For that matter, there are people who claim to heal with radiation, and I have severe reservations as well. Sadly, bottom-feeders have always targeted the desperate:
Nothing, unless you add in changing your eating habits. This is for Typev 2's. Combination of medication, diet could reverse type 2 diabetes, study finds
A recent study suggests that type 2 diabetes can be reversed through a combination of calorie reduction, physical activity, and the diabetes drug dapagliflozin, offering new hope for patients.
Dapagliflozin is used together with proper diet and exercise to treat type 2 diabetes. It works in the kidneys to prevent absorption of glucose (blood sugar). This helps lower the blood sugar level. Dapagliflozin does not help patients who have insulin-dependent or type 1 diabetes.
I shop weekly and see people who wear the patches, and their carts are full of food that should be avoided as much as possible. My Hub, can consume all the carbs and sugar he wants, and even 15 lbs over weight he doesn't have a A1C issue. I've worked hard to eliminate 'bad' food. It shows a 40 lb weight loss, and Humslog has gone from 18/22 to 10/12. See the doc on the 19th for the A1C.
If it's on ANY news source on the MSM, I can take it only with a lot of caution, but I am in the lucky position of not having been exposed to the "news" for several decades.
Pushing another drug only increases my suspicions.
Good food has become just about impossible to find, but eating little might work for many people.
Exercise, on the other hand, has been weaponized (it seems to accelerate the impact of common types of poisoning, primarily of the "vaccines"):
Exercise does NOT do anything about weight loss in the long run, while the reasons for gaining weight have been occupying my mind for years (I am not overweight, but it bothers me that many people are and I cannot help them). Besides the obvious, that is, processed food and fast food, the causes of obesity must be pretty much the same as the ones that cause cancer, "allergies," "autoimmune conditions," and other results of toxic exposure:
The level of sugar that you need in your system to be labelled a diabetic is far lower than it was in the 1950s. And the level that is needed now would probably qualify most of us at some stage of the day. Like back in 2014 or some such where the doc trying to convince me that a 7.5 reading was bad, real bad, jabbed herself and scored an 8. In the 1850s diabetes did not exist.
The killers did the same with blood pressure...
Any source, please, or would you be so kind as write an article about this? I don't steal ideas from anyone, and this is important...
There is a study group at Yale I think who have labelled Metformin as toxic. I don't have the time right now nor the inclination to write anything major. I am still trying to get my marriage and business back in order.
It would be interesting to compare people who were not vaccinated with heavy metals from infancy, who do not poison their water, food or air. Who do not have their homes full of all kinds of chemicals, cosmetics, chemical furniture, clothes, and do not take a handful of medications. Moreover, they are not exposed to continuous, different-frequency radiation... I can imagine that in the past, when people only had access to, for example, arsenic-containing groundwater, or food containing arsenic or other poisons, this exposure could even cause diabetes - I think diabetes can also occur in a dog - but recently it seems that this "disease" is spreading mostly in areas where but recently it seems that this "disease" is spreading mostly in areas where Rockefeller medicine is already popular...
My best friend growing up got diabetes at age 6 or 7. They were vegetarian and very simple diet at that. Later her neice became diabetic as a child too. They also are gluten intolerant ( celiac disease) I have been searching for a true understanding of this for years but haven't really found much. I have always thought that once they are given the medication it's game over, they are dependent afterwards but it's not like they can survive without it. Or is there another way...? I wonder if they were using those artificial sweeteners ?
The childhood "vaccinations" are missing from my article, and they are also suspect. As for artificial sweeteners, you'll have to ask them.
For "celiac disease," the timetable seems to be the same as the process I am describing in this article, but I say a few more things about it in
and in
In this one, I also write about the toxicity of flour:
GMO wheat became legal, so one can expect further "complications":
If my conjecturing holds water, theoretically, the conditional reflex could be turned around, but that would not be without life-threatening risks. It's better to talk a decent doctor about it, who will be hard to find, but decent doctors are usually reluctant to follow their mandated protocol and prescribe metformin right away. Sadly, nutritionists hardly ever divert from their protocol, which tends to be potentially harmful and not much good.
Part of the problem: everybody is an "expert". Enough is known about the functioning of the human body to be dangerous, yet, not enough is known to be able to cure. A design flaw from the Creator? Don't worry, Lause Scab and friends from WEF will keep you alive forever.
Thanks again for the straight forward and easy to understand insight Ray! 😃👍
the bottle cap message is subtly hilarious. Lots of candidates for driving up diabetes rates.
“Any “writer” who fails to distinguish between type 1 and type 2 diabetes in the first paragraph will be assigned additional homework,” says the guy with the insulin pump.
Obviously, my article makes a clear distinction between the two, but I suppose, you are talking about someone else.
Oh, and I'm sorry if there are people who cannot read AND understand a text after the first paragraph... Literacy is a diminishing property. :)
It's was a brilliant moment in time when some medically-tainted shrub began thinking he could get super rich promoting disease and providing the cures that only exacerbated those diseases. Thus more and more cures were needed and the viscous cycle became a merry-go-round where the patients could never jump off until they were dead.
Thus we have been inaugurated with the modern stone age medical mafia...proudly at your service for over 70 years. And the profits just keep rolling in.
indeed. a 'medically-tainted shrub', LOL
(NB: viscous = vicious...?)
... and the idea of communicable diseases takes the cake!
one with lots of sugar consider Stevia to be a dangerous sugar substitute? Should we just use sugar in our coffee? Honest question. Is sugar in small doses, fine? They lie about everything else. My grandmother used sugar in her coffee and lived to be 100.. She only died when a so called caregiver from hospice injected her with something.
"real" Stevia is a plant, aka candyleaf, sweetleaf or sugarleaf, widely grown for its leaves, from which extracts can be manufactured as sweetener products..." -
in the summer we use fresh crushed leaves to make a super-refreshing lemon tea. not sure though how 'poisonous' the stevia artificial sweetener is.
It's a concentrate, and there is a good chance that it's a synthetic "reproduction" of the natural one.
Sorry to hear about your grandma... During the plandemic, old people were disposable, and DNR ("Do Not Resuscitate") are still common, especially in hospitals in Britain.
Thank you for your question.
Last time I put sweetener in my coffee was 35 years ago, and couldn't stand the taste of any sweetener. My body has always been quite reactive to stuff that later turned out to be bad for human health. I cannot speak for other people.
Stevia is "zero calorie," so if my conjecturing stands, it's bad for human health and a risk for developing diabetes.
Caffeine is produced by plants as an insecticide. You should consider coffee and tea as additional toxins that your liver has to process to keep you functioning properly. And yes, Stevia is another toxic burden to the liver.
Coffee and tea are heavily sprayed with pesticides and are extremely toxic, unless they are organic (which is a label that has become harder and harder to trust; 100% USDA Organic is supposed to be better, but the list of ingredients don't have to be listed in organic products is proliferating). "Organic" milk, for one, often contains Calciferol, which is most likely toxic:
Moreover, fermented "organic" products often use GMO cultures for fermentation ("precision fermentation"). Just about everything is toxic in some ways, and (white?) flour has just been added to the list:
As for coffee, I don't think it's my morning coffee that's going to kill me, but drinking coffee all day is definitely an overkill, as most things are, when consumed without moderation.
If you do enough research on the topic of diabetes, you will find that this dis-ease started with the rollout of the electrical grid. It exponentially increased with the introduction of wireless telegraphy. And its been increasing every since. Diabetes, cancer, heart disease -- all of it -- began with the introduction of alternating current. It is increasing exponentially now as we continue to electrocute ourselves with the use of wireless devices, all of which are designed to destroy us. I encourage people to read the book "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg on this topic. Sadly, Firstenberg puts out alot of bullshit too, such as the ridiculous lie that radiation exposure increases life span. Utter nonsense. The type of radiation coming from all electrical devices, and especially wireless devices, is anti-life and causes rapid aging.
Yes, every time some type of electric expansion occurred, there was a "pandemic." I also listed radiation among the 13 major sources of modern illnesses in
Fistenberg's book is a classic, and I can highly recommend Roman's articles on the subject:
For that matter, there are people who claim to heal with radiation, and I have severe reservations as well. Sadly, bottom-feeders have always targeted the desperate:
Nothing, unless you add in changing your eating habits. This is for Typev 2's. Combination of medication, diet could reverse type 2 diabetes, study finds
A recent study suggests that type 2 diabetes can be reversed through a combination of calorie reduction, physical activity, and the diabetes drug dapagliflozin, offering new hope for patients.
I had to look up dapagliflozin.
Dapagliflozin is used together with proper diet and exercise to treat type 2 diabetes. It works in the kidneys to prevent absorption of glucose (blood sugar). This helps lower the blood sugar level. Dapagliflozin does not help patients who have insulin-dependent or type 1 diabetes.
I shop weekly and see people who wear the patches, and their carts are full of food that should be avoided as much as possible. My Hub, can consume all the carbs and sugar he wants, and even 15 lbs over weight he doesn't have a A1C issue. I've worked hard to eliminate 'bad' food. It shows a 40 lb weight loss, and Humslog has gone from 18/22 to 10/12. See the doc on the 19th for the A1C.
If it's on ANY news source on the MSM, I can take it only with a lot of caution, but I am in the lucky position of not having been exposed to the "news" for several decades.
Pushing another drug only increases my suspicions.
Good food has become just about impossible to find, but eating little might work for many people.
Exercise, on the other hand, has been weaponized (it seems to accelerate the impact of common types of poisoning, primarily of the "vaccines"):
Exercise does NOT do anything about weight loss in the long run, while the reasons for gaining weight have been occupying my mind for years (I am not overweight, but it bothers me that many people are and I cannot help them). Besides the obvious, that is, processed food and fast food, the causes of obesity must be pretty much the same as the ones that cause cancer, "allergies," "autoimmune conditions," and other results of toxic exposure:
Once the damage is done, the process often looks irreversible, and the remedies offered have always proved to do more harm than good.
Excellent information! Thank you.
Not sure about the information value, but I did what I could; it's up to everyone to make up their minds. :)
Had to add "NOT"... :)
IT'S ok....We guessed that was what you meant. Thanks for the great- as usuals - post.