I like the Kennedy's better when they're drunk in Palm Beach, letting it all hang out. You can't judge a person by their families, thankfully.

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FYI: Joseph P. Kennedy III is the son of Joseph P. Kennedy II (brother of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) and Sheila Rausch.

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Thank you for the detail.

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I do actually believe RFK Jr is on the level…however, I think a lot of people in his position are afraid of pushing the “virus is totally fictitious” barrow for fear it will override and cancel out their “deadly vaccines” platform. He’s been so alienated and attacked by the Democrats that I don’t doubt his integrity at all. He’s in a very difficult position. Oh, here’s my latest…


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In order to create a "hero," the representative of the opposition must be banned, hated, and attacked, but no harm will come to him as long as he is doing the globalists' bidding.

K's intentions make no difference; the outcome does, and he cannot change them. The system cannot be changed from the inside.

Your comment inspired me to write this article today:


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intercessory prayer... dear God of goodness please help the pshycopaths and their knowing and not knowing supporters return to goodness and truth

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RFK Jr slithers away from any no-virus dialog, "well I just don't know, you know I'm mainly involved with the legal aspects", yadayadayada. He's just gross.

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Seriously, do you think that anyone saying "no such thing as a virus" is going to get any traction.

Why do you expect RFK jnr to stick his neck out, even if he has his doubts.

Until there's a credible alternative to a "virus", that people can accept.

A virus denier will seem like a nutter. On Ray's Substack it's not extreme but this is a very very tiny demographic.

Me, personally, I don't know what's making with the "Covid" symptoms, so I am not rushing around saying that viruses don't exist.

I suspect that they don't exist but I have not yet found the right explanation for the contagion aspect.

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Colds and flu seem to be clean-up of dead cells and debris. The gook from this clean up is coughed and sneezed out, and others can have a reaction to that making them feel sick, but not everyone. That is not "contagion" but the reaction seems like it is. No replication competent virus is needed for this and none has ever been found.

Here you can see I have shown that a cold virus (rhinovirus) said to exist and even be purified was not and thus not shown to exist (starts in the middle of this post).


This took me a full hour of digging thru all the papers hiding the nonsense inside, and I'm used to this kind of info. I don't expect you did, or even know how to do this, and there is no shame in that because it takes a considerable amount of training to understand what they are saying, but the concepts are simple. So this is one example that NO VIRUS has been found, that is not the same as showing no virus exists because you can not prove a negative. The onus is on the people who say a virus does exist to prove it. No one can disprove Bigfoot exists, it's a nonsense argument to say we should disprove Bigfoot otherwise believe in Bigfoot, unless you want to believe in unicorns, that's free choice of course.

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My point is that the masses are not ready for this.

Those who are shot up, those with share portfolios, those with doctors or virologists in the family, those pushing the clotshots ... .

It would be a losing platform to run a political campaign on.

This corner of Substack is radical, and we like it like that. And what Proton Magic does is more than valuable.

It's not me per se that needs convincing, but I would say that currently disproving viruses is leaving a vacuum. Too big a task for one proton to fill.

Do you have the *no such thing as a virus* conversation with random people, or even people whom you know.

I don't because of the eye rolling.

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Cairn, Unfortunately most everything you have said is correct. You are right when you talk about the one-person talking to one or only a few others-yes eye rolling.

My experience is that about 30% of people understand there is a virus proving problem, the Global Mafia, or at least something is being scammed. If even 20% of the population were vocal that would make a big dent in the narrative. That's why they have gone to such extents to make up the GOF/Bioweapon story. The no-virus people have enlightened many people in the 3 years, it's really amazing.

I also personally do not like ignoring truths, blind faith or magical thinking, and if someone will tell me there is a virus I will try to tell them nicely that "the original papers written by Chinese researchers did not actually find a Covid virus and no one has since". I have lost a few friends and have had eyes rolling at me, yes you are correct. That is not an excuse for me to live in a psy-op and refuse to do so. I also have a folder of print-outs that I show people when people are at least willing to talk. The folders contain the images from these posts:



So Cairn, I think we agree conceptually on this and hope you can see my angle. Take care.

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The masses are not going to survive this. Even the best of the remainder, hopefully you and I, can do it only over a certain time span.

Just talked to an old friend, who has been shot up and is buying real estate to become "independent." When I told him that real estate taxes will be tied to the CBDCs and he will lose everything, unless he complies, he hung up on me.

You cannot help people who don't want to be helped.

Here, people are anything but radical... It's just honest people who are planning.

"Viruses" and "vaccines" have become red herrings. The killing fields were opened up in East Palestine, OH:


and the murderers' signature is always there:


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Ray is correct, but there could be a way around. Say the guy buys the RE with no loan. Now he's one step away from the bank. Then he gets renters who will be in the CBDC system and they will pay his property tax from their rent for him, and also pay him in goods maybe services for the value of the rent. The tax office is also a step away from the bank (supposedly), and it is possible for persons other than the owner to pay a tax on a property in some places/countries). Now if his side stepping the bank from the loan and property tax angles works, he's maybe(?) out of the nasty CBDC system because he's "bartering" his property with the renters. It's a bartering system that doesnt require an entire city to participate. There are still some "ifs" in this method but neither the crypto people, the "lets make our own bank people", nor bartering system people are any better really.

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You and I have had this disagreement before, and my point of view was not exactly popular. It still has not changed.

I don't think payments will be accepted on someone else's behalf; that would defeat the purpose of the system in which everyone is individually tracked. Also, how can I rent out my property, when I "own nothing"? :)

The owners of the Federal Reserve already own everything and everyone in the US: that was the collateral for their "loans" to the Federal govt at the taxpayer's expense.

I do expect parallel economies to survive for a while, but they will be weeded out quickly. Private banking or issuing money will be treated as capital offenses.

Learning from the Amish might be the best way to go, but I don't think they'll last long with their pacificism.

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I agree.

Having an aware tenant would work.

Problem could be that the property is deemed uninhabitable for some idiotic climate agenda reason.

The "healthy homes"nonsense is making many houses unrentable.

But I would still rather sink money in rental residential property rather than anything else. And with any spare funds improve said property so it is compliant with the nonsense.

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I feel for your "old friend". What have you left him with.

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Indeed, contamination in an area tends to be uniform, which allows for the illusion of infectious diseases, whereas the symptoms of the illness are only are results from detox. The resulting exosomes "viruses" are there, but they don't cause illnesses.

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I absolutely agree that nobody would be allowed to accomplish anything, if they went directly against the system, except their own elimination. It is also true that K's activities might cause minor delays, but ultimately, he is proving that even with the best of intentions, assuming he has those, he cannot change a thing.

I have never denied that tiny particles that some call "viruses" exist, but I disagree with their origin, function, and infectiousness in the official narrative. It is the definition that matters, and even using the word approvingly confirms the criminal official narrative.

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Yes, RFK can not go against a system he is part and parcel of. Now you are right Ray, that one person in the current system wouldn't go too far, but imagine if thousands of vocal professionals and journalists were honest free thinkers and just looked at the logic/science, that would indeed go a long way. So each person saying they wouldn't get very far is an "honesty cop-out". A free and unfettered journalist or Dr would be happy to get people with all angles on the show or in a discussion.

It's clear that many visible pundits including many Drs are "not allowed" to go there and are virus-pushers against clot shots (like Mccullough's recent interview with Derrick Broze). They are actually HARMING any truth movement with this fake distraction away from what is in the Boogey Virus Trojan Horse (like pushing the virus is a bioweapon BS which has no evidence).

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It's hard to know if those pushing the bioweapon virus are genuinely believing it.

Really hard to know.

Such mindgames playing. Who's playing and who's inventing the game. Who's an NPC.

And do they even know what they are.

All the world's a stage.

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I love your optimism. :)

Nothing needs to be imagined, but even if such a united opposition happened, nothing would change for the better.


As I wrote in the initial article on the WEF training program, protesters are only hurting themselves and speeding up the destruction of their country, while there is hardly any chance that they will achieve anything, and even the few scraps they might receive, are likely to be temporary. The economic disruption caused by protest and strikes can also be blamed for later shortages of food, energy, and even water.

Nobody is free as long as their money depends on the current system. (Well, not even after that, but at least the technocratic tyranny would fail.)

Yes, the globalists are playing the "good cop, bad cop" game with the multitudes.

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Unfortunately Ray you are correct. Perhaps a system can crumble from inside, infighting or an outside force like a meteor that destroys half the planet. We just had different angles, yours was on actual effect, mine was originally, and should have just stayed on, speaking and just being honest with the truth. Ignoring the truth, blind faith, fantasy, magical thinking etc. just doesn't sit right with me and many others I've been fortunate to meet on various forums, and the occasional person off-line.

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What can go wrong? Plenty of things certainly will, but I'm not sure it will happen soon enough. The question is whether the plan can fail before its completion, if yes, how, and whether any mortal on the public domain can make a difference. I've written at least the two following pieces on the potential failures, and the second one is from last July:



The truth is barely accessible for the human mind... Just about everything humans "know" is based upon faith on fundamental principles that tend to vary by cultures. No, nothing is "relative" in my opinion; that idea is part of gaslighting the crowds.

Still, those who are not afraid to be wrong and admit that they are, might occasionally find some of the truth. It looks like you and I are trying to be members of that club. :)

Based on the human experience, most people can agree on most fundamentals, but only as long as their personal interests are not involved. After that, tribalism and/or psychopathy takes over, and there is no room left for peace, unless there is a unifying ideology that stabilizes the community. It is not an accident that the globalists have been attacking such foundations for a long time by now.

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I choose to play it safe and not trust any of them!

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Like with Tulsi Gabbard, there are many questions. I like some of the things she says, but why is she on the Council for Foreign Relations?!? And wasn't she also a Young Global Leader?

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she was. As to Kennedy, I think he can do better staying out of the white house. A president's power, as we have seen, is very limited. Others pull the strings. He will probably be mocked just like all the others, and for what? He can better fight from outside. As stated, a president is just another puppet, like we see changing puppets in the UK

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Mar 25, 2023
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Not in this world, unless (s)he can go unnoticed. :)

No "good guys" are allowed in politics, and most of the time, they constantly risk losing their jobs even by trying to be decent.

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Mar 25, 2023
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That's why I wrote this article, besides that I believe, many readers didn't have the time to read the previous one long enough to realize this was not the usual diatribe against the WEF.

NWO is indefinitely worse than commies used to be, although most of those were already useful idiots, who assisted the globalists to set up the end game that is in play right now.

Human nature surely doesn't surprise me, and the way civilizations operate, the timetable is always the same; indeed, it's nothing new. :)

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Mar 25, 2023
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It's next to impossible to belong anywhere these days. If your definition of "commies" is the eugenicistic globalist technocrats, I agree on the terminology. You and I seem to agree on the rest.

Looking forward to your article!

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Narrative shift like a political shift never improves what ails us. Abolition of government could go a great distance in this direction except of course the benefits of freedom are not as good a deal as obedience. Until obedience demands slow motion suicide. At that painful moment is the naked lunch at end of fork.

Generally animal man is not capable of the tremendous sacrifice freedom requires. A little yes and a Big No.

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Ray, with respect, you and others maybe unaware that apart from legal wins against agrochemical/toxin companies, RFK Jnr had already put himself on the line in regard to Big Pharma corruption well before the Covid plandemic began.

For this, as I understand, he incurred significant wrath and denigration from his immediate and wider, most probably, WEF infiltrated family.

RFK Jnr is not the enemy. He will need support and a lot of ‘safety’ if he seeks office.

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If RFK, Jr. were not supporting the narrative, he wouldn't be around. He has been pushing the "virus" narrative quite ardently, and that is more than enough for more lockdowns, more muzzling, and more lethal injections (this time, better publicized). It's a child's play to create the appearance of a "pandemic" by poisoning the air, the water, the food, "medications," or turning up 5G.

Fake opposition is built by "making authorities angry," and Rob's minor victories don't even delay the WEF's program, only gives people hope in politicians and in the judicial system. The same applies to DeSantis.

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I agree with you. I do not for a minute ‘hope’ or ‘believe’ he would be able to smash this juggernaut regardless of elected or unelected status. The use of ‘virus’, and ‘the virus vs no virus’ debate, imo, serves to médicalisé discussion and a distracts from critical accountability and reinforces fear. However, at this point, with a public who is only allowed a rudimentary understanding of the ‘science’, focus y someone such as RFK Jnr on ‘virus’ gives a framework to identify the diabolical piggies feeding from the Pharma/DOD trough and the stench and scent and stay On the trail. This ‘virus’ framework also lends a wee hand to the so called ‘justice system’, as it is, and it’s wee helpers, a system that is clearly way out of its depth on ‘the science’ and/or understanding the implications of not understanding!

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RFK Jr is pushing the Covid narrative? He is one of the covid jabs biggest critics. And wrote a scathing book on Fauci. Where are you getting this notion?

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Please, read my reply to Leanne's next comment as my response.

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Agreed, he is one of the biggest critics of the jabs, from the beginning, absolutely. He is a hero. His Fauci book is beyond exceptional. The tension point, which may simply be intended as helpful criticism, as I understand it, is that any discussion or deference given now to the ‘faked ongoing narrative’ or even to the ‘bad virus latest variant’ blah, blah etc. may have the negative effect or appearance of avoiding the important target 🎯 of the biggest elephant in the room, the US DOD as the primary architect of the plandemic.

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There it is, the link to the globalist cabal.

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Sorry, I forgot to clarify: I don't consider K a hero; I consider him a diversion.

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Jon Rappoport already revealed Fuxxi for what he is decades ago, but K's book finally received some publicity. I am still concerned that it is only part of the globalist strategy of allowing some truth to be aired in order to regain credulous people's trust (the following is one of my best articles):


The current "medical" paradigm and the man-made symptoms of "climate change" (geoengineering) is being used for developing global control of some serfs, and the elimination of most of the rest... Using the same terminology, while "opposing" the system, still confirms the implications that are used as the foundation for a worldwide technocratic tyranny.

An alternative medical paradigm is needed that heals and prevents illness:


Or, better, here is the comprehensive version:


Politicians are only puppets, and politics is a show.

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My comment was directed at Ray, btw. Sorry for any confusion, Leanne C.

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Critiquing what is something else than what it is claimed to be, and saying it is, is either idiocy or complicity. I would vouch for the latter...

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As a matter of fact, it doesn't matter what I think, but it looks like what I have been observing is happening.

My first popular article on Substack was on the "virus" debate:


That neatly goes along with your approach.

As for science, I am a "scientist," I have seen what a bad joke "science" is:


Of course, that didn't make me the most popular kid on the block, so I kept losing jobs, but that was still better than losing my integrity. In a way, for me, there was not much new during the plandemic.

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Havs thought for awhile we must hold every politician, official of any sort, corporate people, professionals suspect until proven otherwise. Hold their feet to the fire over this issue. Difficult to over estimate how very many are involved. Have been warning about the extent of this for over three years and barely scratched the surface.

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Abolish the State.

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The current system will inevitably collapse on both ends. The only question is if any generic humans will be still alive.

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I firmly believe that some "generic humans" will survive. Many native religions, and also, clairvoyants from past centuries even have described this time we find ourselves in - in all the accounts, humanity survives.

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For those who think this is the tribulation described in great detail by Jesus Christ in 3 of the 4 gospels, there is this: "...when the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?" Luke 18:8. I have never been sure about what Our Lord meant by this statement. Possibly, only the genetically non-pure/tainted humans who worship the devil rather than Him, will still be here. He did say though, "he who perseveres/endures to the end will be saved." Matthew 24:13. Whether the "end" mentioned is the end of the world at the time of His return in glory to judge the living and the dead, or the end of the life of the individual struggling against the beast system of the tribulation is unclear.

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My problem is not faith or even hope. It is the love that stems from them is where I need to grow. :)

You and I will probably die without ever knowing what hit us, but as long as our treasure is not from this world, we have nothing to lose and we can depart gracefully. Leaving this world as a free man is victory in my eyes. Persevere to the end, my Friend! The monsters want us to think we are alone, but we are all in this together. Alone. :)


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🥂 Yes, Ray... we are all in this together. Alone. :)

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As far as little old me, I do not presume to be able to interpret anything from the gospels about our current times.

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The personal relationship is what counts. :)

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In the last ten years, I've been considering moving to Uruguay. My problem is that prices are astronomical and if the "climate change" tactics work out, the major-major income for the country, beef, will be gone. Or maybe, that's where beef will be bred for the "elite." I'm also concerned about the pigeon Spanish spoken there.

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I notice, you don't seem very gung ho on the idea of some of humanity surviving

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Not sure if and why humanity would deserve to survive. :) That includes me, hopefully, as "human":


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As you know, there is no safe haven anywhere in this world, just "better places" and Uruguay feels like one of the better places, in part because of its distance from Europe and the States/Canada. But there is now one 5G tower set to be activated and we recently discovered three blue streetlights along a tourist corridor of the historic town of Colonia del Sacramento...

They might eventually try to zap the cattle down here like they did in the Midwest last summer, but since there are so many here it could prove difficult to get them all.

You figure out where it's best to do one's shopping and the ear eventually adapts to the Spanish.

We're networking with lovely, awake Uruguayans and immigrants and hoping for the best.

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It's good to finally hear from Uruguay from someone who actually lives (lived?) there. I've been eyeing Uruguay for quite a few years because of its cultural and ethnic homogeneity. For some reason, possibly because that's where cattle are going to be bred for the elites, it's been left alone to a certain extent (although muzzling, as far as I know, was mandated, but I don't know how far it was enforced).

It's good that people are developing an awareness of the dangers of streetlights that I wrote about last August:



Chances are ranchers will be left alone, but the towers will be used to keep full control of the human cattle (this is one of my best articles):


My Spanish is based on my knowledge of five languages, but I'd need to live there in order to pick up the actual parlance. Also, I have developed the inclination to live and die at home. :)

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Don't the Bushes own the water supply?

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They own some land here, but I don't know about the water supply. Some of that was sold to "foreign investors" but luckily there's still some water in public hands. Lots of water here

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Which one? :)

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It already abolished itself, when it usurped the power of owning people...

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