Great writing, Ray. As v-x ruined my life 50 years ago, I feel ever so fortunate to have learned of Dr Jack Kruse message. Think I'm getting better since using red light therapy device and standing 15 towards sunrise and sunset.

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Jim Himble of MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) Once said that Vitamin A is synthesized in our eyeball when sunlight hits the back of the eyball. I was never able to verify that but nevertheless choose to avoid wearing sunglasses, if for no other reason than they were popularized by Hollywood, and we now know that those freaks are Sodomites/Satanists.

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Nice comment. Good work and good for you. I too enjoy the first and last sunlight of the day and derive benefit from starring into the sun for short durations at those tmes.

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It's terrible to hear about your suffering... Agent Orange alone managed to amass more victims than the official 50k in 'Nam...

Perhaps you can share more about your remedy; many of your fellow readers are veterans...

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Check out Dr Kruse. He has the best answers. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dr+jack+kruse

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As I drift further into sickness and oblivion I still try to read one stack whenever I can and it's this one. Thanks Ray, I wish I had more to contribute and perhaps next time I will do better ((;-)

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Thank you kindly. Your contribution is to yourself and your loved ones, at least most of the time. Based on your comment, that might be more than any outsider (including me) can surmise.

It looks like I am fading out, too, but it might take a few more years for all I know, and at least it doesn't show in my writing. I am amazed that so few people realize that my contents are unique and far ahead of most other sources...

Other than that, all i can say is what I told the doctor, when I nearly died a year ago:


They tried to trigger fear in me, and I was only smiling and told them one has to die of something. They left me alone after that. :)

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Are you offering your archive of work on flash drives like Patrick Jordan? There are people out there like me that might be perfectly suited to continue and/or share your work. I will offer proceeds for such a project.

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Hi Ray,

Cure is a word nobody can use for this attack as the full compliment of poisons and mechanisms of action are still unknown, and likely to remain so. I wouldn't encourage people to give up looking for ways to mitigate the damage and to stay healthy enough to enjoy whatever time we have though.

Regards, Matt.

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Well, no matter what I say, the blood is only a stage in the general poisoning. My article is NOT about cure, but the classification of those who are allowed to "survive."

The AI is light-years ahead of everyone else, and the interventions are already calculated...

Yes, that does sound "discouraging," but for a good reason... I don't discourage anyone.

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I ponder what Huxley's definition of "brave" is.

He who suffers great adversity & still manages to thrive? ...Edit...I mean SURVIVE.

Also, it comes to mind that the indigenous role of braves was to ultimately become fodder for battle.

Excellent article Ray!

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Thank you kindly. My best guess is that "brave" was only for a slogan.

At the same time, my conjecturing is scaring the living light out of me. Evil in humans, apparently, knows no boundaries.

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I have always viewed human society as necessarily hierarchal if it is to prosper (by whatever definition of prosper). My idea of hierarchy however has different definitions and I struggle to define boundaries because boundaries infer a measurement system (values). Everyone potentially, or actually, has value to offer and we are currently very poor at assigning value. And now we are taking the lazy approach of letting a privileged class and AI assign it for us. And by inaction letting them make live/die decisions without recourse. The feedback mechanisms are broken. Intentionally so. Another manifestation of control. But also subject to occasional disruptive events where some tinkering is permitted to extend the control matrix. Disruptive events are opportunities however I see little chance of anything like that happening without a major disruption that mortally affects the top of hierarchy.

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Mike, it's good to see you are doing your own thinking; I couldn't hope for more! :)

Here are some of my relevant thoughts.

As I said, ALL civilizations follow the same pattern and produce exactly the same layers.

Everybody must decide on their own, and I can only hope that when the time comes, a LOT of people will react the same way. Oops, the time is here, and it's not happening...

Commoners have literally no power. Moreover, no peasant or slave uprising EVER succeeded in history for more than a few years, and the retributions were terrible...

All civilizations go through the same stages from being beneficial for all participants to the centralization of power, and finally, the collapse. They are usually replaced with a new civilization, but this time, technocracy is the only option, which is not a livable option.

No, the feedback mechanisms are not broken; they never existed. None of the presiding rulers are interested in what you or I think beyond finding out about details that would make you and me more vulnerable or easier to manipulate. This time, if "we" fail both tests, "we" are signed up for elimination. :)

Technocracy will defeat itself in its own good time, but it's a question if any organic human beings are still going to be around:


False hope is constantly provided to keep the masses at bay by rendering them inactive:


The enemy cannot be countered on its own turf:


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I agree with all you say in summary without even reading the links provided.

You say, "Technocracy will defeat itself in its own good time, but it's a question if any organic human beings are still going to be around:" - but I see the great failing of humanity is that "other' biological organic life forms are not included in the "We,' of which humans think they are the CENTRAL and most important part - and that mindset is what is destroying humanity and everything else. IMHO. And IF we had been thinking rightly, we never would have wanted to become technocratic in the first place and wouldn't fall for all the traps. Psychopaths and sociopaths would have been locked up or rendered harmless before they became monsters like such as rule the world today and in so many other buried civilizations.

That sort of evolution in humanity has never happened and now, thanks to technocracy, it likely won't.

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Nice comment. If only the psychopaths and sociopaths had been tarred and feathered and ran out of town, the world would be a better place.

A pie in the face of Devil Bill (Gates) didn't stop him. If only he had acid thrown in his face, we would all be better off now.

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Feedback always exists. As you point out they exist now to solidify the control by unseen power structure(s?). My point being not to the benefit of lower hierarchy. A sustaining society needs a fair distribution of the fruits of its endeavors. Failing that it collapses and is supplanted. The cycle repeats most likely because the top has the resources to start again, maintenance of power by retained knowledge, and more refined control by past experience. Lower hierarchy too preoccupied with survival to offer challenge. All the top have to do is make sure they are least affected by whatever cataclysm is offered. But as you say, it’s happened throughout history. And here we are again unless a significant disruption is enabled to gather back some humanistic agency.

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All civilizations go through the same stages from being beneficial for all participants to the centralization of power, and finally, the collapse.

It's most likely because that's how this house of cards called human civilization works based on human nature.

Going off-grid might work for no more than two "bodies" for the infrared satellite trackers (a dog might be added for all I can imagine).

This time, the takeover is global, so there won't be another civilization to replace the leftovers.

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I like the way you write Ray, by breaking up your writing into succinct paragraphs it is more readable.

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so I am asking myself more and more, what is the point of 'knowing' all of this that only depresses us, puts us into deep despair or fighting mentality? I don't WANT to fight and I don't WANT a gun. I would rather die than know I could become a barbaric or cannibal or worse. No thank you.

I remember asking a group of people who had formed a 'sustainability' group. They were looking into 'carrying capacity' based on our current population, if the shit hit the fan, how much density the land where i live can stand before we destroy it all, and in what time frame. (Only weeks, apparently.) They were also theorizing and talking about cataclysmic events. I asked the honest question which was, in the event of a nuclear cataclysm (which we are staring in the face), are we planning to give out some pill or way for people to choose death rather than dying of radiation sickness or some other slow and painful killing plague? Silence. I could feel everyone backing away from even contemplating that kind of question.

But why not ask those practical questions - at least of ourselves and know what kind of people we are? I wasn't suggesting that we have the right to choose anyone else's death - only our own - that we should have choices available. People should have the choice - in life and in death -of how they live, and barring that, how they might want to die when all is hopeless, which you and others say it is, and I agree - which is why living in the present and in Real Time appeals more and more to me. So I guess that makes me a freak for wanting me and others to have that choice to die on my own terms rather than suffer torture or watching our loved ones die in agony - or even strangers.

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Knowing enables me to prepare, which is not a whole lot, but certainly better than dying like a slaughtered animal.

At the beginning of the plandemic, I didn't know what was going to be released, but refused to wear a muzzle, because I refused to live in fear.

Regarding the idea of dying on my own terms, I also contemplated in


and a number of other articles.

If it's any consolation, the "nuclear threat" can be no more than a few dirty bombs.


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Beedledee, not a freak at all. I think what you are expressing is the unsaid message that every thinking and aware person feels. The constant doom and gloom of the Sodomite oppressors is indeed depressing. You are not alone. I find myself frequently, and often, wishing Scottie would beam me up.

And you are spot on, in my view, that living in the present is 'where it's at'. Too many people are living in the past, rehashing their trauma and/or wounded lives, playing the blame game, and assuming the victim role.

We are all damaged goods from the Sodomite's constant onslaught of problem, problem, problem against humanity including circumcision, vaccine weapons, unnecessary medical procedures including exposure to toxic metals and radiation.

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Interestingly, Frances Leader wrote about Leuron Moret's interview with a professor from UC, Davis, regarding frequencies, and how the Chancellor of said college had many patents on antennae. Her spouse had developed paints to protect metals from radiation damage. More was discussed on ancient Iranian lineages, where she surmised many of our leaders stem from. 2 hr interview which I was fascinated by. The interview was 2016 with Darrell Hamamoto. m.youtube.com/watch?v=ndUJI6aNsMA

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Frances Leader and I are not best friends. She violently attacked me after I doubted her idea of using zeolite (I doubted it should be in the blood as a suspension):


She is full of hatred, and her audience relies on unprovable "ancient" and "secret" hearsay. I don't believe a single word she is saying; in fact, I could use her writing for detecting falsehoods in the "alt" media, if I cared to read whatever pours out of her hatred-filled heart.

"Karl" also attacked me like a banshee (called me names and banned me from his site in order to prevent me from posting my point of view), when I asked legitimate questions about his advertising sodium citrate:


Sorry, I don't buy into "ancient" stuff...

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She has a tendency to be rude to some people, I've noticed. I'm getting to the stage now, where I don't think any of us will find out the truth, stop whatever it is. I agree it's already happening and no-one I know seems to care and they are much younger than I with kids in school. I'm not ill but I've certainly been affected, feeling stressed, more tired since convid and reading so much information, which I read is part of how they wear you out, not knowing what to believe. I should maybe have a break from the internet altogether.

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Why does she not have the "decency" to talk and act in a civilized manner?

Why was she refusing the discussion and went into a diatribe instead?

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You definately should stop reading everything and anything. More so stop your fear. This is info WARS and the age of over information and disinformation and misinformation. It is a weapon. Glad you notice. I'll tell you the only secret I have - Love is strength. Not intellect, not knowledge - Love. Love your children, Love their mother, their father their grandmother's and grandfather's, love the nature's with its birds and bees and flowers and trees. Give thanks for every breath and every moment. Love is THE only answer. Best your way mom 🙏🥰

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this speaks to my heart and soul. if we're all doomed anyway, we may as well go out with love - that is the only true freedom there is. And it's here right beside and around us and within us all the time. Thank you for this reminder. I was so beaten down by sorrow I just wanted to die all the time. I stopped looking at what is still alive and miraculous. I want to focus on THAT. I was so full of self blame and hatred. I am waking up after 71 years to see how I let myself and others who I loved and love, down - and hurt myself so badly. You are right to say give thanks for every moment and breath. We are alive. I want to spend whatever time I have left being grateful and open hearted and loving to others and to myself - to be present to Life and all its facets. it's always been easy to love Nature. Humans are harder. But all are suffering. I finally am beginning to See and open my eyes. So thank you for this message.

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I Love your message ❤️ I Love more your revelation, how hard you have been on yourself. Forgive yourself and feed yourself only love, whether it is your thoughts, your words, your conversations let them be of love. Life is short, full of challenge and full of dark temptations but we will always overcome if we have love. ❤️

Sending thoughts of peace, harmony and love your way 🕊️🔔💖

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So, how can one define what love is?

My favorite is Fielding's from Tom Jones:

Esteem and gratitude.

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She banned me from her substack on my first visit.

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I had a pretty similar experience with Mercola and RFK, Jr. a few years ago, in spite of being kind and respectful. A few more places, too, but who cares. :)

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Perhaps it's time for individuals to ...

Seek supernatural powers in a Natural "Living" God...

Instead of seeking 'cures' from imperfect mankind.

Historically civilizations have been down this road many times in the past, similar to a 'playbook' repeating the same errors in the civilizations of man.

This is NOTHING NEW...

The ONE constant has been the God of Israel... to seek positive changes, the choice for positive spirituality becomes a personal, individual matter...

Once all is said and done...

How do these atrocities affect one specifically, personally and HOW one CHOOSES to cope, stand firm in POSITIVITY and LIGHT or CHOOSE to get swallowed up in fear of darkness....

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Thanks Mr. Ray...

As one continued to learn more and more from Substack posters...

The reality of the decision this was moving into a spiritual war seems increasingly obvious...imho

I appreciate your posts, and commentary.

Thank you for your guidance...

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I am glad to see you are making your own decisions!

Here are my two pennies.

For humans to seek divine power is a Satanist trait.

You are right, this is nothing new, just one civilization collapsing and another (technocracy) taking over. The problem is that there might not be any organic humans left. However, the body seems to develop new forms of protecting itself, and I am planning a new article on that.

Those who are afraid die a thousand deaths.

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Thanks for shaking us up Ray!

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This time, I might be a bit too much with my conjecturing, but it makes sense.

Thank YOU for being such a wonderful person and researcher!

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No way I would ever trust these clowns to perfect anything. The human race is fine and as it should be as there is no authority or power on earth that knows perfection or much of anything else useful for that matter.

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It doesn't matter what you or I think; they have the power to do just about anything they want to...

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The one thing they do not have: Love.

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Oct 28
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When someone has been telling lies long enough, they lose touch with their ability to make a distinction between facts and lies, or even good and evil...

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