When you consider what we have been through the last four years, I can understand some giddy feeling at a positive change. While I do not see Team Trump as saviors, they are doing some much needed change. Wait for a year look at what he prioritizes in the budgeting process, and at that point we willl know the real agenda. Always follow the money and not the thoughts of prognosticators is my motto.

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NIH Redacts Nearly 2,500 Pages of Records on Wireless Radiation Studies

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I know...

The same thing happened before, and nobody did anything about it...

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One click above Anarchy lies Voluntaryism. If V is implimented widely and timely by an aware public, there is no need to proceed to Dirct Democrasy.

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How about a unifying code?

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MSM and Redfield are SQUAWKING about the price of eggs, knowing nothing about the Fake Birdflu. And of course we need to mRNA JAB the chickens against Birdflu. People are horrified after learning the truth of FAKE WEAPONIZED COVID. Kids and pets jabs having it in them now.

And of course the average city dweller or non farm person hasn't any concept how long it takes to go from fertalized egg to a laying hen. 12-14 days to hatch depending on breed. 6-7 months to lay the first egg, ONE per day. Irregular at least the first month. Cold affects laying. Highest production years are 3, falls off after the first year. Big Producers are INHUMANE-MONSTERS. Biden was paying the producers to cull the entire flock eggs and all after they even 1 tested with the same FLU/COVID faulty test. Then you had those 100+ fires, mostly Chicken producers, the most in Iowa.

How far will 15 Tonne of eggs from Turkey which has No Fake B.Flu last? Not long. Mexcio has no Birdflu either. As they are still culling whole flocks/eggs. Till Trump wises up and listens to real farmers who raise chickens gets through to him or his AG girl what is going wrong, and explain it to the American Public. Brooke Rollins, who graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in agricultural development and earned her J.D. from the University of Texas. Has she ever set foot on a real farm run by small farmers? Well I guess she has Cattle Ranch experience so why is she giving bad advice? Not informing the public of facts. https://www.agriculture.com/get-to-know-brooke-rollins-nominee-for-agriculture-secretary-8751775

4-H involves all farm animals, most are sheep, goats, horses, hogs and young steers. Rabbits, and Chickens are not as well representive.

Emminate Domain is killing off small to mid size farms and ranches.



Sounds like she knows more about cattle and Business than chickens.


The Grotesque Bird Flu Scam and How to Actually Treat Colds and Flus


How the cruelty and mismanagement we are seeing with avian influenza is directly reflected within the practice of medicine

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bird flu? what bird flu?! it's official: Scotland has declared it "...does not have any scientific evidence of the imaginary virus that is being used as an excuse to terrorize farmers (including ostrich farmers at British Columbia, Canada) and cull their animals - because valid rigorous scientific experiments require a valid independent variable (the suspected cause of “bird flu” illness/symptoms, in an uncontaminated state)...." - https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com/p/scottish-government-confesses-to

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Chickens take approximately 21 days to hatch.

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The CDC is even going after milk:


For the bird flu, I think, I managed to recommend the ideal candidate for health:


MWD is a shill... Not sure about the rest, but based on your recommending him/her/it, the other sources might not pan out very well, either...

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Eggs are scarce where I live! And a dozen is as high as a good steak…probably $1.50 to $2.00 an egg! Even in the “cheaper” stores! Well if they can’t continue to vaxx us out…they’ll begin to starve us out…or infect…all our food with the mRNA! One way or the tauter…they plan to get rid of us…even if it’s their last “🙃”dying” effort! Ha ha! Trouble is we don’t die…we just move to another sphere…if we belong to the “King of Kings”…that is! When He “the Lord God” returns we according to Psalms 58:10 are going to dance in the blood of the wicked! “The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance…he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked!” That will be the day! Hope you’re ready? Only way…is to flee… into the arms of the Savior…Jesus Christ! Only He…offers and can give you…the gift of eternal life!

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Theocracy was left out . This type of ruling is goin on for thousands of years . That's what rules the world . Secretly of course . Maybe that's why it was not mentioned .

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Iran is theocracy, but it's rare. Anyway, it combines state power with the official ideology, whereas the two have been usually separated in most places. The last one in the US, "the American Dream," is as dead as a doornail, and the next one, "being an efficient part of the system" will not be most welcome, unless the masses are totally stupefied or drugged up (both are happening).

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Our entire global system has been unsustainable for a long time. Infinite growth, production, consumption and waste on a spherical planet inevitably must crash. There will be much suffering as humanity is culled, but perhaps on the other side our species will have finally learned that we cannot live a healthy, peaceful, fulfilled life if we don't heal the sickness within our hearts that makes us steal our children's future. It turns out indigenous cultures know a thing or two about living in alignment with nature. Will we transform our way of life in time to save ourselves? Not until we change how money and power work.

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There’ll be no change or peace until the “Prince of Peace “ returns! No indigenous culture alignment with nature is going to save the planet or us! Read the book of Revelation…things only get much worse till.. HE THE LORD GOD…returns! Humanity is evil to the core…and that includes all….they will continue to kill and destroy till the Bible says no flesh will survive unless He cuts the days short! Those who follow Christ will be the only survivors…to inhabit a cleansed…renewed…earth!

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Deport the illegal alien criminals, slap down the industry-controlled FDA/CDC, fire the government teat suckers, stop the steal of tax dollars is all a dog and pony show to instill trust in the enslavement (government). Meanwhile the Department of Offense continues their culling of the human race with exotic weaponry, poisoning the air and water, producing kill shot bioweapons and more. So, enjoy the show while your body is shutting down.

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Are those, otherwise legit immigrants, who refuse to accept the "vaccinations" REQUIRED for "naturalization" (aka. being admitted in the slave camp) illegal?

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It's time to indict, arrest and convict these criminals in both political parties as well as from these agencies, enough is enough already!!

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Which court system would take such cases, and who would enforce the verdict, if they happened to be fair?


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There will be the representatives of both political parties .

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Same thing I have seen. One big dog and pony show, designed to distract and make us mellow. What can be done about it now ?

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Hi Ray, I thought anarchy meant ''without master''? An/archy-''without masters, without rulers''. Ancient Greek if I recall?

''Without rulers'', wouldn't that be grand?

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Most Americans are born anarchists . I have heard many times they saying . " Nobody tells me what to do ! "

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Most Americans have one week off every year and once they retire, they cannot live on their social security payments. Even the SSI is only about $900 a month, and $175 or $185 is deducted from it, unless they can prove that they are paupers... Most moms cannot work, because they wouldn't make much more than what would pay for daycare, ensuring lasting penury... Four out of ten Americans don't have enough money to last for a month, if their income failed (the figure is exaggerated, because many work in the black economy). Most farmers have already lost their livelihood and the poor are forced into jobs that barely pays the bills, and they cannot even afford a car to restore from the junkyard, while public transportation is limited to a few urban areas, where taking the bus or a subway can be a dangerous enterprise.

I could go on...

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Please do go on.

The status quo cannot continue.

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spot on.

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Max, have you heard the proverb: "To rule over others is to have power, but to rule over oneself is to know the way"? If morals and ethics are no more than hollowed out words, clouds without rain, then what has meaningful meaning, when all can be transgressed? Although we are born into a life of servitude, those internal "checks and balances" teach us more about the way than those who think they are in control of their demons, when in reality their demons are controlling them. Those who choose the fear of the Lord,, choose to admit of external values that are not inherent in our own nature. Those who choose the vanity of evil, pride and arrogance also have their reward. The real law which operates in a boolean fashion (Thou Shalt) = Positive Law and (Thou Shalt Not) = Negative Law, Doesn't it stand to reason that the lawlessness of "Do as thou wilt" can only result in confusion, as there are no "check and balances" to the narcissist?

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That's how it will go, anarchy. Man governing himself. Like minded people. How else can a man be free? Anarchy means ''no rulers''. That is the etymology. Anarchy does not mean NO RULES.

Where do the morals and ethics come from? A morals standard has to be adhered to, yes?

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They can only come from God! He makes the rules! The 10 Commandments! And we break them all the time! We are lost and undone as a people without God as our Savior and Lord! Government can only do so much! We must come under the Lordship of Christ…and by His grace learn to govern ourselves!😊

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Correct, Max.

Australian Aborigines had twelve Laws that governed human behaviour, which meant that government of any kind was unnecessary. There were no chiefs, kings, or rulers.

For example, the Law of Garma meant that every man, woman, and child had a say in decision-making. The Law of Gurrutu regulated all human relationships, with every human on earth fulfilling a family role that linked seamlessly to actual blood relationships. All of these incorporate rules of reciprocity, obligations, and special responsibilities. Above this was (is, this continues) the law of Malk, which recognises that the entire universe operates on a balance/rebalance positive/negative basis, and so all other human and natural laws flow in conformity with this. The Chinese Yin/Yang concept emerged nine thousand years later but the Chinese were unable to incorporate this into human behaviour, whereas the Aboriginal recognition flowed seamlessly; regulating humanity, nature, and the spirit world.

Another law was Makarata, which could be invoked if violence threatened. It is preceded by three days of inaction and a ban on discussion, then a ceremonial resolution. This was a conflict avoidance mechanism, which is also echoed in modified form in Gurrutu. For example, the two most conflict-provoking family relationships are brother and sister, and mother-in-law and son-in-law. Under Gurrutu, from puberty age, brother and sister must maintain very respectful distances, including a ban on occupying the same proximity, and this is even stricter with Mother-in-law and son-in-law, who cannot face each other, say each other's name, or speak to each other. However, the son-law-must offer regular presents and gifts.

This is a micro-cameo view of what would take a large volume to cover. But it does explain how democracy and anarchy can actually work. In contemporary democracy (none exist) a multi-choice referendum can enable every citizen to engage in decision-making at national, regional, local, or neighbourhood level, and at whatever minimal or optimum degree he or she wishes.

Where people in the West have been blindsided is with "representation". Representation is not democracy. Lincoln nailed it with "Government of the people, by the people and for the people". Paine did also with "The people are the source of all authority". How do we get to this state from the totalitarianism now entering full swing? There is only one way: Kill the elite. But the Zionists have already brainwashed the middle class to not resist, using their ultimate weapons of Ghandi and King; validated by Hollywood. My guess is that America is dead but just don't know it yet. I suspect the Sahel Nations retain the humanity to achieve this result by forming a southern alliance of Africa/South Asia-Pacific/Latin America (ASAPLA?). Traore and Goitre have the metal, and Swazi of Ghana made a speech a month ago that history may well say sparked the transformation of Earth.

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That would be well worth an article you could publish!

Other than that, self-rule can exist only in small communities (probably maxed out at 300), and "government" that works for the people could only work from the low ends...

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same goes for democracy: it might work in small communities, which is how things were when it originally developed (pre-modern Greece).

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Nothing works without a God centered life! We are all sinful human beings! We need the power of God through the Holy Spirit to live a Christ like life!…He was and is the only perfect human/God man that ever lived! He never sinned! We do everyday! It’s Him we need to live in harmony with one another!

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When you asked about a moral standard has to be adhered to, or the question of Where do morals come from, both answers are both a matter of revealed knowledge and intrinsic knowledge. Although we all intrinsically know that stealing, killing, lying and murdering is wrong, the reality is that people give their assent to others who do these things (whether willingly or unwittingly) that seems to be the crux of the confusion. In this biological, corporeal world, there are those who "just want to be left alone" and "those who cannot leave others alone ". It sometimes seems that the only "common thread" that all people share is we have 24 hours in a day. At least until that is also "re-defined". It is the separation of text from it's historical value, to be "modified" according to the whims of the group thinkers in any contemporary environment that obscures the common interest of those who just want to be left to their own devices. Who do you believe should "Set the Standard"? The creator or the creature? One is eternal, the other is just passing through.

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Perfect, revealed and intrinsic knowledge. The road to anarchy. That, and making the right choice.

That's fine. Let the source of all creation set the standard.

What is the standard that determines whether an act is morally right or wrong?

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One your last question, it is really a matter of distinguishing (divining, discerning) what are the differences between "Objective" opinions and Subjective Opinions" Because the Creator has made "Love" which is something that can only be felt like a spirit will not abuse it's creator or the creation. But as we all witness, there are many "invisible" operations within any given society. I observed the tribal warfare in Africa after visiting for almost three months. Men who only love themselves want to bring everyone who doesn't share their views push for subjecting their fellow creatures to their own whims of morality in the subjective manner.

Men who understand that old Smiley Blanton's (Poor Man's College) Quote: "Life is all one piece, men error when they believe that they can be loving husbands and fathers at home and inhuman exploiters in their business life. The are the tight-lipped murderers of human happiness everywhere"

If I were to assert that God is alive, and wants what works for any "civilized" community, it always revolves on the individual commitment to whether they agree that God's standards are correct for them personally. Jesus being Lord of all, girted himself with a towel and washed the disciples feet as an example of love for one another. It has been another of my adopted principles that "The best way for me to forget about my own problems, is to help others with their problems".

Although I am isolated, I know I cannot be an island in a vast world where we are all interdependent on others towing the line of allowing me the right to live by abstaining from their "right" to kill me. There was another recently acquired proverb I considered. "War does not determine who is right, War only determines who is left". Those spirits without love default to being warmongers.

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Thank you for your independent thinking, which usually receives a "Like" from me, even if I disagree on some entries. Of course, it would be a miracle, if two thinking human being could agree on everything!

In the army (and the people of the US and western countries are in war), "collateral damage" is fully acceptable by the game-masters (who definitely want to evade one-time detection and have been doing a darn good job at that, because they own/control just about everything that matters).

Morals either come from a well-meaning Creator, or humans are all done.

Killing in self-defense is fine even by a few "legal authorities."

People who are not willing or are unable to make their own decisions, usually leave it to "authorities" that don't care for them. These people think that if things don't pan out, they'll be able to blame the "authorities," but once they are dead, the dead won't be able to blame anyone, and their deaths will be assigned to a pretty-much unlimited number or "causes," most likely as a result of their own decisions (as in "uninjected".

The Creator leaves the decisions to the human, who is born with the desire to do it in their own (as the Garden of Eden story suggests). He will not intervene with human stupidity, which has been patently obvious in history.

And pretty please, there is no "we" with any power. The term is used to further dividing the people:


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"Of course, it would be a miracle, if two thinking human beings could agree on everything!"... or so we are told.

But in 1985, I conducted a study that proved otherwise. What was established is that if people have access to all extant information on the issue of current concern, and "if they live within stone's throw of each other", their personal behaviour will change and through discussion, will accommodate the consensus view; which we measured at 97%. This experiment was oversighted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and their sociologists were left speechless, later saying we proved the entire basis of social sciences to be invalid.

Naturally, the elite were not happy with this result. It is critical that we believe we can never agree and that consensus is impossible to achieve. We are now so brainwashed we cannot even see that a 49%/51% voting result is empirical evidence of total division, a position from which conflict is unavoidable. Instead we nod wisely and say "majority rule; therefore democracy triumphs". Meanwhile, every kid knows that whenever two people agree on something they smile. They cannot help it. We are hardwired to smile because we are social animals.

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Having both been in the Army, and having defended myself many times against would be usurpers, I know how easy it is to snuff a life to a man that has a mind to do so. What I hadn't considered in my youth was the depths of deception that the devil would employ.

I didn't learn about "Hamlet' or his break up with Ophelia until many years later, as the love of a young maid can indeed make wise men into monsters, or rather jealousy does not abide the folly of the covetous. The euphemisms of "Collateral Damage, Friendly Fire, and other "Real Estate Transactions (Wealth Transfers) are trotted out every time the conspirators feel that their own "turf' is threatened. There eventually came a reprieve from my warring activities, that gave me pause for thought. Because in this world, the war seems to be perpetual from generation to generation, it begs the question of "How many of my neighbors do I have to kill to "Live in Peace"? Knowing that if I belong to myself, (Kill them all and let God sort them out) or whether I belong to God, and if my judgments are fallible, (as individuals are well aware) or infallible (as the collectivist statist insist they are). Because I believe that God, even Jesus Christ holds allodial title over the earth and all that dwell therein, I would rather be a martyr for the Gospel Truth then continue to be a man condemned to pushing a rock up a hill forever that I will never be able to vanquish with carnal weapons. I admittedly do not possess the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, but then, I do not need to change the world, I just need to remember why mercy is the better part of judgment.

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My next-door neighbor has four young children and considerable experience with firearms. Do you think I can trust him, when his children start to starve?... For whites and compatible cultures, it's late; only Christianity might offer some refuge, but all groups will be infiltrated.


Finding a shared ideology will be even harder:


As I said, anarchy just follows the usual timetable for all human civilizations. Plenty of rules out there, but the only one that contradicts with the globalists' technocratic ideas is that personal possessions will not exist (in this sense, this is pure "communism," but these monsters are a lot worse).

As morality and beauty will be wiped out (they cannot be controlled in a system that is based on "efficiency"), it's a good question if any organic humans will survive the next five years.

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Anything abrupt, drastic or violent, like Leave the World Behind on netflix previewed, would ultimately be good. But they won't do that, because that would wake sleepyheads up to a common enemy (which is precisely why it would be good). They want people nice and comfy.

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Words of wisdom.

There isn't much how far one can stretch:


One must not obey unjust laws, but the jury system has been severely harmed for quite a while. Since 9/11, it has become irrelevant, anyway (and jury selection was a work of art even before that):


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Hi Ray, the whole system is set up for corruption.

‘’Police are inevitably corrupted……... Police always observe that criminals prosper. It takes a pretty dull policeman to miss the fact that the position of authority is the most prosperous criminal position available.’’

Police, politicians, judges, doctors............ One only has to watch some traffic stop videos to see the corruption. Weaponizing cops and DA's against people. The great justice system revenuers. Government over people has to go.

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Thank you, Max, for the question.

"Anarchy" on its own seems to have many definitions. In my understanding, it's groups/tribes competing for power.

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Absolutely wrong. In fact, the total opposite. Anarchy is the absence of power... as in zero unilateralism. Put more simply... "do what you like as long as you do not harm anybody else". The caveat is that the community decides what is harm and what is not because individuals are reluctant to acknowledge their own injury to others. Frankly, the only difference I can perceive between anarchy and democracy is anarchy has minimal structure and democracy has clearly-defined structure so that it can be applied regardless of geography or population size.

I have an advantage here. I have lived for decades in tribal cultures where democracy is saturation, and I have studied the subject since 1975.

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another element in anarchy is being responsible for one's own choice and accepting all consequences, including a strong moral dimension (natural law).

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"The Freemasons should control all men of every class, nation and religion, dominating them without obvious compulsion; uniting them through a strong bond; inspiring them with enthusiasm to spread common ideas; and with utmost secrecy and energy, direct them toward this singular objective throughout the world."

Adam Weishaupt, Munich 1765.

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That's standard script, and the Masons are not alone with it.

How about


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Well said!

And you gave me the thought that they could also offer UBI in the form of CBDC and so many people would sign up...

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That's Britain... Same game, different nomenclature and timetable...

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“which will put a lid on the tiny crate of what has been left of personal freedom, and Trumpeteers will be jubilant!”👏

Yep, already seeing this. No problem with Musk doing what he is doing, all our personal data is out there. Geez when I was told that I saw how many in the Trump Trance will drag all down the digital serfdom road and never see what is up.

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And the morons, who amount to about 70 percent of the population (a conservative and optimistic estimate based on my academic experience) are falling for it...

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Things have been getting rapidly worse since 2001. Since then, I haven't seen any improvements. The cost of living has increased exponentially (while the health of most of us has gone in the opposite direction) along with the lining of those in powers' pockets.

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That's on the timetable...

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The next 1-4 years will tell the story. No matter what happens, I still think we are headed for a full blown disruption of government verses citizen in 2032-35. That's assuming we all haven't been murdered before then.

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The timetable is clear. The only question is who can last longer. :)

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