This is fabulous and agree the answers are for manufactured debate & matter far less than the power leveraged with mythology.. Favorite of mine Jay Couey calls Scooby Doo w similar examples.. fun run through the mythology w Mike Yeadon - Steve Kirsch comments.


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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

“Only you can save yourself. That is your responsibility.”


And if you feel the urge to “save” someone else because the guy on TV told you to, please don’t. I guarantee the person on TV is lying to you. And the person relaying the message from the TV is also lying to you. Oh, and the person in the white coat is also lying to you. Oh, and the person in the suit is also lying to you.

Hmm, so maybe just confirm that the person you’re taking advice from actually has integrity or that the info the person is sharing is in fact true first. This is also called being responsible.

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Manipulation is a horrible dishonest act, and this narrative and all the psyops before it mean that what you and the public are being spoon fed is rubbish. Get used to being alone, because it's just a mental shift - you already are. Finding people of like-mind is as close as you will get. Wetiko is the great isolater, and the world is darkness on steroids right now. We are preparing to enter another "dark ages" despite the glimmer of technology, which has mostly been for the purpose of Madison Avenue pretense, and to get you to buy in to the plot.

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🎯 Exactly.

If there were a way to fight the corruption, upholding the constitution and making new, more strict laws would be the solution. If viruses exist we need laws which prevent anyone from controlling people with them. Debating whether this virus exists or was pandemic worthy isnt the issue its preserving human rights even if there existed an extremely lethal virus. The only way to get them to stop is knowing that no matter what happens they have NO CONTROL over us

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More strict laws hardly seem the answer, since we have plenty of them - it's a matter of enforcement and policy at a given time. I'm pretty certain that pandora's box is opened with the biowarfare, war complex - it's just that many of us have only awakened to what has been happening for decades and more. Even the UN is quietly designing away human rights, as governments bow to the idea because it gives them more power. You are right on the last line - by refusing to be controlled and manipulated, constantly playing their games, you let powers-that-be know that you will not comply. There is a cost to that stance, and to living truth instead of fears and lies.

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People are openly targeted now (think of Maui), and people are figuring it out. It's a good question what they are going to do once they realize they won't survive, if they comply, and especially if they comply.

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Great piece! Thank you ❤️

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Once people understand the simple truth that virology is blatant pseudoscience (which isn't at all difficult, because it's actually a simple topic), they can no longer be manipulated into harmful measures, whether coerced or voluntary. To say that it doesn't matter whether nor not these imaginary disease bombs exist, just blows my mind. If they do exist, it's reasonable to take some measures to protect one's self from them. The idea that they do exist perpetuates fear and causes people to look at themselves and others as potential disease vectors. Knowing that they don't exist cuts through all of the b.s. and eliminates the need for any discussion whatsoever over the potential usefulness of any and all measures. As long as people believe in them, they will waste time and resources developing useless fraudulent tests, analyzing trends, calculating meaningless statistics, trying to figure out just how bad "it" is and what to do about "it". Respectfully, I couldn't disagree more with this article.

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Virology is not needed to create the illusion of a "pandemic." Any type of areal poisoning, including turning up the 5G towers, can make people collapse in the streets.

The problem is that usurpers wield power over people's lives.

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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023

Once again, Christine Massey comes to the rescue of this kind of inane advice. "It doesn't matter." Yes, it does matter, Ray. Why? Because throwing our hands up and avoiding the upstream fraud is how the "truth" community has become the biggest gatekeeper to understanding how our body/mind complex operates. This "want to know"community in the main is stuck on the mezzanine level listening to toe-dippers like JJ Couey, Dr Ealy, Michael Yeadon, Mike Adams, Del Bigtree, Kevin McKernan, Malone, McCullough, Dr Stella, RFKJr, Alex Jones, Dr Tenpenny, and every other darling of the "freedom health" movement. I will add James Corbett, Whitney Webb and Derrick Broze who made a cameo appearance to laugh at the "no proof of existence of a virus" team.

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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023Author

You are misunderstanding my statement. Calling it inane adds to the cumulative effect. :)

Anyway, it only reveals your thinking, and I'm comfortable with that.

By the way, Christine is one of the last good authors; I'm glad you are reading her.

There is no "we." People are set up against each other, and there is no functional community, either, at least not the kind, where I would feel safe during food, water, and energy shortages that would last longer than a few days, possibly weeks.

The globalist game is played on a lot larger field than the fake dichotomy of virus/no virus:


Right. Onward.

My article on December 5, 2023, seems highly relevant to your epistemological premises:


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Who Is Right And Who Is Wrong?

Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Jul 21, 2022

It doesn't matter.

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For that matter, as a result of your comment, I briefly explained it to Christine why she is wrong. You were right; I made a mistake by ignoring it.

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No, it doesn't. Only your opinion does! The time of comprehension has passed. :)

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I absolutely agree with you here, Christine. There is no greater issue than the lies around germ theory & viruses right now. The entire "Rockefeller Medicine" medical paradigm hangs on the peudeo-scientific lies around disease causation & infectious illnesses, etc. Why doesn't Ray??

Several years ago I read Dr Suzanne Humphries' brilliant book, "Dissolving Illusions Disease, Vaccines, And The Forgotten History" ( 2013) Pdf - Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive - https://archive.org/details/SuzanneHumphriesMDDissolvingIllusionsDiseaseVaccinesAndTheForgottenHistory2013Pdf

This book further confirmed that the current allopathic medical system is totally BS & bankrupt.

To repeat your summary from above: "As long as people believe in them [the virus/germ theory/ vaccines lies etc], they [govt/farma] will waste time and resources developing useless fraudulent tests, analyzing trends, calculating meaningless statistics, trying to figure out just how bad "it" is and what to do about "it". Respectfully, I couldn't disagree more w/this article."

Amen Christine.

Busting all the peudoscientific lies around those issues clears the deck for an analysis of all of the actual disease causing toxins in our world & helps create a much better health paradigm.

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Thank you for your kind contribution. You are wonderful and you are definitely trying to disseminate as much of the truth as possible. Sadly, you and I are up against formidable opponents, whose arsenal is a lot more versatile; they can manipulate people with the truth, as the original tenet of Goebbels had it:


You are saying a lot of helpful and sensible things, but only those, who want to be helped can be helped. In my experience, the most powerful motivation for most people is what I call "running after my money." Those, who have invested a lot of time, effort, and money into something feel that they would go nuts if they ever admitted to that. Instead, they ARE going nuts and psychologists even devised a term for the phenomenon, "midlife crisis."

You and I are working against a brick wall. Only a select few can understand the problem and only a small fraction of them is willing/able to do anything about it.

The focus is on what's being done to humanity. It speaks for itself, whether someone believes in contagious "viruses" or not. I used to think that refuting Germ Theory would stop the worldwide takeover, but it's about a lot more than that.

Moreover, I don't think the problem is much about fear anymore; it's more about having been groomed to be compliant:


Of course, I also invite everyone to revamp the way illnesses are even considered:


Please, reconsider your first reaction. In fact, your response shows that you actually fully agree with me. It doesn't matter what people think: what matters is what they do.

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We certainly agree on some points, Ray. But I wholeheartedly disagree (obviously) with your claim that it doesn't matter whether or not viruses exist. People can only make optimal decisions when they have accurate information (unless their intuition guides them, but most people rely on what they think are facts). Our behaviour is highly influenced by our beliefs. And many people have already wised up in regards to virology, more and more every day. Surely you have noticed that there is far less resistance to the no-virus message in the last year or so? There has been a massive shift in the freedom community. And when "normies" catch on, they will be far, far less susceptible to other lies, far less compliant, because they will no longer have blind faith in "experts" and "authorities". And personally I do not like to see people utterly wasting their time and resources at jobs that are based on pure delusion (especially when we the people end up footing the bill, one way or another). Cheers.

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Christine, here is an update after 16 months have passed. Obviously, you will have more than nothing to add, but I still expect you and me to be on the same page.

Yes, the demise of Germ Theory would make a difference, if it was replaced by something that would actually work towards the recovery of patients. The current "madical" setup is rotten from training to execution. Here is an example with links to significant revelations:


People could make accurate decisions, if they had access to wholesome information, but it's part of human cognition that it only receives 10-15 parts of the jigsaw puzzle, it the processing is based on... no, not on beliefs, but on conditioning...

The virus-no virus debate is moot, because governments can always initiate a "state of emergency," as it happened during convid. States opposing the WHO, for one, is inconsequential:


Moreover, even if everyone knew, the enablers and the enforcers can easily overpower any resistance, and the people are powerless.

The rule taught at three-letter agencies, however applies: once they use force on someone, that person will never believe them again. The problem is that people are still divided, because many of them are still believing the lies. Moreover, it makes no difference what people think; they can be eliminated in a whisper that would be called, perhaps, another plandemic, an alien attack, or WW3 on TV and the Internet.

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And, this is not just about convid, it's about all of the jabs (dozens of them given to children, annual flu shots, etc) and other harmful measures, for all of the imaginary viruses.

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Most if not all of the narrative and all the actions of the actors/agents have apparently been given nearly 100% legal cover for their actions, from the Secretary for Health and Human Services all the way down. Worth adding to this post:

"...If a product is the subject of an authorization under this section, the use of such product within the scope of the authorization SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO CONSTITUTE A CLINICAL INVESTIGATION for purposes of section 355(i), 360b(j), or 360j(g) of this title or any other provision of this chapter or section 351 of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 262]." [21 USC 360bbb-3(k), emphasis mine]

So this means that along with the EUA authorizations, everything (e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g) presented to us about said products are not even required to be accurate. The SecHHS just have to be hopeful that the product in question MIGHT work as whatever it is stated to do. Covid tests, mock or even "real" trials, efficacy measurements, et al is just 100% theatrics.

https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/exposing-trickery (stopping conditions remastered)

edit: some other quotes from the excellent summary:

"2. There are NO government or private contracts for purchase of experimental products; there are only contracts for ‘large scale vaccine manufacturing demonstrations [prototypes]"

"8-9...Human beings receiving EUA products have NO informed consent rights to receive information about ingredients, risks, benefits, alternatives, or the option to accept or refuse the products...."

"19...Manufacturers, as contractors, are considered HHS employees for purposes of legal immunity under Federal Tort Claims Act."

"20...The Department of Defense is authorized to contract with pharmaceutical corporations to conduct ‘prototype’ experiments [demonstrations?] on the general public, and under such contracts, is exempt from legal obligation to comply with Good Clinical Practices or other FDA regulations."

"25. There cannot be clinical trial fraud, because there are NO clinical investigations, NO investigational drugs, NO investigators and NO human subjects."

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"no human subjects" because the gvt has the official definition that humans are animals. That was quite revealing to me about 10 years ago. Don't ask for the source. I've long since lost the source.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

This is so good what you are saying! Everyone is forever weighing pros and cons about it all ( as if there are truly “pros” to taking intentionally deadly injections) but the point you’re making transcends polarity with a higher truth. Who cares what it is? The point is what gives you the right to enforce it on the rest of us? What gives you the right to say what we take into our bloodstreams or cover our faces with?

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And what about all the people who want jabs, masks, sanitizers, etc, etc, etc, because they've been conned into believing in imaginary viruses? Do they not deserve the truth? Is it fine that massive amounts of resources are misdirected towards studying/tracking/protecting against imaginary things? And what "it" are you talking about? There is no "it", the tests are meaningless and fraudulent.

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Great blog! If I may, here are some music videos created in response to the medical tyranny we are facing now.

CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. There’s a new church in town!


POD PEOPLE BARBECUE. Following an alien invasion, humans are hatched in pods and turn into mask-wearing zombies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr5y3gndykM

Watch 1692 WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR on Youtube as the mainstream Covid narrative is compared to the Salem Witchcraft trials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qx8keLopGIM

The people graduate “with honors” at mass conformity SHEEPLE UNIVERSITY. Watch the hit music video on Youtube; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPt5jtIMqnQ&t=3s

TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG. “Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szPvXq8UXGU

All music videos can be found here on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvrDA-UtzN9zSEsaUJ5mvG-zfekakATKJ

Subscribe to Turfseer’s Newsletter. Songs, Music videos and more. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-virus-is-my-god

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.

Ronald Reagan

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How about Thomas Paine's idea?


Of course, I disagree with what you are saying, because ALL civilizations have always followed the same structure, which is only a reflection on human nature, and not a very good one. :)


As for RR, he also said that wealth would trickle down, but I can only sense piss over my face that some people might welcome as soothing rain. :)

Of course, there is no "we":


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Governments are a racket. They simply replace gangs.

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Yes, protection racket. Except that nowadays it is non-protection racket. We are not getting our money's worth.

Anagram of governments is 've strongmen' as in 'We strongmen'. Disarm the strongmen also known as 'don't feed the brute'. Government attacks those it should be serving by using a tax which those it atax (sic) pay to government.

Stop paying taxes and atax (sic) should stop. It will be an awful mess to clear up though.

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Apparently, the IRS, just like the Fed, is a private company, serving the Fed. :)

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Well, please, talk about "property rights" after the property tax is abolished. Until then, everything one can own is only leased from the government, and it can take your assets once you fall short with your property taxes by a single penny...

What do you think, "democracy" is? According to Aristotle, it's the most despicable form of government and it is certainly the least transparent one.

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Ownership itself is the pillar of all "civilizations." Only civilizations can support large populations. Laws usually center around ownership, not around the sanctity of life or "natural rights." Even Prairie Indians had to pay for their wives with horses. :)

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Totally on point. Thank you for re-emphasizing the most important and the most obvious. Monsters, oppressing people in order to save them, has not seemed and is not ok. Violation of body sovereignty is absolute violation.

The stupid submissive medical lites trained in their ‘safe and effective’ medical fascist model have been fully recruited for the globalists goals. Incredible. Way too easy. The ‘monster’ action role situated comfortably within the complicit medical establishment. Subplots are distraction.

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I’ve tried to steer clear of their narrative; but what stood out for me the most, was our subtle label change from enemy of the state to enemy of the people.

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That's definitely spectacular, but I missed it (never watched or listened the the MSM in my life, but I must have encountered the words in writing). Do you remember the time frames?

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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 18, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Well, I noticed when MSM wouldn’t cover the protests, like they didn’t exist, but they were all over alternative media. Seems like it started when mainstream sources started doing obligatory pieces about the protests; like “dangerous views,” and “most citizens don’t agree.” Remember when the maskers were ganging up on people for daring to show their face? It was right after MSM started telling them we were delusional and superspreaders.

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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 18, 2022Author

Protests don't get anyone anywhere, as the Canadian "truckers protest" demonstrated. Things would change, if the enforcers realized that they will not be spared, either.

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Some people notice protests, and it was a way for people to vent their anger and the narcissistic Justin 'I'm sooo beautiful' Trudeau.

Anyway, if it hadn't happened I couldn't have have fun writing this.


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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 18, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Petitions don’t either. Imagine sending one to the mafia’s mascot Nancy; or even worse, her nephew. I just remember the narrative seeming to change on a dime; from January 6th supporters (traitors) to crazy science deniers (murderers).

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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 18, 2022Author

Petitions are usually on sites run by controlled opposition and the signees simply submit their own details for further inquiries...

I still don't get it: Why are people still listening/watching the MSM? Are they masochists?

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

It’s a belief system. The ones who can’t let go are unable to choose anything that’s in opposition to their tribe.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Goodness I’m grateful for your articulations!! Dialectic busting 😎

Humans are at a turning point in ‘being’

Time for a new elementary idea, the old one being ‘the sacrifice’. The new one...transcending yet including the ol Greek reason and logic but freeing up knowledge from solid ends. Knowing is a continuous project, everything is open to inquiry- including inquiry methods!!!

Personally, at 63, the challenge is unlearning the deep indoctrinations of living in this old tail dragging society.

I’m no scholar, I’ve made my way as a metal smith, trading my time, and finished pieces for purchasing media directly from the peeps that enjoy them enough to play with me❤️

Found you Ray in Steve K. Comments section.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022Author

Look, Susan, as a child, I desperately wanted to belong. It took years to realize that searching for the truth is a solitary pastime.

Thinking cannot be "certified" or mandated. Although I have plenty of credentials, I never show them off, because we come to this world naked, and that's the way we are going to leave it. I accept that I am fallible and vulnerable, but don't give up on being authentic. That's what you are doing, too. None of us is a "scholar" as long as we don't submit to a fake authority that has been bought by moneyed interests, but all of us are the best scholars of our lives! :) (FYI, I started out as a metal worker and a factory worker after high school, became a 2nd-division soccer player and won the chess championship in blitz in a city of two million inhabitants, only to become a receiver of the highest academic awards (with no connections) and had the honor of being able to teach my students for 23 years.) Still, my happiest days were the ones in the factory, where I stood next to a cylinder-grinding machine and other stuff. Being "erudite" has been a constant struggle in a world that faked science and, in return, was awarded a living.

Sad as it is, it's unlikely that I'll ever be able to discard most of my primary conditioning and become completely independent (luckily, my mother was a wonderful person with a unique intellect), but the good news is that I never even made it through my secondary conditioning.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Good link! www.globalresearch.ca is a Russian-funded site, but it is good most of the time; I guess, they follow Goebbels' maxim that good propaganda is based on the truth. The zombies in the US have lost all capacity for critical thinking, anyway! :)

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Nah. It's about profit. Behavioral control is secured through other means.

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Nope, it is NOT about profit anymore. The monsters own everything and can get free money on the taxpayer's expense anytime. The more, the merrier, because destroying the USD is part of the plan towards the new CBDC.

Still, the perpetrators enjoy taunting their victims: having to pay for the rope they hang you with is one of their "jokes."

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

One thing is for certain amidst all this conjecturing. Our reality is about maximum suffering. Those most adept at helping to achieve maximum suffering are remunerated with money and power and prestige commensurate with their contribution.

Anyone here who is invested in this system, i.e. the various equity markets and bond markets, you are contributing to maximum suffering. Someone upstream mentioned an IRA. Seriously? If you're invested in a system that is designed for maximum suffering as some form of sacrifice to deity who demands it, then you are complicit. Divest now and atone.

Fyi, I'm a Masker by the way. Not because Fauci or any other glorified opportunistic yahoo says to mask, even though the CDC doesn't say to mask and has still not pronounced that COVFEFE-45 is spread by aerosol versus droplets, but because it makes total logical sense. If I'm in a crowd of people, I mask. Until this malevolence is vanquished, I will continue to mask.

On that note, I will not be taking any more vaccines for COVFEFE-45. The Western establishment is now treating this designer virus as endemic versus a pandemic and as such they consider it a more pernicious version of the flu and they want to vaccinate it like the flu. Considering the risks of vaccine harm, I'm done and will not oblige on that front but at least I'm doing it for the right reasons.

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There is only one right reason. Your own, of that of yours, health.

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Also, passive resistance may not be all that's needed. What would George Washington do?

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