Is the Trump Administration Planning To "Vaccinate" People through the Food Supply?
Does it matter?
When something is free, you are the product. Still you are paying through your taxes, and if you fall for the propaganda, with your own money (after being robbed at gunpoint with taxes), and eventually, with your life.
According to the official narrative, which has been lying to you since its inception, there is a “bird flu” crisis (of course, and I was born yesterday):
Stegiel’s article today suggests that the people are planned to be “vaccinated” through the food supply:
“Better thou than me.”
You can make sure your poultry will always remain toxic (just list pork since 2017):
One of my least-time favorites, Karen Kingston, is already ringing the alarm (she is confirming all the mass killers’ propaganda):
Not sure how this will go, but here is something more; instead of killing birds, people are going to be “immunized”; that sort of thing, of course, lines up with all previous “vaccines” for convid as well:
Of course, that path has been legally open since the end of May, 2023:
This move also proves what a farce RFK, Jr. is, just like I predicted. Originally, I proposed another candidate for the Trump Cabinet for health, and selecting it would have surely protected the people from the invented illness, “bird flu” (other candidates were also suggested, but never accepted):
The clown show even extended to the CDC having milk tested for “bird flu”:
Just about all “food” sold in the US is already highly toxic.
What kind of food cannot contain the new deadly toxins as the injections for convid did? It doesn’t matter; there are too many other ways to poison the people. That was clear already in June, 2022:
The DOGE theater seems to work fine for the masses.
DOGE might save a few million dollars (it probably doesn’t save a penny, but who am I to say?), while the national debt keeps increasing at a rate of $3 million PER MINUTE. How much does DOGE cost to operate per second or by the minute? How much control does the taxpayer have over how their money robbed at gunpoint will be spent? Even billions wouldn’t do much to the federal deficit that is unofficially over $200 trillion. Would the taxpayer see a single penny out of the “money saved”?
The whole operation looks like a consolidation of power; only the hands are different.
The activities of The Federal Reserve have been pushed forward recently:
Once the Fed goes down, so does the “economy.” That will mean shortages and whatever comes with those. The female presidential candidate from India for 2024 suggested price control, but both paths lead to the same destination: rationing and severe problems with production and distribution, which can result only in one thing:
Of course, civil rights have been only for the shop-window, and have been curbed for several decades, especially the Freedom of Speech, but a lot of diversions have been in play:
Of course, the existence of pathogenic “viruses” or, even “viruses” has never been proven. The first stage of mass manipulation is usually predictive programming, and I’m sure you can recall a lot of “deadly virus” movies from the last four or five decades. In 2020, TV watchers were exposed to the daily “report” of an invented and patented virus, convid, was “killing people,” although the actual killing seems to have been going on since the introduction of the “vaccine” for it, which resembles AZT and Fuxxi for another invented illness, AIDS1. What is a “virus”? The idea is certain infectious. Based on the principles modern Madicine operates, even diabetes can be considered an “infection” or an “epidemic”:
Forget if “viruses” exist or not; the people are under violent attack:
There is a poetic variety of ways people are poisoned. Food has been one of them for at least 60 or 70 years. This time, it’s becoming more serious.
For comic relief:
Nice article! Regarding those flu shots, did you ever see this Ray:
Dr. Ardis Exposes the Influenza (Flu) Shot Fraud - If You Take IT YOU Are a Lab Rat: [11mins]
It's a testing ground for the CDC for future mass vaccination protocols. And I don't know if you're aware but often grocery stores will offer 15% off of your receipt if you get one while in store. Free is one thing, incentivized is quite another. When payment is involved, the victim is basically agreeing to all consequences...
Related to those flu studies: Predictive Programming: Video Game from 2005 Nakedly Exposes Globalist Vaccine Plan: [2mins]
Good post Ray, see they want to keep the imaginary virus alive and scare us at the same time with the bird culling. Ingenious isn't it?