Ray is rightly trying to figure this out, and he is honest that there are unanswered questions. I will add,

1. Don't take any pills with printed writing on them, esp black but I suspect any colors can have graphene in the coloring (there was a YT vid on such).

2. Don't take IVM if you have never had a PCR up the nose nor a shot. There is no SarcC2 virus to treat and I wouldn't take IVM for EMF sickness.

3. If you've had a shot, take NAC, it's only an amino acid that is part of glutathione (but the same warnings about graphene apply to specific formulations). To take or not take IVM is unclear to me. I'm leaning to worry more about the Trojan horse because of the medical flip-flopping as Ray says.

4. About the statement, " IVM blocks the venom from antagonizing ace2 nicotinic receptors. Stopping covid symptoms, ie venom poisoning effects."

-what "venom" is this about? There is no venom in the water or air because kids and animals aren't getting sick and you can't get sick from taking venom orally, it's a peptide and will just be digested. Does this mean in the shots? Does this mean just whatever is "toxic" in the shot? It's not defined.

-ace2 nicotinic receptors do not clearly exist (per Dr. Tom Cowan in a webinar). I have not done a deep dive.

-what are "covid symptoms" due to "venom" that is different from a cold/flu? What "venom" is this referring to exactly? This is not an operationally defined discussion.

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there are lots of folks taking ivm for lyme disease

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There is no germ causing Lyme disease, so they will get IVM disease


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You know, you smartasses, you should really roll in a patch of Canadian outback crawling with the little suckers before beaking off on something you haven’t experienced yourself. Right? That’s fairer than picking through literature and hypothesizing about people pretending sickness to seek attention. I’ve been there and done it. So let me tell you, you’re not really as smart as you think you are. Go ahead, dump a jar of them in your bed. You know there’s absolutely nothing that can harm you. Then go back to flapping ideas.

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I didn't say there was no illness from tic bites did I? I said there is no GERM causing Lyme (just to confirm you are a native English speaker?). Did you see the video I pasted? If you try to be polite you will learn more and get your point across better.

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Good video. It's been pretty clear to me for a while that Lyme is a cover-up for a mil-grade poisoning campaign...

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Mainstream talking (just last week) about lab leak Lyme, deer swimming from an island with a biolab on it.

We've tinkered in things best left alone.

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Dogs are now getting sick 🥲

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Most dog food is just as bad as human processed food, and the "vaccines" for dogs are not exactly merciful, either. Of course, there are trillions of other potential causes.

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Still, can't be due to venom in water, it's a peptide and will just be digested.

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Sorry, late comment but, as Duchess also commented below, i think what Chetty and Carlo Brogna discovered is quite significant, i transcribed it here:


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The PCR test doesn't test for a sars virus because a sars virus has never been found and the pcr (Drosten, Coreman) was made based on fabricated genomes from a fraudulent research study (mainly Fan Wu). There is no virus in stools because there is no virus anyplace. This story's internal logic is flawed. Did venom come from shots? Then everyone in the vax center would be getting dead quickly. This needs a different explanation or be labeled as mistaken or psy-op.

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The original function of the PCR "test" was to take DNA samples and that's exactly what it did, besides being toxic, painful, humiliating, and occasionally life-threatening, while poking within an inch from the fear center, turning people even more docile.

I haven't been buying the snake venom theory, either, but considering the versatile contents of the vials, some of them may have contained synthetic snake venom, too. Ultimately, it doesn't seem to make much difference, if any, apart from occupying people's attention, while the actual threat was and is about turning the subjects into remote-controlled cyborgs.

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Envenomation would make people collapse and hemorrhage in the vax center. Doesn't make sense for the planners to scare the people waiting on the slaughterhouse line.

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I can't see how that would make a difference, if the illusion of a new "pandemic" needs to be created and the culling is on, anyway.

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Mar 4
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There is no virus found at any point so there is no vaccination for animals even if they call it that, you'd still need to produce a paper finding an isolated purified and characterized virus which you have not.

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Mar 5
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You have written to us not us to you. You need references to back your claims. Here is the paper proving Sars-C-2 was a fraud,


so there is no Covid and no Vaccination.

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He and I have done the digging and published the results. Have you? Where are your results?

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Didn't know about the nose swab for animals...

The swab also contains carcinogens, is painful, humiliating, dangerous, and pokes within an inch to the fear center in the brain, turning the subjects even more docile...

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Mar 4
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Please produce a clinical analytic report of venom in a Covid shot, the formulation in a liposome etc., the stability and release curve of venom in such formulation, and a pre-clinical pharmacology tox study of envenomation in animals from covid shots. If you don't have any study reports to share then this is conjecture and some hypothetical story and you are making myself and the readers chase ideas that do not have any current study data reports.

I never said anything about the injectors, and seeing crystals on blood microscopy does not tell their make up. Please make my day.

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Go find Dr. Chetty's recent video about Covid...he calls them toxins...and they have found so far they resemble snake, snail and cone shell LIKE toxins. Something is kicking off bacteria in you

r gut and coming out your end....and when inculcated into non contaminated poop..is shownig venon like peptides..

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Hello, what is "them" referring to, something in shots, the air, his imagination? And did this guy purify and chemically analyze these peptides and how? Pls paste the method here, don't make us chase papers please and thanks.

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Don't have them. Just have Chetty's latest video. Maybe write to him?

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I understand you saw something and want answers, I can only say you will get more mileage from commenters if you paste links and info/data that we can see because there's so much going on it is impossible to chase every statement. Take care.

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I've pinned this.

As a matter of fact, I have no clue, either, but I left it there for further considerations. Categorizing receptors, however, can always be a mistake or a blatant lie. One usually doesn't exclude the other. :)

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Oh no...back in Spring of 2020, they noticed smokers in France got less Covid...and promptly took nicotine patches off the market...hold your doubts and go watch Dr. Chetty and some others...we were all told they were ACE2, but scientist are now saying ACE2 receptors are not in the lungs...its hard to know what or who to believe...so I try and keep an open mind (but no so open my brains fall out.)

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ACE2 is in the lungs - and in many other cells, too.

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Rumor is that the nicotine supported/blocked a receptor that was more in the base of the head near the neck that regulates breathing I believe. As the toxins that were released on the public and called Covid affected the receptors at the base of the head that regulated breathing, a form of bacterial pneumonia would develop. I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed that the 'covid' symptoms were so generic that they could be anything. So, supposedly smokers were less prone to the 'covid' pneumonia due to preventing the toxins from affecting the area that regulates breathing. Please don't ask for references. I didn't even think to save this info. I just read it and thought, "eh, I wonder if this is true..."

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May 17, 2023
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Oops, I missed it that my statement had more than one meanings.

Originally, I meant that a gel cap can be easily filled with hydrogel with graphene inside.

I'll have to find out about the minimum size of a unit that can still have the same structure and contents.

Capsules, on the other hand, are made of plastic, which is probably not a good idea to consume.

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May 17, 2023
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Oh, yes, they dissolve, but that doesn't mean the plastic vanishes in thin air...

I think, the person saying what you are referring to mean gel caps that contain IVM, and it is the alleged IVM that shows itself for what it is.

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May 17, 2023
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May 17, 2023
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Beware of the smell of "synthetic fragrance." I used to have a beer or two, but in the last year, even imports started to have this sweet taste and/or smell like fragrance. My last attempt of buying Czech and German beer (not Anhauser-Busch-owned) also failed, so no more beer for me. A glass of French, Spanish, or Argentinian red wine might still work after dinner on Sundays, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

Even the most innocuous-looking comestibles are now under suspicion:


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May 17, 2023
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It's strange you are mentioning that. Once the propaganda started parroting that "covid" patients experience a loss of smell, my olfactory sensation increased to heights I'd never visited before. My wife is now using me to test whether something is safe to consume. :)

Hand sanitizers proved to be toxic in many ways. As far as I can recall, about a hundred of them were listed as such.

Fruits and veggies are surely coated more often than not, and not with anything good.

Eating when I'm hungry is what I do, and it tends to happen once a day in the last 16 years. Eating VERY also little helps with detox and it doesn't confuse/mess up metabolism as easily as eating three or more times a day.

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Mar 4
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A receptor as a binding protein (can you show purification and pharmacology report of this purified protein?) is not the same as an effect of a substance which is measurable-but not necessarily due to a receptor, but this is not so important for us.

There is no such thing as covid (or long covid) as no virus has been found, do you have a paper finding a purified isolated object as a virus?

Since there is no virus there is no spike protein from a virus, and there is no mRNA-spike dose response curve for the shots. In addition



There are no venoms in the shots otherwise many people would be bleeding out immediately in the vax centers which didn't happen-then no one would take a shot. So clinically there is no venom and there is no chemical analytic report of venom in the shots.

-So I'm asking you to produce 4 research docs to prove your points, how about the most important: evidence of a particle as Sars virus, not a software fabricated genome, EM photo of mixed fluid of unknown provenance, or mixed cell culture. Make my day.

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Mar 4
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Covid is defined as a virus Sars-Cov-2, so you admit there is no virus nor covid then as there is no virus. If you mean people getting sick in 2020, show us a chem analytical and pharmacology report of such bioweapon and how it is was spread in the population. If only by covid shots, from 2021 then chemical and pharmacology report of such from vials. If you don't have these OF THE SHOTS IN 2021 or even now, not 15 years ago then it is conjecture. Still waiting for you to make my day.

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Mar 4
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The courts are not reliable sources of information; they are globalist outlets...

Moreover, the US is one of the few countries, where ideas can be patented, so a US patent means literally nothing.

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Mar 4
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Protein manipulation, yes. Spike protein, most likely no, because mRNA is a red herring:


Altered proteins have been used against the population for at least 70 years, but they are now on steroids:


The problem is that proteins can be manipulated in many ways, and live experiments have been going on forever, so not only the public is completely in the dark, but professionals are likely to stick to guessing, too.

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How can a lay person test gel capsules for graphene and hydrogel or any other toxins? Thanks for any advice.

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There is a major pharma product shortage in Australia. Hundreds of medicines are completely unavailable, or difficult to acquire - I can't help but to wonder if this is because these vital medicines (to many) are being reformulated to include GO and gawd knows what else.

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Your projection sounds logical and it reflects the diabolical nature of the enemy...

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So, I haven’t watched any of the linked videos but when you say a parasite living in symbioses with humans doesn’t make sense to me. By definition, parasites live off of an organism and do not offer any benefit in return correct?

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I can assure you that there are such parasites, and there are also parasites that match your definition.

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Thanks. His colon cancer is from the radioactive seeds they implanted years ago to treat his prostate cancer. He had survived surgery & chemo & maintenance chemo for it. But his recent pet scan shows new liver activity 🙁. The Drs are all chemo chemo chemo 🥳. It’s goulish.

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It is...

If I had prostate cancer (I might have it), I wouldn't have it treated. It takes 10-15 years to progress, and everyone has to die of something. At the beginning of the plandemic, the first thing I did was I made peace with my Maker.

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Yeah Ray, I kinda wish I had been thinking along these lines before I agreed to a biopsy. But then I wouldn't have it to write about. They say bad decisions make good stories ...


Thanks for all your work and best of luck!

~~ j ~~

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Help please 🙏. My dad going through chemo & I’ve been trying to get him to switch to Ivermectin. What are your thoughts on Ivermectin for colon cancer .. maybe now spread to liver 🤷‍♀️

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Sorry to hear about your dad. Chemo might not be the best idea (most MDs would allegedly turn it down for themselves or for family members), but he was "informed" and signed a "form of consent":


IBD and colon cancer have become extremely common (the second part of the article is relevant):


If the cause were known, it would be perhaps possible to treat such conditions, but to me, it all looks like an AI-generated attack involves several variables that also affect each other.

In response to your question, I wrote about it before. You'll find out that your guess is as good as mine:


If the causes are parasites, ivermectin might help, because that's what it's been made for, but nothing is what it seems these days:


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No one needs now nor ever needed Ivermectin for anything. Ivermectin is the Double Cross. The non-existent virus was the Cross. The false dichotomy invades most writing, conjecture and advice. Was it a "natural virus" or a "lab-created weaponized virus"? Neither are true but we keep arguing these two falsehoods.

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Indeed. And there is still the artificial "debate" about viruses, while the people are being murdered:


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Do you all find it highly suspicious that the FDA now says that oral decongestants are not effective and so manufacturers will probably be rolling out decongestant nasal sprays now.? What a great way to introduce hydrogel into the human body or whatever else they want to put there.

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The "flu shot" can also come in nasal sprays... So can the convid "vaccines."

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Exactly. For those who refuse to take those.

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Both my husband and I got side effects from taking IVM. It was prescribed to us during the Delta wave so double doses were being recommended so maybe that was why we got side effects. Our vision was affected. It’s hard to describe what our vision was like. But it did not last long and went away completely once we stopped taking it.

One of the substackers who is publishing his microscopy work saw hydrogel in ivermectin that listed titanium dioxide as an ingredient on the box. Check the ingredients on your box. It is very suspicious that all of a sudden it is okay to take IVM as per the FDA.

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IVM must be usually used as a one-time dose for parasites... For a 180 lbs person, it's about 150 mg. People somehow keep forgetting that ALL "medications" are poisons, too, and focus on what to take instead of what NOT to ingest (the latter includes whatever they put on their skin, because absorption is the same as if they ate it...

I believe, it was Matt's Microscopy (link is in the article) that published it, but Proton Magic is also great:


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IVM from Compounded pharmacy- gel cap form not good or ok?

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No to gel caps. All IVM should be in pill form

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It's probably a VERY bad idea to take IVM these days...

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Sorry, I have no idea, but the older the better.

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Very interesting, I have found ivermectin to very rapidly reduce COVID symptoms and massively improve blood oxygenation rates within 24 hours. It can have side-effects like damaging the eyes and causing encephalopathy if one abuses it and hammers it every day for months on end or even years.

Even zinc on its own in large amounts as some are taking it is highly lethal if it is not balanced with copper intake at the rate of an additional 1.2 mg copper per every 15 mig zinc intake over the first 15 mg, as copper is needed to produce elastin, which keeps veins elastic, and zinc is antagonistic to copper and vice versa and pushes copper out of the body, at least in excessive supplemental form as some type of artificial chelate, and thus one poultry farmer lost 95% of his turkey livestock in just 6 months after using large amounts of zinc on its own to boost growth rates, causing them to have burst blood vessels in the brain and ruptured heart vessels.

Too much zinc will do just the same to human beings. Though just for 5 days during COVID treatment, I do not supplement with additional copper so as to let the ivermectin do its best combined with the zinc, then after the 5 days I add more copper to my diet for a little while when after I stop taking the additional 200 mg zinc each day. Many COVID deaths are caused by sepsis and burst blood vessels resulting from that, so that is why one has to be very careful with copper and zinc at this time when cytokine storms produce that.

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Thanks Ray.

The immediate red red red flag. Forbidden. Now Permitted. END OF.

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Love the picture. Made me laugh.

I prefer the apple flavored horse paste...any hydrogel do you think?

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I appreciate your feedback. I cannot agree, though, that all these drs are "bad" just because they do not say there is no virus. I have heard them, and many others, refer to it as a "bioweapon."

(Yes, I knew of Carrie Madej's plane crash. I personally do not believe it was faked.)

Regardless of what you call it, I know my family had "something" when we all got sick at the same time. All of us had different symptoms. I personally had what all I can describe as "horrific pain in my bones." No matter what I did, and no matter how I sat/stood/lay, I couldn't shake the pain. I thought I would go out of my mind with the pain. I had extremely high fevers-my normal temp is 97.7. I had to force myself to get up and move, as I truly didn't have the strength to lift my head off my pillow. No flu or pneumonia ever did that to me in the past. 10 days like this before getting better, and no energy until day 14. Nobody had been in close contact with anyone else, so we were kind of at a loss how we got it. Nobody but one family member tested, as it was forced on that person. Of course it came back positive for "something."

I also have watched most all of Jonathan Otto's docuseries and live q&a sessions. Many drs, including Dr. Ardis, have been on there. Dr. Group and Dr. Ealy are also ones I have seen. Have they come out and said there is no virus? Not that I am aware of. But they are doing their best to help others get and stay healthy. I know several who have followed their protocols and have seen amazing results.

Honestly, instead of arguing and fighting with others who are at least aware of how bad these shots are, and that "something" is going on, we should be putting our energy where it really needs to be focused.

You must realize that it really all boils down to the globalists doing their best to destroy us-have complete control over everything, fully implement the New World Order, create their one world gov't, kill as many "useless eaters" as they can, and completely enslave anyone who is left.

Either we destroy them, or they destroy us while we fight and squabble about who is calling "something" what.

Oh, and I just saw this video (link below). Honestly, the whole idea made a ton of sense to me when the family got "something" without any rhyme or reason.


I hope we can agree to disagree on some things. I am just happy to be as awake and aware as I can be-and don't expect to know everything about everyone. As I do more research, like anyone, I expect my ideas and knowledge to expand.

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Anybody who subscribes to Germ Theory is a servant of a criminal system based on a fraudulent paradigm. It makes no difference if they mean well, are ignorant, or simply evil. The outcome is the same... Of course, this is only my opinion and you are most welcome to disagree, although there isn't much point in enlarging on it. My first successful article was exactly about the futility of such debates, because the central problem (which you can clearly see) makes them redundant. It looks like we agree on this, and this is the most important thing to agree on, because it already puts us on the same team:


Modern "Medicine" is a disaster:


"Medical" training and the structure of the system ensures "doctors" remain isolated and ignorant:


Diagnosing a condition from its symptoms constitutes fraud alone, because even the last medical-school dropout knows that the same symptoms can be due to various causes and, in an ideal world, should be treated accordingly.

Lots of people got sick during the plandemic. Being muzzled in toxic paper, being poisoned with fraudulent PCR tests, chemtrails, new 5G installations, and the injections escalated the situation, and there are plenty more elements to the puzzle:


If you have a LOT of time, please, consider giving a chance to my flagship article on what I believe makes people sick:


As you sound like a considerate and responsible thinker, I'm pretty sure you and I can agree on most things (as for the globalist plan, we are already on the same page), but you might want to take a look at my articles in this comment before we can further pursue this conversation.

It's also okay with me, if you and disagree, because my philosophy is that as long as a person takes responsibility for their decisions, they cannot blame others for them and they become a lot less susceptible to become brainwashed. Technically, you present your point of view and so do I, and we can leave up the rest to the reader's better judgment. :)

There are so many other things to discuss, but my time is limited.

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It is always good to hear anecdotal evidence from someone that survived taking IVM to help put that product into perspective. I know a few people that had no noticeable issues after taking IVM (short term use) when they thought they had "it". What is your take on Dr. Ana and EDTA IV therapy for blood filament clotting issues or Dr. Michael Roth (RIP) protocol using EDTA transdermal cream, https://www.inspiredhealthadvocate.com/dr-roth-s-covid-vaccine-protocol? Dr. Ana has microscopy before and after treatment pictures and patient testimony.

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anecdotal - My husband and I took a prophylactic dose of IV once a week over the winter of 2020-21. At age 40, my husband's blood tests suddenly showed a very low plateletts level. This went on almost 40 years, until the spring of 2021. His blood test that spring showed normal platelett levels. It was so shocking that iv seemed the only possibility. It has remained normal until now, even though he had stopped taking iv. I also remember that he had salmonella around the same time that he developed the low plateletts. The doctors did a bone marrow test and said the plateletts were being created, but later destroyed and they couldn't figure out why. Autoimmune? or parasites?

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For autoimmune, you might want to check out my conjecturing on potential causes:


There are lots of parasites in the body, living there in happy symbiosis, so problems develop only if one (or a few) upsets the balance.

According to OUTRAGED, "It is a zinc ionophore, which means it introduces zinc into the cell, which prevents oxidative stress. But zinc ionophores themselves prevent cell death, apoptosis and have antioxidant properties. This is why it works."

Antioxidants in their natural form is the only things I am positive are good. Everything else requires constant exploration.

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Ana is one of the last reliable ones. I keep asking her to check uninjected blood over and over, because something's telling me that soon, if not already, there won't be much difference between injected and uninjected blood. The delivery systems have become too versatile...

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She has and she has found unvaxxed blood to be full of the same "hydrogel" crap.

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I know what she found, but to my best knowledge, she made the comparison only twice in the last 30 months.

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So we might as well roll up our sleeve.

Joke's on us.

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Oh, dear. I wear short sleeves, even in the winter. :)

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I took it every week for a year after shedding problems, it gave me some peace of being proactive . I went to the women clinic for baseline tests in case of more issues later. I have a lot of other things going on, cirs, biotoxin mold illness and autoimmune issues. I got it from a compounding pharmacy in Florida.

I’ve never heard of the gel caps for ivermectin before today.

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As for gel caps, it was my first today, too, but they do exist.

So sorry to hear about all your problems... Have you found anything useful in my contemplation about autoimmune and other conditions in my comprehensive article on the subject?


I'm not saying I solved the problem, but I do believe that I am pointing in the right direction...

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