Ray .... crispr gene editing uses mrna as a vector ... ie to genetically modify any living being ...

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also 555ggg signal scrambler might be a good idea ??? but it could draw attention to users and get a dronne visit .... that happened with an Orgone " cloud buster" a black chopper appeared ,,, maybe orgone stuff could help .... comment anyone

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if ivermectin binds graphene that seems to me like a chelating agent that binds heavy metals and other things which is and has been shown to be good ... ... so is it good ???that graphene is bound meaning not to free to float around and do damage

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i tried it " for horses" 3 times just to see effect... i didnt see any side effects i thought i had a bit more energy ... of course my experience is subjective... just the facts look shows ... been in use in vetenery for long time no ill effects noted.... used in africa long time ,,,, used globally for long time ...etc ... therefore that is what is no ill efects ....

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I don't consider myself an expert on any of the technical sides of all this but I believe I have become an expert, over the years, regarding the mind games and manipulation that is always ongoing with THEM. I now believe it very likely that many of the narratives surrounding "Covid" and Ivermectin were scripted going all the way back to 2020 for some intended effect. Folks might remember our old friend Trump being at the center of all this melodrama as well as FOX News celebrities like Tucker Carlson and others? In my experience that is close to being all you need to know to spot scripted manipulation of any kind. That is the real world now. Everything is a manipulation of one kind or another that people like this have anything to do with. The only question remaining is what was the intended effect? Could it be they drew attention to Ivermectin by having the bad old "liberal media" attack it while Trump and people on the "right" defended it? This had the effect of having people who were never going to take the shots rushing out to acquire this drug and keep it on hand. Remember how easy it was to get and still is? There is a ready supply at every feed store in doses large enough to treat large farm animals. At the same time there were articles coming out in the "alt media" everyday implying Ivermectin was a wonder drug that could cure everything from Cancer to the Common Cold. See where I'm heading? Was the intention, all along, to lure gullible people on the right into taking Ivermectin for some reason? This is how my mind works now, knowing everything I know about THEM. Not much gets by.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Ray, please forgive my ignorance. It seems I don't quite grasp all this information, about IVM, graphene oxide, spike proteins, etc. What I know is:

I was right to refuse the jab. I knew masks and distancing never worked, and were part of the population manipulation. I know that at the beginning of the "pandemic", the controllers spent much effort condemning HCQ and IVM, even to the point of preventing doctors from prescribing HCQ, even though it had been used safely and effectively for decades. My own doctor could not, when I asked for it.

As a point of reference for this discussion -- I never wore a mask anywhere in all of 2020. I was not afraid of contracting anything. However, I did come down with the Shingles in the summer. That had an effect on my overall health, including my lungs. I was in very good health prior.

Then in Spring of 2021 I developed a very severe cough, unlike anything I had ever experienced, and chills. This was very soon after I was exposed to a bunch of recently vaxxed people. Finally saw my doctor, but I refused the "test". He scheduled an appointment with a pulmonologist for a month later. He couldn't prescribe oxygen or anything to help.

In the meantime I had to go to a local ER for extreme shortness of breath. Got oxygen. They wanted to do a lung X-ray, but said I needed to be "tested for covid". The ER doctor was a real asshole. I relented and they did the test, and it was negative, so I had the X-rays. The ER doc insisted I be hospitalized and sent to a larger hospital. I refused, and had to sign myself out.

Bottom line - I don't know what I had, or how I got it, or if it involved spike proteins. I am still dealing with symptoms.

Is the graphene oxide only a concern for vaxxed people? Thank you in advance for your response.

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My approach for years is to keep my immune system in top working order. I’ve no need for Ivermectin. No meds, no vax jabs, plenty of sunshine and exercise and I know the sources of almost all of my food. Local farmers I trust. Some organ meats almost daily. Also I avoid populated areas and live in the country. No 5G systems planned for my neck of the woods anytime soon. Even basic cell service is spotty. I try to limit my cellular usage to about 1 hr per day. So far so good. It’s all about the terrain (inside and out). We can’t escape this completely but we can try and mitigate the damage.

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Ray, a big ask. Can you please do a deep-dive into precisely what they are measuring in the water we drink and cook in and bath/wash in? The Agitprop is so omnipresent one has to remain cautious about the headlines and the stories within and yesterday I read that supposedly they think there's another Typhoid Mary living within or near Columbus, Ohio (a total psyop) who is excreting multiple "variants," and if not stopped will reduce the state of Ohio to Wyoming status......

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May 7, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Once again, if one thinks like the monsters…. This is not out of the question. Hugs Ray and friends

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May 7, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Contract Approved for TOXIC Graphene Oxide in UK Water Treatment


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So we are screwed no matter what it sounds like? There is nothing out there that will get this stuff out of us?

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May 7, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

IOW,  Prof Ray, 'we've won the battle, but lost the war'?!?

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Ask Santa for your faraday sleeping bag or maybe if you have to wait for twelve days a faraday tent Probably the needle posse already has a patent you make the most moolah playing all sides

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