Diabetes Might As Well Be an "Infection"!
What Has Been Causing the Astronomical Increase in Diabetes?
Here is what Aldous Huxley, the author of Brave New World. In 1932, as an eugenicist, in his dystopian novel, he meant to describe his Utopia, designed to meet generic human needs. Strangely, his idea might be at work these days:
He was an old-fashioned eugenicist, believing in “scientific” manipulation of the human race and in racial and individual superiority, that is, the “Superhuman” race:
Many of the memes, including this one, in this article come from Edwin’s excellent collection at https://edwin797.substack.com/p/barnhardt-meme-barage-f7c.
Common poisonings are uniformly labeled “infections.” American madical jargon even prefers using “infection” over “inflammation,” whereas they are not necessarily the same… And this time, I am not even including the horror of Psychiatry and all the invasive and harmful/useless “tests” (e.g. mammograms, colonoscopies, the development of “vaccines” and the like), because demonstrating the craziness and ineptitude (okay, just the “intent to harm”) to show how Madicine has been hurting people for over a hundred years (well, a lot longer, if you count in the predecessors of the Rockefellerian approach) doesn’t even need to go down those lanes.
As you must have divined during The Great Plandemic of 2020, epidemiology itself is based on false premises:
Sorry, the new 5G installations needed the psyop, in Wuhan first, and then in Northern Italy.. During the lockdowns, towers were erected at schools, too. By now, they are mostly moot in residential areas. Of course, the symptoms may have also been due to a number of other sources.
The diabetes “epidemic” is recent
“Sweet urine” and “wasting thirst” have been around for about 5,600 years (at least according to surviving records). Besides the slow destruction of the kidneys and the circulatory system, the condition remains explained with the pancreas running out of capacity for producing insulin. Obviously, quite a few toxins can produce the symptoms, which might be temporary, when left alone, unless it’s already inherited. Thanks to modern nutrition, at least one mechanism can be logically described.
In the beginning of the 20th century, physicians hypothesized that the islets secrete a substance (named “insulin”) that metabolises carbohydrates. The first to isolate the extract used, called insulin, was Nicolae Paulescu. In 1916, he succeeded in developing an aqueous pancreatic extract which, when injected into a diabetic dog, proved to have a normalizing effect on blood sugar levels.
Notice that a “diabetic dog” was the medium of this first discovery! I’ve always kept wondering if it was dogs eating human food or humans eating dog food. Moreover, who knows what has been changed in the study of history in order to serve later “science” and ideologies?
The most remarkable aspect, however, comes from the condition having reached epidemic proportions.
According to https://clindiabetesendo.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40842-016-0039-3,
In the year 2000, IDF estimated there were 151 million people with diabetes globally and predicted that by 2030, there would be 324 million people in the world with diabetes [3]. The World Health Organization (WHO) also estimated the global prevalence of diabetes in 2000 and 2030–171 million people with diabetes in 2000 and 366 million by 2030 [4]. They were terribly wrong, because by 2015 there were already 415 million people with diabetes, far above what was predicted in 2000 for 30 years later.
Potential causes
Searching for the causes of diabetes is obviously part of the general project of formulating a new medical paradigm that might finally work, at least to a certain extent. As you know, my initiative has been around for a couple of years and has just been updated:
My tentative explanation of the invented condition, “allergy,” properly parallels the process of the way modern diabetes most likely develops and can be inherited.
The body is exposed to some toxins it hasn’t encountered before and reacts to it.
The toxin, however, is embedded in some kind of other substance (hence, there are many types of “allergies”).
Once the exposure is repeated enough times, the “immune” response becomes automated, the person develops a conditional reflex, but not to the toxin; instead, it is the delivery substance that can elicit the same symptomatic reaction as the one it had at the time of the original toxic exposure.
The body has metabolic and immune-response memory, which makes the condition inheritable1.
One must keep in mind that Madicine often blames the patient, and “inherited conditions” surely take a load off the provider’s back… Not all birth defects are celebrated as such, but patients are often blamed for “inherited conditions” even when their illness is simply a result of the same toxic exposure as their parents’.
The pseudo-science still offers quite a spectacle, and I am sparing my readers from horrific photos...
The development of ulcers and autoimmune conditions can also follow the same timetable:
Of course, another invented illness, whose symptoms are absolutely real, “asthma,” can also originate from psychosomatic causes or radiation exposure. As I have noted in several articles before, nanotechnology, nanodust, quantum dots, hydrogels, Morgellons, and microplastics can also cause similar harm, along with a number of other sources.2
Not sure who Dr. Cole is, but at this point, he is saying what I’ve been saying, too, and the important part is that it must be said.
Modern Diabetes
Diabetes must have become more common after saccharin was discovered in 1897.3 The diabetes plandemic kicked off after 1965, when aspartame was invented, but all artificial sweeteners are to blame, along with processed food and highly-toxic diet. High-fructose corn syrup also seems to have been a major player. Still, over-treatment seems to take the lead among all causes.
In my understanding, the pancreas is tricked into NOT producing insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, enabling the body to deliver energy to cells in the form of sugar (glucose). While I am following this logic in this article, the question remains open: How come the body survives for quite a while without this “energy” being delivered to its cells? Again, something seems to be wrong in the popular logistics, but that part must be covered in another article, because this first step is more than enough to process in one sitting.
Artificial sweeteners are relatively well-known to mess up metabolism, and those who hope to lose weight by using them, tend to gain weight instead, and can suffer even worse consequences (e.g. just about all artificial sweeteners seem to be carcinogenic).
Artificial sweeteners send a signal to the brain that something sweet is consumed, which causes the pancreas to produce insulin. Somewhat later, the body realizes that there is no need for insulin, because no carbohydrate is present to be turned into glucose. After repeating the event several times, a conditional reflex can form: the body stops reacting to the “sugar” signal to the brain, and insulin production suffers and, eventually, stops. Metformin is prescribed, while the production still exists. While often marketed as a miracle drug that treats all kinds of “conditions,” including cancer, Metformin has carcinogenic properties, which occasionally even official sources admit, but the even more evil part is that after taking Metformin long enough, the body realizes that there is absolutely no need for producing insulin, so the victim (sorry, “patient”) becomes fully dependent on the sick-care system for insulin. The patient is carefully instructed to consume carbohydrates in quantities that are commensurate with the metformin/insulin dosage, so the body doesn’t even stand a chance to recover from the conditioning.
Madical conditioning, however, can be hilariously funny, too:
As you are probably well aware, both metabolism and immune reactions can be handed down through generations, which is often called “genetic memory.” That can easily mean that a child can be born with the condition, which explains “Type 1” diabetes.
In the meanwhile, many people cannot receive sufficient amount of instructions:
Considering the amount of synthetic materials in humans, it can be easily announced that most people are already mutants:
The following article also lists lanthanides and “triple DNA,” but I currently do not have an opinion of those: https://sam368.substack.com/p/the-triple-dna-and-the-salt-molecule. Moreover, I am always cautious, when blood is examined, because I’m quite convinced that the contamination found in the blood is virtually omnipresent, and “experts” often use a unidirectional argument in cases, when cause and effect is reciprocal from both ends (a “logic” that is ridiculously common in Madicine).
Well, these days, they are not fools anymore, just hired killers:
A brief history of artificial sweeteners:
If you do enough research on the topic of diabetes, you will find that this dis-ease started with the rollout of the electrical grid. It exponentially increased with the introduction of wireless telegraphy. And its been increasing every since. Diabetes, cancer, heart disease -- all of it -- began with the introduction of alternating current. It is increasing exponentially now as we continue to electrocute ourselves with the use of wireless devices, all of which are designed to destroy us. I encourage people to read the book "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg on this topic. Sadly, Firstenberg puts out alot of bullshit too, such as the ridiculous lie that radiation exposure increases life span. Utter nonsense. The type of radiation coming from all electrical devices, and especially wireless devices, is anti-life and causes rapid aging.
It's was a brilliant moment in time when some medically-tainted shrub began thinking he could get super rich promoting disease and providing the cures that only exacerbated those diseases. Thus more and more cures were needed and the viscous cycle became a merry-go-round where the patients could never jump off until they were dead.
Thus we have been inaugurated with the modern stone age medical mafia...proudly at your service for over 70 years. And the profits just keep rolling in.