The music is here. Just don’t waste any more time; find all the goodness and beauty in this world, while it’s still here.
Previously, I addressed the The Most Fashionable Distractions and Decoys during the Global Depopulation Project, but they keep going like the Energizer Bunny, and there isn’t much going on that I haven’t written about, most likely days, weeks, months, or years before they gained public attention (search for key words under “Archive” on my main page for more).
This time, I focus on the “alt” options that are produced by AI, agents, or useful idiots.
Recently, I have noticed that besides esoteric and absolutely weird info flooding the premises, there are main themes:
1. People want you to buy iodine, maybe because they want you to believe that WW3 is imminent or maybe, they want you to prepare for false-flag dirty bombs. Iodine is only good for depleted Uranium. US plants use Plutonium as well, so a dirty bomb from that will “take care” of the population nearby, consolidating the idea of quarantines and “radiation zones.”
2. “Warld War 3” is not going happen, unless on TV, preferably after a few well-placed false flags. Just like the 9/11 buildings were planted full of explosives, certain sources claim that most metropolitan areas have the same now. That doesn’t sound far-fetched, considering the advancements in the worldwide depopulation project.
3. mRNA is still pushed up front. It has not ever been found in a vial, but it’s a good distraction. The vials vary by the batch, and a combination of hydrogel (at least you can heat up your water to 80C/176F; graphene needs to be protected with hydrogel coating for being delivered in the human body) and graphene seem to be the most concerning, albeit there is a poetic variety of poisons.
4. The project of turning human protein into something halfway-synthetic seems to have started around 1961:
5. 5G and comparable technologies are now more than enough to produce mass extinction and, as specific persons’ DNAs can be “downloaded” with the technology, everyone can be targeted, personally, racially, or otherwise.
6. 15-minute cities are for sequestering a part of the population, depriving its members of mobility, so they can be replaced by AI deepfakes, and can be worked as long as they can be “useful members of ‘society’,” which immediately invokes the idea of self-imposed euthanasia and utilizing corpses. Technocracy, after all, is the only preveland ideology for the masses, the
7. Ivermectin has been a bait-and-switch operation, and it will not save anyone:
Do not forget to use a global interpretive frame, lest you should fall victim to compartmentalization that would directly result in gaslighting, cognitive insecurity, fear, and dependency on the usurping authorities:
Keep together, and retain your human dignity; they can take your life, but your soul belongs to you as long as you know why you are alive:
The timetable is clear:
And yes, it’s a countdown:
The depopulation parade has thus far failed miserably as the world's population continues to increase. Can these retards running the world really find a way to murder 7 billion humans? Maybe with an all-out nuclear WW3 but that will destroy much of the planet's infrastructure and leave the globalists powerless. Without 'lectricity these clowns are in the dark like everyone else.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but a pitchfork to the eye of the globalists will atone.
I never took the VAX