instead of an iv saline drip, can you get back to normal, with just 1 tsp of sea salt in 1 cup of distilled water, taken 2-3 times over a 5 hour period?

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Everyone is a doctor. :)


For that matter, I used to try that sort of thing before being hospitalized, but it didn't get me anywhere.

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Aug 1Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Would getting rid of a few of the billionaire psychopaths behind this global genocide help?!

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If they were known. :)

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yes, why not?

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Probably would not make much difference, but this is what my next article is going to be about.

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May 31Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I forgot a very key point: your wife. I can say with some confidence that you mean absolutely everything to her.

Please? Take very good care of yourself? For her?

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I know, it might look irrelevant, but in return, let me share this heartbreaking piece of music (when besides the orchestra and the soloist, even the hall acoustics and the sound engineer are also outstanding):


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May 31Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Hi Ray,

You are probably correct in thinking that we may just be moving or changing the form in the blood in regard to what we are dealing with today, using various meds or chemicals. Anyone who says they understand or know everything about what we are dealing with is either lying, naïve or stupid. What we do know is that if the blood is sludge people don't feel well and by improving the blood people feel better and are able to carry on with their lives in a more positive manner.

Hope you enjoy my next post;).

Regards, matt

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Thank you, Matt, for your kind comment.

Sorry, I don't think I am completely correct at any given time. Still, my questions might deserve further attention. When the scrutiny stops with the blood, it's game over... It probably, is, because humans, no matter how smart and honest they might be, are facing a formidable opponent, whose capabilities are light-years ahead of whatever the human mind could ever accomplish. If I only simply imagine how I would design such a system, it's reasonable for me to assume that the AI is handling a multitude of interconnected systems (which is what "Sam" is also saying) that can change rapidly and unpredictably, depending on the next task it is meant to accomplish, so catching up with it seems absolutely futile. However, it MUST have weak points. In this case, I have been suspecting the bone marrow (or wherever the synthetic self-replicating blood cells are initially produced), the instructions (probably through 5G or comparable technologies, but those can now come in even through the home Wi-Fi or the electric grid: https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/enforcing-smart-households-with-your), and synthetic or synthesized proteins (I've been writing about those since last fall to no avail), but if you check out only one, try https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/what-do-peanut-allergy-lyme-and-arthritis, because that's where I made the first breakthrough in my conjecturing, and carried on recently in https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/moving-to-more-uncharted-lands-the) that also act as interfaces between the central AI and the human body (I counted 13 major sources of the murders/damages in https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/an-unlikely-synthesis-a-comprehensive). I realize that there is only a slight chance for success, but I cannot see any other options, because the AI is more than likely to be able to adjust to temporary symptomatic treatments, which means that they are either ultimately useless or can even produce further symptoms with a vengeance...

At this point, I read you and Sam, but try not to intervene or interrupt with comments on your sites. It looks like this comment contains the most important things I think, anyway.

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May 30Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Thank you for sharing your story. I admire your reason for willingly entering the murder machine, it's about the only valid reason I can see.

I'm prone to severe dehydration from EMF, something I figured out on accident pursuing effective non toxic ways to treat my lifelong "POTS" (aka severe dehydration).

When I tried to explain to regular docs that my body wasn't absorbing fluid orally, that I needed to bypass my digestive tract, I was met with eye rolls.

I was in and out of full body paralysis, and experiencing significant tachycardia. An MRI (no contrast dye at my firm refusal) showed no visible damage to my spine/neck/head, so clearly I was 'just crazy', but the POTS 'diagnosis' saved me from being overtly labelled as such because there is medical literature on IV saline reducing tachycardia in people with "POTS". My husband carried a hard copy of those studies on every ED trip.

Eventually I found a small private clinic who would let me have regular infusions. This was back when we were living in a high density EMF area. The doc had never seen anything like it. On very bad days, my husband would carry my limp body into the clinic. Fully conscious, somewhat in a state of euphoria, but breathing shallow and not able to talk/move. 1L of saline infused over 2 hours and I would walk out of the clinic. On those very bad days I also needed to have some coffee, or a straight up caffeine pill alongside the saline to get back on my feet. On moderate days, my husband would hold my hand so I could lean on him to walk in. I'm eternally grateful for the period of time that this doc allowed me to be there. Given the state I was in on those days, an ambulance should've been called, but all of us in the room knew the hospital wouldn't help me. That doc took a big risk for me, I'm very grateful. I can't go to their clinic now, too much EMF in that area, and I no longer trust the state of saline. However, IV saline is an incredibly useful/valuable thing and I would like to figure out how to do with med system involvement.

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Hi Kiwi,.

It didn't show that you had ever been so bad when I saw you last. Hopefully you will be as bright as last time, in a few weeks when we catch up again, Cheers, matt.

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Thank you 💜

You can see why I was so nervous to have my blood looked at, given the nature of my reaction to emf (and everthing else synthetic).

I was in the best state I'd been in for a while when we met. I sustained a significant EMF injury about 3 months ago, but it didn't paralyse me as much, more heart impacts instead. That solar storm didn't help either. Since stopping iv saline (when the jab rolled out), I've had to be much more careful. IV saline was my safety net, a way to recover quickly and well.

I suspect my reactions to EMF and all things synthetic are protecting me somewhat. The severity of their impact motivates me to be more careful than most.

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Sounds like a horror story... Good to have a husband like that, just like it was most likely my wife's presence that saved me. She visited for several hours a day. She brought me organic juices and food, we walked around, and played a children's card game, "crazy little eight" :)

The hospital itself was absolutely fantastic, although they wanted to send me on my way, when I refused blood transfusion and blood products, but I convinced them to "give it a try." To my luck, they were "only" about to install 5G Wi-Fi in each room, but I had enough time to inform the nurses about the immediate convid symptoms once 5G is in place. Two of them also appreciated my article on Ensure that I wrote in the hospital (it's highly toxic, and they were pushing it on every patient):


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May 30Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

How blessed we are to have such wonderful spouses, it makes a world of difference :)

I found the pre-5g hospital EMF, in combination with toxic cleaning chemicals and florescent lighting incredibly taxing. It proved to me how power IV saline is, because I still left feeling better than when I arrived, even though it was a toxic mess there.

Your interactions with staff sounds positive, I'm glad you had that experience. Who knows what seeds you planted in your time there too :)

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Wow, that's sum' story Ray -- you've been to the belly of the whale an' back! (whale innards might've been far more pleasant than yer average hoss-spit-all but I also mean in terms of yer journey---down to great depths or darkness an' near-despair before rejoining the light). I think yer soul told yer body ta behave! (not jokin' here either!) Sure they're attached. Now wuther souls leave bodies is an'nuther tale, not one I'll be likely ta spin (anywayz the always entertainin' Shirley MacLaine duz it better!) Likely yer wife's soul an' spirit also had a "say" in the matter too!

I do like that "later" line ta git 'em offa yer back... ha ha reminds me of when my own better half gives me the nicest "yes dear" (an' then duzn't do it!)--but its words that make one think yer agreein'! Whatever they hit'cha with (unintentionally--or mebbe Ray, were ya targeted? many folks have been...) whatever it wuz--yer spirit put up "its dukes" an' we're all glad that happened, bein' appreciative of yer work an' now--yer gumption!

Count yer blessin's count yer chickens... an' count yer change! (keep on keepin' on too!) ;-)

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Your husband's habit reminds me of my strategy in the army and handling pesky bosses on the rare occasions, when I had one. :)

My mind was at work, and it told me when to stop. After a few days, the blockage was gone, due to rehydration, and it looked like I might actually make it out of the place alive. Their PPI (proton pump inhibitor) would have done me in, too, but I stopped taking it after a week, because it damaged my kidneys and disrupted the circulation. Found a couple of other solutions, so I'm still around.

Despair is not in my vocabulary for the situation, because I know my priorities:


I don't think I was targeted any more than anyone else:


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given that we're all "warter" (over 70%) it all makes a lotta sense--ironically likely the best thing the hoss-spit all did wuz just gettin' that warter inta ya--the rest (as ya said) wuz bad stuff PPIs also kill yer good gut bacteria & more... bad nooz them... So the rest was you ;-)

(I see what'cha mean re bein' targeted but I know some who are---directly--"more" than the "in general alluvus")... includin' some on these stacks... likely you'd know if it was that kinda thing tho'--when ya speak out (many've us try!), it's always a possibility...

lol re the army strategy--when you say yes it does DIS-ARM!... ah, had me some pesky bosses too in my daze! (but the "later" also is like a yes--implyin' yes, later, sure...)

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May 30·edited May 30Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

You see, it wasn't the medical mafia that saved you, but your own body. As you said, they guess most of the time even when they bombard you with tests and scans and other bodily invasions. Your body never guesses as it is programmed somehow to keep you alive and ticking. If it is failing, it is usually because you have failed it. Meaning that you have somehow interfered with its ability to keep you alive and well.

True, at some point, outside forces can overrun your healthy body and restrict its ability to keep you functioning at a good level. But how is that determined? Does the modern stone age medical mafia have testing methods to determine the state of your body overall? No, they are clueless. They may be able to isolate different problems but overall they know so little about how the body functions as a whole that their only offense is to drug, test or dissect you to death.

Medicine is built backwards and operates as if it was invented during the dark ages. Therefore, maintaining your health is mainly up to you, not the medieval butchers of medicine.

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May 30Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Your comments are incredibly wise and insightful. Thank you.

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There have been so many sequences of the most unlikely things happening to me in my life; without those, I would have perished. These experiences turned me into a sucker for Providence. :)

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The longer you are "a sucker for Providence", the more Providence will perform His "magic tricks" for you! 😊

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Makes me think of this and how it might be possible given that our human essence is slowly being replaced. What doesn't kill us, makes us synthetic. :O

Revelation 9:6 in Context

3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. 4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. 5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. 8 And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. 9 And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.

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Those are impressive quotes, and easy to read them as an allegory for these days.

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Great story. Thx for telling it. Individual experiences are the path to truth.

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They are also one of the most common means of spreading disinfo/misinfo, so all I can offer for proof is my previous 865 articles; beyond that, it's only my word.

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So Ray 100% the lived environment for a human being at a minimum since fire has been terribly toxic. Who knows but evidently a difference amongst us-viewed from a Sociobiological stance-is a toxic urban environment may encourage reproductive success and a healthy peasant environment may not. Man's fate is birth (only once we pray) and death. We are mayflies if we have no soul.

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May 30Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I'm so very happy that you and your wife have an 'extended lease on life'. Life together is not the 'same' now. You may be living on 'borrowed time', as are we. Keeping a treasure journal of 'moments to remember' might be good.

There's a scripture that Paul gave in the NT that said,

'each ESTEEMING the other higher than themselves'.

What a prescription for life; one I also want central.

Glad you're here!!

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Thank you.

Just counted it how many times my life started over, while it would have stayed in the same dead end alley for most others, and I stopped at 22. I think, I've been on borrowed time all my life. :)

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I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Amazing that you came out of that hospital. I know your wife was instrumental in saving you. It is a paradigm shattering experience.

I do think that we are well on our way to being synths...I said it long ago that our transformation had already begun.

My feeling that the soul/spirit - whatever you might call it, is distinct, and not "always" attached to the body - it animates it, but is perhaps timeless. I've traveled a lot in my out of body state, ever since I was a child. And I've taught myself to bring some of those journeys under conscious control and have transcended time and even this human existence.

I went to a future event - it was an experiment for 35 physicists. I predicted the venue for a birthday party for Russell Targ in San Francisco. They had not yet decided where to have his birthday celebration. It was 3 weeks prior to the event and I was invited, due to my OBE skills that I had shared with one of the physicists - I had interviewed him over the phone for a chapter in the book I was writing. We became good friends and he was fascinated by the OBE journeys, and he introduced me on a kind of exclusive email list.

Anyway, I was thrilled to be going and I told them I would target the affair and describe the venue, even though they hadn't even thought about where it would be at that point. And I said, all the better to prove that consciousness is non-local and instead of trying to quantify non-locality, they should try to experience it. I had their attention.

So, I went out of my body that night and when I awoke, I wrote in an email to them all about what I had seen, describing the place in great detail. Unmistakable detail. No one even emailed me back about it, but when I arrived for the event, it was exactly as I had described. They had only settled on the location the day prior to the event. They were all amazed when they realized my consciously-controlled out of body had transcended time and space and that I had actually been there. They were all very aware of remote viewing, but this was something else - this was experiential, and they knew it.

I had always had these experiences, but when I finally managed to bring them under control and guide them, it was a paradigm shift for me.

What does it mean? Just what it means to me, I guess. That our physical forms are just a ride in the human amusement park and that there are many other rides to go on? And that we've been on?

Perhaps we find our fellow travelers, allies and fellow warriors over and over again, on battlefield after battlefield? Even if this one is virtual, we are still in this war together.

We're all so grateful that you are still with us...we're not quite finished with this final battle quite yet.

If you're ever curious about OBEs, William Buhlman, who I met and corresponded with often, has some great videos. It will rock your world if you happen to master it...XO to you and your wife.

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"And I said, all the better to prove that consciousness is non-local and instead of trying to quantify non-locality, they should try to experience it. I had their attention. "

Awesome comment, Pasheen. This is part of your story that somehow I have missed!

Since I don't have your skills., I try to get people to experience "non-locality " ( thanks, now I have a word for it! ). second hand by using animal communicators.

Pasheen, my question for today is -do male writers tend to self-promote, while female writers tend to invite collaboration??

Just wondering...

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thx, Phar...

I don't know about men and women and self-promoting or collaboration...

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Sounds like you have been through the wringer.

I think it has been shown by many (but they don't realize it yet) that a 'cure doesn't exist, but management does along with a change in life style.

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What a harrowing tale! So glad You came back to this mess to help in You way to clean it up!

Personally, I have no evidence of this "soul..." [shrug] Unless You count what I experienced in My spiritual experience...

My Spiritual Experience (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/my-spiritual-experience

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Yes...that absolutely counts...I've been there too...!!! Thanks for the great post!

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Thank You for Your payment of appreciation! I am enriched!

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