Sitemap - 2024 - Ray’s Newsletter

Banking, Deprivation, and Deepfakes

To Vote or Not To Vote?

Keeping Together Comes at a Price, but There Is No Alternative

Martial Law

Many Wasted Sunsets

Microwaves Are Only a Segment of the Problem, but 5G Can Kill

Was the Storm in North Carolina an Exercise?

What about 2nd-Amendment Options?

Freemasonry Strongly Resembles Scientology

Why Are Humans Still Around? Why Am I?

Where Are White Flour, "Vitamins," and Booze on the Scale of Toxic Intake?

Bravery or Courage?

Comic Relief: SF Police Dressing up like Chicken Supports My Theory of Evolution!

The Long Trip to Global Control Is Ending

Why Are Humans Still Around? Part 2

Why Are Humans Still Around? Part 1

How To Capture the World?

Virus Wars In a Teacup

A NASA Document from 2001 Predicts What I Had to Figure Out on My Own

The Highest-Level Operatives Are Using Compartmentalization

The Mass Extermination Project

What Can You Say?

What Does It Mean To Be a US Citizen?

Electro-Transmitting Bacteria in Human Blood?

The Fight Has Been on for Decades

Can You Sleep? The Reasons Why You Can't Are Different from What You Are Told

What Does Katherine Watt's Legal Interpretation Mean Regarding the State of the Union?

The CBDC Is Only One Way to Zero Down on Humanity, but It's a Game-Ender

The Dance of Death

Temporary Promotion: Lower Subscription Rates Are Available for a Limited Time

Death from the Sky: My Latest Projection of Mass Extermination

A Breakthrough in How Proteins Are Used for Turning the Body into a Semi-Synthetic Organism

Comic Relief: From Airline Pilots

The Guilt Trip

A Tribute to My Readers and a Bit More

Are You Eating Bread?

Do You Think You Own Your Home?

What Can Save Whom?

Is Everyone on Food Stamps Already?

One Ring To Rule Them All

A Poll: Please, select the time of day for which you would prefer me to schedule my posts

More News about the Same Old?

People Are Being Openly Replaced with AI

Fanfare to the Common Man: Updating My Stance at 3,200 Readers

Did Goebbels Know the Future of the US?

Americans Will Not Be Fooled!

The Global System Is Now Being Set up for the Introduction of the CBDC

How To Stop People from Thinking?

The Trump Card

The Magic Color of Blue

What Can "the Truth" Change?

When Memory Fails

Everything Is Related in Ways Nobody Knows

The Invasion of the Infernal Towers: This is Not Your Usual 5G Article; You Can't Read This Anywhere Else

A New Option To Support My Site, Get Updated, and To Expand the Community

Targeting the Desperate

Once a Killer, Always a Killer

Requesting Timeout

The "Stupidity Index" Is Alive on Substack, But It Will Cost You!

The Most Fashionable Distractions and Decoys during the Global Depopulation Project

Celebrating the 3,000th Reader

Specific Details about "Medications" Causing Illnesses

"Divide and Rule" Is Working in Mysterious Ways

Reading for June 19th

Surprising Ingredients in Food...

What Can Defeating Virology Accomplish?

The Final Countdown (?)

The WHO Scare: Being Conditioned To Be Afraid

Mutation Is Now the Standard

May They Live Forever

How Did Simple People Become Mass Murderers during Convid?

Being Synthetic: When I (Nearly?) Died

The "God Gene," Schizophrenia, and Their Corollaries

Moving to More Uncharted Lands: The Next Stage in Investigating the General Poisoning of the US Population

Interchangeable Roles of Victims, Enablers, Enforcers, and Saviors in the Globalist Game against Mankind

Skin Cancer Unexplained

Something Good from Mercola Today

"I Fell and I Can't Get up!" -- Is This the End?

Ivermectin As a Bait-and-Switch Operation

Sleep Apnea and High Blood Pressure

The Fake Fight to Maintain State Rights versus the WHO

This Site Is Two Years Old Today

You Are NOT a Number in Their Charts

Are You All Mesmerized? At Least, Don't Claim Victimhood!

White or Red?

Supplements - A Steadfast Scam

Astronomers in court against FCC and SpaceX

Public Announcement...

The Palestinian Case Promotes Jewish "Unity"

My Problem with Reincarnation, Organized Religion, and Eternity

Waiting for the Storks

First City in Canada To Require a QR Code To Exit the City

Is Kiddie Porn Threatening Politicians?

Sunday Special: Who Is Ray Horvath "The Source"?

Heartburn Is More Than What It Seems

Religion and The End of Times

Trigger Safety: Can You Do That?

Proton Magic Chases Virus Thru Time Tunnel⌚

Who Are You?

Evaluating Symptoms in the War on Humanity

An Exclusive Report: Interview with the Director of the American Center for Survival and Equity

Power level is irrelevant

Louisiana Rejecting To Be Told What To Do by the WHO and the UN!

The Fountain of Good News: Your Weekly Fun

Successful Treatments of Arthritic Pain Might Provide Further Clues to Healing

Did Tennessee Ban Chemtrails?

Another False Flag? The Baltimore Bridge Was Rigged with Explosives!

Live By the Dollar, Die By the Dollar

Here Comes a Revolution!

The Jewish Media and Dhimmihood

The Good News

The Three Most Common Types Misdirections Combined Can Reveal More Than Intended

What Do Science, Arts, Religion, and Scientism Have in Common and Why?

Welcome to the Unites States of the World

The WHO Amendments and Personal Independence

The Enemies of My Enemies Are Not My Friends...

An Unlikely Synthesis: A Comprehensive Summary of Potential Causes of the Skyrocketing Numbers of Peptic Ulcers and an Unlimited Number of Unidentified Illnesses

The Investment Game Is Over

The Beast Has More Tentacles Than One Can Count

What Do Mercola, Manning, and David Caradine Have in Common?

How Many Paths Can Lead to the Same Conclusions?

Self-Proclaimed Saviors Are Not Any Better Than the Official Ones

An Unpopularized Revelation

Unique Report: Refocusing from Blood to Proteins Might Save the Day

A Constructive Initiative for Food

Into the Light

How Can You Ascertain How Bad Synthetic Chemicals Are for You?

What Are These People Doing Here?

There Goes the Land

What Kind of Government Would You Like?

There Are Only Targeted Individuals: Everyone Is Targeted

You Don't Have To Play Along with the Showmen

Pole Reversals Coming to a Theater Near You🧭

Bring Me Flowers While I am Still Alive?

AI Makes the World Go Round?

Not Knowing Is Not the Problem

The One-World Religion and Islam

What Do Peanut Allergy, Lyme, and Arthritis Have in Common?

A World of PTSD?

This War of Attrition Is Based on Diversions

Are You Intelligent?


The Democratic Choice of Drinking Coffee

Targeting and Controlling Individuals Is Possible Exclusively by Radiation. What Is the Role of the Nanotech in Humans? How Can the Attack Be Stopped?

How Is the Human-AI Interface Deployed? You Cannot Find This Anywhere Else

The Great Taking: How It Will Go Down

The New Blue Screen of Death

Is Sodium Citrate Good for You?

Compartmentalization as a Psyop