You might notice that I am subscribing to a lot of stacks that are obvious shills, but they are good guides for the latest psyops and information that one cannot possibly trust.
At some stage Ray we will have to have a chat...... I have uncovered all kinds of things these monsters are doing to us all and have been for at least 100 years.... All geared towards classified programs of population manipulation and control....even of our nervous systems.
Yes, and I've been reading and writing about those a lot, too. Perhaps the most exciting part of our potential cooperation is that it might provide more data for coordinating and identifying the parties involved...
However, as my article also suggests, "classified" is most likely just another psyop: what matters is, and it always has been, out in the open, but not receiving the attention it would deserve. It just goes unnoticed...
I know who they are…. I can name most of the monsters here in the South West who are at the top of the food chain… all 33 degree-ers! Im getting ready to take them to court with all the evidence Ive gathered against them over the last 6 years!
I believe tariffs might save us all. It makes it lucrative for companies to produce in the USA for Americans. It also creates jobs. Might also be the end of globalism, transporting everything all around the planet. A more ecologically sustainable practice actually
I give high probability You're right. Indeed, the moneyed psychopaths in control on Our planet are ensuring that most of Us are dead, on Their numerological days, and that the Ones left are in 15 minute prisons eating bugs with CBDC's and social credit scores, neuralinked like Borg...
They toy with Us, and money has given Them the power They use. Without money They could not buy the things nor the People to Their agendas. Ergo, the solution is to get free energy out in the open and remove the need to ensure We are all adding Our "fair share" of energy pointless.
"The ruling empire is no longer that of land but that of trade and commodities."
" every revolution has been cultivated out of mysticism " the enlightenment movement helped foster the motivation for the American revolution after the British used a mercantilist system upon them... We have been told that we are about to go through the 4th industrial revolution. We have plenty of "freedom fighters" ready to lead the way. They seam to have everything in place to keep dismantling the world as we know it. " all roads still lead to Rome"
As the freedom fighters lead us to an excuse for martial law or more restrictions. Not sure how to word things with out using " we" i guess I could say "I" have heard ....or "many"
Yes, the hour is late, but most likely it passed quite a few years ago. All one can do is prepare, after being informed about the upcoming insanity. The world has two options:
1. Go silently into the night and most humans will become cyborg slaves;
2. Wait until the system destroys itself, which it will, and after that, there is a meager chance that humans can start over from the Stone Age.
In an ideal world, getting rid of all politicians, restoring state rights, starting a new currency, taking over all the utilities and all means of control, especially the media and communication, would be a good start. Logistically, it's a globalist network that still keeps production and distribution alive. It would take at least two months to recover from that shock and, in the meanwhile, the lack of power and potable water would probably kill more than famine...
Anyway, who could control such a global operation even at the national level? The globalists have enormous technological reserves, and nobody can counter DEWs, lasers, microwaves through the powerlines, drone swarms, robotic armies, and well-equipped foreign mercenaries with hunting guns. The hour is late as it is...
Well, I will stay on the bleachers and watch. And enjoy what remains of my life in beautiful rural NZ, I have supposedly only 20 odd years to go. I had a premonition when I was a kid that I would live till I was 92. I hated that idea, cos I pretty much hated most humans! They have come up in my estimation through my adventures in Life! Funny thing is, that will be 2047/48,:when Jason of Archaix puts the timing of the next cyclical Big Reset of the Game! Based on the experiences of this Life Journey, I am to be on the outside looking in! Hope so! Not sure the point, maybe there is none, but The Experience! Thanks Ray for the Protocol. Hadnt seen that before. Read about half. Seems to me, their own arrogance, blindness and the seeking of revenge will destroynthem in the end. The snake eating its own tail?
It's easier for you and me at our age to realize we won't be around another 20 years, but I'm sorry for the young people who has never even seen a decent world around them, and whatever they touch is stinking of artificial crap...
The Protocol itself might be a psyop. In fact, my related point in the article is that what really matters is what' NOT in it... Still, whoever wrote it "knew" the future, just like Goebbels in my satire:
All those systems require people to operate and maintain. Even if semi autonomous they will break down after initial operation. The technocrats will be bigly affected too. One just has to get past that. I don’t think any of those weapons are capable of obliterating the biosphere. Degrade yes. Even if they are, the owners would not program their own demise. Hope is not a good strategy but sometimes that’s all you got.
The technocrats' enablers and enforcers are guaranteed 5 years underground (a death trap, by the way, but I've been warning enablers and enforcers about their own demise after their dirty job is done, and couldn't get anywhere with it), which is a good hint regarding how long the hard times will last:
Still, if these morons are not completely out of their minds, they will preserve organic humans in isolated places (wrote an article about that, too, but it's hard to find among over a thousand publications, and SS's search function started to suck a good while ago).
If one can manage water, food will be easier. And no toilet-paper shortages, please. :)
The biosphere has already been depleted in the last few decades. Judging only by the percentage of insects dying out, it's on its last legs. As you are saying, at one point, it is most likely to recover, but will humans still be in the picture?
Preparation with CLOSE attention to the details might work, and at the beginning, procrastination might work as well, assuming it will be possible.
Hope is not a strategy, but an essential asset for staying human. Nevertheless, hope MUST always follow faith/trust; otherwise, it's a fool's errand:
Obviously, they know something that we don't know. Does it have to do with our consciousness & taking that data/energy & trapping it into a technocratic transhumanism/machine in death? Do they need to walk us slowly thru the steps, so we "willingly" participate in their communion? Free will? Are certain people/DNA more compatible with their black ops?
Is this not just another augmentation in the human experiment? Control the food so they can feed us synthetic garbage that the new techno vaxxed bodies can handle but will hurt purebloods.
It's all connected to the economy, anatomy & CRYPT currency of the living dead. CDC (bless their black hearts) warned of zombie apocalypse... we're watching it play out.
"Does it have to do with our consciousness & taking that data/energy & trapping it into a technocratic transhumanism/machine in death?" Sadly, the truth may be stranger than sci-fi fiction. These hidden presences were never human, and some others are no longer human.
On a site someone posted, I've read that an insider team has discovered the anti-God cabal has been opening up different timelines and dimensions, and are also secretly marking everyone's 'classification' for when they collapse and switch over the entire financial grid. Worse, their darkest end goal is to alter our very SOULS (through smart dust "activation" in bodies), thereby trapping all but a very select few (who will receive the antidote) as transhumanized slaves, for ETERNITY. Eerily, I've also heard something similar from another person who many people follow.
When I volunteered for the Psych ward at the V.A. and for many years helping out patients at home (by keeping company), I developed the idea that the essence of a human being doesn't change; only its link to this world can be severed... That's the only way I can defend the human dignity of the insane...
What they've talked about deals with interfering with people's DESIRE to connect with Source/God, so as such, could be a type of voluntarily "severing," if you will.
D M I've been contemplating this technocratic takeover of our SOULS. What if these super computers are to house our essence?
I'd LOVE nothing more than to debunk "Quantum". Because of Quantum, we have multiple timelines & that means we are most definitely dead on other timelines, so things may get messy if/when timelines collapse. DeJa'Vu......
We are on the same page.... so, we need to figure this out. What IS the soul? I think that it's the very thing that connects us to THIS realm & all timelines & dimensions under the firmament. What is the spirit? Perhaps the consciousness that operates our realities that we inhabit.
Is it possible we are already dead & the financial convergence is NOT for human but for MACHINE? Avatar D will be the new cyborg/holographic body.
How would we KNOW if we are dead? REALLY think about that. When I was dead, It was NO different than dreaming while you sleep at night. .. except that I could feel cold. So maybe we are just stripped of certain senses/sensors? Every version is different? So many questions.
The smartdust thing is tricky. They have coated EVERYTHING. We've been uploaded into the cloud as a digital twin for META tele-non-health. Scary times we live in.
In my experience, humans can be vaporized and exterminated. They can even become remote-controlled slaves, but that's already not them...
The essence of the soul is directly linked to the Divine, and it cannot be harmed, but the link to this world can be severed, mostly by damaging the material links to the body, which is evanescent and easy to destroy...
In my life, I've found that if I let everything go, all that remains is me. :)
Of course, I have no idea what that means, but as you probably remember, I've had my own encounters with the transcendent and the "scientifically" unverifiable that, nonetheless, materialized several years later:
'The essence of the soul is directly linked to the Divine, and it cannot be harmed ....." I've pondered that same thought, Ray. But then I btought into the equation: Selling the soul. Binding it to the Hell realm. Eternal damnation after death in the material realm.
I think everybody should have a NDE or 2 to put things into perspective.
Deepfakes are whole nother crazy topic. When actors, singers, etc "sign the contract" they give up their rites to the human avatar in perpetuity, thru every dimension, & on every timeline. Now they have hologram shows in Vegas. Crazy Times :)
It's actually traditional computing, but some switches remain open, and the whole system remains open for restructuring itself according to the current needs or after new data require modifications. Also, only the necessary switches are active, which is pretty much the same as the way the human brain works (and that's why "scientists" used to think that only 3-5% of the brain is used. :) ).
Thank You Ray. I KNEW You'd have already contemplated this!
The term Quantum PHInanace feels so averagely mathematical.
Loved the linked articles! Dwave feels more demon possessed or archetypes escorted in thru opening portals ... I forget the A.I. Term. PORTAL 503 service unavailable?
In an ideal world, getting rid of all politicians, restoring state rights, starting a new currency, taking over all the utilities and all means of control, especially the media and communication, would be a good start. Logistically, it's a globalist network that still keeps production and distribution alive. It would take at least two months to recover from that shock and, in the meanwhile, the lack of power and potable water would probably kill more than famine...
Anyway, who could control such a global operation even at the national level? The globalists have enormous technological reserves, and nobody can counter DEWs, lasers, microwaves through the powerlines, drone swarms, robotic armies, and well-equipped foreign mercenaries with hunting guns. The hour is late as it is...
I hear what you're saying Ray. It only takes 120 years to go from horse & buggy to hadron collider says Archaix.
I feel that we've always had a one world gov. Antartica treaty proves that. If the NGO;s were not part of that, they wouldn't be given total power to collapse us into hunger games scenarios.
Well, it's been quite a ride to say the least. We have front row seats to what promises to be a good show ??
There must be a reason why traveling to the Antarctica is prohibited. All the insane experiments in the 1940s and 1950s suggest that the technology was insufficient for a One-World Government to dominate. The consolidation of power used the US until now, but the monetary system secures full control over the people.
The show is indeed spectacular, but only a few seem to be able to see through the lies. On the other hand, I don't think I'll see the end of it. :)
Adding it to the article:
You might notice that I am subscribing to a lot of stacks that are obvious shills, but they are good guides for the latest psyops and information that one cannot possibly trust.
At some stage Ray we will have to have a chat...... I have uncovered all kinds of things these monsters are doing to us all and have been for at least 100 years.... All geared towards classified programs of population manipulation and control....even of our nervous systems.
Yes, and I've been reading and writing about those a lot, too. Perhaps the most exciting part of our potential cooperation is that it might provide more data for coordinating and identifying the parties involved...
However, as my article also suggests, "classified" is most likely just another psyop: what matters is, and it always has been, out in the open, but not receiving the attention it would deserve. It just goes unnoticed...
I know who they are…. I can name most of the monsters here in the South West who are at the top of the food chain… all 33 degree-ers! Im getting ready to take them to court with all the evidence Ive gathered against them over the last 6 years!
Perhaps you need to back up to some Mr. Ray's previous posts.
Not being rude here, making a polite suggestion to delve a bit. He has done a lot of legwork for his readers...
I believe tariffs might save us all. It makes it lucrative for companies to produce in the USA for Americans. It also creates jobs. Might also be the end of globalism, transporting everything all around the planet. A more ecologically sustainable practice actually
Who is "we"?
The fake trade war seems to mark the beginning of the end...
I give high probability You're right. Indeed, the moneyed psychopaths in control on Our planet are ensuring that most of Us are dead, on Their numerological days, and that the Ones left are in 15 minute prisons eating bugs with CBDC's and social credit scores, neuralinked like Borg...
They toy with Us, and money has given Them the power They use. Without money They could not buy the things nor the People to Their agendas. Ergo, the solution is to get free energy out in the open and remove the need to ensure We are all adding Our "fair share" of energy pointless.
We Had Better Solve for the Psychopaths in Control NOW! (article):
"The ruling empire is no longer that of land but that of trade and commodities."
" every revolution has been cultivated out of mysticism " the enlightenment movement helped foster the motivation for the American revolution after the British used a mercantilist system upon them... We have been told that we are about to go through the 4th industrial revolution. We have plenty of "freedom fighters" ready to lead the way. They seam to have everything in place to keep dismantling the world as we know it. " all roads still lead to Rome"
There is no "we," of course.
On my end, I do not believe in "freedom fighters," but one can always make a final decision that might or might not work:
I more so mean that as a psyop
As the freedom fighters lead us to an excuse for martial law or more restrictions. Not sure how to word things with out using " we" i guess I could say "I" have heard ....or "many"
"We" has been heavily used for dividing people even more than they already were...
Indeed. Martial law is something that most people couldn't even possibly imagine even after all the predictive programming in movies:
Must destroy to build back. Must slow roll to manage the resistance.
Yes, the hour is late, but most likely it passed quite a few years ago. All one can do is prepare, after being informed about the upcoming insanity. The world has two options:
1. Go silently into the night and most humans will become cyborg slaves;
2. Wait until the system destroys itself, which it will, and after that, there is a meager chance that humans can start over from the Stone Age.
Here is one of the many things I have noted about a combatant approach in the past few years (my most recent comprehensive one was at:
In an ideal world, getting rid of all politicians, restoring state rights, starting a new currency, taking over all the utilities and all means of control, especially the media and communication, would be a good start. Logistically, it's a globalist network that still keeps production and distribution alive. It would take at least two months to recover from that shock and, in the meanwhile, the lack of power and potable water would probably kill more than famine...
Anyway, who could control such a global operation even at the national level? The globalists have enormous technological reserves, and nobody can counter DEWs, lasers, microwaves through the powerlines, drone swarms, robotic armies, and well-equipped foreign mercenaries with hunting guns. The hour is late as it is...
Well, I will stay on the bleachers and watch. And enjoy what remains of my life in beautiful rural NZ, I have supposedly only 20 odd years to go. I had a premonition when I was a kid that I would live till I was 92. I hated that idea, cos I pretty much hated most humans! They have come up in my estimation through my adventures in Life! Funny thing is, that will be 2047/48,:when Jason of Archaix puts the timing of the next cyclical Big Reset of the Game! Based on the experiences of this Life Journey, I am to be on the outside looking in! Hope so! Not sure the point, maybe there is none, but The Experience! Thanks Ray for the Protocol. Hadnt seen that before. Read about half. Seems to me, their own arrogance, blindness and the seeking of revenge will destroynthem in the end. The snake eating its own tail?
It's easier for you and me at our age to realize we won't be around another 20 years, but I'm sorry for the young people who has never even seen a decent world around them, and whatever they touch is stinking of artificial crap...
The Protocol itself might be a psyop. In fact, my related point in the article is that what really matters is what' NOT in it... Still, whoever wrote it "knew" the future, just like Goebbels in my satire:
All those systems require people to operate and maintain. Even if semi autonomous they will break down after initial operation. The technocrats will be bigly affected too. One just has to get past that. I don’t think any of those weapons are capable of obliterating the biosphere. Degrade yes. Even if they are, the owners would not program their own demise. Hope is not a good strategy but sometimes that’s all you got.
The technocrats' enablers and enforcers are guaranteed 5 years underground (a death trap, by the way, but I've been warning enablers and enforcers about their own demise after their dirty job is done, and couldn't get anywhere with it), which is a good hint regarding how long the hard times will last:
The system will inevitably fail, but most likely not before it kills off the assigned number of people and driving the rest into cyborg slavery:
Still, if these morons are not completely out of their minds, they will preserve organic humans in isolated places (wrote an article about that, too, but it's hard to find among over a thousand publications, and SS's search function started to suck a good while ago).
If one can manage water, food will be easier. And no toilet-paper shortages, please. :)
The biosphere has already been depleted in the last few decades. Judging only by the percentage of insects dying out, it's on its last legs. As you are saying, at one point, it is most likely to recover, but will humans still be in the picture?
Preparation with CLOSE attention to the details might work, and at the beginning, procrastination might work as well, assuming it will be possible.
Hope is not a strategy, but an essential asset for staying human. Nevertheless, hope MUST always follow faith/trust; otherwise, it's a fool's errand:
I will hope for the best. For Humanity. And for Me. Nothing to prep with, so it will be what it will be, for Me.
I'll keep working on stripping Them of Their tool to power. And when enough of Us are helping, We might succeed, even yet.
Obviously, they know something that we don't know. Does it have to do with our consciousness & taking that data/energy & trapping it into a technocratic transhumanism/machine in death? Do they need to walk us slowly thru the steps, so we "willingly" participate in their communion? Free will? Are certain people/DNA more compatible with their black ops?
Is this not just another augmentation in the human experiment? Control the food so they can feed us synthetic garbage that the new techno vaxxed bodies can handle but will hurt purebloods.
It's all connected to the economy, anatomy & CRYPT currency of the living dead. CDC (bless their black hearts) warned of zombie apocalypse... we're watching it play out.
"Does it have to do with our consciousness & taking that data/energy & trapping it into a technocratic transhumanism/machine in death?" Sadly, the truth may be stranger than sci-fi fiction. These hidden presences were never human, and some others are no longer human.
On a site someone posted, I've read that an insider team has discovered the anti-God cabal has been opening up different timelines and dimensions, and are also secretly marking everyone's 'classification' for when they collapse and switch over the entire financial grid. Worse, their darkest end goal is to alter our very SOULS (through smart dust "activation" in bodies), thereby trapping all but a very select few (who will receive the antidote) as transhumanized slaves, for ETERNITY. Eerily, I've also heard something similar from another person who many people follow.
When I volunteered for the Psych ward at the V.A. and for many years helping out patients at home (by keeping company), I developed the idea that the essence of a human being doesn't change; only its link to this world can be severed... That's the only way I can defend the human dignity of the insane...
What they've talked about deals with interfering with people's DESIRE to connect with Source/God, so as such, could be a type of voluntarily "severing," if you will.
D M I've been contemplating this technocratic takeover of our SOULS. What if these super computers are to house our essence?
I'd LOVE nothing more than to debunk "Quantum". Because of Quantum, we have multiple timelines & that means we are most definitely dead on other timelines, so things may get messy if/when timelines collapse. DeJa'Vu......
We are on the same page.... so, we need to figure this out. What IS the soul? I think that it's the very thing that connects us to THIS realm & all timelines & dimensions under the firmament. What is the spirit? Perhaps the consciousness that operates our realities that we inhabit.
Is it possible we are already dead & the financial convergence is NOT for human but for MACHINE? Avatar D will be the new cyborg/holographic body.
How would we KNOW if we are dead? REALLY think about that. When I was dead, It was NO different than dreaming while you sleep at night. .. except that I could feel cold. So maybe we are just stripped of certain senses/sensors? Every version is different? So many questions.
The smartdust thing is tricky. They have coated EVERYTHING. We've been uploaded into the cloud as a digital twin for META tele-non-health. Scary times we live in.
In my experience, humans can be vaporized and exterminated. They can even become remote-controlled slaves, but that's already not them...
The essence of the soul is directly linked to the Divine, and it cannot be harmed, but the link to this world can be severed, mostly by damaging the material links to the body, which is evanescent and easy to destroy...
In my life, I've found that if I let everything go, all that remains is me. :)
Of course, I have no idea what that means, but as you probably remember, I've had my own encounters with the transcendent and the "scientifically" unverifiable that, nonetheless, materialized several years later:
At the same time, it IS possible to replace someone in distant relationships with deepfakes; it's been happening for a while by now:
'The essence of the soul is directly linked to the Divine, and it cannot be harmed ....." I've pondered that same thought, Ray. But then I btought into the equation: Selling the soul. Binding it to the Hell realm. Eternal damnation after death in the material realm.
I think everybody should have a NDE or 2 to put things into perspective.
Deepfakes are whole nother crazy topic. When actors, singers, etc "sign the contract" they give up their rites to the human avatar in perpetuity, thru every dimension, & on every timeline. Now they have hologram shows in Vegas. Crazy Times :)
Another thought, If quantum is having no predetermined outcome...then is THAT freewill? I'd LOVE Ray's thought on this whole topic.
"Insert your links here" Ray :)
Free Will seems to be exercised only when people are making life-and-death decisions, which they hardly ever dare or are able to do:
As far as I can see, "quantum computing" is a misleading term:
It's actually traditional computing, but some switches remain open, and the whole system remains open for restructuring itself according to the current needs or after new data require modifications. Also, only the necessary switches are active, which is pretty much the same as the way the human brain works (and that's why "scientists" used to think that only 3-5% of the brain is used. :) ).
Thank You Ray. I KNEW You'd have already contemplated this!
The term Quantum PHInanace feels so averagely mathematical.
Loved the linked articles! Dwave feels more demon possessed or archetypes escorted in thru opening portals ... I forget the A.I. Term. PORTAL 503 service unavailable?
The whole thing is weird, because it looks like a hundred-and-twenty-year old limited hangout and red herring...
Currently, it looks like their AI has changed tactics and is recommending the deployment of traditional forces, like a "trade war"...
That doesn't mean that the mass killing will stop; it's only diversification...
To me, it looks like whatever they are doing openly now, has been going on for decades...
What could people do? It directly relates to one of my latest comments at
In an ideal world, getting rid of all politicians, restoring state rights, starting a new currency, taking over all the utilities and all means of control, especially the media and communication, would be a good start. Logistically, it's a globalist network that still keeps production and distribution alive. It would take at least two months to recover from that shock and, in the meanwhile, the lack of power and potable water would probably kill more than famine...
Anyway, who could control such a global operation even at the national level? The globalists have enormous technological reserves, and nobody can counter DEWs, lasers, microwaves through the powerlines, drone swarms, robotic armies, and well-equipped foreign mercenaries with hunting guns. The hour is late as it is...
I hear what you're saying Ray. It only takes 120 years to go from horse & buggy to hadron collider says Archaix.
I feel that we've always had a one world gov. Antartica treaty proves that. If the NGO;s were not part of that, they wouldn't be given total power to collapse us into hunger games scenarios.
Well, it's been quite a ride to say the least. We have front row seats to what promises to be a good show ??
There must be a reason why traveling to the Antarctica is prohibited. All the insane experiments in the 1940s and 1950s suggest that the technology was insufficient for a One-World Government to dominate. The consolidation of power used the US until now, but the monetary system secures full control over the people.
The show is indeed spectacular, but only a few seem to be able to see through the lies. On the other hand, I don't think I'll see the end of it. :)