I don't use any AI apps ( the replies I have seen look like Wikipedia articles which feel about as controlled and corrupt as Google searches) but I would like to have an assessment of the timing and physics of the Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption. Considerable greenhouse gas (H20 vapour) was ejected into the planetary atmosphere.

Note that the vocabulary of "atmospheric rivers" has flourished with the "Climate Catastrophe"(TM). We get three days of an inch or so of rain here in coastal BC over Christmas. Before the crisis this was described and experienced as the "Pineapple Express" and still washed out the skiing.

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Hunga Tonga looked like it was blown up by HAARP, but it's impossible to provide conclusive evidence. According so some sources, even Chernobyl may not have been a "mistake." The Fukushima tsunami is also suspect, like the earthquake in Turkey and who knows what else... Catastrophic weather (droughts, deluges, tornadoes, etc.) also often look like direct results of weather manipulation.

B. C. also had the landslides that seemed to be caused by explosives and wildfires caused by microwave weapons...

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Substack won't Restack FYI

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Beg your pardon? So, the icon is there, but there is no restack? That kind of reminds me of only about one third of my readers receiving notifications about my posts and sometimes they cannot comment or "Like."

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No one ever talks about how the sun has changed. When i was a child, in the late ‘70’s, early ‘80’s the sun looked yellow. Sometime between now an then, it now is very bright, very white, and appears to put off higher amounts of uv radiation. The only thing that makes sense to me at this point, is their shielding the planet from something they cannot control, which is the sun. Just a loosely based conclusion on what small amount of info I have to go on.

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Those solar cycles have been tracked.

The documentary "The Dimming" from <geoengineeringwatch.org> shows some of the "remedial" effects.

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And that's why they're writing off people, animals, and plants, because they want to save the planet?

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They sprayed the sky over Hungary all year round, and a lot of precipitation fell. They needed the cloud because the headquarters of the NATO operational command is here, from where they direct the genocide in Ukraine... Planes came and went all year round, carrying military equipment and supplies... They covered all the countries mentioned with this... You could see the targeting by the HAAPR several times...

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That's important information. I only wish Hungarians were able to realize it.

The democide in Ukraine is weird, because it's mostly native Poles and Hungarians being butchered, while "life keeps going on."

HAARP, most likely, even targeted Turkey, which is not one of my favorite countries, but based on the way they treat Jews and Christians ("allowed" to live as long as they pay the "taxes," but have extremely limited spaces), I guess it might be better than Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, of Pakistan:


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I think Turkey might be the most livable place in the Muslim world. Syria was under the Assads, which is now over. And Libya under Gaddafi.

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Due to my interaction with a few Turks, they are never going to be my best friends, or at least, not most of them. I may have met with the wrong ones. :)

Gaddafi was slaughtered, because he wanted a gold-based currency in Africa...

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Well, I wouldn't want to live in Turkey either, I'm just saying that maybe life there might be better than where there is Sharia law. Gaddafi was really killed for that, and he even wanted Libya's gold back. And the bankers have already stolen it... But they said a long time ago that "the USA has no friends, only interests"...

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... and Hungarian history copiously demonstrates that Muslims are not to be trusted. In fact, when they "owned" a third of historic Hungary (which is pretty much the size it is now), they dragged everyone into slavery. Killing them would not have been all that lucrative...

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That too, but they killed a lot of our people. The Turks were constantly raiding and killing the peasants. The lords just ate and watched...

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Gaddafi was an agent of the West, an actor playing a part, like all world "leaders". His "slaughter" is most likely faked.

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The USA - but especially the "masters" of the world - do not spare their own citizens, so why would they bother with an Arab leader who they used while he was useful to them, then threw away when he was no longer useful...

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This paper is mostly about a BBC documentary called Hypernormalisation, but Gaddafi is discussed beginning on p.5.


tldr: They do indeed kill a lot of people, mostly unimportant cattle. But they also pretend to kill a lot of important people, such as Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, JFK, MLK. And countless celebrities have faked their deaths when they tired of being in the spotlight..

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With HAARP, they even started forest fires in Russia, Greece, and several other European countries, when - at that time - they also did it in your country and in some countries of the South American continent. It was just because of "politics" that they caught some completely innocent people and accused them of starting fires. On millions of hectares!!! Of course, the authorities knew what it was about, but they kept quiet about it and chose meanness.

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Today, it looks like Malibu is coming up in the cleanup of valuable real estate...

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Ray. You are always over the target. As the wonderful Lyndon B Johnson said in his graduation address to the Southwest Texas State University class of 1962, “He who controls the weather controls the world”. https://texasarchive.org/2010_00003

We didn’t understand what he was talking about back then, but now we are able to see how fires, hurricanes, the chemical manipulation of the atmosphere and other natural disasters are now a days being used to control the weather to accomplish the nefarious goals of the global elites. Such as depopulation and the exploiting and hoarding of nobel metals and rare earth minerals.

More on Johnson’s quest to control the weather (to control the world): https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/people/president/lyndon-b-johnson

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It's terrible that they can do anything and they're doing it in increasingly vile ways! Plus, they can always find people to do the "work"!

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Also, I recently found out they seem to have a HAARP station in Peru, if one can believe a video I ran into. I wish I could post a link here but I only have the mp4 of it.

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At this point, I more interested in the logistics and "the science." Can anyone provide those?

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They're called Tesla Towers, and we know what happened to the documentation of his inventions! Interestingly, the FBI arrived at his hotel before they discovered his death.

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Here is one such accused fellow, this one in Central California, poor dear Ed Wackerman:


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Thank you. The use of small devices ("Directed Energy Weapons") that look like portable radars is also an option.

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Based on the evidence, they used it to set the fire.

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According to Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch, the atmosphere is so completely polluted with crap TPTB have been spraying for decades, there is no longer any "natural" weather. It's all directed now and must be constantly adjusted by artificial means to maintain any semblance of normalcy.

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I only wish it was "only" the atmosphere. My story from August, 2023 (when I "nearly"? died), suggests that everyone, including me, were already defenseless:


In the last year, I've been imploring my readers to read the 13 major sources of mass elimination, to no avail:


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To no avail? We, your readers, are reading what you write, or? And I find what you say is spot-on. Do you mean it is of no avail to the masses who aren't getting it?

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Everything is contaminated. Food, water, air, pharmaceuticals, clothing, furniture, carpeting, the airwaves, the soil.

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The only things I can't stand more are the bottom-feeders and the miracle meds. Everything seems to exist by design:


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Ray here is the HAARP schedule - if you find out there is some HAARP actually used outside of this schedule, please let me know... all the data sources we've been using has NOT been able to detect HAARP so we need more eyes to literally catch things in the moment!


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I think this is also available in English online, and there are other articles about it. On meteorological radar images, you can sometimes see the signal of an energy wave bouncing off the ionosphere.

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Definitely after Aleppo aren't they! Thanks I'll take a look at your shares.

I saw a video - a whistle blower from Antarctica about the cause of the Syrian Earthquake with the equipment they have there - may have been an Eric Hecker interview... but??? https://youtu.be/baE6lZBDJ-k?si=bdxyXiJL9TOPcqHA

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HAARP systems are in several countries, not all weather and other manipulations start from Alaska. Since all governments are committed to the WEF plan and are implementing these instructions, I am sure that they are working together on the "climate change" story. Like in the "covid" genocide. In this plan, 95% of humanity is listed as dead. One of the links also contains the coordinates of the HAARP antennas.

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Yes but ... there are Weather Modification Regulations in each country - the post of the HAARP schedule is worldwide, anything 'caught' doing so outside of that is really f'ing with humanity and also is nowhere near being detectable by all the instruments we use to capture and find these usages... so either it is happening below the radar completely so to speak, or it's not happening... truly we need more active and knowledgeable moderators and recorders.

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Yes, it's not disputed that the radar doesn't "see" everything, and the satellite data is probably cropped. Sometimes the anomalies were visible on them. There is a 2006 video on YT where a Pentagon officer confesses to the military use of weather modification. Of course, he did not admit that it was used in his own country, against his own people. In addition, other energy weapons are already being used, for example on Maui, or in the "forest fire" shown in the link above... By the way, any use of such "weather modification" is against humanity...

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Here you go - make an account and sign up for James Franklin Lee Jr


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Jim Lee is going after this through Del Bigtree's ICAN and he is aiming high to become a MAHA Environmental & Natural Resources advocate - please vote for him, and share (don't have to be a US citizen I've voted from Canada). But he's live tonight at 6pm Pacific Time about this: https://open.substack.com/pub/climateviewer/p/geoengineering-early-warning-system?r=1b895l&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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That's wonderful of you. However, when something is as public as this is, I'm having my doubts, just like I did regarding adrenochrome:


Also, hiring chemtail "pilots" would deserve more attention than whatever I could ever devote to it:


Eyes it is, as before:


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At the beginning of the Ukrainian-Russian war, Putin himself said that some shipments of adrenochrome were stopped, which caused great indignation among the "elite"... 3,000 Ukrainian children were "evacuated" from Ukraine - by some organization - to Europe. and disappeared after 3 days. Supposedly, no one knows where they went... There were reports of Russian soldiers occupying a Ukrainian hospital, who caught the "doctors" who were dismembering the still living children. And this news did not come from propaganda sites...

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ok please fill me in on adrenochrome

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Dec 11Edited

Ray, do you really think these people are using synthetic poisons? How they ingest dozens of "vitamins" - never isolated, like viruses -, various synthetic "medicines", etc.? Do you think they also believe in the "science" they teach the plebs? What the Agent discovered, they already knew! I understand that a decent person has a limit to what he can still imagine as evil - that's why they were able to fool 70% of the world with the "covid" lie and inoculate them with chemical weapons - but those who once recognized evil, do not stick to their limits... And that does not make them stupid or tabloid fans... One more question, what do you think is the character of those people - which can be character assassination - who have done and are doing all that they have done to humanity? You also write about some of them in your articles! And we know that their goal is...

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Agent actually followed up on my article on Ensure:


Still he is a LOT more detailed and has my full respect. I usually complement his articles and place them into a global perspective in order to make sure my readers can prevent their thinking from being compartmentalized. Agent is smarter than I am in a way, because he also manages to capture tabloid readers, which I've never thought about doing (I could start another stack and make money, but I prefer to preserve my integrity, assuming I have any...).

MSDS is nothing new (but my wife told me about it, because she has a degree in Chemistry), and it's a tool for everyone:


Still, Agent's innovation is to go after the sources, which is absolutely ingenious!

In a way, I am also an elitist (don't care for the company of those who mistake my well-meaning for weakness/stupidity or the once who try to coerce me to cooperate with Evil), but I would refrain from sterilizing or killing the 70 percent that already Aristotle deemed to be deserving of slavery, because they would never put up a fight for their freedom. I prefer to die as a free human being before being turned into a drone/slave:


As for "those people," I have written about the "enablers and the enforcers" a lot (search for the phrase under my "Archive on my main page). Some of them are brainwashed and are "only" useful idiots, others are paid off or intimidated (MWD and Mercola come to mind), while others are unable to change course, because they would lose even the little sanity they have left...

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Right you did, your picture above it lead me astray - got lost in the letting go piece :)

Gawd awful stuff and wow ugly.

Always suspected Fulford - had the creepies on him... "White Dragon Society"???

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Ray, this is only known to a few people! 97% of humanity doesn't even know about it! And if you tell them, they won't believe it!

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Nothing is as simple as it seems.

I'm researching with a meteorologist and climate watchers we go onto the measurable data tracking sights to try to authenticate information in real time. It is not possible to prove with this data access that things are what many are claiming and is falsified as such. Things like steering hurricanes, etc

Yes for all intents and purposes, the anthropogenic cause for GHG is there, however, it is very hard to prove wtfrick is going on even live...so the stories that are created are the DW's conspiracies that drive the people crazy.

My point being... once I started to dive in more, a lot of this weather is 'natural' with a large leadup to a BUT... the makings of the clouds through jet fuel and flying at cirrus inducing (ice forming elevations) and the soot particles which increase cloud developments which make our skies white - albedo - to reflect the sunlight and by design create GHG.

Even though the climate changers are attempting to make contrails during the day (which form into cirrus homogenitus) and attempt to NOT make them at night... the fact is these don't dissipate so easily up above the stratosphere where all the private jets fly and these longer lingering metal aerosols are making the sky white all the time GHG...

Ask yourself, is it climate change or the climate changers?

Weather became an economic value... for anything from ski hills to farms to events - but then came the depopulation plan... and so...

If you never watch any videos there is much to read on this... well summarized in this one 35 min video: https://climateviewer.com/2018/04/01/accidental-geoengineering-with-ship-tracks-contrails/

Also, check out www.flightradar.com there are 150,000 flights PER DAY and 40 MILLION per year...

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There are people such as this fellow in Spain who try to analyze satellite imagery showing the path of some weather extremes. My apologies that this is in Spanish, but just wanted to show how some are viewing/interpreting the manipulation, as you stated it's hard to prove wtfrick is going on. (I have a translation into German of this, should anyone be interested.) What would your meteorologist think of such analyses?


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We went over the Spain scenario live - there was no steering of hurricanes or weather manipulation found.

I will look and see if the data they show is different than the meteorologist I study with came up with.

First off, when someone plays that kind of background music, and puts a title like that up, they are ppl who wish to ramp up others fear... keep us all AT MOST FEAR - (sorry Ray I meant US HUMANS)... and NOT inform us of the research foremost that proves the situation.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all aware of the 1799 Pastor Thomas Malthus' data leading to an 'unsustainable' planet at a certain point of population, and that we have gone beyond that point.... data from 1799 had no possibility for creative outcomes that humanity could deliver btw.

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Only those who have nothing greater than survival to live for are afraid...

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I know what you mean by the music... But the satellite imagery the Spaniard shows - how could there have been no manipulation?!

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It is not possible by human methods known it would take waaaaaayyyyy too much to do so.

Here is our group meteorologists & his interviewer StellaQ review of the live event. https://youtu.be/daZeexjGvDQ?si=fDjVp-cDcb-kiVM7

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Here is some of the information we came up with researching Spain live: StellaQ's "Weather or NOT" lessons with the meteorologist I study with. This in fact was their outcome of researching Spain while it was live https://youtu.be/daZeexjGvDQ?si=NnidfB96N3CZXGoB

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Does it matter? Aren't there more than enough events to substantiate the operation?

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By heresy, my point in case Ray is that there is so much effort put into keeping us HUMANS in fear - ramping it up is as effective as the creating divisiveness elements.

It's also a way to find who's responsible and hold accountability - this is what Jim Lee is doing and was nominated for MAHA - and if you'd like to share his vote page: https://discourse.nomineesforthepeople.com/t/james-franklin-lee-jr/36083

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Which country are you in, Cheerio?

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Canada BC Wet Coaster. Where are you? :)

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That's where my wife is from; Vancouver! :)

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I'm a ferry ride away - Vancouver is no longer the city I was a young woman in... post Expo 86 it grew into a metropolis uglier in crimes than LA.

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Sydney, Australia. I feel so helpless and hopeless watching the aircraft spray across the skies daily, seeing the whiteout haze, seeing all the people TOTALLY oblivious. It’s eating me up. I don’t know what to do. No one knows. Those who do just post about it. Seems no one is willing or able to do anything.

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Well you may want to reach out to my friend from downunder, StellaQ's "Weather or NOT" lessons with the meteorologist I study with. This in fact was their outcome of researching Spain while it was live https://youtu.be/daZeexjGvDQ?si=NnidfB96N3CZXGoB

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somewhere in here I put a comment about what can be done about the completely legal jet pollution that you see in the sky. The completely legal jet pollution constitutes about 90% of the Chemtrails that everyone is so upset about

I can't find my comment but Cheerio knows all this stuff, just keep asking her!

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Oz seems to have been selected for total extermination... Although you have not asked for my stance, I would get out of there as soon as I can and it's not one of the Five Eyes or Germany...

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Engineered weather or not, the sample size and record keeping is extremely limited. Let's compare the world wide weather over the last 250,000 years and we will see quite a different picture. No doubt the globalist anti-human murderers are going to use the weather extremes to promote their crusade of death. The same with food, vaccines, drugs, EMF, UFOs, wars, politics and whatever else they can dream up.

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I will have to waive judgement on HAARP and human manipulation of weather after what we have been through in the States recently. The Regressive subversives (Democrats) filled our ears and minds with a constant stream of lies that was exhausting. I’m allergic to speculation now. Will garden in my corner of a mountain until I have to make different plans.

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Exactly. And whatever else...

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A bush i can see from my window has developed flowers in december. The zombies around me are happy when i point it out, because it smells so nice doesnt you like nice smells.

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What do you think they mean by "it smells so nice"? Never seen/smelled anything like that, and my wife is using me to check out comestibles, because my sense of smell became fantastically acute after March, 2020. :)

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Are you hiking on the semantics mountain or english is banned from calling an odour nice? I dont believe you never smelled anything nice.

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Oh yes, weather modification is quite the topic.

We were in that torrential rain in Lower Austria this past summer. There was another earlier, June 8th, a tad further south. Mund-blowing and so infuriating!Not to mention Valencia... Here in Uruguay the weather is not "normal" either, as everywhere, it seems. Elana Freeland, who has written books on HAARP, chemtrails, geoengineered transhumanism, etc. has stated that we haven't had "real weather" in decades, and that is easily correct.

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"We" probably "ain't seen" the half of it, either...

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Send the book “ Angels Don’t Play This HAARP” as Christmas gifts.;)

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Why exactly would I do that, when everything is so obvious?... :(

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Thank you Ray. I've been travelling and now trying to catch up on things. We are all targeted now.

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That "we" are...

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Human induced climate change believers are the toughest nuts to crack. -Thanks Ray

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Reminded me of a song… Television Watching News Believes -


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I think, you've just inspired me to write my next post; it's been in the works forever, but I got news for my readers that might be essential.

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That's a good one. As for me, in the last 50 years or more, I haven't been able to watch the "news" for more than a few seconds; the lies are sooo obvious that they bother they heck out of me, and that's after living in several different countries...

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And yet the same people don't believe in weather modification. It's a fascinating disconnect.

I know people who have distrusted Bill Gates for decades due to his business practices. But in 2020, they suddenly decided he could be trusted in the world of experimental madicene. Why can't people remember what they once knew?

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Good points! On BG, it is because there are different belief sink-holes for different topics depending on the attributes of each situation.

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