Thank you Ray. I had an encounter with 2nd Smartest Guy in the World today. I posted some Truthbombs on the Devil's Clot Shot TM, including a link to a podcast interview of Dr. James Thorpe.

Dr. Thorpe noted a major increase in fetal deaths, abortions, and miscarriages from the Devil's Clot Shot TM. He also stated the poison jab caused 17 million deaths globally and 585 million injuries worldwide, extrapolated from Pfizer documents indicating a 33.4 to 1 injury to kill ratio.


This one is 3 minutes longer, and newer.


The Devil's Clot Shot TM was developed by the DoD. Thank You Dr. Thorpe

2nd Smartest Guy in the World is clandestine services or AI folks. BEWARE.

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2nd is certainly a shill; used to start up halfway decent, but it was either a limited hangout or his/her/its stack has been captured on the way. It became patently obvious, when (s)he/it started pushing Ivermectin:


He banned me after I made fun of him:


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Thank you. Yeah, Mectazan. Anyone pushing that is an idiot or troll alert central.

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Ray, I didn't know where to share this with ya but it's talkin' 'bout how we've all been (sans permission) a part've the IOT since 1995 via "biosensors" that let "them" monitor us--without our permission of course--via our DNA. So this connects directly with the jabbed folks havin' MAC addresses but the MAC addresses ain't in the jabs, no sirree--they come from the graphene in all they'ze coatin' us with everywherez/all the time! INSIDE US! I know you don't like viddeoys (ltd time--yup I git it) but you gotta listen ta this smarty-pants Sabrina Wallace--blew my mind...connects all the g's (not just 5g) and the jabs an' the DNA (no jabs needed) with the cloud/ with folk at computers with joy sticks (it's be a joy fer me ta tell 'em whar ta stick 'em too!).... watchin' our body systems on a per-organ basis--diff frequencies... Blows my mind, so at least give it a look-see--this is the beans!


ps hope yer on the mend!

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This is a response to your information from Real Raw News on August 6. You stated " Baxter doesn’t name a source, but articulates that “Health Minister Mikhail Murashko, with the aid of the Ministry of Defense, ordered an inspection team to evaluate transmission frequencies emanating from the cell tower, which, they deduced, pulsed electromagnetic waves in the 24-50 gigahertz range.” In that range, 5G does kill; over 30GHz slowly, and above 45GHz fast."

If you check the Article here: https://realrawnews.com/2023/08/putin-bans-5g-across-russia-destroys-all-towers/ you will find this information at the end of the Article. "The information in this article comes thanks to FSB Agent Andrei Zakharov, who in 2022 supplied Real Raw News with the real reasons behind Vladimir Putin’s Special Operation in Ukraine—to rid Eastern Europe of foreign Biolabs, pedophile rings, and Adrenochrome laboratories. Those battles are still being fought."

Whatever you feel or believe about Michael Baxter or Real Raw News, I feel you should have the integrity to at least quote the source he gave and not say that he did not give one.

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The article is a hoax. So is the site.

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I still think it's a great article, and is correct in it's intention. The 5G pushers do need that treatment.

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It's a hoax... Testing for credulity.

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Aug 6, 2023
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Malone is not a respectable person, but you know my opinion, if you have been reading me.

What are you talking about, anyway?

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Aug 6, 2023
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99 people "Like"d 2nd's "article" and took it at face value by the time I intervened, after which 2nd quickly deleted his post. Karen is also mixing religion with what she presents as facts, which I consider a cheap shot.

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Aug 6, 2023
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With 5G being at the center of issue, with hydrogel and other toxic pharmaceutical products we may have in our bodies, I'm curious if there may be a way to "jam" the frequency?

Or cancel out the signal? Is there a way to build a Faraday cage like structure for incorporation into houses; like a mesh layer of metal embedded into all drywall covering for interiors. Another idea would be to design a device that can reduce the localized 5G signal down to only 3 or 4G.

I guess I'm just trying to be creative, does anyone else have similar ideas? Or are they viable solutions?

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the G stands for GENERATION not specially signal/impingement strength, tho the higher the G , usually the higher the power induced.

The Key to it is the ETHERs .

Unless you can comprehend the four main formative Ethers and how they 'manifest' and interact then the rest will always be nebulous in some way.

Protection is most easily achieved by altering resonance fields OUT OF PHASE.

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I have been studying the Quantum / Planck datasets. If Energy, Frequency, Vibration are what is able to create Form; 5G is a Scalar Weapon to disrupt it.

I have a post on this:


5G Frequency Jammers can be a good resource in experimenting on the effects of counter waves to cancel out the 5G. https://www.jammermfg.com/full-band-22-antennas-powerful-cell-phone-jammers-blocking-wifi-gps-5g-4g-3g-2g-uhf-vhf-signals.html

Here is a YT video that discusses the effects on DNA: https://youtu.be/B3jf_d_TVc8?si=fTWct0M5NW9Ht11l

There are some very important aspects to the study of Quantum / Zero Point / Electrogravitics / Topological Monopole / Fractals / Energy, Frequency and Vibration. One of the reasons to explore this is to refute the false teachings within Physics itself. At the very heart of everything we are Energy, which is Consciousness. Also, aside from the Esoteric:

"We are a lot more than our DNA." Yet our DNA is much more than it appears.

Energy, Frequency and Vibration are at the core of the True Laws of Physics, in the physical universe. Existentiality has many frequency forms, that we are unable to experience with our body’s physical senses, we are likely only sensitive to less than one tenth of them.

Nothing is actually solid like we think it is.

DNA can be thought of as having a type of Sacred Geometry, whose molecular form results from frequency and vibration, expressed energetically. Though, the True Energetic Form comes from a source completely Non Physical, it’s expressed as Physical Energy wave form, influencing the biochemical properties.

5G Radiation is a frequency and vibration form that directly interferes with DNA, by setting up an interference pattern to the Cosmic Constant or Planck. This is a seminal reason why it is so dangerous to life. Yet, in spite of the warnings of it’s down side, this tech keeps getting pushed into service everywhere; because of it’s potential, it’s capable of Extinction level damage.

There may also be a potential upside to the Tech that creates these frequencies; if it can be used to access Zero Point Energy, while using the caution of staying away from the "Counter Frequency" found to be present in 5G Tech.

On Zero Point Energy:


Zero Point Energy can have Topological Monopole properties, Electogravitic Force and applied Quantum Entanglement

What is a Topological Monopole?

Topological Magnetic Monopoles (TMMs), also known as hedgehogs or Bloch points, are three-dimensional (3D) non-local spin textures that are robust to thermal and quantum fluctuations due to the topology protection.

What breaks quantum entanglement?

Quantum entanglement bonds can be broken through a process called decoherence. This occurs when the entangled particles interact with their surrounding environment, causing their quantum states to become disrupted and the entanglement to be lost.

If you use the search terms: “Topological Monopole Quantum Entanglement” you get the following page:


There are hundreds of documents at this page, all discuss Topological Monopole, which is where I found this one below; Science.Org article on Topological Monopole:


I find it to be essential that we wrest this technology away from those who currently wield it. This type of power will always be used for destructive purposes unless we as a species become Spiritually Evolved enough to take responsibility for the proper use and application.

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It's good to see that at least a few people are thinking about these details.

Based on the fact that "everything is energy" and interference exists, frequencies must be clarified. 5G towers are actually capable to "download" individual DNA, if the person has enough nanopartices to act as an antenna:


My problem is that the intrusion can come for several sources concurrently, and those sources can produce interference that actually generates the mass extinction event. All the technocrats' system needs is a self-correcting algorithm, which it obviously has.

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I totally concur , and would write something very similar myself !

This could lead to a massive genocide of life as we know it.

Some of the terms are misleading (on purpose) and actually inversions of phenomenology, tho the core concepts are valid .

Consciousness is the Key, notably when applied to Etheric formations and is still incredibly evaded in the tediously shallow 'creation myths of science' !

There are a lot of links you supplied that i will not have a chance to read fully for a few days (thanks !) , what would you prioritise the most from them ?

I grew out of the quantum mire a decade or so ago, and prefer the more valid terms/geometry of the Ethers that I can actually validate - even tho they are more qualitative than quantitative!

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"There is only one way to Eat an Elephant and that's one small bite at a time."

I think the Mandelbrot Set is an excellent mathematical demonstration of how to see the behavior of the frequency waveform, as both Local and Non Local. I thought it helped me gain a perceptive connection to the Mystic and Scientific understandings. So, I would say if you are burned out with Quantum, then take a look at the Fractal Geometry, it's beautiful.

Scientifically speaking, this topic has many tributaries to it. The main point of reference that I have is my life long Yogic practice, study of the Isha Upanishad and Vedas. Also, discovering the connections that nearly all ancient cultures had very similar sense awareness that coincides with what we call Quantum today. In other words; Science is beginning to catch up to where the Ancients were in their perception. That said;

Entanglement at a Cosmic Level, all points to the fact there is only One Thing: And that’s Consciousness, we are each a unique focal point within Infinite Awareness, temporarily experiencing this thing called Human.

What the science is pointing to; we create reality and the nature of the cosmos is based on oneness; even though it appears to have a duality from a human frame of reference.

The physical universe is only possible because of the Primacy of Consciousness. We are Consciousness, Knowing is not because of Thought, it is because of Sight.

Knowledge is a direct reflection of Being. True Intelligence is not the product of the mental process; it is a distillation originating from consciousness itself.

Quantum Entanglement implies that separateness of experience is not possible as a final fact. It is the One Self perception in the act of Observing Itself; Each focal point of Self Perception is actually experiencing its own world or Reality. We are both the Observer and the Observed. We are both the Lover and the Loved. That which is Far is the same as Near; that Standing passes beyond others as they Run.

In this way:

There is not one World that has 7.5 billion lives in it; there is one Consciousness experiencing 7.5 billion different worlds. (perceptions of experience)

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I'm so glad you guys decided to contribute! FYI, "2nd" banned me after my making fun of him/her. :)

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I think 2nd is very thin skinned and egotistic. The truth cannot ever be found or experienced while the mind is hobbled by self importance. I've had my run ins with 2nd as well; I tried to cross post a very nice post he did, it was up for a few minutes as a cross post and then it was gone. Things that make you go Hmmm...

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I am certainly not burned out by the Quantum Quackery- just bored with its convolutions, obvious re appropriations of perennial wisdom & theft from comparative philosophy/symbolism of all ancient cultures ... and the shallow- almost infantile views and jargon it promotes- full of tautologies and conceits.😂🤣😂

I comprehend the quantum far better than any quantum scientist I've ever met since my mid-20's , because , like you , I also knew other disciplines that have a direct influence on life processes. Quantum 'theories' are all oxymoronic from its own designation what is a QUANTA ?! 🙄😂🤣😂 either meaning makes it a JOKE for thinking folk.... just like the 'divisible' ATOM ! Of course most folk have no clue what words they are using, and never bother reading a good dictionary....

Cymatics & awareness of the geometric properties of the four main formative ethers is far more important and practical I find. I doubt there is any quantum discovery that has not already been ingrained in some symbolism, or theology- yet look forward to being proven in error on that apparent fact!

btw - there are billions of consciousnesses not only a singular one, you seem to have slid into some mystical delusion on that fact. Like we are all one, when we are certainly not- we are ALL part of ONE thing that we can consider the ALL... that doesn't mean it is a singular entity , anymore than a human body is a singular entity.. a human being is a COMMUNITY of life forms with a (hopefully) common goal, navigated by a single consciousness that can be influenced by other consciousness & phenomena , and can also be prone to inversions of nature and inclination.

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This whole thing is quite an adventure. The consciousness is one from my spiritual experience. However, if there are separate consciousnesses, then each one has it's own dominion. This is disproven by the act of being able to experience the presence of each other. If they were truly separate, then there would be some type of boundary that separates each individual being, just like the fiction of baby universes of Stephan Hawking. To get to see what Ether really is, the Ideation of Individuated self experiences is part of the wholeness.

We could argue back and forth about this, but it's your own experience after all. The way to See Oneness is to give up a belief in Separateness. Yes, there is an Individual experience, just as the body is also an experience. But the body is just an activity, it's not who or what you truly are.

You are not just a Drop in the Ocean, you are the Ocean within a Drop. Higher math backs this quite well I think.

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emfhelpcenter.com is great, and they reply to questions at help@emfhelpcenter.com

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Based on the prices, these people are bottom-feeders...

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Thanks for the link----excellent!

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The page in the link doesn't offer anything convincing, but the prices are exorbitant...

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There seem to be some "harmonizers" out there that, allegedly, work. I tried one of them that came with a 30-day money-back warranty, and it seemed to reduce the stress by 30-40 percent. It was a plug-in type that is supposed to calm sudden spikes in the house wiring, too. As far as I know, I am immune to the placebo effect, so there is a good chance that this thing works, at least to a certain extent (the manufacturer markets it as the only such unit whose impact is "scientifically proven," but these days, anything can be "proven scientifically," so I am not completely sold on it. My wife also placed some crystals next to her working area and to her bed pillow; her occasional tinnitus completely vanished and she is sleeping a lot better (after our closest neighbor, who lives about 25 yards away started using a 5G-compatible Wi-Fi router, the tinnitus and sleeplessness returned with a vengeance: https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/enforcing-smart-households-with-your). I'll try to publish results, but only after I can consider my findings at least relatively reliable. My wife also experienced the reduced stress levels after the gizmo, and I found myself sleeping more and more deeply than before (but only after our neighbor's new router). My tinnitus has been with me for over 40 years since my participation in the army. :) We have also tried placing extremely strong rare-earth magnets in our place with the hope that they would collect magnetic nanoparticles from chemtrails, but I have not idea how far they work. We are still experimenting with other methods, too (e.g. shungite, but that didn't work for me), but I cannot say anything conclusive about most of them.

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very intriguing,

all those things can ALSO amplify such fields, especially the crystals and magnets

It would be great if you could films and quantify such experiments -

the GQ EMF 390 devise is a cheap and useful device to measure a lot of dirty electricity.

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Thank you for the idea. My wife is planning to start some filming even from a drone, but I'm not sure when she will start. Documenting my reaction would make little sense, because it would be only my unique responses, and I couldn't prove a thing.

Measuring devices usually require an internet connection, so whatever they display, is reported to some unknown entities AND what the user can see can also be manipulated.

Moreover, most measure only up to 10GHz, while illness starts around 30, and killing at 45.

In the age, when common Wi-Fi routers can turn the electric grid in the neighborhood into a giant 5G antenna, dirty electricity is my last concern:


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I will read that later , thanks.

Dirty Electricity can be described as an EXCESS of 'positive ' ions , that are very detrimental to older people.

In the 1970s a big thing was made of them, with carpets and air-conditioning systems replace due to adverse effects.

Excess Ions are plasma inducing/facilitating , obviously- so it should be a very serious concern !

The nature of these technologies is SCALAR, not a vector based system (tho that is part of the transmission protocol- seemingly)

The EMF 390 has a lot of useful settings, memory and print out options- your criticism of having to be on-line is redundant concerning it , and its uses. It can be used as validation from data-output & simply filming its display.

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Theoretically, proper grounding also works against dirty electricity, at least to a certain extent, and there are "line cleaners" as well. Of course, there is no clean ground in heavily-populated areas, so "grounding" through the house wiring can cause more harm than good.

Sorry, I've never seen the concept of "scalar" explained clearly, and it's often used as a manipulative term by bottom-feeders...

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re SCALAR - you missed out on all the older research on this then!!!! 🙄😂

Psychic discoveries behind the Iron curtain etc ...?

Thomas E. Bearden (right wing- commie hater- patriot !) was the main man back in the 70's& 80's.

Grounding again (as you mention) can amplify issues/energy- because it is SCALAR ! 🙄😂🤣😂 and the GROUND can be used as an AMPLIFIER - re TESLAS last 'revolutionary' works he discussed!


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too many vaxxines when you get there ... terrible.

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I thought for a second it might be real based on how in the 1960s after high-tension power transmission line EMF studies the USSR set distance limits on how close they could be to schools and hospitals, while the US gov went "meh, it's fine."

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thank you for this. i always wondered about 5G and only here got it in few words: "In that range, 5G does kill; over 30GHz slowly, and above 45GHz fast".

IF I MAY, in your view, is best to stick to a 4G phone. especially if it does not make much of a difference ?? thanks in advance!!

btw, here is NYT at what it does best ... i bet there has been a lot of pressure on russians to lower the tone on this 5G thing ...


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Note that it is everyone else's 5G phone, pinging regularly to find the closest towers or best signals, that will make you sick if you are an electro-sensitive - even if you do not have anything of your own using a 5G signal. Your neighbours, a car driving past - any 5G phone anywhere near you. Also any military installation close by, a police station, a hospital - all fully provisioned with their own 5G antennae.

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Yes, the more it is used, the more intensive the signal is. What makes it even worse is the fluctuation in intensity. And yes, there are comparable technologies. A portable military radar that fits in a pickup truck, for one, can cover a large area, and HAARP is also active, but mostly busy creating mostly "natural" catastrophes:


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I am sure the latest "4G" phones contain 5G technology, but it's not accessible for the user. However, the user is the product. Android 8.0 is probably not capable of performing the trick, and chances are, such old phones don't have 5G built-in.

It's best to limit cell phone use drastically and remove the battery and keep phones in a Faraday cage that also isolates sound.

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i have a samsung 4G, saying: Android 9.0 (pie) ... does that sound okay? or just 8.0?

if i was going to buy one would you mind giving a suggestion .... i am not picky, just something to use whatsapp, viber i suppose.

many thanks in advance!! much appreciated!

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Most places require Android 9.0, which suggests that that is the minimum for the 5G tech to work.

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Of course, Ray. These towers are everywhere in Russia, Iran, China, etc. The war is for us not them

Putin will not ban 5G in Russia, nor he fights pedophiles or globalists...



Fake news


The Ministry of Digital Development of Russia proposed the creation of a state operator for the implementation of the 5G communication standard. According to media reports, the initiative was put forward at a session held by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. It is planned that this operator will manage the radio frequency bands necessary for the deployment of 5G networks, and turn on the frequency sharing system with the ability to turn off the radiation of electronic communications at the direction of law enforcement agencies.

The ministry proposes to transfer frequency bands to the operator until 2035, including the spectrum currently used by analogue broadcasters, as well as the 4.8-4.99 GHz and 3.4-3.8 GHz bands. It is assumed that the operator will be created as a consortium of market participants, possibly on the basis of Rostelecom. This initiative is becoming more and more relevant in light of the shortage of foreign telecommunications equipment.

One of the main advantages of a single operator is the ability of law enforcement agencies to turn off the radiation of operators' electronic communications in certain locations. Currently, the operational limitation of communication networks is carried out through the Ministry of Digital Development. Industry representatives believe that if law enforcement agencies gain direct access to operators' network management systems, they will be able to turn off services without the participation of the ministry. It can also simplify the process of frequency allocation.

The introduction of a single radio frequency operator with state participation is a step in the development of 5G communication networks in Russia and can help improve the security and efficiency of communications in the country.









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Thank you for your contribution. Your analyses are among the ones I recommend to my readers most frequently.

In response to your pointing out that I didn't include an essential detail, I added the following to the article:

"Realistically, what can you expect from Putin?


"Putin is in the club and you ain’t in it."

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That this article is a fake, you can see immediately from the photo, or why should Putin wear a "glass bowl" on his head??? - here is again distracted from it



and one thing I would like to say here clearly, Putin has never exercised a "vaccination compulsion", because relatives of my husband live already over 20 year in Russia, including 2 doctors and a person who works in a ministry and all, as well as their family members are free from these toxins and no one had difficulties - in Russia and in Belarus it was always a voluntary decision - and if sports clubs impose this on their members, this has absolutely nothing to do with the president! Besides, at no time there was a duty for these dirty masks and you could also go shopping or to the disco everywhere without restrictions - these lies from western media paid for this are more than despicable!!!!


Putin has already spoken out against a NWO in 2007


and who believes that a man like Putin would get involved with this idiot clown with his wet god dreams or would follow him, the one can only feel sorry!!!


It is frightening, how here once again agitation is operated, in order to divert from the actual initiators!!! A shame!!!

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no they are not everywhere. the official word is they are studying it ... part of the info on that 2SG was true (only 15 towers by MFS - can google it) ... thats how the game is played.


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As I also mention in the article, by now, the towers don't have to be anywhere in order for the technology to be used.

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Aug 6, 2023
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He is part of the globalist cabal, playing his role as a fake antagonist.

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Aug 6, 2023
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Aug 6, 2023
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No, total control. Russia already introduced the CBDC and the Sputnik injections also turn recipients into parts of the IoT.

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I’m so pissed 😤. I took a shot at the Dermatologist..lidocaine, but she said it was new, like the dentist uses ...

I realized once home she meant NANO SHIT 🤯🤯🤯🤯. I worked so hard & lost 4 Drs over not getting JAB ..

then I think I just may have took something similar w/out realizing. They gonna get us one way or another. Stay on your toes 🙏

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Aug 6, 2023
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The 1788 New York city Doctor's riot has to be revisited .

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The only detox I can imagine is to stay away from 5G exposure for, say, about eight months; that would render the nanotech dormant and it might eventually exit the body on its own, unless it's anchored, which is the first thing it does, if exposed to 5G instructions. Placebo and miracle meds are unlikely to work:


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got to be careful with these detox stuff ... these guys plays six dimensional ... like the lady says, she avoided the jab and here they come from the window ... hopefully not, but surely dont like that new thing, especially nowdays. the flu shots also will be "new" ... no more old flu vaccines.

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Anything made by pharmaceuticals is now under suspicion, including Ivermectin:


The "flu shot" contained graphene oxide already in 2019.

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Aug 6, 2023
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My dr told me to stick with NAC and no glutathione, let my body make its own.

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no ray, they are NOT the same. dr. Arne burkhardt explained it in few words in his january 2023 presentation (a real hero this man): when the virus comes normally, the immune system is waiting for it and reacts. the vaxx sends it directly to the blood and bypass the immune system. another big difference is the numbers, through the shot you get anywhere between 20 to 40 billions as compare to regular infections just a few i suppose.

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What can be explained about a "virus," when even the existence of pathogenic "viruses" has not been established? Whoever can do that, is certainly a "hero," albeit not mine. :)

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Aug 6, 2023
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The poisoning is universal and the delivery systems are imaginatively versatile:


My conclusions are based on conjecturing, but they usually fit into the same cognitive frame, and are proved later:


I am posting the inevitable, partly based on my knowledge of the technology and partly based on the premise that if something can be done, someone will do it. At the moment, there is a significant phase delay between the current technology applied against the people and their knowledge of it. That's a result of the usual method of compartmentalization that is even used in "Medicine":


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Aug 6, 2023
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There is no "we" and Putin is part of the cabal, faithfully serving his globalist masters along with the Chinese and the US "leadership." Here is something for fun:


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Aug 6, 2023
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When the world is about to unite under a one-world government, Russia per se becomes irrelevant. China is working on the same project, with the three cooperating ever since the plandemic began

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Aug 6, 2023
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Certainly not, unless on TV. :)

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Aug 6, 2023
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Karen is full of limited hangouts. I don't consider her authentic.

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This is a serious question. Do you think most everyone except Dr. Anna is either a limited hangout or controlled opposition? Do you have an opinion about Ricardo Delgado Martin, Pablo Campra, Dr. Robert Young, and Dr. Nagasse, all of whom allege there is graphene in the jabs?

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I have my own paradigm and disagree with everything else:



I don't care for the "Dr." title, either; have seen too many of them in my life and the vast majority was not exactly respectable...

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she is on graphene oxide :-)

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Aug 6, 2023
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Sorry, you lost me.

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Aug 6, 2023
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What "truth"?

When, how, and especially why was she attacked and how can it be ascertained? Lots of "heroes" are created by being "attacked" for "telling the 'truth'."

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Aug 6, 2023
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Thank you for reporting it. He must have realized he had made a fool out of himself. He is still covering fake news and limited hangouts galore.

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2nd has just been reduced to the 3rd smartest guy in the world.

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2nd is clandestine services or AI, in my opinion. See my comment on this article.

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Who is the second now? :)

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Patrick Jordan is the smartest guy in the world, in my opinion. Vaccinefraud.com and vaccinefraud1 on SS.


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Aug 7, 2023
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I’ve never read his Substack. Maybe you’re right.

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Aug 6, 2023
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I'm wondering if 2nd could have gotten away with the false report. By the time of my noticing the fake news, he had received 99 "Like"s in three hours from people who were not using the gray matter in their brains or lacked the sense of humor to realize they'd been had...

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Aug 6, 2023
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It would have been nice to let 2nd baking in the sun a little longer. :)

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